* Seksi Foters
* Poet's Corner
* Resumé
* Troof or Lie??
* AFP's Book of Lies -
* Fwends abandoning ship & Collecting Noo Wuns For Useage - woo hoo!
* "Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!"
* Scrounging and Grifting plus Flogging Crap
* More shite on Twat Tok Flogging JYY Crap -
* Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys, ie. "Rebuilding the Empire"

* Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
* The ex-Husband Squad - fighting back against the Gorgon
* "Iss Me Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
* Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
* Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit?
* Breaking The Law - Driving & God Knows What Else
* Those Poor Kids including "Cruelly Mum-Shamed" & #Bunty Gate
* Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child"
* Court Cases & Law Breaking
* Lies, Lies and More Lies
* Another Online BS Fest - Spot Der Troof in this Lot! -
* 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
* The Broken Trotters
* Animal Victims - take note RSPCA!! Yet Again!!!

*Trampy Towers - aka the Mucky Manshun or The Shitty Shack
* The Media Sticking It To Her or Grovelling After It
* Fan Zone - yes there are a couple left that have yet to be locked up
* Moooosik!
Seksi Foters -

Channelling A Picture of Dorian Gray - The painting is made to serve a moral purpose, being transformed from an object of beauty into a vile record of guilt, something 'bestial, sodden and unclean'
A Picture of Skanky Pwice. Lookin' good!!
Poet's Corner -
Shes not a barbie girl , living in a barbie world,
She's a barbie gran, soon to be living in a van.
Not an ode but pure Poetry in itself - woo hoo! Skanky =
"A fucking clusterfuck seahag of shite
Desperation now Pricey is seeping out of your pores,
Nose and nasty holes...
You're so wanting to show that you've got this all under control.....
Ooops think you've just dropped the ball.
Troof or Lie? -
16.7.23 - Guess which it is?
18.7.23 - I'll put this garbage here because her sham-relationship with SB is on/off more often than her drawers, ie its all LIES. Nobody gives a frig either way https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/23094763/katie-price-split-fiance-carl-woods-instagram-unfollow-ring/
and this regarding JYY according to Trustpilot. Troof or Lie??
and this https://tattle.life/attachments/img_2491-jpeg.2317000/
Now considering it has all this "Medical Expertise" wot wiv bein' a Paryletic anawl - would'nt you think it might be a bit more respectful towards cleanliness and looking after its open surgical wounds?
Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard - Woo Hoo! -
18.7.23 - How long before this becomes "
Awl abaaahhht MEEEEEEEEEEEE.... oops I mean Me 'Arv......."
In any case this terrible treatment of someone disabled would be nothing new for H - remember SB tormenting him with carrot cakes? Back in 2021 - is this any different to what those Careers did??
AFP's Book of Lies -
12.7.23 - and thus it continues with AFP's spiteful tome ensuring her vendetta against all skank's Exes and Escapees continues ad infinitum. Hopefully Peter has had enough of their shite now and that he goes for the jugular on the old hag, however what about the irony of & not to mention the gross hypocrisy of skank's freeloading, grifting family accusing
OTHER PEOPLE of using her to get famous? Like they haven't too, for decades?
* Re Slapgate. Remember the huge Hoo-Ha about "
A mystewy man wot attakked MEEEEEEEEE", the innuendos that it was SB which skank suddenly backtracked on after binning the money from The Sun? Heres what AFP says in her Book of Lies
13.7.23 - Just read this crap about AFP and what her delightful son did whilst the old bag was lying there unable to breathe! What a delightful brood she raised, the Grifters sure are the scum-of-the-earth
13.7.23 - some more old bollocks in an "interview" with Irish TV. Same old recycled crap basically but here you go with a brief synopsis:-
* She'll never win an Oscar anyway, she started off fake crying saying all royalties and profits are going to charity.
* No mention of any of the exs this time round
*Said Katie is a square peg in a round hole. (She just described her body type perfectly.)
*Tried to tell an allegedly "funny story" regarding Katie, however what she actually described was theft and fraud

. Katie stole a check and paid for a rabbit with it. Hilarious!
*Brother disowned her at first for being a pg3 girl as he got slagged off by his mates. She said she picked the name Jordan and none of her brother's mates knew it was her.

What a crock 'o shite! Skank would have ensured EVERYONE knew it was her!!
*Oh she had tried to be famous before pg 3. She had applied to Stars in Their Eyes, didn't get it, (no surprise there as its devoid of ANY TALENT WHATSOEVER)

. Did get accepted for Blind Date but couldn't go on as she had done page 3. This goes to show The Enabler AFP was touting the skank around everywhere to get her 'famous', taking it to audition for Blind Date, Stars In Their Eyes' (even though her voice is still used on foghorns on cross channel ferries, ) then when all else fails Get your tit's out! Not really the sort of start in life many would want for their child but clearly AFP thought it was a great idea.
* AFP doesn't really make her son Daniel sound great either with nothing positive said about him, AND, don't forget that skanky alleged years ago that he'd ripped her off & that's how he paid for his house !
14.7.23 - and now this crap, the inevitible "
I almost died." https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/23052508/katie-prices-mum-died-on-operating-table?utm_source=sharebar_app&utm_medium=sharebar_app&utm_campaign=sharebar_app_article
No mention of the fact her darlin' daughter was in Thailand at the time and did not race back when the transplant became ON, but it explains why it had to rush back suddenly to ruin her 'oliday, (the occasion it says was to "
rescue" the children from their father due to #Pudding Gate & Twarmer) and the beginning of the fabricated
LIES. Furthermore, it was said on the podcast that AFP had a cardiac arrest 3 days after the transplant but only found out from reading her notes, oh & she that she'd thought some of the nurses were trying to kill her! "Apparently I was shouting out, 'I can't breathe, I can't breathe, they're killing me.'' And all this as they were transplanting her lungs?! Is this massive surgery now performed under local anaesthetic?
Even that bunkum is a
LIE because apparently she had a bleed & had to go back into surgery.

