Kate Price 56 Wiki

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  • * Its Tea Time!!!! ☕ Word has it that.....................................
    * Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
    * Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
    * Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
    * Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo!
    * The Shitty Shack Is No More - Welcome to the Shitty Shack II aka The Rancid Rental -
    * Court Cases, Driving Offences & Other Alleged "Crimes Against MEEEEEEEE"- #Criminaljunkie
    * Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Sink Boy Crawl
    * Legohead Bong Boy aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. The Latest Plonker-in-Chief & Their Media Showmance
    * Clan Grifter Gossip
    * Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!)
    * # Ouch!!
    * Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3699 - "Ize a singul gal now!"-
    * "Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit, The Product!",
    *"Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -
    * "Infamy Infamy!! Deys awl gottit infamy!!"

    * Plasterclasses & Assorted Live Tour Garbage!
    *"Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
    * The Braindeads are Amongst us!
    * Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives
    * Podcast Garbage
    * Lies, Lies and More Lies
    * Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys, ie. "Rebuilding the Empire" :LOL:
    * The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole
    * F4J Dive In on the Skank -
    * Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
    * Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
    * The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon
    * Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
    * "I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!"
    * Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note AGAIN RSPCA :mad: -
    * Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit?
    * Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists, 'Orsham's Own Banksy & Acid Chuckers etc -
    * Breaking The Law - Court Cases for Bankruptcy, Driving & God Knows What Else -
    * Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
    * Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed"
    * Fwends Woo Hoo!
    * Only Grans and Suchlike
    * Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
    * The Browkern Trotters
    * The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock




    Barf barf barf........................... 🤮

    Its Tea Time!!!! ☕ Word has it that.....................................
    6.8.24 - Re the Shitty Shack. Apparently it's in such a terrible state it's actually dangerous to walk around the land and the area around the pool is so bad it's had to be completely sealed off to stop anybody going near it! (The fencing around the pool visible on the agent's photos). It seems the place is SO dreadful that a Health and Safety order has been slapped across whole property, in fact its NOT going to be hundreds of thousands of £s to repair - it's going to take millions - hence the ridiculously low asking price. Also it can no longer be classified as an equestrian property as the whole stable yard is in such a falling down state it needs totally rebuilding, you couldn't possibly put a horse in any of those boxes and the land is too hazardous and poisoned to use for grazing. Basically it will in its present state only appeal to development companies which is why they are discouraging residential viewings. Most of the properties on their books are 3 million+ so presumably they don't want to waste too many pointless viewing slots on this nor sightseers. What a shame for that once beautiful place.
    * Also bear in mind that as of up until a couple of months ago B&J were running loose around that foetid hovel, J particularly scrabbling about in the filthy midden catching frogs and things! Come on The Sun - you know you want to run this story!!
    8.8.24 - Heard a little rumour that the trip to Brussels wasn’t for her boobs, but a consultation for her facelift. The boob bandages were just for attention so basically she's just LIED again, which in turn means her trying to scam money on OF for these Noo Norks is exactly that - ANOTHER CON!!

    Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
    All sorts of filtered hilarity here with tonnages of flab photographically removed and doing Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face at the house wall. Or maybe it's just a case of it being so trollied it needs to hang onto the wall again???

    Check out this image of the Top Moddle doing her seksiest
    * Bringing the Seksi into surgery 🤮

    Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
    Heres a little number compliments of Lee Marvin
    🎼I Was Torn And Got A Wandering Scar
    OnlyFans Porn Made Me A Freak Show Star
    Ears Have Gone On Walkabout
    Lips Stuck To My Snout
    Arse Cheek Filler's Dropped So Much
    Looks Like It's Falling Out!
    Brows Stuck To My Hairline
    Ear Lobes Don't Exist
    Think I'll Sit Out In The Sun
    And Drink Until I'm Pissed!
    I Was Torn And Got A Wand'rin Scar
    A Wand'rin, Wand'rin
    * 🎵 One potato, two potato, three potato, four.
    Sophie is a BIG potato and Katie is a wh*re! 🎵
    * 🎼 'No sex no drugs, no wine, no swimming, no fun, no you..............; no wonder it's dark!' :cool:

    Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
    3.8.24 - the epic Book of Lies is plummetting fast now on Amazon - position 392! Nobody gives a sod about its position on the Times list since they are nothing more than arse-licking grovellers as proven last week, but who can fathom how the Times still have this crap at no. 3 though? Are the Times readership likely to be buying it?🤣🤣🤣
    4.8.24 - it is already on clearance sale in WH Smiths - signed copies £5 a book. Thats still expensive for bog-roll though :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: https://www.whsmith.co.uk/products/...N1RBnlvI16jZCSrMZxxoCHeUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
    6.8.24 - Book Watch 😁 Now out of the Top 1000 on Amazon sales, less than 3 weeks since its release, now at #1067. It was a very short-lived "Best Seller" on Amazon, only peaked at #13 on there anyway, (y)

    Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo! -
    3.8.24 - do the police give a darn about "Looking terrible" in front of the law-abiding public?? Really? They have a job to do arresting CRIMINALS so they're not going to be bovverred by her hurt feelings surely??
    www.archive.is/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13702705/Katie-Price-children-mothers-antics-reveals-KATIE-HIND-police-arrest-airport-Turkey-facelift.html https://archive.ph/SrT7J That comment "It won’t look good for the police..." - read that as a veiled threat from Clan Grifter.
    * https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29653311/katie-price-grins-waves-before-facelift-warrant-for-arrest/
    And there you have it folks - she really doesn't give a shite!
    4.8.24 -
    The Sun sticking the knife in :) So then, it derails the Teams hearing by wanting it private then the next hearing it has Dim Lynne send an email sick note then fucks off to Cyprus instead. The current hearing is a No Show and it fucks off to Turkey instead - BUT now we are told that it "thought" this hearing could be held in her absence, like a speeding fine??? You might laugh at how preposterous that sounds, except the Courts have quite literally dealt with the majority of her hearings as they would do a poxy speeding fine, yet they had told the thing that this past hearing was her Last Chance Saloon and it pissed off regardless! Amazing 😡
    *Her bunking off to Turkey was prearranged, its not like catching a bus on the corner so she knew precisely the court date and time that she had been told to attend and undoubtedly the consequences of failing to do so. Everything that has occurred since has been done by her in defiance with her in a major strop because she must have her own way at all costs.
    *Using H was always part of the plan together with the planted J & P stories of fearing for her wellbeing - the kids are all human shields to be used and sacrificed at will to save the skanky coward's plastic arse. All the Pooor MEEEEEEE!! garbage, MH and all the other tired excuses will be continuously issued now until there is some kind of a public outcry with the pleas for compassion for MEEEEE, plus theres all her medical needs now with her needing dressing changes and recovery time being the first move. Never forget either that skank is forever the victim, nothing is EVER her fault................... woe is me. :mad:
    * It's good that the Sun got photos of her by the pool with clearly NO bandages on her face! Doubtless she will show up at the airport with her head swathed in them looking like something from Return of the Mummy!

