Rebecca Lamb Hobson Gossip Forum

Rebecca is Instagrammer and YouTuber living in the Yorkshire Dales whose content is a cycle of food shop hauls and banana bread. Notable for filming videos in poorly fitting clothes and ending up on a pornographic website.
View most liked Rebecca Lamb Hobson posts on tattle
  1. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Hobson Lamb #185 Beggy and Beaver, a pair of mugs, question is, who's wearing the buttplug?

    Thread title by the lovely @DiscoBiscuit The one with the most votes by one was by @Wednesday26 but unfortunately we aren’t allowed to use it 😢 it was : the butt plug explains why she's so full of sh*t ! Beggy is still living a boring mundane life, treating us to daily updates on her dish...
  2. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Hobson Lamb #184 looks like she smells of damp mops and dog

    Thread title thanks to @#notanadad & @babygg_69 Beggys still a mess & a car crash & her fitness lasted all of 2 minutes! London trip & manic meltdown pending,…. Edited.. I’ve asked mods to change to Rebecca lamb Hobson Mod edit the rules are simple with titles no swear words, with one letter...
  3. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #183 we’re sick of your arse, your life is a farce 🥲

    Thanks @Bobbiewilson for the thread title New thread just in time for Christmas How many more times will be see her arse before 2025 Wonder what the kids have got for Christmas Will we be treated to a beige buffet! Will the cat mystery be solved 🤣🤣 Appehh Christmas tattlers!
  4. MissPrint

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #182 No elf on the shelf but a dildo advent calendar for herself

    Well done to @Bobbiewilson for the thread title! To cut a long story short Beggy went to the shittest ever Boohoo event as a +1 and behaved like she had just launched her own clothing line. She also took the boys out of school again and they went on the annual Hobson jaunt to Center Parcs where...
  5. MissPrint

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #181 Putting the Ho in HObson

    Embarrassingly my suggestion got the most votes so yay me 🥴 Beggy did the worst ad in the history of shitfluencers for a Love Honey advent calendar and we cringed our insides out. This has been followed by an ad for NSPCC. Yes that’s right, the NSPCC. A woman who attracts perverts and lets her...
  6. MissPrint

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #180 We’ll clean ya car for 20 quids No safeguarding in place for any of the kids

    Title courtesy of @JaneEyre12 👏 Beaver now washes cars for £20 whilst Beggy stays indoors and ignores the children by wearing earphones. They went on a date and she was dressed like a cheap ho.
  7. MissPrint

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #179 nutritionist, contortionist, fantasist

    Beggy created warm mince (that had been heated on an argument), added tomatoes and canned whole carrots and called it bolognese. That’s how low the bar is now. 🥴
  8. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #178 Beggy the Batista at 14pm poor old Woodys forgotten again

    New thread! Not much to say other than she’s still an absolute c**t Needs teaching the 24hr clock and how to respect her kids Seems tenners is pending for next week so be o. Beach whale 🐳 alert Thanks to @Noseyoldcow for the title
  9. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #177 Mrsrebeccahobson Itsy bitsy cheap,yellow up your crack & bulbous minge bikini

    An improvised thread title of various suggestions as they were to good not to use! Beggys flashing her bits and tits in skiathos The holiday is comedy gold so far and we are been treated to a lost property box full of outfits!
  10. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #176 Mrsrebeccahobson mutton dressed like Obson Lamb

    Thanks to @Saltypopcorn for the thread title Only thing to say from the last thread Beggy is totally loosing the plot Making out her kids are wild , driving her crazy and she’s on 24/7 meltdowns All a load of crap just for content and totally out of order considering what happened in Southport
  11. MissPrint

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #175 thinks she is Mariah but is more like Jedward. Beggy’s not right in the headward

    Congrats to @Bananarama22 for the winning title. (I had to edit it to make it fit, sorry!) Quick recap - the moron allowed her children to get horribly burned then joked about it, has discovered it’s possible to hang washing outside to dry, is apparently having therapy, talking to random kids...
  12. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #174 Mrsrebeccahobson mortgage free 🙄living by the sea flashing the flaps for Monty to see

    Thread suggestion by Moi! Beggys manic and it’s bloody wonderful! Beavers had his wank hand operated on or according to beggy his shoulder! But there will be a slip up somewhere, Back from Cyprus and apparently mortgage free! Funniest thing she’s said in a while Had to bring these over from...
  13. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #173 Mrsrebeccahobson Two “hoares” are flying to Cyprus and only one’s flying back 🐚🥥🥯