She's as loony as her lying daughter.
*More of this rubbish where AFP jokes about skanky as a kid stealing a cheque from her to buy a rabbit and all the kit from the pet shop. Clearly theres a theme going on here when AFP's own sister fired the skank from a job in her haberdashery shop for stealing cash from the till - so troof told she's always been a crook and thoroughly dishonest then eh AFP?

19.7.23 -
he Weekly Amazon book sales charts are out. Skanky was bragging about the ‘Book of Lies’ entering the Times best seller list last week at Number 2, with 3545 sales

This twaddle was sitting in the Top 10 at number 9 on Amazon

but fast forward a week and where is it in the weekly Amazon chart ? Oooh la la, a massive plummet to 86……ouch, that gotta hurt

So the Skank core fan base have bought their copies, little interest elsewhere it appears.
Occasionally there is a positive comment (from one of the Flying Monkeys), but for the most part they are swept away by a tsunami of Der Troof
Another outing for AFP to rake through the shite, this time with Vanessa Feltz who ought to know better
* Vanessa was "
fascinated, horrified and incredibly moved" by the book of lies ….sorry PA has to sue, this book needs a retraction on it NOW.
*The liar AFP doesn’t regret any of her grifting life, never a dull moment, she has a satisfaction she's lived a life…..yeah treating people like

and enabling Skank. What a legacy
* More shite about the mermaid mum
* More shite about That pweirdo photographer again
*Feltz said Skank could have done anything in her life, been a teacher (I fell off my sofa with laughter) been a professional horse rider (I believe our horse riding people would say HaHaHa)) she's very very bright (The f*ck she is) hard working (Nope, lazy beyond belief) she could have been an amazing nurse (Errrrr no she wouldn‘t have been, there is nothing in her personality that would make her a good nurse, never mind that she’s too thick anyway)
*AFP saying again Skank has body dysmorphia,its why she has all the ops.
* OMG the f*cking H train was mentioned, "
an unbelievable achievement" said Feltz….hmmmmmm it’s really not
* Ends with Skank is in a really good place, this is as good as she gets….. well that’s Skank totally f*cked if so

*Nothing was mentioned about Skank’s relationships this time, AFP is steering clear of that in these interviews now.
*Feltz concludes that she loves Skank so much….I did a big

Thats Vanessa's credibility as a Proper Journalist down the kharzi then

Another podcast with Some Deranged Barmpot -
18.7.23 - Many of us thought Kathy Burke knew better but here she is glorifying The Thing! WHY Kathy, WHY???
* Kicks off by saying she has over 362 recordings of ghostly noises on her phone from her MM, she sounds really manic, think that’s her default setting these days though….Kathy called her down-to-earth but bonkers.

*Skank says she always tells the truth, never lies

* Last meal before she dies….Chicken Korma take-away she has this every Friday

*Ideal way to go? ….Skank says she always predicted she’ll die in a car crash, but she has had loads and emerges without a scratch, the recent one, amazing nothing happed to her, talks a lot about one in Argentina.
* The ad had her saying (about ashes being scattered in the sea) "...what if I drown, even though I'm dead!
* Says her boobs are like air-bags. She has no idea how she survived her 20 foot jump injury breaking her feet . Worst injury ever seen by Dr’s, can never run again, but she’s doing the marathon again, maybe in her moon boots. Fucking bollockfest!!

* Kathy has no idea what she is, (suggestion - a Lying old Ho) Kaffy says she’s a wonderful mum, constantly attacked by the press, but it’s amazing how she always bounces back. Skank says her Mum’s book is putting the record straight. Kathy says she’s attacked cos it’s class and she’s female, it’s wonderful she’s a grafter still selling and doing well in her 40s.

*Skank loves SM, she calls out liars in press
*Skank’s Regrets…men…therapy every week over it, and also regrets her Eurovision outfit. Kathy asks about who’s she’s with now….no one she says (this was recorded a few weeks ago, roughly when he was in Vegas)…..she’s done him again

*Would Skank like to be romantically involved with someone again ? She does love Crawl, wants to rekindle with him, she’s holding out for him (I am pissing myself) She will get married again, last 3 marriages were rehearsals, PA only real one, other two are dismissed as rebounds. Uses Julia Roberts as an example, meeting a Richard Gere type to sweep her away, Kathy says she was a prostitute in the film! lol

*Never going with an older man, have to be young - makes a disgusting reference to old pink balls. Thing is skank doesn't have a lot of choice these days

* It’s brilliant, she’s made SB look a fool again, constantly banging on about Pete Ya C*nt, and then saying Crawl ain’t around, adding well he may be

Skank has no interest in ever marrying this twat, it’s clear he’s nothing to her but an errand-boy to do her bidding time and time again, she does this now, and then pretends they are an item as an afterthought. Sad-Boy is such a pathetic clown although he does bring the lols

*Reincarnation…she’s coming back as a fly on the wall to see what all the backstabbers are doing/saying. Flies like shit though - she'll be at home then
*Funeral….can’t be normal, needs to update will, everything gets left to PA, H, P & J

Has to be a big show, colourful, camp, over-the-top 12 black horses, mobile phone, oxygen tank with mask in box, wearing pyjamas, and a crown. Full of crystals. Wants to be remembered as a survivor..never underestimate the pricey and sparkle in your sleep written on the side
*Kids will be pall bearers, might have another popped out soon to add to them
*Mum has a list of who she doesn’t want at her funeral, so Skank has taken this on for hers. Didn’t say who they would be, probably only 1 friend there as she doesn’t trust anyone anymore
*Her Grandparents will meet her at Pearly Gates, the bloody mermaid Gran mentioned again.
* The Eulogy…..now this is funny, previous shows they get friends to say something, Paul Whitehouse had Harry Enfield and Bob Mortimer do his….hahahaha, Skank has no one, Kathy says Skank’s team asked if Kathy can do it…..Skank has NO friends….I am pissing myself. Skank says she thought Kathy would be brilliant rather than someone she knew….Kathy says she’ll be remembered for being a beautiful Mummy, oh dear

What bullshit
*Skank wants to buried rather than cremated, the chat is so tedious, I’m getting really bored now, Kathy’s podcasts are usually funny, this is hard work….Skank’s voice is doing my head in

*The Wake…..little surprises, she’ll have messages played randomly through the evening, she’ll haunt everyone, she has to have the last word. Curry will be served, she’s not a big drinker

but there will be cocktails. Plenty of sniff though eh skank??