    * and as to her Contempt of Court, where do you even begin??? Her case is unusual in how far she's taken her Contempt and the high profile nature of this fiasco. Presumably she'll have a number of possible contempt instances such as:-
    Not paying the 12k per month she agreed reluctantly to pay and now this £25k lump sum due
    Not delivering up the cars when undertaking she would
    Not attending another hearing
    Not declaring income ( TikTok deal etc)
    Not delivering records on finances to Trustees as obligated right at the start of the bankruptcy

    Add to that skank is also
    Not of good character
    Not showed any remorse
    Not admitted guilt
    Behaving deliberately and has planned her avoidance tactics (this can be proved with holidays booked)

    There's also the length of time she's made this drag out which will make the court costs astronomical & presumably there are more instances than this, so even trying to balance all that with the fact she sometimes takes Harvey places she's not of good character in any way, shape, nor form. Why then has she been given suspended sentences previously?? Indeed with any luck this time she's going to get her plastic arse handed to her finally by Judge Burton (y)
    5.8.24 - Casebook updated!

    8.8.24 - Lukshurry 'oliday for the Bankrupt - a "Face-changing" oliday no less & matching Turkey Teef :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * So here we go again with the start of The Campaign To Save My Plastic Arse AGAIN. Out with all the excuses, Mentawl 'Elf, Twollz, you name it it'll be carted out and flung in front of Judge Burton!! Judge Barton made it VERY clear she's not taking any of skanky's crap and yet skank is still firmly in denial. https://www.archive.is/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/katie-price/article-13722901/Katie-Price-reveals-ADHD-impacts-court-judge-issued-arrest-warrant-failed-turn-bankruptcy-hearing.html

    The Shitty Shack Is No More - Welcome to the Shitty Shack II aka The Rancid Rental -
    * Probably The Only Property in the entire UK that has devalued in ten years - had it been maintained AT ALL (not had ridiculous nonsense & old tat from C4 inflicted on it) it should now be worth 3 million upwards; However.......
    Skanky bought it in October 2014 £1,350,000 & 2 years later the mortgage defaults began, up to 2024 when she was evicted and now the filthy hovel is hoping to raise 1.5 million at best.
    2.8.24 - Yes its back with avengence against anybody who may be thinking about buying the old Shitty Shack from IT'S OWNERS.
    TBH they're quite safe now because The Only Evil Spirit that ever inhabited the place was exorcised when they EVICTED the skank from it's portals, but it's still insisting the place is cursed dontcha know!! Yeah it was cursed the second that witch set foot in it's Arts and Crafts splendour.
    * Reddit have picked up on the comments - hilarious!!
    " Landfill is probably full of horse skeletons and B&Q £999 kitchens "
    " Hey Katie .. good job on getting us to remove all that asbestos. Now, it's gonna cost £12,400 to dispose of it legally". 'Er, you see that place right at the bottom of the garden, that would cost me £0.00? .... '
    "You can take the chav out of the estate but you can’t take the estate out of the chav."

    " She's bankrupt again, she won't be getting this money"
    "Explains the carpets being removed in the “dark room”. Probably squelching with a mixture of lubricants, bodily fluids and dried up excrement. "
    "I assume for £1.5m it would be a demolish job and a much nicer modern home built in it's place".
    "The house is hideously dated on the outside and looks like it is falling apart on the inside".

    Suffice it to say theres no sympathy there for her because the Braindeads have not twigged this site yet:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    6.8.24 - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29705930/katie-price-facing-significant-problems-mucky-mansion/
    Heres some property guru saying there may be trouble with selling the place with its dodgy reputation plus the previous owner made no secret whatsoever about all the problems with the place (mostly of her doing). Kindest thing would be to demolish it and start again so for £1.5 million it has to be a bargain, provided that they can get planning permission of course. Quite why they state "Katie might have problems selling it" is odd considering she was chucked out and it was repossessed in June.
    * Strange really how the agents have not listed all those "improvements" Channel 4 did to the dump. Just imagine -they are trying to sell it for £1.5 million after these "improvements" have been done which means it must have been worth a about a tenner before!! (Maybe skank should have thrown in the CD table her and Carl made - it could have been the deal breaker ) :ROFLMAO:
    6.8.24 - The Mirror now talking about the contamination of the land. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-hit-huge-blow-33403744
    8.8.24 - Just WOW! Look at this then!! https://thenegotiator.co.uk/news/ag...ncy-selling-glamour-models-notorious-mansion/
    It says the property had 20 tons of rubbish removed from the ROOMS. 😝
    and we thought the outside was a pig sty? Filthy bitch. :mad:

    Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Sink Boy Crawl-
    5.8.24 - SB is rather enjoying the latest mutilations on the thing & posting cryptic pictures on his Instagram like this one - Who can he possibly be referring to??

