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That is quite a difference! It really does show the difference between how they want to be perceived and how they actually interact and behave.

I'm useless at spotting lurkers/moleman accounts etc. You'll have to have a signal so you can let me in on it!! 🤣
It does. They act like the perfect couple that everyone wants to be but in reality he’s gay, she’s deluded and they’re always arguing.
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Only 4 pages in this time (I’m improving) and I have my #recap ready...

We started the thread with Oddbod staring intently at something he had never encountered before (sadly not written by Ross Kemp 😂). We later saw he’d made it to the front page, but it may take him some time to complete.

The Miner has been at work again. Hot off the heels of the baby kick/fingering photo she has now plummeted even further sharing the delights of her “leaking milk” over their soiled bedsheets 🤢 This raised some questions:
Is this normal for where she claims to be in her pregnancy?
Is she just on the beg for breast pads?
Has she just had a fake boob malfunction?
Are they going to change that filthy bedding or just take photos of it?
Will she start showing us other things we really, really do not want to see. Moleman please take note and rein her in.

Don’t think ‘The Miner’ as a nickname will take off but one that did tickle us all was shared by @Badirene - Our Lady of the Blessed Sweetcorn 🌽

Not one to miss the opportunity to appear relevant and connected, she made a dubious claim about meeting the late Nikki Graeme. Sickening, just like claiming she was rushed to hospital because of a 3 day panic attack (which didn’t impact her ability to spend all day on Only Fans) when in fact she drove herself because she has no friends and can’t afford a taxi.

We’re still waiting for her to move to her amazing big house with a salon in her garden. Might it be money (her lack of) that is slowing things down? Or the fact she can’t be bothered to pay her parking fines which has caused her a spot of bother?

She had something done to her brows. They are hideous. So hideous they wanted to try and make a break for it - keep your eyes peeled on the skyline to see if they make an appearance. She’s also taken to photoshopping half her face off, is this the new height of alien 👽 chic?

She has loads of baby outfits from her constant begging. Matchy matchy polyester to look just like mummy, an impractical net curtain/doily number, doll toilet roll cover. Now not content with just getting free stuff, she actually expects people to pay her to receive it and post a picture. One problem Big Loz, you’re too lazy and stupid to record who sent stuff. You just lob it in a (hugely flammable) pile to soak up the delicious aroma of your flat: fag smoke, greasy food, and curry-powered farts 💨.

She posed with her “basic” pram and showed off her MASSIVE clunge. She must have been having a nosy on here as the next time she posted a pic of her with the pram in the same cheap £75 jumpsuit (size XL medium apparently) she had tried to smooth out her crotch.

Shortly after we were blessed with seeing Chaz looking completely deranged which confirmed the campaign to #freecharlie is much needed. It also spawned this absolute masterpiece by @Pom Bear 🎨
View attachment 532864

@NinaStar90 found his doppelgänger and I nailed the reason the pram has come out of the cupboard so early when baybeh isn’t due until Jultember.

Wait a minute Scrunchies, could something momentous be on the horizon? It seems as though Oddbod might be coming off his meds after an eventful IG live in which he:
Called her out for using a filter (which she denied);
Said her roast dinners give him the shits 💩 and he is forced to post photos of them;
Said she is a diva who spends all her time on IG but can’t use it properly. When she does she just looks at herself rather than looking at and responding to comments. Possibly because she struggles with reading (see article summary here).

There may be hope for yungboy Charlie after all. Perhaps he could get a job in Thriller in the West End?
"because she has no friends and can't afford a taxi"

@Clickbait RIP me I am dying! This is absolutely hilarious as always. I just love your recaps because they cover so much and it always gives me such a real laugh. @Pom Bear that picture of Charlie is by far one of my favourites it captures his essence I feel 😂. What a lovely little laugh to wake up to!!!
It just gets weirder and weirder View attachment 532888
I'm not a trashy zeleb/chav/Ned/arsehole so I have no knowledge of what one uses highly flammable environment destroying ""lanterns" to symbolise, so I googled it.It seems that originally they are used in certain cultures to symbolise a soul leaving the earth. However in the past year they have become popular to use during Gender Reveal parties in certain parts of America due to a Pinterest Post. ( I hope you can hear my eyes rolling into the back of my head)

It is not illegal to launch these things but it is advised by council/randomly some baby charities etc that they should be launched on private land with plenty of space. I'm presuming under an awning in someone's back yard in the middle of a housing estate in Guilford doesn't quite meet that requirement.

Also Good Morning lovelies!!!! ❤💛💚💙💜
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Well don't forget he's on his hands and knees all day, he might have a little sideline going 'while he's down there' 😂

Afternoon all ❤ is she still sulking after getting tellt off? 😂
If she continues to sell her underwear she could gift him her old bras , cut the straps off , make excellent knee pads for his carpet fitting save his knees for his "other profession"
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Come to think of it, I could not tell you the last time I saw her in anything non stretchy. Like has anyone ever seen her in a pair of jeans!?