*The Will…..Needs to do a be a new will, it will all go to the kids, but you never know she may leave it to a horse sanitary…. yes she said this, Kathy said ‘sanctuary’….Skank says I always get words wrong

*H will be looked after by family, they all so good like that. Kids need to learn the value of money, it’s not all flash cars etc, kids are never spoilt…..it’s just lies and utter BS as usual. Does skank know the value of money I wonder???
* Wears her heart on her sleeve, her last words will be never underestimate the Pricey, “I’m a survivor”
Gee that was painful….over and out

18.7.23 - More podcast garbage - it was whingeing about not be asked to attend the premiere of The Barbie Movie. The way she bigged herself up is beyond belief - it's saying
she doesn't get invited cos she overshadows the main person!!! Her being more Faymuss than that Barbie!!
Omfg, how deluded is she? It's because she is a walking car crash that anybody with half a brain cell who does not want their event ruined and cheapened by skank's presence will NOT even RISK inviting it! One might think it might be more modest these days with had the self realisation that those days have gone and she is past her sell by date, but NO! Making comments like that, she obviously doesn't see what everyone else sees.
More "Live" Garbage -
18.7.23 - Here we go with some more bollocks from it! Says she hasn't read her mum's book, but then reels off what is in it

* Says he wasn't with Carl when this podcast rubbish was recorded and said she was holding out to rekindle with SB - meaning she couldn't find a Noo Egg!
* She’s shouting at Bunty to wake up for school - Bunty says she's "Tired"
*Demonstrating a hideous Camel Toe in Luvveryly JYY leggings

It'll put you off your breakfast
* Bunty having to make her own breakfast because Mummy is too busy talking shite
* Hold on! Has somebody managed to put together a packed lunch for the kid today? Woo Hoo! More like a quick trip to the 24/7 garage down the road
* She bought pink stationery yesterday? Is it for the BH, is she filling it in with a fluffy topped pink pen? This is interesting is it?
* another nutjob -
Yes Sue, it's called cocaine. Holes in your nose and your nose collapsing are the slight side effects!
* It's chaotic.. everything is last minute too. Breakfast at 8.30 even though Bunty is supposed to be at school by 9. Who takes them now & how near is the school? And there she is with her ugly mush doing her peice to camera regardless of the chaos !!!!!
* Three inches of make-up plastered all over the surgery areas again but with the stitch strings dangling down it's nostrils
Filters in full operation though.
* No plaster on the infected trotter today though
* "Buy JYY and look like MEEEEEEEEEE" No fanx luv, you look ridiculous!
*Bunty is doing her make up for school she says, then says she will get told off for it. Simple...do not let her go to school wearing makeup.
* Cast comes off tomorrow.
* 'Hes my man and I love him'

Until a better proposition aka Noo Egg comes along, although on recent standings it looks like the poor bastard is doomed to be stuck with it!
* Bunty looks exhausted but no surprise living in that madhouse and having to do everything about the place, including entertain the pervs on Mummy's Lives.
* She just said the pants she's hawking smell of fish, what an endorsement

Whatever the target audience this rubbish is aimed at is debatable considering most mothers will be getting their kids safely off to school, not watching this crap!
Scrounging and Grifting plus Flogging Assorted Crap -
12.7.23 - Back to flogging this diet crap again on its reappearance after more "serjerry" in Belgium. https://tattle.life/attachments/2301433/ However, if you believe the thing actually uses this stuff then you are more of a basket case than skank is seeing as her idea of a "diet" is going to Turkey and having the blubber sucked out and dumped in the Bosphorus. There will be hundreds of gallons of skanky floating in a giant fatberg off the coast of Istanbul.
14.7.23 -
Its even plastered make-up all over the wounds!!!
18.7.23 - Back to flogging this garbage. What a fine example to use to flog your product eh?
Something else she's flogging and
'obsessed' with.. Get another sales pitch ffs
Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS! -
13.7.23 - Theres no #Be Kind when it comes to the latest serjerry
AND, it seems this latest Serjerry was having a new septum installed in her snout, you know, the type of operation that results from over-indulgence in this stuff

. Her and Westbrook will be like bookends shortly

Gargoyle Bookends at that.
14.7.23 - what a bloody shame. Thats VANITY for ya skanky! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/23055924/katie-price-surgery-nose-job-lip-lift/
18.7.23 - She's saying in Mirror, she "Should have a
little nose from this surgery". Can't keep up with her lies!
and some more - who's she trying to kid? Its obvious copious amounts of this

have destroyed it's snout
and more tripe they've lifted from it's Live Crap - https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/katie-price-admits-nothing-wrong-30497038
Interesting though that this "surgeon" has also fixed the dodgy Turkish lip jobbie at the same time though
"Iss Me Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
15.7.23 - Last week -
"I have severe ADHD , I'm not on meds, consultant says ( it won't work?) ? '"It will explain why I do the things I do its the way my brains wired and explains the things I've done in the past'
This week -
Heres another one to add to skanky's ever-extending list of anacronyms, disorders and syndromes
More Shite on Twat Tok & Flogging JYY Crap-
12.7.23 - Twat Tok - late as usual. I mean FGS look at the thing turning up like that in stuff that has certainly been put on for Show alone - why a surgical mask now anyway when it never wore them thrughout COVID? Maybe Jeyda should ask the Invisible Man to take over eh?
And for all that nonsense, her eyes are still wonky but they match the wonky nostrils and her wonky norks

* Its just announced she loves Cole and he's the love of her life

Someone just said send carl our love as a joke, & it just shouted '
I will send crawl your love, I love crawl he's my man I love him'
* She’s 2 hours late (Good luck with the Panto when it can't even get downstairs in time for this rubbish)
* "Mum" didn’t like her surgery
* Announcing "
Something amazing with Harvey" tomorrow. Its always "Amaaaaazin" innit
* It’s taking off the bandage later and will be on Twat Tok to show us then.
* Having a pop constantly at people going on about her having more surgery…honestly what a total wreck she is now, it’s over for her no matter what she says, this is watching karma arrive WOO HOO!
* Now she's having a go at the carer/nanny/MUG for not giving one of the kids the ipad to shut them up. Got a right strop on her today

* She's got the heating on in the MM - in JULY!