    7.8.24 - and then comes this. It adds fuel to the fire about "Price Dropped" though but then he's pissed off about the stuff skank has been shreiking about him and his predecessors :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    8.8.24 - Yeah he's being brutally frank about the thing now 😂 tattle.life/threads/katie-price-413-the-fugitive-is-on-the-run-in-turkey-laying-in-the-sun-will-make-her-skin-beef-jerky.46346/page-37#lg=attachment3099008&slide=0
    * and heres another edition from Price.Dropped featuring Cole telling it how it really was rather than skanky's LIES.
    * Rapidly followed-up by The Sun again :) https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29759061/katie-price-ex-carl-woods-rant-jj-slater-cheated/
    * Skank's version of how she "lost the £50k engagement ring" picked up by the Sun. £50k though..... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Legohead Bong Boy aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. The Latest Plonker-in-Chief & Their Media Showmance-

    4.8.24 - So The Sun's photographer shows up unexpectedly to ruin their "oliday. So what does Bong Boy aka Security do to protect his belovéd and her photo ops already designated to BackEnd??? Journo approaches so he jumps up quick ready to clear off before thinking he will get into trouble with The Boss, then he hurriedly sits back down on the other side with his Fisher Price camera rolling to try to intimidate the photographer somehow! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. His parents must be so, so, sooooooo very proud 😊
    7.8.24 - so here they are - the Noo Turkey Teef!
    Lumino-Gnashers or Fluourescent Dentures 😁

    Clan Grifter Gossip -
    4.8.24 - Full on exploitation and deflection mode ready for her return to face the Moosik!. H is now fully deployed, those bullying, intrusive Sun journos have also been deployed followed by "Family and friends are so worried............." so YES the Get Out of Jail Card has been slapped on the table along with her terrible anxiety and MH Ishoos.
    Yes its full on Panic Mode from Clan Grifter
    *And thus the deflection campaign is in progress with family and "friends" enabling and fully complicit in skank's attempts to dodge and stall this bankruptcy yet again. Best start by raiding the Mattress Fund again then for that £25k, plus theres also the small matter of those cars being handed over. (Including the hideous pink thing!) 😁😁😁

    Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!) -
    5.8.24 - Yeah in yer dweems alright skanky because there is NO WAY Bong Boy is going to marry you -EVER- in a billion years! Note also the paper says she "would marry him.................." only the sad little twat has'nt actually asked/begged her to do so and nor is he going to either :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: He's her "soulmate" as have been the other 3697 victims, and according to sources (ie Edna planting BS in Okrap magazine again), it says she'd rather like a prison wedding this time, presumably because it would be so Yooneek https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/katie-price-would-marry-boyfriend-33376791

    # Ouch!!-
    4.8.24 - the comments on the Mail photo rubbish they bought from the thing are not kind# at all! The only good thing about it is that BackEnd are obliged to pay 40% of the takings to the bankruptcy funds


    6.8.24 - more comments about her latest surgeries - they are not #kind at all :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    She gets torn apart in Daily Mail comment section!
    "Let's face it she couldnt look worse"
    "She really has obliterated her original features face and body wise".
    "She is probably hoping they'll return. Her big nose suited her".
    "Really shouldve gone on Botched!"
    and more!

    7.8.24 -


    The Cheat List - undoubtedly many missing from it who are not in any hurry to admit they shagged it!
    You must understand that skanky is NOT a cheat,, nor does she do One-Night-Stands either :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Bary B: cheated on him with Teddy Sherringham (She said they didn't have sex, but passionately kissed while she was in her underwear & same with Gladiator Warren.
    Warren: Ralph S
    John Scales: Dane
    Dane/Ralph (She couldn't make her mind up)
    Scott: Pete
    Pete: Andrew Gould +1
    Alex: cheated on him
    Leo: Mr X/One night stand with his mate
    Kieran: Cheated on him, Gavin Henson,
    Kris: cheated on him 3 times, Charles D
    Carl: Cheated on him James M (drunken shag), Tom P & some guy in Thailand, probably cheated on Bong Boy too.

    "Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit, The Product!" -
    4.8.24 - https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-makes-drastic-social-33387696 Rubbish!
    1. the Turkish govt has switched off social media for their own reasons & 2. Edna's Delete Finger is most likely worn out!
    A brief scan of any of her sm's will show that the Real Reason for her 'blocking social media' is because she can't take the truth on them and there are thousands of people commenting in the papers about how fed up they are with her avoiding court, getting yet more surgery while begging for funding for Harvey, using Harvey as a prop, etc, etc.
    7.8.24 - another money-making scheme she thinks will save her plastic arse! Bet she's even more angry about all the freebies she gives away when pissed....................
    We must NOT get the wrong impression though because she's not going to sleep with these desperados, she's only going to be their companion for the evening, however, who wants to break it to her that
    a. That’s not really what escorting is, no matter what some people might say and
    b. There are literally eleventy million gorgeous young girls on escorting sites that men can pick and choose from

    In this case who is going to pay a premium to have that rancid old gargoyle on their arm, particularly when everybody will KNOW they've paid her for the privilege for an evening of her scintillating company? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Maybe they can use this photo on her adverts?


    8.8.24 - Here we go with making out that PRISON is going to be Amaaaaazin', primarily as all the guards and the inmates are going to LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29745323/katie-price-brags-inmates-prison-guards-fancy-her/

    She's always been "an easy ride" though but if she's under that illusion then she is in for a very rude awakening as she's going to
    become an instant target for some inmates to make a name for themselves and others who'll simply hate her for everything she's done to animals and children. Not only that, the thing is going to struggle with is having no access to things like social media. She won't have a clue that people could be selling stories about her so having no control or ability to reply will really mess her up, particularly as after the initial stories she will simply VANISH from the media.
    8.8.24 - Back onto this little number again - calling itself a MILF on OA's boring crapcast! The thing is losing it's marbles! 🤪
    Katie Price calls herself a 'MILF' as she makes bizarre surgery statement - Mirror Online

    "Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -
    6.8.24 - So much for Loose Wimmin being desperate to have MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE back! It ain't happening :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    "Infamy Infamy! Deys Awl Gottit Infamy!! -
    6.8.24 - https://youtu.be/_JZ4xL0XTRI - Someone definately has! This has appeared on Youtube showing exactly what sort of a slattern the skank IS, leaving no doubt whatsoever of her cheating on any of her unfortunate victims over the years. Is this SB's 93 Pages of The Troof??? Either way its brilliant!! A new IG account has also been set up mirroring the TT and YouTube one ;)
    * It contains epic quotations from the skank, this being the woman who "Never had a one night stand...................." finally admitting to a drunken shag!!! Priceless. One of thousands undoubtedly :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    "I know I got pissed but that's a one off...." How many 'one offs' can one person possibly have....?
    * And Edna knows all about it too, but then skank had all of Clan Grifter in-tow as her cover story when she went off to Cowdray Park to snare Polo Egg. When he failed to contact her aprés shag she sent this
    Such eloquence from it!! This text to Polo Egg (oh, how mortified must he be feeling now?), where she said she’d been "fuc*ed and chucked”, aren’t they the same words she said Carl did to the Trump in Vegas? That makes it a bit tricky to deny that the text is from her 🤔
    * So was the footballer just a one-off drunken shag too? And what about Tampongate? 🤢🤮
    * Any comment Sophie? Are you proud of your rancid sIag of a sister? Any come back or deflection to defend this? Will it be discussed in this week's podcast? Or have you completely given up on that now thinking its best to keep your vile gobs SHUT for once? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * These messages show just how manipulative she is. Telling Carl that she will always love him, just wants marriage and a settled life, but she was "Drunk....... it meant nothing....... it was only once...". But as he accuses her all the time anyway she thinksTHEY need relationship counselling (same as she made Kieron endure) And here skank is again proving herself to be gaslighting bitch, twisting things so Carl is the one in the wrong for doubting her, even though she is admitting to shagging around behind his back!!

