Fopperholic Gossip Forum

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  1. Fopperholic #91 Recycled pics & wrinkly eyelids, undeclared ads, your content is bad

    New thread thanks to @Em85C ...... as you were ladies !!
  2. Fopperholic #90 Get in the bin, you’ll never coach your followers thin!!

    New thread time ladies... thanks to @Wowwwwwwwww for a great title !!
  3. Fopperholic #89 Fake it in Paris..fake bag & face, fake broken foppertoe, fake marriage Fopp’s let it go!

    Time for a new thread ladies.... thanks to @Ellsbells123 for a great title xx
  4. Fopperholic #88 Fopperholic #88 put the genie back in the lamp we can see your tits and chav stamp

    Thanks to @ChubClubThug x As you were...
  5. Fopperholic #87 dresses like a hooker, dresses like a Nan. All for like’s on the gram!

    @Dontmissmuch well done lovely. had to cut it to fit… you were
  6. Fopperholic #86 couldn't wait to ditch the twins, she'll spend all weekend counting syns

    Thanks to @Bluefox with the most votes. she’s back doing twinset twats plan 🥱 Seemed to have lost 3 dress sizes from her holiday but gained another few new faces Chris escaped to Portugal Chris is apparently about to fly the nest leaving Fopps with a subscription to Plenty of fish 🎣 Mazza is...
  7. Fopperholic #85 four accounts, not a penny to her name, all because her contents lame lame lame

    Thanks @Newmumontheblock for the title with a massive 74 likes!! 🤣🤣🤣I had to squeeze it down to fit.. continue here ladies 💋 xoxo
  8. Fopperholic #84 Boy's birthday was kept low key because no one gave her stuff for free

    Thanks to @Bluefox with 36 votes!
  9. Fopperholic #83 Wasn't invited out by my twin mum friends, They figured out I'm a bell end

    Congrats to @15minutesoffame for a great title with over 35 likes !! Had to cut few words out for it to fit but we still get the idea !! As you were ladies
  10. Fopperholic #82 please gift my ‘boy’s some free bikes although I hide my pitiful likes

    Another new thread people....... Thanks to @Blair-Waldorf with over 35 likes....... whoop.... whoop..... as you were !!
  11. Fopperholic #81 Favesons been to A&E not that I care when I’m on holiday for free!

    Fab thread title @Sweetbutpsycho 💕
  12. Fopperholic #80 Her life is the pits, on the beg for a new pair of tits!

    New Thread ladies......... thanks to @swipe_up with over 60 likes ! She's the gift that keeps on giving isn't she?!!
  13. Fopperholic #79 uses an XL tampon because she is a massive C U next Tuesday!

    Joint effort … @Blair-Waldorf and @ChubClubThug as you were 🥰
  14. Fopperholic #78 is the worst kind of mum, but desperate to be a instahun!

    @Newmumontheblock with 54 likes (I counted it because it was reposted 🤣) New week……shame old shite????
  15. Fopperholic #77 mutton dressed as lamb, livin for the gram!

    @WalterMittyfan with 45 likes 👍 As you were......another week, another line drew sorry, thread!
  16. Fopperholic #76 She’s drawn more lines than Danniella Westbrook!

    Great thread title @Blair-Waldorf with 55 likes 🤣
  17. Fopperholic #75 Moans she is getting no sleep but only has her kids once a week.

    Time for yet another new thread for Nikki Ryan Fopperholic. Thanks to @Noonoosanne2 for a great and very truthful thread title with 40 votes.
  18. Fopperholic #74 naturally fake in every way, can't solo parent for more than a day

    New thread title courtesy of @Bluefox with almost 60 votes !!
  19. Fopperholic #73 Is it the truth or just more lies? Depends what she needs to advertise.

    New thread, thank you @Bluefox with over 45 likes 💕. As you were.....
  20. Fopperholic #72 I’m Nikki Ryan aka Flopperholic and these are my boy’s Grayson & Beigeson

    New thread time ladies thanks to @reallyloveagoodgossip with 46 votes !
  21. Fopperholic #71 The only thing she doesn’t size down is her massive ego!!

    New title thanks to @Noonoosanne2 with over 35 votes.... in fact only suggestion this time !! As you were ladies :)
  22. Fopperholic #70 Chris is banished to the garage, so much for this #strong #happymarriage

    A new week and another new thread ! Thanks to @MycatiscalledLizzie with a great title and over 48 votes !!
  23. Fopperholic #69 Mirrors, mirrors everywhere, which of my faces shall I share?

    New Thread time ladies...... Thank you to @Bluefox for a fab title with almost 60 likes !!
  24. Fopperholic #68 Blockerholic you're very rude, you're at least a 12 in Scamp & Dude !

    Another new thread ladies..... @ChubClubThug another spectacular thread title suggests with will over 50 votes !!!
  25. Fopperholic #67 no one understands my really hard job, says Fopperholic the tragic nob

    New thread time ladies....... Thanks to @Juniper with over 40 votes... for another great title !! Have put the * in case the word is deemed as not suitable like twat !! As you were ;)