* So some Mug called Jess is there doing the KPMemorabilia stuff and having to look after the kids while she's on TT
*Bandage on her foot too so the speshul boots will be out soon as well
Is it referencing when SB shagged that bint in Veeeeguss and she's magnanimously "forgiven" him?

* The whole thing is just embarrassing and cringeworthy, but it was like watching the last bits of Amy Winehouse play out.
Kp kept saying 'what's wrong with me' as she was slurring and saying things wrong and forgetting things.
* She was snapping at whoever the woman was in the background about the kids
* She kept closing her eyes slowly as if she was light headed or going to pass out / tired. Nothing new there really

* Is it in pain? Also noticed it has a foot bandaged now as well then said " I've got to wear this today (the mask) because you don't want to see what's under it - a mess"
* Was there a phone call? Or is that it couldn't carry on with the live? Either way it proves she must be desperate for money to have to do this sort of stuff just day's after surgery
13.7.23 - and another lot
* Bunty is featuring heavily in this edition - she's baking a cake apparently
* ‘Get THAT out’ Skank says, ‘what’ someone asks ‘the dog’ says skank. Yes this being the "animal lover"
*Its getting stroppy about answering questions about the kids - she doesn’t have to explain what time her kids go to bed
* Said she keeps looking out the window as people knock for autographs

The delusion is strong in this one!
* Boasting again - “No I’m not broke, I have a £2.5 million house, so be off with your nasty comments” 🤦🏽
* Making out Princess is there all the time and she’s only just gone back today
* It has the heating on - in july!!
* Says Jett hates her singing - it’s dreadful he says
* Her foot is sore at the moment - Speshul Boots imminent
* Basically it’s unwatchable, just repeating the same stuff about the crappy clothing, shouting at the kids to get off camera, thanking her brain dead fans for their lovely comments (

) the occasional passive-aggressive shout-out at anyone who criticises her, and boasting she’s not broke, back doing really well, blah blah blah.
* Cant remember the last time I went shopping. GRIFTING these days, not shopping luv.
*I get to talk to everyone who has followed me for years and all the newcomers
*Live tomorrow morning with Harvey
* Skinny foods and Boombod going well, then admits it just ate rubbish all day.
*"Calm down Kate, stop showing off" - Jayda.
*Kp Is screeching '9 paaaaahhhnndd!' at the top of her lungs.
* "I have severe ADHD , I'm not on meds, consultant says ( it won't work?) ? '"It will explain why I do the things I do its the way my brains wired and explains the things I've done in the past' (Conveniently)
* Nevertheless despite her alleged diagnosis she has no medications for her ADHD. Bless her! She just dropped herself in it because last week it claimed it was her ADHD meds causing her to act like that - but tonight its said it's not on any.

It almost said her "Ferapist" then suddenly changed it to "Consultant"
* It pulled that headband off its greasy wig and wiped her nose with it saying her nose is so itchy because of the stitches. Absolute minger

* Said something about 'J
ett what you doing out there ( outside with dog)......good thing about the countryside is they can play outside and they're safe' Hasn't it just said people were coming up for autographs? What about all the bandits and post bock fiends or the Saaarrrfff Affrikkan mercenaries lurking about in the gardens or the ones who killed Blade "
as a warning to Meeeeeee"?? Wasnt she just fretting about 'fans' turning up at your door unannounced? Clearly its not bothered about all the kidnap threats and the nasty underworld hit men that sneaked onto her property to assassinate Blade to give her a warning.
* She’s filming something at the moment so she reckons
*Jett on live again. Playing outside in the brambles with no shoes on at gone 10pm!
Jett wants to do his own nature channel. He has been out in the nettles and brambles looking for Adders fgs! - he can have another bath!
* Telling Jett it's dark now but he's still messing about going outside and looking at Adders.
"Forget money - some people are so fixated on money." Like skanky is!
* Even Jeyda sounds off her trolley now
"You’re so cute Jett I really love you". Meaning "You are USEFUL Jett, I really love you"
* The Teef were free for a post ! Woo Hoo!
'Trust me, I have Mental Health'. All the more reason to NOT TRUST her with the well-being of those children FGS!!!
"I have been in and out of The Priory". LOL. LIAR!
* FFS, she is now attempting to sing opera!
* She has to be on something - surely? Even Jett and Bunny are asking what is that noise? Bunny woken up by her screaming and asked 'mummy what's that noise'.
* Jett hasn't been to school for reasons,
* "Book me for parties, events - just DM me " WOO HOO! No fanx!
* Seriously, what drugs would cause this? She's screaming, shouting, breaking into random songs.....
* Wants to do a festival at the MM. Skankfest?
Selling tickets to a house party - 1000 of you here - can do 15,000 a year without permission. (Go ahead and try it!) Proper DJ in here - but you can't shit in my house need portaloos
* She said that she had no invite for the barbie premiere.