    7.8.24 -And here comes The Sun! It did not take long for them to pick-up this little number and now they are going to use it to do their worst to skanky! WOO HOO Bring it on!!!
    https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29720640/katie-price-voice-notes-leak-cheated-fiance-carl/ So after sending that reporter out to Turkey, The Sun have actually printed the WhatsApp messages - Wow 😱 It’s clear they are now taking her down, they know bad stuff will be pouring out about her at the public examination which they now know is happening on her return. It’s over Skank, they are going to destroyher then enjoy every second of it because they’ve started & this is just the beginning, they're coming for her now and that was always the inevitablity of it after she stitched them up over Slapgate. That was the pivotal moment when they turned against her finally, then they waited whilst we all raged................. & now begins their revenge. It’s begun and skank is DONE! (y)
    * And more from them! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29720640/katie-price-voice-notes-leak-cheated-fiance-carl/
    * Price Dropped have also got other items posted, some taken from Tattle. https://youtu.be/efh-FpMSCp0
    (4) Katie Price #412 Mirror mirror in my hand... Who owes the HMRC 750 grand | Page 52 | Tattle Life
    * Now the Mail join in https://www.archive.is/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13715411/Katie-Price-leaked-texts-sports-ace-Carl-Woods-cheated.html :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: 99.99% of the comments are truly brutal! The word is definitely out on KP warts and all and the public are finally waking up to the lying, cheating, scamming piece of :poop: that IT is.
    * You can now actually see why she’s told J & P “.......never to google MEEEEEEE” because she knows the sort of stuff Out There about her :LOL::LOL::LOL:
    * Even the Telegraph join the fray
    * Price Dropped have reposted this from Boyson https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/3097/3097353-7c804186f7bde12cac3187f71ef23004.mp4
    8.8.24 - Uh Oh! Here we go with another of Edna's missives! Its far too coherent to be Skanky, but its also someone trying to sound more intelligent than they actually are and failing miserably. It’s impending arrest, not pending. You also pay back creditors, not debtors. You are the debtor, you moron. Bankruptcies are not a criminal matter, but your behaviour since being declared bankrupt is what has turned you into a criminal, even though you seem to have forgotten that you have already broken several laws over the years, on multiple occasions.
    What a load of BULLSHIT Edna!!!
    It seems the thing is en route back to UK so Deploy the Harvey Card and really rub everybody's faces in it, plus reading this garbage through it kinda PROVES that she's going to be using H as a Human Shield. As soon as that plane's wheels touch UK soil again she'll be there hanging off his arm to protect MEEEEE from all those nasty people 🤬🤬🤬 "I am after all only a human being......................" it whimpers. BULLSHIT EDNA! It ain't human at all!!!
    * Bleating about being treated like a "Criminal"!

    Fact is she is being treated like a criminal because SHE IS A CRIMINAL! Not paying her taxes is a CRIME! Contempt of court is a CRIME!
    Nice try Edna but it's not going to wash with the judge!
    * So if skanks on her way home does that mean the immediate payment of £25,000 has been paid and the cars have been handed over? Also it was mentioned the next Court date was the 19th so will skank be remanded until then or out on strict bail conditions - we shall see what happens next
    * The Sun have pounced on this admission from it - that the rozzers going to arrest her! WOO HOO!!!!
    * Now the Mirror going with the "scared Harvey" angle.
    *Lie after lie after lie. There was no miscommunication. If we knew it had to be there, she knew. So there's another miscommunication, just like there was with her driving licence and no insurance?? Doubtless she hasn’t paid back a single penny. She has not cooperated at all. She is A CRIMINAL and should be treated as such. And finally, Harvey has already seen much worse than her being arrested quietly at an airport!!
    * She keeps insisting that she is complying with the terms of the bankruptcy and paying them, yet the judge has said she hasNOT paid what she was told to pay and is not complying nor engaging with the trustees at all! Does she really think people will believe her over the judge ? Clearly she does!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * https://www.archive.is/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13724061/katie-price-arrested-lands-uk-breaks-silence.html
    Comments are, as usual, brutal and calling her out for being as thick as two short planks....)
    * and another version from The Sun
    "She says ‘"I would like to point out once again that this is to do with a very unfortunate financial circumstance which as hard as it has been does not make a criminal or a bad person’ Tax evasion IS a criminal offence, therefore making HER a criminal
    * Her Insta posting announcing her return to UK in a blaze of glory has been deleted suddenly - could it be that somebody realised that basically calling out Judge Barton as "a LIAR" was not such a great idea??? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    "Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!" -
    * Skank claims she has body dysmorphia or at least her mother does..... Surely if she's been having WEEKLY therapy with her AMAZING ferapist Alan for years they'd have covered body dysmorphia by now ?! :unsure: Just another lie then...
    7.8.24 - The Knowing Narc! https://youtu.be/3mKU2w_cEeU

    Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives -
    2.8.24 - Heres a new item being compiled as we wade through skank being On-The-Run, the imbecilies who are still using the thing & paying it for its dubious "services" and other morons who very stupidly give it items and services for free. Off we go!