As @Katie8ee would say, those sliders are violent!!! I despise 🤢
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You better bleddy not be too busy to pop in young lady 😂 cos we'll miss you. Thank you for my purple heart too 💜💜😘
I won't! I know soon life is going to get super busy but I will be here!! I have so much to do this week is a study week then I move. It all feels so BIG but it's all going to be great. Also on Monday is the anniversary of My Mums death so that's my dark day I have to go out on my bike to the Loch and just be alone. It's all happening at once.

I should add I take my kayak out and put flowers on the loch it's not not a sad thing it's a celebration.

@265 and @Facehugger group hug?
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I am absolutely shattered, my pregacy hormones are obvs not as strong as our yun gel , and I just want to crawl in bed for the day but I have to work then chase my 1 year old around 😅😴😴. Cant keep up with you lot. Pasta bake without the pasta 😂😂😂 and still much better than anything b.l produces I bet. 265 your dinner sounds amazing and I dont even eat meat. I see her private insta didnt last long. I agree that for Chaz to say that about someone's stitches, be it grimy KP or not, is disgusting. And in a boastful way 🤮. I forget that happened. Maybe he is this vile, fame whoring, man after all. And all the gushing loving posts are written by big lozzer
I've said before and I'll say it again. I am buzinnggggggg for the kiss and tell once they break up
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Just to clarify what's happening here. This is her living room carpet so she's sat on her living room carpet going through A4 sized I want to say print outs? Copies? of photos from her Instagram Grid. Her head is absolutely tapped! She's a maniac a full scale maniac.

"What you doing babez?"
"Just fingering these bewful printouts of us"


It won't let me attach the photo as it's too large which is now annoying me so go to her Instagram it's the last story!

Ok I have now attached but it's really cropped there are more photos on the carpet than just these ones.
this one?

Printouts of pictures that don’t look like her 😂😂😂. Her kid will be like. Momma who dat bitch with my pretend daddy.


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Fuck pregnancy for Dummies book. She needs the ABC for dummies book.

maybe that’s what she wore when she said she climbed that mountain in Portugal that time.
Haha remember that time she pretended to climb that mountain. It was during one of her juicing phases I believe. The following week she posted a photo in England with a similar tale showing a view and saying she had been hiking. Someone on the DM pointed out to her that the view was actually a look out point and the photo had been taken from the car park of said look out point 😂😂 how can you be such a liar who lies constantly and still be utter shit at it!
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Imagine it like the old Big Brother scenario live stream 24 hours a day, I feel I would be fascinated.
It would be Big Loz instead of Big Brother.

“This is Big Loz, would Charlie please come to the kitchen”.
“What now, babe?”
“You didn’t filta the photo that you posted of me! Am fuming!”
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Big Loz finks she’s a worldie and that her folloers (BOTS) want advice from a young gel (mid 30’s woman) on hiw to get strong or mines and fings!
🐿 #freecharlie
Don’t forget how she pretends that she gets so many questions about her recipes.
“Well you know babes, a just put in what a fink needs to go in”. Yes Lauren, and it shows.
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If anyone talks about her obvious rule breaking she tells them to “fuck off”. And don’t forget when she said that she had Covid while pregnant. If her own baby isn’t enough to stop her breaking the rules then she is one vile fucking bitch. Selfish beyond belief!
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I always remember him rolling his eyes every time she would start an Instagram story. Especially when he would be driving. She seems draining to be around. Everything has to be filmed. She’s even filming (I think) the birth for a tv show.
Yet, I think his grid says otherwise. He loves himself and has a shit load of selfies up (odd for a man I have to say, what a turnoff) so I think he loves the camera and attention but make out he doesn’t by eye rolling or coming across like she’s doing his head in. Personally I think he is thirsty, full on fucking parched actually. Desperate to be famous.
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To be honest I'm sure he isn't allowed to post anything about her without full editorial approval from her, so she obviously thought that was a good look. Remember him saying she makes him post about her 'amazing' dinners.

I bet she takes his phone and edits everything he posts. I also guarantee she waits until he's asleep uses his finger to unlock his phone and goes through everything he does. Hopefully he's got a burner phone stashed in some socks in a drawer.

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Just walked past one of the windows and caught my Gardeners taking a selfie together (both lads lads lads) and they looked mortified and scuttled away. Imagine how Chaz clients must feel if they walk past a window and he has got his pants down taking photos of his willy! 😂
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Found this article in the archive. So after reading this and how she states she will "never change her mind" Big Loz is now retiring from public life to be a stay at home Mum.

Picking up on that drivel, she was quoted as saying " no amount of money or career' would be worth leaving her baby with a stranger"

Now that to a simple guy like me is probably one of the most boneheaded comments I've read, she hasn't got a bloody clue has she!
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