"Might wear a blonde wig next week" - as opposed to the dark wig you are currently wearing eh? "
I have so many different wigs - love a wig - this isn't a wig, of course!"
"I support trans girls" - does she even know what that means?
* "Message from sister or someone saying shut up". Incessant dreadful singing now
* Just said cannot go to sleep,
"too high" - you don't say???
"How do I find co-parenting - I wont even go there "
* "West end show about my life coming out" 
She reckons its the Benidorm Bloke, Derren Litten writing it - and she's expecting it to be a nice tribute eh? Clearly she has'nt watched Beni - Madge will be playing skanky.
*and more literary shite -
"Ize dooin anuvva byograffy - aht in springg......"
Not read my mums book - I know I am crazy" She doesn't need to considering SHE did it not AFP!
* Singing praise to SB, the lurrrrvvvee of 'er loife! woo hoo!
"I've got no neighbours" - whooooo hooooooo
* She keeps saying
'I'm showing myself up' or 'I look rough' Fishing for compliments from the Braindeads of course
* Katie is bored now

* 11.28pm heres Jett again. He is on screen. It says
"Jetts not in school so he's allowed - to stay up". She pulled him on camera. She keeps mauling him, saying 'I love you' he said 'stop touching my hair, I don't like it'.He had a cut on his arm / elbow.
* Jeyda is as pished as the skank - and she's driving to London at 5.30am? Bet the police wont' catch her either!
* someone said she looks pregnant. It really pissed her off and her whole face changed for a good minute or two… she said
"I don’t know many people with 5 kids and a figure like this Hahahahaha! Deluded somewhat
*Repeating her nasty comments about Emily Attack again. The "Fishy" remarks.
and another load of shite here on Twat Tok
*https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.4.2-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-294-she-stinks-and-he-wanks-in-sinks.40325%2Fpage-43%23post-15936312&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Ftvandshowbiz%2F23046484%2Fkatie-price-reignites-feud-emily-atack%2F&xs=1&xtz=-120&xuuid=05bd61928d9a6b5ef4c58e5f110fe27f&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D Bringing P into her nasty little charades, here slagging off Emily Attack as she's done before
And now more podcast crap -
*Trying to make out she was sat on her bed before Amy went down for the transplant at the start of the podcast. How can she be in 2 countries at the same time? She was in Thailand when AFP had the lung transplant on 7th November.
*She doesn’t allow anyone anyone to speak -Edna has no chance! Constantly trying to make out she knows everything.
* Last night indicated she wouldn’t have a BBL as she liked her bum, but this indicates she has had something done. Both her & AFP have no bum's at all, completely flat. KFP used to wear those special knickers, that had the gel padding to make bum look bigger, but we've seen the incision scars & bruises on her bum, from the Thai holiday, where she noticeably has had bum implants.
*Still trying to make out she is "volunteering" at the hospice where she was doing cs.

* Says she had a shit Christmas last year but that this year she will be doing panto so Amy should come up and see her!
* Talks about being banned driving, she had the kids, affected her very bad mentally because she couldn’t drive.

* Jeez, she shouts through the podcast and constantly interrupts SFP and AFP.
* So she was working doing cs she was in the office. They made her cups of tea. One minute she makes out she is volunteering there, the next says she wants to do it. Still wants to do the paramedic course.

* Couldn’t work out if she is still doing cs, as she said she had, but SFP indicated she was still doing it.
14.7.23 - Back on TwatTok AGAIN -
* Going to Bunty's school play today. (Must able to now Michelle is not in the school any longer)
* Saying she's done her whole career without surgery! Apart from her boobs WTF
* Stitches out today, but cast has to stay on for 2 weeks. Only about 600 people watching the live

* Basically its the same old fart-gas as ever with the skank
* She's vaping more regularly now. (Only vape?)
* She was told to stop shouting and said, "I think I'm a little bit deaf...."

Something else to add to the list of syndromes & disorders!
* How on earth is she going to learn a script for a panto when she can't even repeat parrot fashion what Jeyda says to her?

* Bunny going to school in Katie's perfume and tried to colour her hair last night (with purple shampoo)
* She doesn't even know for sure what time Bunny's play starts (still hasn't done packed lunch!)
* Slagging off the school again after the flunkey reminds her Bunty needs something Red White and Blue for Bastille Day today.
15.7.23 -
back on Twat Tok again to show off the change of dressing on it's snout -
* More 'elfy eating - Chinese takeaway last night
* Sniffing constantly, vaping….WTF when her nose is in this state??…yeah great idea Skank
* Jett wants £50 for "Roblocks". Best tell the policeman a few more lies then as Mummy says.
* Taking Bunty to have her nails done today, Bunny doesn’t watch
Love Island but is updating her with the latest on Love Island
* A goldfish has a better memory than her, she seriously can't even simply repeat what Jeyda is saying.
* Today its managed to get toothpaste on the front of one of those ghastly JYBother "tops" they're flogging - makes a change from roast dinner gravy presumably
* The billionty paaahhhnd engagement ring is back so it looks like The Deal is on again
* Bunty is on the Live now even though skank has been warned before for using her. Bunty said JYY do ship to Spain. Skank told her not to say that.
* Keeps blowing her nose, despite being told not too. So alluring when flogging JYBother garbage innit?
* Bunty said the summer holidays start for her next week.- skank replied B will be her slave during the holidays. Never doubted it!
* "Get yer filthy stained JYBother stuff 'ere! Woo Hoo!"
Its the top it was wearing last night!!
* She's trying to find a new Youtube person. No doubt she didn't pay the last MUG
* Says she doesn't know 'Chelsea Lee Art is'
* Just said something about 'teenagers don't want you to walk next to them, Bunny' How the feck is Bunny a teenager? She's delusional.
* She going to be bringing covers out of songs on Youtube - acoustic versions of songs with Scarlett. Like their album ??

Jett hasn’t been to school "Because of his dad and all will be revealed soon… "why does she keep mentioning it? Its been nine months of this and every time its the same bullshit & LIES

* Bunty has done her own make up. SEE
Bunty should NOT be on there anyway!! Now Bunty says she does not care what her school says about having her nails done
* She tried to facetime Harvery earlier. He answered it, but sounded upset when KP said lots of people are watching. He didn't want to talk because he's busy.
* Princess is with her dad this weekend "finally" because apparently P is with Her all time.