    Podcast Garbage -
    4.8.24 - No crapcast this week, no comments from either Edna nor skanky about it :)

    This twat thinks they'll get a refund! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    7.8.24 - its guesting on some other crapcast this week. This should be great fun with her spewing even more ridiculous lies to dissect 🤣🤣🤣 Strange then that she couldn't be arsed doing her own podcast but will hop on this one.... .... can anyone else detect the smell the sheer desperation from it?🤣🤣🤣
    * Its not like Olivia Attwood's 'fans' are impressed either
    8.8.24 - still no crapcast from skank & Edna nor any excuses as to why not, but here we go with the shite from OA instead.
    * Note that it underlines The Fact she had been "signed off" the imminent Court date and that they knew she was'nt attending............ Blatent LIES of course :)
    * 3 minutes in and Atwood is really up her arse, her number 1 fan, adores her :sleep:
    * Skank has just stated she hates people who lie. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    It insists that one thing shes done in This Industry is "Never lie about anything as the truth always comes up out….."
    (As indeed this past week PROVES beyond doubt eh skank?) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    *Banging on about the texts between her and Chris Hughes.
    *Apparently she NEVER lies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ (The Book of Lies was already out when this rubbish was recorded)
    * Both going on about their ADHD. :sleep:
    * Here we go then - Banging on about men/ mental health…every, single, relationship, abusive.
    * Its the same old crap with the same old words…"washing machine.... reset button.....Human not a product." :sleep::sleep:
    * She wants to rob OA of her rings, now telling her the best way to clean diamonds. (what does skank know about CLEAN?)
    * She talks about the Carl engagement ring. It says they had an argument in Ibiza when she said she found Carl going through her phone, (cannot think WHY he'd do that....) She makes a point of saying NO alcohol involved :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: so she chucked the ring at him in anger & it went over the balcony. They couldn’t find it.
    "I said ‘Do you know what, you can have this’ & threw it at him and it went over the balcony’, then it grandly says ‘That’s an exclusive. No one knew that!’ Says she loved that ring (more than him most likely)
    * She is exhausted keep trying to climb the ladder.
    * Oh and this little lot now "People don’t know who Jordan is...............", she’s bringing her empire back, perfumes, underwear etc 🙄 people have no idea how hard she has to graft........… 🤣🤣🤣
    * Here we go, she says she’s going to be cocky now….is she going to mention wiping theshit with any 20 year old in a photoshoot??….Yep!! She’s "Wiped the shit with them!" This thingi s so repetitive and predictable. Now it says she comes alive & she "Is the best!" FFS :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * And now this one. Princess is her mini me. You won’t see her and P in photos together as she’s letting her do her own thing, then in the next breath she's asking why she wasn’t invited to an event with her the other day! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Says that The Norks are now 1500cc, then boasts she heals so well, facelift next week…
    * When she has surgery she sets up the paps, because she wants to put the most horrific pictures out there so no one else can take the picture, :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Wishes she hadn't had the bum filler (or all the refills every other week) as her bum has gone a weird shape.., good advert for lift aesthetics!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: She hates her bum now. (thats a nice way to talk about Bong Boy sitting there like good servant should!)
    * Wants more kids & her IVF tv programme coming out soon. More kids will happen. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Says she believes that kids should fit in with your life, not the other way round!!!! They are mini yous- not people in their own right apparently according to the skank.
    * Now Bong Boy gets a mention...… how they met, diabetes, blah blah blah… said she was single, went on the Daily Mail site, saw the article on him, so messaged him. (SB begs to differ on that scenario though)
    *Said on the first meeting, she had her daughter with her, the bald cat (frog RIP) and Jeyda. First impressions, he’s not that tall, but she fancied him. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: (Pull the other one skanky, its got bells on it!!)
    * They're taking it slow, its going well, he’s kind, caring, very chilled, sometimes she wants to go “wake up” cos she’s not chilled. (She's already indicated she wants to get married but seemingly he ain't asked her!) LOL
    * Banging on now about her Podcast show, she's just done the tour, theres her new book, AND she's filmed 3 shows for C4! (You know what it’s like waiting for one to come out.......... Her filming her life, filming her life coaching, filming her Men on Death Row in Texas (good luck getting a visa), the one on murderers, and then her 2 pantos!!. Along with that lot she’s going to bring out her perfume. (And all from a prison cell woo hoo!) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * No one is going to dictate to MEEEEEEEEE!. 😴
    * She’s a survivor.
    * The game at the end….”Is it about me?” 🙄🙄🙄🙄
    * Checking kids messages on phone, she does with the younger two
    * Setting up pap shots, she never used to but does now. (Cos nobody else can be bothered??)
    * The fire alarm goes off…
    * OA says "We lost Katie..... she said she had other places to be…." She just got up and left!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Bong Boy was there too, but he never goes to work with her, does he?.......... righty-ho!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    *Heres the crapcast for you https://youtu.be/JYc4MP3Vnyg
    * More rubbish about this non-event https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/katie-price-walks-out-olivia-33423696
    * https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-drops-baby-bombshell-33422798 No it ain't skanky!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Lies, Lies and More Lies -
    We are still waiting for this nonsense to happen but this story is such a hilarious and obvious LIE. How the fuck would she train hairdressers, therapists or MUA when she can’t even blow dry her own hair and just sits in a chair having slap applied with a trowel? And then theres the Moddlin' Skool it was going to open to "train" girls in the Art of Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face or what about turning the old Shitty Shack into a Wedding Venue? Just whopping great LIES :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    4.8.24 - Double standards????? She is perfectly fine waving and smiling for one set of cameras at the clinic, however a few days later another set of cameras (who coincidentlly are NOT paying her) are "Setting MEEEEE on edge..." and affecting her mentawl 'elf?" Could that perhaps be because one set she's in control of and the other is calling her out? :unsure: Sadly for her it doesn't work like that nor is the Judge going to fall into line with her on this one, so nice try skanky! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * It's the same scenario with her abject terror of hypodermics & needles. She's fine with needles if it's for something she wants but not if it's the police wanting a blood test because she's been driving illegally whilst pissed and/or drugged up again? :unsure::poop:
    * And the Lie of the Century from the OA Crapcast -
    "That’s one thing that I’ve always done in this industry, don’t lie and the truth always comes out." 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    You'd think it might have learnt that by now eh?

    Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!-
    3.8.24 - and off it goes for more useless surgeries smirking and grinning

    4.8.24 - I though Doc Plovier sorted out the bridge-in-the-middle? Clearly not then
    * What a bloody state!!
    Nice pose from the Top Moddle though. The Sun are reporting that she is vaping whilst sitting sunbathing by that pool & going in for dips to cool off. Well done skank. Sabotage the whole recovery process, why don’t you? It won't be her fault when she gets ill though
    * https://www.archive.is/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13705623/Katie-Price-bruised-face-facial-surgery-Istanbul.html
    * Skank versus King Tut


    * Presumbly it's due for an arse refill of 25 gallons of Saaarrrrfend seawater judging by this photo of it's wonky, distorted posterior
    5.8.24 - Heres a quick summary on skankys failed surgery.
    Repositioning of eyebrows.
    Krusties are undecided on the look Skanky was going for. We think it's
    A. She wants them blending into her hairline, possibly adding in a couple of hair extensions at a later date.
    B. She Is going for a mono brow and grow this into a fringe.
    Wandering Ears.
    Ears have been repositioned onto the cheeks. This is going to cause all kinds of problems while trying to wear sunglasses.
    Any MUA's are going to have to completely rethink in regards to contouring the cheek bones as the ears are now sitting on top of them, and earrings, hoops or dangling earrings are no longer an option due to the close proximity of the new veneers.
    Arse Cheeks.
    These seem to be trying to match up with Phil and Grant but unfortunately they have completely outdone Phil and Grant. One has a massive dent in it and heading south past the tacky badly faded garter tattoo. On the postive side, it has been added to the new school curriculum to help explain the science of gravity.
    Skanky's Cleavage is now available to view in 3D without the need for 3D glasses. (at the viewers own risk of causing life time trauma)
    Update on nose and lips to follow, the current position is, lips attached to nose, while nose seems to be spreading towards the new Ear Cheek creation..
    * Just look at it though, seen here slobberring over 'Arv Bear to make the point this 'oliday is "Awwwlll Abaaaaht HIM & not MEEEEE!" Mind you he's probably paid for all the flights, the accomodation and everything else for everbody to enable Mummy to grift her "Free surgeries" (which is what she'll tell Court).

    5.8.24 - Hahaha! That'll teach her to go snooping about in here for its now launched into one about her lugholes & eyebrows resembling Mr. Spock's, something which will inevitably signal sum morrr serjerry to yank 'em back nearer where they ought to be. They also refer to this entire farce as "Bizarre..................." :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29697892/katie-price-more-surgery-turkey-spock-facelift/ Serves her right (y)
    Oh and the Sun very thoughtfully provided a picture of Mr. Spock for comparison :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    although one major difference is that Spock is highly intelligent of course 😂
    * Minge the Merciless seems like a better comparison though

    * Yesterday she accused The Sun of "bullying and harassment against MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" then lo and behold here we are - today Edna & Clan Grifter sell an exclusive to them for coin with skanky moaning about her being not happy with what been done by Trio. Who is she planning on using to correct the corrective surgery this time?? Back to Doctor Plovier again begging for help eh? 😂 The thing is that this insider has dropped her in it.... Didn't KFP say that the Brussels Doc hadn't said No and now her insider is saying they did say no, hence why it went to the demon butcher of Istanbul instead
    * Frankly her eyebrows are the least of her problems 🙄 Where did the mad bitch think they'd end with yet another yank upwards?? And after that what's next? A face 'lower' to drop her eyebrows back down by 4inches?? 😂😂😂
    * But its an excuse to extend the 'oliday innit? https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29701020/katie-price-fears-jailed-staples-face/
    7.8.24 - here we are wiv der Noo Teef
    Its bragging about returning in 3 months time for more dental work.
    To quote it: "They are so easy, quick, SUFFIECIENT, professional. Does she mean Efficient?? :ROFLMAO:
    * Taking it's pus-oozing face in the pool - how nice for everybody else eh? 🤮
    * The Teef https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/bankrupt-katie-price-shows-new-33415910#source=breaking-news
    * And here comes "The Source" again whingeing to OKrap Mag to underline how worried the fammerly are with skank's behaviour, possibly hoping to get her arrest and court appearance held off again because she's fucking bonkers.
    It won't work Edna - go back to your spud digging!
    * Yeah, great they worry about her ruining her looks FFS! Too late for that matey!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Shouldn't they be more concerned that they have a criminal bankrupt in their family who has no intention of complying with the law, and also, you'd think they'd be concerned about her being outed as a deceitful liar who's told loads of enormous porkies in her new book (other outlets are available) which is now sinking faster than the Titanic.... Or what about the worry of what Rentagob will tell The Judge about THEM to drop them all in the shite to save MEEEEEEE?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


    * It seems people at the hotel where it is staying are complaining about the thing's pus-filled presence

    * https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/katie-price-says-doesnt-know-33422109
    So, after advertising her bezzie mate's BBL procedure and earning coin from the advertisements, she's now recommending you shouldn't have this done!!!..... That'll be some comfort to the ?hundreds? of morons that have had it done on HER recommendation and are now bitterly regretting it, not to mention Ellie The Jabber who must be bloody fuming at that!
    See where giving your friend freebies gets you Ellie? She thinks nothing of stabbing you in the back when it suits her!
    * AND - at long last - The Troof from it! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29766693/katie-price-hideous-horrific-face-put-princess-off-surgery/

    Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
    What about a series of Noo Buks using the 'Arry Potta ones as a theme to attract more sales?
    Katie Price the Prisoner of Bronzefield. Katie price & the Safe Full of Secrets.
    Katie price & the Vagina of Fire Katie price and the Chamber of Secretions...
    Katie price and Dane’s Big Toe Katie price and Lunchbox of Wee
    Katie price Makes a Prisoner of PA Katie price and the Gobbler in the Byre
    Katie price and the Order of the Judge Katie price and the Half-Cocked Lies
    Katie price and the Deathly Halitosis Katie Price and the Bong Boy Who's Always Stoned
    Katie Price and the Half-Wit Dunce! Bong Boy and the Half-Blood Price
    Katie Price and the Deathly Pallor...