    @Bubsley what corker of a thread title. Well the big boring move happened she’s not showing much of the house tattlers do as tattlers do found it within 0.2 seconds of highlight of the move she’s got a washing line! Poor beaver burst bicep Wanking off Mabel whoops sorry walking Mabel The...
  14. Clarity456

    Rebecca Lamb Hobson #172 Shops on shein, food from Aldi but a half million pound house? Math aint mathing

    Congrats to @Ducktalesawhoohoo on the winning thread title. Continue here. --- Mod edit please report if you have something to ask mods. Several are concerned about this posting where you live. It's probably best to stop it as it's offtopic and it's not a good idea to post identifying stuff...
  15. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #171 Mrsrebeccahobson Beggy Hob get a job, new house pending no more pretending

    thanks to @JBrown for the thread title . Will this be the thread where the big move takes place, is beggy getting a job in the arcades? Ooohh Steve! Will it be a house of dreams or a house of horrors .. you decide! Bring on beavers renos 😂😂
  16. Clarity456

    Rebecca Lamb #170 Wearing a bikini at the local pool, Beggy Obson desperately seeking attention.

    New thread, round of applause to @Saltypopcorn for the winning thread title on our "cool mum vibes 4eva" 🤥🤥🤥 Beggy Bogtrotter Dingle. Someone please do a recap and let's have a show of hands for the poll.
  17. I_Like_Tractors

    Rebecca Lamb #169 Gall bladder out, Botox in, that minging grey towel and infected skin

    New thread for ol' rubber face! Credit to @MeghanSnarkle for the title! Recap: The great greasy cow went to a half an hour hen do dressed as a toilet dolly from the 80s Still hates her kids Still ignoring her house sale Still two sizes bigger than her photos Still a chav
  18. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #168 Mrsrebeccahobson Begging for Temu dosh & almost one whole week without a wash

    as your were! Thanks @Longtimelurker10
  19. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #167 Mrsrebeccahobson just one sorelle, give it to me, We come from Yorkshire, not Italy

    Thanks @Bubsley for the winning thread title As you were flowers ..
  20. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #166 MrsRebeccaHobson Dirty&smelly, woodworm& mould, not sure how,but the shacks sold

    @Beggybexy here you go, crack on !! 😂😂 Thanks @DiscoBiscuit for the brilliant title. Well well well the shack has sold! Only time will tell where they end up and how many animals are they lose on the move. Beggys still a twat beavers thrown a tantrum after beggy booked a surprise holidah 😂😂
  21. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #165 Mrsrebeccahobson Alfeh's jerking, Rurmeh's twerking, Beggy's Q&A replies are disconcerting

    A cracking title from @Saltypopcorn Rebecca states she shags beetroot beaver every day ! Ok hun! Says she wants to rip his clothes off he can’t say the same for her as she hardly wears any. Alfeh is still dancing around like his been electrocuted poor boy having prance lessons rather than...
  22. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #164 Mrsrebeccahobson I’m not a regular mom, I’m a rubbish mom

    Had to change it as swear words not allowed , thread suggestion was I’m not a regular mom, I’m a shit mom Thanks to @Ducktalesawhoohoo Quick run down Beggy got stuck in the snow after a trip to the Trafford centre apparently travelled 6 miles home on the Back of a quad, yeah ok! She’s got...
  23. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #163 MrsRebeccaHobson There’s no place like grome

    It just couldn’t be anything else could it! As you were! Clear favourite from @whoactuallycarez
  24. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #162 Rebecca, we don't all need a Beave in our lives. No thanks, hunnipot.

    It was a suggestion but was to good not to use from a post by @Gemrose89 I’d rather shit in my hands and clap than have “a Steve” thanks Was the full title! Anyone want to give a rundown as she’s as boring as fuck. If wish did nose piercings beggys is one of them! Let’s see what Christmas brings...
  25. Noonoosanne2

    Rebecca Lamb #161 MrsRebeccaHobson mince pies & gallbladder lies

    Thanks to @Ducktalesawhoohoo Beggys still flashing her arse and photoshopping and stretching her pictures Her and BJ went to the look fantastic party and stuck out like two chicken dogs. shes been in the same pjs since August. we discovered a new species of ugliness on the last thread BJ Whores...