* She's getting Bunny to do all her phrases "never underestimate the pricey'. Skank says - 'no do it again properly, like I do'
* Bunny - I can't wait to be 13.
* Bunny has read out 4 or 5 messages - again. "Bunny you're so beautiful" etc. SICK!
* Someone just asked Jett "Do you miss your dad?' and skank interrupted saying "
NO no he doesn't!", then Jett said from behind the camera "
Well kind of!!" He won't be getting his Roadblocks then!
* Then this - "
He's done bad things". "He's done bad things" repeats skank

* jett asked for more money- Bunty said "you had more money last night....." Dishing out cash to shut them up again?
* Bunny definately said someone (SB) punched her (skank) and skank said
"No he didn't!" And went all sheepish. The Live suddenly ended after that.
* Another of her homemade diagnosis here - now Jett has Agrophobia! Strange really he is constantly playing outside with the dogs or searching for adders in the garden plus she took him to school to see Bunty's play! Seems his agoraphobia is a bit like her needle phobia & very selective, ie when it suits Mummy's purposes.
16.7.23 - Back on Twat Tok again, with the usual drivel! Let's hope Bunty drops her in it again!

* Got the heating on. - jeez these July days are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cold innit!
* It has an infected foot apparently

Obviously trod in some of the piles of dogshit about the hovel
* It was hollering to Bunny to fix the feed at the beginning as another account was running over the top of hers

She has no idea how anything techy works

Skank has an 8 year old Tech advisor it seems.
* Bunty is flipping the bird off camera at all the nasty posters, Bunny’s shouting in the background again
* It can't stop touching it's hair and nose.
* Totally off it's head - thinks the men are jealous as they can't pull her cos she is not single.

Problem is skank its because you couldn't find a single Noo Egg that you had to claw SB back!
* It’s on it tonight, just said C*n then had a pop at men coming on giving her abuse It reckons they wish they could have her! “jog on“ she says

*Jeyda thinks she’s hilarious.
*Bunny is on screen again saying never underestimate the Pricey. Skank is now encouraging her to read comments
There are massive safeguarding Red Flags here
* And now loads of "roots" and "booyaka" and "Chelsea Lee Art" They're really rattling her tonight.
* Someone asked whether she'll get done for drink driving again. She said no she only did it once.

* She's getting even more pissed off saying ' god yous lot got a right chip on your shoulder tonight'

* Chelsea Lee Art is live on TT watching the skanky live TT!!!!! It explains that lot spamming the skank whom the other nutjob has sent her Flying Monkeys over to harrass her LOL. A visit to CLA's feed shows she’s pissing herself, she’s got her fans to spam Skank’s feed… I can’t stand CLT but this is very funny. Chelsea is laughing at Skanks nose, hair and everything else!
*Skank blaming Princess for nicking the clothes

WHY EVEN?????? Hasn't P got a deal with PLT in which case why would she want JYY crap?? P wears PLT clothes - skanky wears "What your grandma wouldnt be seen dead in "

* She’s left bunny on alone answering questions
* She just said she can't get insurance for a new car for a year, but she's grateful to be driving again. Currently No car insurance will touch her with her reputtion and driving record - she pays £14k insurance for her run of the mill car. Says was quoted 53k-£73k per year for insurance because of who she is and it’s discrimination, so changed her job to author which brought it down to £14k
Katie Price and author are words that do not go together!

* She thinks Holly Willoughby doesn't like her because she's friends with Pete. No its because you are simply LOATHESOME skank! Imagine the atmosphere at the recent interview then

* Just said she can't stand Claire Powell and read her mum's book to see why.
* Just calling a load of people in the industry arseholes and she didn't like Phillip Scofield anyway; "Lots of two-faced people out there" - including itself presumably
* Another shitfest book in spring - she's seen AFP get away with it so is gunning for the Exes now.
* Someone asked what’s happened to J &B’s dad - she said they’ll read all about it soon and it’s bad. Its been saying that for 9 months now and K is consistently CLEARED of all her allegations
* Constantly wiping her nose with her hand.

* She’s deffo doing the Panto - shouting very loudly,she’s delirious now
* Constant hands down her pants fiddling and constant sniffing/wiping her nose alongside the shite she spouts is too much * she claims we will read about KH soon and it isn’t good.
* "Read all about it'.....so is this the 'trial' she's promising or is she going to try and do a story on him AGAIN? If there is nothing definite this could count as a threat to an ex partner again under coercive control law, furthermore, if the claims about KH were that bad, it would surely have been outed by the press by now. They have their ways. Nice try KP but if he was that bad, he wouldn't allowed to be around Apollo or Valentino would he?
*Going to sell her mobility scooters she was gifted… needs the money perhaps??
* Its 21:49 and the dogs are barking loudly…. Blade’s death still being investigated by police so it says (as if they have nothing better to do). Says Blade wasn’t just run over he was killed by someone and she can’t talk about it - too upsetting; Probably because her or SB did it more like
* Shouting at the dogs to leave the guinea pigs alone
* Why doesn't it just stop going on about wonder web to hem those gawjus trousers as if it's specialist knowledge? Stupid cow!
* Its intending to release the next pile of shite book on Mother's Day next year

What a great gift eh? Who hates their mother enough to give her this crap?
* Getting people's names wrong again
*Reckons she has good skin and doesn’t get spots

Didn’t SB squeeze her spots in the swimming pool on holiday?
* more Plasterclasses, Woo Hoo! , small venues in the arse-end of towns and if we’re lucky her fans street-drinking while they wait for her to turn up…..hours late. Comedy Gold them things.

* Plasterclass venues to include pop up shops to sell their tat and it's "Memmerabilya"

* 11pm - 'Bunny's in bed it's me and Jett'.
* Screaming and shouting and dogs barking. So how is Bunny sleeping? Why are both kids treated differently?
* Why has Jett been screaming non stop? Then she screams back for him to be quiet!
* She has no contact at all with Pete. I bet that absolutely kills her!
* "Back on 7.30am tomorrow" and one of the days this week - she's not saying when - she will reveal her new nose..

It did not show up

Oh and get this! Even the other chavs are taking the piss outta skank and her JYY crap now. Here goes CLA having a dig at it

NB - those lush cowboy boots it was moddlin' the other day that cost £70? On Shein for £25! Nice mark-up eh?
The Ex-Husband Squad (and Escapees) Sticking It To The Gorgon -
13.7.23 - in light of the latest Mentawl 'Elf Isshoos claimant, up pops KB having a rant on his insta stories about how people use MH as an excuse for their actions/shitty behaviour. Who could he possibly be referring to??
13.7.23 - https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/peter-andre-considering-legal-action-30436907.amp Go for it Pete!
17.7.23 - Taken from the comments in the Mirror today - hopefully its true!! Hopefully theres some good tea coming soon & that she is left in the shitty shack all alone , stuffed into her pink wedding dress sobbing
"it's all Pete ya cunts fault".
Getting at The Exes -
18.7.23 - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/23088348/katie-price-slams-peter-andre-former-husbands-furious-rant/
Breaking The Law - Driving & God Knows What Else -
18.7.23 - Like as hell it's paying £14k a year for car insurance! It will have got some mug to front it for her IF its insured at all!
Fwends abandoning ship & Collecting Noo Wuns For Useage - woo hoo!
https://uk.news.yahoo.com/carol-mcgiffin-barbie-movie-081753382.html - ex-chum from Loose Wimmin.
"The TV and radio presenter said she will not be going to see the film and she believes Margot Robbie is miscast in the role and that the famously mis-proportioned doll should be played by cosmetically enhanced businesswoman Katie Price.
"Businesswoman" though????
"And Margot Robbie so miscast. The obvious person to play the plastic, out-of-proportion doll with the pink house was Katie Price!" 

However, there is less plastic in a Barbie doll
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!" -
14.7.23 - trying desperately to make itself relevant to ANYTHING these days, even crap like Love Island!
Talking about it's glittering Literary "career" -
"Ize a Twained Paramedik innit!" Read this and draw your own conclusion to that statement. Here are the qualifications required for East Sussex….yeah right skank, you fall at the first hurdle
Academic requirements…..
* A-level (in SECAmb’s area the grades required vary from BBB-AAB) – a science A-level is often desirable, OR
* BTEC (grades DDD-DDM) in a health-related subject, OR
* Foundation degree in a health-related subject,
* HND in a health-related subject.
* As well as the above, you may be required to have GCSE maths, English and science (or equivalent) at a minimum grade C, OR
* An approved Access-to-Higher education diploma with a minimum of 60 credits, of which 45 should be at level 3. A minimum of 30 of the level 3 credits must be at merit or distinction PLUS GCSE mathematics and English at a minimum of grade C, or equivalent qualifications.
Other entry requirements will likely also include:
*A personal statement, evidencing your motivation and some insight into the course and the profession. Improving your awareness about the role of ambulance services and the paramedic profession will help you here and also at interview, (see the ‘Our Services’ section on our website and visit the following websites for more information.
Best stick to aspiring to be a Server at McDonalds eh skank because this has not and NEVER WILL HAPPEN!
19.7.23 - its still smarting at NOT BEING INVITED to the Barbie premiere!
'The former glamour model, 45, has hit out at the snub on her podcast The Katie Price Show, as she claimed: "Every time I've been on the red carpet [at a film premiere] I always overshadow whoever's in it and I get the most press, and the whole point of the premiere is for press.'
And although she wasn't a fan of some of the looks on the pink carpet, Katie did compliment Grace Keeling's outfit for the premiere, adding that she would have worn something similar.' (Only hers would be JYY and she'd look like a sack of shit! )
Turning up at events looking like this is another reason you WILL NOT be invited to any prestigeous occasion skank!
Listen to it's claptrap "
‘’I would’ve been a perfect person to go there because I would’ve been so over the top with the Barbie. It’s like the snobbery that goes on in this industry is just ridiculous. I would’ve got a Barbie mask to put on to cover the nose. Anyway, it don’t matter. I look at the pictures and look how shit people look.’’ 
So let's remind ourselves what would have turned up to the Barbie premier. A perma-tanned, wrinkly-faced 45-year-old who doesn't take care of her skin, commands attention by having strange, inexplicable seeping bandages and injuries which make people feel uncomfortable. All dressed in gothic black
( but doing it with zero style and on the cheap), looking like 110lbs of sausage squeezed into a 5lb skin. Her hair looking more polyester than an actual Barbie and sucking her massive teeth continually in between bouts of shouting "Woooohoooo!" Can't imagine why she wasn't invited......................
And yeah -
"Peepuls wiwl flokk to der fing beycorz I iz dere. Innit" Don't they just eh?
Slamming & Swiping - Its Wot she Duzz Innit -
Slept with a teenage boy whilst pregnant then SOLD THE SORDID DETAILS
13.7.23 - Reigniting her nasty little spat against Emily Attack. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/23046484/katie-price-reignites-feud-emily-atack/ https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-reignites-feud-emily-30461648
https://www.archive.is/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12298889/Katie-Price-reignites-feud-Emily-Atack-takes-BRUTAL-swipe-star-new-video.html#comments - Check out some of the comments on this one where
some of the commentators in the Daily Fail have questioned her ability to try and bring in a law about anti-bullying when she does it to others...!
*Harvey's Law doesn't apply to her then? She can say what she like's about other people, Emily, her exes, their partners, etc & nothing is done. WHY is this woman untouchable, with the law, authorities & bankruptcy? She says & does awful things and yet never challenged. She’s a hypocrite big time !!
*Anti bullying campaigner Katie Price publicly bullies Emily Atack. You couldn’t make this up.
*Calls out people for trolling Harvey when she does it to others
*This is online bullying for everyone to see. Didn’t they introduce laws against this??
Reply: Insitgated by KP after people were being horrible about her son. You couldn't make it up, could you?!
Reply: Those are my thoughts too, but as we know she’s allowed to bully people, with no consequences I’m sure.
Those Poor Kids, including "Cruelly Mum-Shamed" & #Bunty Gate -
12.7.23 - Listen to the "Wonderful Mother" here screeching at her flunkey to shut up one of the kids who was crying whilst she's trying to sell herself on Twat Tok - "
Give 'em der Ipad!!!!" it says sounding ever-more irritated Thats her answer to everything presumably.
15.7.23 -
"Woo Hoo!" It screeches "Jetts going back to skool!!!" What it does not mention that this is the final week of term and Jett is only being taken because it's Bunty's class concert, aside from that he'd be back at The Hovel still! Oh and "Iss awl gonna cum out awawl.............." Of course it is - nine months and holding eh skank??
Its now alleging Jett has Agrophobia and thats why he stays at home - Twarmer innit
15.7.23 - The kid's school issues a newsletter saying that its been discovered "certain children are on adult websites.................." which are legally forbidden. Wonder who that can be eh? Well whaddya know, today both B&J are back on it's Twat Tok although they are dropping the thing in the shite right-left-and-centre (see above)
Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy- "Pimp My Child" -
13.7.23 - H's got a "World Record" certificate for this inane nonsense- guess who's hijacked it? H did NOT complete this pointless exercise alone and yet here it is announcing it as if he did!! Not ONE of the other TEN participants got a single mention!
13.7.23 - The Sun also reported this milestone event adding "
Harvey also recently celebrated his 21st birthday with a HUGE party....." Really? Skank was unable to grift the splendid nightclub event she wanted to which she would sell tickets, instead H's" HUGE 21st birfday" shindig was held in AFP's back garden with a bunch of 2 year olds (not even Barney this year!) because his "party" got tagged onto cousin Albert's 2nd birthday do! He got a grotty grifted pink cake and that was it! Woo hoo!
14.7.23 - Why are MENCAP condoning this crap "event" of scribbling a terrible train picture anyway? They too seem complicit in erasing
ALL the other youngsters who contributed to this rubbish - WHY??? There is definitely something fishy going on with the other 10 kids when 3 days ago it was still being reported by Mencap as a "Group Challenge" & now we're being told 'Harvey decided to do it on his own'. LIES!!! Were it my child spending hours in this waste-of-time exercise just to glorify skanky via her poor bloody son, I'd demand the truth from it!
And heres your PROOF that mencap are attributing this crap solely to Harvey Price - there is no disputing this!!!
*Mencap are now saying that ALL the other ten kids dropped out (conveniently) leaving H to carry on this nonsense alone - how jolly decent of them eh? Don't believe a bloody word of it, its more likly The Anti-Bullying Ambassador did things His Own Way to get rid of those clinkers just to please Mummy with a "story" to sell.
Comments on FB are electric too
and in the Mail more brutal comments:
I've just spent all day drawing a line with circles under it. . . Titled "Very Long Train". . . The person posting has then invited further comments:
* Get 10 mates to help you, throw a tantrum and mummy will get them off the project
* Don't throttle any puppies
* Make sure you use the C word multiple times " 
Going back a few years now just read about how Mummy refers to H - he's "Her Werld.............." dontcha knawww
In view of the recent Bad Press Star College has copped over bullying allegations by Carers on one of the students, its no wonder then that they pounced on this glorious "achievement" of H's to boost their battered credibility is it?
Lies,Lies and More Lies -
14.7.23 - Just when you think there can be little left from AFP's series of LIES, out pops another one. Not only was there a Lung problem (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) needing a transplant but apparently the old gorgon had "Terminal Cancer" as well! Well well.................... What next eh?? A wooden leg or perhaps her head fell off?
The Browkern Trotterz -
19.7.23 - and heres yet another version of The Browkern Trotterz Saga - shame she has'nt actually told the real story of it yet

Animal Victims - take note RSPCA!! Yet Again!!!
13.7.23 - Yes theres another poor little creature scheduled to die at the Death House
17.7.23 - Yes here it is sticking two fingers up at everyone who says the thing should NEVER have animals or pets! https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/10967695/katie-price-dogs-death-petition-animals/
The Media Sticking It To Her or Grovelling After Her -
14.7.23 - Heres The Sun again showing the sheer class of Skanky when it concerns her delightful "Mother" AFP's "Terminal Illness"
"She (skanky) said: "I bet that's the hardest you've ever had to blow mum."
Amy then cut in and quipped: 'You're used to b*** j*** so you won't find this hard!" Clan Grifter just exude charm don't they?
17.7.23 - Heres the Manchester Evening News grovelling after the thing now.www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/showbiz-news/katie-price-told-its-nice-27334944
17.7.23 - The Sun have lifted this from it's hilarious Twat Tok.
18.7.23 - The Mail indicating the thing is doing another tiny portion of the Community Service Order slapped on it. Note they point out WHY its having to do this punishment, ie its a vile, abusive BULLY

https://www.archive.is/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12310141/amp/Katie-Price-steps-heavily-bandaged-nose-engagement-ring-discussing-rekindling-romance-Carol-Woods-nose-job.html - also lifted from it's social media so they won't be paying the thing for this drivel

19.7.23 - The Sun are ripping it out of her! Woo Hoo!! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/23097950/katie-price-banned-from-barbie-premier/
And another one from The Sun pointing out YET ANUVVA "Feud" its got going on, this time with the bods at This Morning. Its already feuding with superstar Holly (who has chosen to ignore the old boot and treat it with the contempt it deserves), so now its after the Programme as a whole. Surely this can't be because they didn't beg her to attend when AFP did her World-changing Interview, particularly as it was "Awl abaahhhht Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"?

and rubbing it in YET AGAIN that skank & SB have fallen out and - shock horror! - not following each other's SMs!

Fan Zone - yes there are a couple left that have yet to be locked up -
12.7.23 - heres another deluded loser banging-on about "Poor Katie!" Maybe they should sample the gifts on offer here and then try to shift The Blame from skank?
(10) Katie Price #294 She stinks and he wanks in sinks | Page 8 | Tattle Life
Moosik! -
15.7.23 - Be Warned! It announced grandly today that it is going to be releasing sum mor Moosik wiv dat Scarlett, acoustic versions of sum songs with her that the world awaits with bated breath (ear defenders at the ready). LOL. Ok so whatever happenned to the Christmas tribute to AFP song and the "album" they'd recorded togevva? We're still waiting............................ or was it all so horrendous the Ukrainians are using it over loudspeakers to terrify the Russians into fleeing?