    The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon -
    5.8.24 - ☕ Word has it that Boyson's fiancée is pregnant! Oh dear!!! Could things yet any worse for skanky? Hopefully they can

    Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees -
    7.8.24 - Back onto targeting Kieron again, this time blaming HIM for getting her hooked onto cocaine!
    Katie Price claims ex Kieran Hayler 'brought cocaine into her life and said it would help her' | Daily Mail Online
    "Kieran's representative told MailOnline: 'This is without a doubt the best in a long line of fiction in Miss Price's quest to grab headlines and further vindicate her exes.
    'There is no truth in her claim and would be quite happy to remind Miss Price of when, at what age she did start 'self medicating'. Miss Price appears to suffer with occasional long term memory loss.' :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    This comment (amongst many others) in the DM under this article

    Someone else mentions that she admitted doing coke both in her 1st book when pregnant with H and also in another book after Jnr's birth. Was that K's fault too??? So obviously it's Kieran's fault she was doing coke years before she met him. OK then.....
    * She seems to have forgotten this from one of her many shitty books about her doing coke when Pete was still saddled with her

    or this little number at the Playboy Manshun shortly after H was born (where evvvrywun loved MEEEEEE!)
    8.8.24 - the next one up to the oché for a slandering from it. This one knocked it up AND knocked it about (allegedly)!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    She still cannot keep her stories aligned from one outing to the next because in her first book she says he "Punched" her, not "KICKED"!!! Or was it both maybe? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Whilst not strictly an Ex, this poor bugger had a terrible time rejecting the thing's amourous advances because it just wouldn't accept that he was not interested in MEEEEEEEE, in fact he had to use downright brutal tactics to get it off his case finally. As a result he is not to be let off the hook EVVA by the thing, therefore here we go with another attack from it slamming and swiping because he rejected MEEEEEEE, all the while making out to be innocent when she knew damned-well he was dating OA at the time!
    "It all kicked off after Katie – who admitted on Loose Women that she fancied Chris – denied sending him flirty messages, only for Chris to share the apparently one sided exchange on social media.
    Katie hit back and revealed she has 51 screenshots of Chris replying to her "flirty" messages.
    Furious Chris then posted a lengthy note to Twitter with: “I done with this s*** now. You're looking to get back at me, your desperate. Stop sending threatening voice notes to my girlfriend too.”
    The Sun exclusively revealed that Katie finally revealed 52 secret texts that Chris Hughes sent to her on Snapchat behind his girlfriend at the time, Olivia's back.
    At her book launch on October 17, 2017, the Loose Women star revealed the messages she claims Chris sent to her, weeks after he denied sending them.
    In one message, Chris said Olivia was "fame hungry" and loved publicity, then claimed he was having a "tough time" - and Katie then offered him advice.
    Katie revealed Chris had called her a "lovely person", and apologised profusely for starting the drama with her online." :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Did he now.................. what about this then? https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/showbiz-tv/chris-hughes-brands-katie-price-13777185
    Gotta luv this quote from it though - "I hate people that lie. Don’t lie and don’t be ashamed of MEEEEEEEEE.’ 😂😂😂
    And of course don't forget her texting Tom Zanetti behind Kieran's back, the receipts are on here on Thread 94 #406 and ones to Mario Falcone, same thread #754....

    and this to MF
    :sick: Poor bastard!! And all this whilst in a loving non-cheating marriage with Kieran Hayler whom she was totally devoted to. You surely must know she NEVER lies or cheats, poor misunderstood Katie

    Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists, 'Orsham's Own Banksy & Acid Chuckers etc -
    3.8.24 - Oh here we go at last! "Ize being victimised by the press again!!!"

    It says to the reporter "Have you videoed me? Why've you come all the way here to annoy me and stalk me? You're bullies'
    The cameraman remains silent, he gets his shots and leaves to which presumably they've been advised they can do legally in that it does not amount to harassment - AT ALL. All they are doing is legally filming in a public place....and they're doing it because there's a public interest, largely because she's ripped people off for millions and still doesn't get it. 🖕Sit and swivel KP!
    * She's got "anxiety" because of a couple of journos though? But what about decent, tax paying holiday makers, families & their children who have to see that butchered mess at the side of the pool or dripping pus into the water as it "bathes" itself? What about their having to listen to her foul mouthed adult son? What about their anxiety & ruining their once a year holiday when we know she has multiple 'olidays despite being BANKRUPT? They don't matter though do they?, 😡😡
    * Heres what it got the hump about, the thing hiding itself under a towel and screeching at one of the flunkies (Bong Boy) to video this grand intrusion!! https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/13279045/katie-price-holiday-turkey-boyfriend-warrant-arrest/
    * and The Sun itself now - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29662835/katie-price-holiday-turkey-boyfriend-warrant-arrest/ They LOVE ITTTTTTTT and so do we!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * The thing has got the hump over the fact that now she might not be able to sell her Excloosiv Pix to BackEnd for distribution to the world eagerly waiting with bated breath to see hr latest Noo Fayce - because The Sun got there first :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: It seems that when the Sun took pictures she was having set-up pictures taken of her and Harvey ready to sell to backgrid. Strange though, one minute she is telling press to clear off because of her terrible anxiety and playing MH health card, then the next minute she is setting up pap shots and exploiting H as usual! Nice one Sun! (y)
    * Just look at the photo they used though! https://tattle.life/attachments/img_9876-jpeg.3089785/ :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: It might not show the scabby forehead but look at those wonky norks!!!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * A good thing also is the fact The Sun has grassed her up for having her own photographer there setting up pictures because it means every picture sold now to the red tops has come from skank and she's earning from it! That effectively means she can't say "It woz dem paps tayking the pictures an' i didunt gets payed for dem". 😁😁😁 You can also take note that it only replied AFTER Bong Boy got his Fisher Price camera phone out to film the photographer and then it repeated the statement for added effect
    * Now comes with an added video of proceedings :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    4.8.24 - and as anticipated the photos of the thing's ugly butchered mush have been sold to the Mail via BackEnd - funny how the same time it outright accuses one tabloid of affecting her MH and bullying her by asking her questions, yet within minutes it sells set-up pictures willingly to another lot for coin!!! :unsure: At least by flogging the crap to BackEnd she'll lose 40% instantly due to that Court Order!
    6.8.24 - https://www.foxella.com/yet-another-surgery-hint-she-loved-his-chest-hair/

    "Poor MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, me mentawl 'elf an' evvvryfink innit !!!"
    Says this thing who has put every boring aspect and utter LIE from this bullshit "Work Trip" onto it's sm's to be collected by the Press!!! :mad::mad::mad: Note that it mentions being "Detained" when it gets back to UK though.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * However, just look at the raging double-standards this creature operates under, ie. it had no hesitation whatsoever in putting up that Ring doorbell footage of the guys at the MM allegedly "breaking in" (the place she was already evicted from) but apparently they had committed a crime against MEEEEEEE and severely damaged her Mentawl 'Elf with their fiendish activities and therefore it was OK for her to do that. They didn’t have an arrest warrants hanging over them and likewise the Moonboot Bandit!!
    * BUT you will note that here she is again, stating it’s a "holiday" again because the "Work" bit is over.
    She’s quite happy flogging her pictures to the press instead of getting her bbl'd arse back to the uk to face the music, but nah, Katie will stay and enjoy her holiday and do what the hell she wants, fuck the court and the law, she’ll come back only when she is ready as per her Mentawl 'Elf Ishoos. 😡😡😡
    * Oh and all this latest crap about Journos affecting her Mentawl 'Elf so badly. Just to mention here again that it's recently had another rubbish book published in which she claimed her mental health is good and that she isn't afraid of going to court! Hmmmmmmmm:unsure:

    Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
    compared to

    Both items relatively contemporary as well but its strange how theres NO MENTION of Prader-Willi Syndrome in GOSH's notes. Clearly GOSH are not as Expert as skanky is in such complex medical matters?.
    4.8.24 -
    In that clip H shouts at her "Yeah bellend!" then says "Yeah fuckers!" & calls her a bitch!! Nice clip to post eh?
    * And this is why she wanted Harvey there -
    "She is praying the police show some leniency as she is Harvey's primary carer and fears the impact of seeing her getting arrested.
    And she hopes they will have some sympathy for her returning home with bandages all over her face as they will need re-dressing while she recovers".

    * How can she be his "Primary carer" when he has employed Care Staff with him at all times?
    * How is it that we have photographic evidence of the thing with NO BANDAGES whatsoever on and going out or swimming & sunbathing? Now theres this nonsense about her returning to UK "Swathed in bandages" purely for effect?? :unsure:
    5.8.24 - heres a comment from yet another of those crappy articles where they cite it as some sort of Maternal Goddess. Well not if this is to believed (along with a lot of other stuff, Troof Be Told)

    *And BTW this crap from it's "source", ie Edna, waffling on about how skank being nicked in front of H would "Upset him" is total bollocks! What that lad has seen as regards Mummy's Behaviours over his lifetime doesn't bear thinking about, in fact what the thing actually means is that it would upset MEEEEEEEE! because she doesn't give a toss about Harvey, other than his usefulness as a decoy. :mad::mad::mad:
    6.8.24 - Today's video release is H "dancing" - broadcast by Mother of the Year to prove how grate she is naturally!
    8.8.24 - Heres comment on Facebook that hasn’t been deleted (yet) 👍
    "I’ll give credit where it’s due but not to Katie Price for being a good mum - the only time she interacts with Harvey is when filming him for either money or sympathy. Harvey has had carers and nannies from birth even Dwight York paid Amy Price to look after him until he was 18, funny how he went into a full time residential when he turned 18. There are 2 carers on holiday with him now as there always is.
    I just hate the way she constantly spins the narrative it’s always just been her 24/7 looking after him all by herself - it’s complete rubbish. Be nice Katie and thank the people who do look after your son
    "👍 (Which of course is now West Sussex Council who fund his placements because Mummy does not contribute a solitary brass razzoo towards Her Son, let alone anything else)

    Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed" -
    3.8.24 - Not that skanky gives a shit either way
    https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-prices-children-mortified-fact-33388143 https://archive.ph/SrT7J
    5.8.24 - Best get some mileage out of Junior now, so here we go!

    6.8.24 -

    Only Grans and Suchlike -
    5.8.24 - such is the arrogance of the thing its been uploading smutty photos to it's Only Grans page from Turkey to try to get a few quid into her purse, however the problem is that Turkey are very straight-laced about that kind of thing and skank has perhaps pushed her luck too far this time by pissing them off. Heres hoping they arrest the old boiler 🤣🤣🤣
    * What a tempting invitation BARF 🤮
    A ten quid vomit-comet
    * And another one from the Sun who are positively revelling in the collossal fuck-up of skank's latest surgery escapades

    The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock -
    2.8.24 - so whilst it's in recovery after it latest surgeries The Irish Sun have wasted no time in rummaging about in the archives to dig out A Story (ie underline another item they want Out There) - this is about it's roster of 'Olidays.
    Katie Price’s holidays from hell… including birth trauma, broken ankles & skiing disasters caused by ‘bum & boob filler' | The Irish Sun (thesun.ie)
    * and another lot. www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29612229/katie-price-holidays-hell-birth-trauma-ankles-bum-boob/
    3.8.24 - another dig from The Sun mentioning skank has shut the comments on her SMS, presumably because she doesn't like the grief she's getting from "Fans"! The only reason it turned the comments off is because she's a coward and Edna is sick of spending all day deleting the negative ones for her!
    So thats £170 a night on top of the surgery costs eh???
    4.8.24 - The Mail seem to be dropping a hint here that despite what it shrieks to the contrary that actually Other People are looking after H (and probably her also demanding to be "cared" for). Disgraceful

    5.8.24 - The Mirror are obviously after getting on her Twollz List for they've just slapped this lot online to really piss her off(y)


    OMG! Take that you scabby old hag skanky & a million thankyous to Jessica Boulton for sticking it to her! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    PressReader.com - Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions
    6.8.24 -https://archive.ph/2024.08.05-171929/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/05/katie-price-jordan-millionaire-to-bankruptcy-onlyfans/
    Straight from Edna's crib-book using a rather lame pseudonym of "Jessica*",, considering this rubbish has Edna's hoof-marks all over it. Whilst they detail a lot of her LIES and her capers over the years, what gives the game away over Edna being "Jessica" is the mention of what a great Muvva she is to Harvey (ignoring the other four removed from her clutches) but nothing about the compensation she STILL owes AR or Peter and Clare, so although on the one hand this piece doesn't skimp in the truth about her drink and drug addictions nor her destructive behaviours, it then states how she single handedly raised Harvey which we all know is complete bullshite. It also states the British public love her!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Read it if you want a laugh
    6.7.24 - another article made up from stuff picked from the Telegraph's.
    7.8.24 - using Bong Boy's Noo Teef as an excuse to reiterate a heap of skanky's Big Problems!
    Katie Price’s boyfriend JJ Slater boasts he’s going under the knife in Turkey after she reveals result of sixth facelift | The Sun
    8.8.24 - more complaints about the pus-riddled thing contaminating other people's holidays
    ‘Katie Price ruined my holiday!’ says guest who couldn't relax looking at ‘incisions weeping with pus’ | The Sun
    "Who wants to relax and dine at a hotel looking at someone with blood all over their face, staples holding their scalp on and incisions weeping with pus?" Who indeed.....:ROFLMAO:
