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I love it when these wannabes start threatening legal action . This bellend couldn’t even afford a solicitors letter let alone 150K minimum to take the press to court for libel.
Could you imagine if Oddbod did the poor jury would have to watch all his videos. I saw one on here some threads back before it was deleted fuckin hell needed to bleach my eyes after.
Carpet fitting must pay so well 🤣
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Sorry if I’m late to the party... someone mentioned Charlie’s bf did this music video? Can someone explain?!
Charlie has lots of friends who are men. Sometimes they all get their doo dahs out and do rude things together in a sink. Charlie also bares his bottom and plays with his dongle whilst on a porn site called Only Fans. Sometimes with his pants still round his knees. Men are his target audience. It was one of Charlies Bf's did the music vid 👍👍
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Pom Bear

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View attachment 536168Big Loz latest- sharing videos of pigs being happy to be released from a factory farm.
Very much doubt this means she’s going vegan though!
Looooool that reminded me of my old pic I put on below.

Today I got up at 7am..was dizzy, not all the time but when turning in bed..long story didn't start easing to 13 or so hours later.
I don't know what caused it but I had it years ago badly in 2012..I was told it is sinusitis and I'm on dizzy tablets for life.
I just hope this isn't coming back again..I am more stressed lately and I am hoping to put it to that and maybe my underactive throyid. I'm alot better but worn out.

I'm catching up, I can manage that at the moment 🙂 xx

As mentioned the above pic reminded me of this one I made months ago....

Loz sleeping with her balloons xx

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I can't quite describe the joy I get when she posts these things like should I do a pregnancy talk/should I cook a roast blah blah and it has a Yes/No button and I press No 😅😅😅 it's soooo chaldish but I love it.
I agree. For me it’s the smugness that makes it laughable. She acts like she’s a top chef but her food looks like it has been thrown at the wall.
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I agree. For me it’s the smugness that makes it laughable. She acts like she’s a top chef but her food looks like it has been thrown at the wall.
It looks like dog sick 😂 I remember the time @265 said it looked like road kill and some random went off at him for being offensive 😂
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Pom Bear

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I've made a #freecharlie poster lol 😄😄 XX.


Dying 😂😂 imagine her big thicko voice blaring out the tannoy!

I was just looking up if someone had coined #freecharlie and ended up looking at the top tweets with #laurengoodger it's an absolute gold mine 😂

@Pom Bear lovely lovely Pom we need a #freecharlie poster 😉❤💞👑
You read my mind 💖😃💕😘 xx
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Pom Bear

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I'm not to well to make my pics today sadly..I will make them tomorrow 😞.
I hope to catch up tonight as I hate missing anything ❤.xx.

Back later 💕
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Ooh she’s been up early this morning! Unusual for her but then I guess there’s money in it... take it she doesn’t talk as she has the most boring voice ever 😂
She probably gets Chaz do to the talking for her. He’s good talking to them dirty horny lads.
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Is that all she does, pop out to the nearest car park and smile thinking us punters believe this is a totally natural and not set up shot? I mean I always wear full makeup and fluffy slippers when attending my nearest car park, it’s de rigeur don’t you know?

I have one word for you Lauren. Pathetic!
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I am 100% sure it was written by Grim Goodger. Classic.
I mean I'm no FBI profiler but I have a few tricks in my bag. The fact that the message goes from third person to first person is an absolute giveaway that it's written by her. Also of course the fact it makes zero sense.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she does the same twatty thing as Lauryn Goodman and it’s always back of the head shots of Baybeh. So I read her threads last two days, they’re golden 😬 Quick recap, she waited six months for a mag deal to reveal it was a boy and nearly a year to reveal his chavvy made up name, also a mag deal 🤣 No wonder they are best mates who borrow each other’s faces. They are both toxic vindictive cunts who can’t let their exes go too. Still she’ll have plenty of tips on how to be a single mum and make it sound like they have it harder than those single parents who actually work on top of it.
I think if there is a birth show it will be like her OK! Column, online only 🤣
Pay per view 😂 the other Lauryn is a madness and it's hilarious that Kyle Walkers Mrs spoiled the big gender reveal.
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I like mint sauce with chicken, it brings out the sweetness especially when the meat is pink, said no-one.

please note chicken needs to be thoroughly cooked in reality I am not advocating people to get ill with Sam and Ella.
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Charlie has lots of friends who are men. Sometimes they all get their doo dahs out and do rude things together in a sink. Charlie also bares his bottom and plays with his dongle whilst on a porn site called Only Fans. Sometimes with his pants still round his knees. Men are his target audience. It was one of Charlies Bf's did the music vid 👍👍
The is Chaz's wiki right here 👆. His doo dah 🍆. 🤣🤣

I think you mean me, hey hun 👋 I’m definitely not a spy nor a supporter but this is a public forum so I’d be shocked if he’s not reading the posts
Of course he reads here. They both do. They love it. Dats why we talk simples at times so it easy ta undastand 4 them innit.

Thread title #25
40 plus tatties and a plate of raw chicken, girls more famous now she's got her own wiki.
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Same, same but crammed into a baby blue body condom. It could be two-toned or it could be the editing gone wrong it's hard to tell
If she slips (struggles) into a synthetic purple number I'll have to kick off. Purple is my favourite colour and shouldn't be done dirty like that 🤣

God her ankles are like old lady feet at the post office. You know the poor old dears who's fat comes over the shoe?
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Pom Bear

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I'd never beg - I have the cash! That stuff Lozza seems short of ;)

Yup a Kenny Everett moment again with Rod Stewart's blow up arse! Thank @Pom Bear - hope you are 100% now 💋
Loooool I remember that on Kenny Everett 😄😄😄 xx.
❤💖🥰 alot better thank you not 100% but dizziness is gone 😃❤🤗😘 xx.

Back view lol 😄...

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A few years ago I think I must have going through the standard mental break down thing. I was quite slim but started bulking up as I had to keep changing medications etc (& probably because I was sat at home being alone eating and trolling lolz)
Anyway I couldn’t go out much at that time and started editing my photos- wouldn’t take a photo without a filter. Started deleting people of my Instagram who I saw regularly just because I was embarrassed. I would spend hours obsessing and curating photos because my self esteem relied so much on a bunch of strangers pressing like.
it got so bad that I got actual anxiety when I started getting better & went out in case I bumped into someone and they saw the real me. In the end I had to delete SM (I’ve only got an account to do general lurking during lockdown a woops!)
I actually can’t imagine the stress she is going through- like I do believe the level of anxiety she sometimes claims she gets. Because I had anxiety because i created a lie and was going to get found out. The panic attacks are more likely caused by the feeling that she knows she won’t be able to keep all this bullshit up.
The hardest thing was realising it didn’t reallly matter and to get out of that SM world ASAP. Yeah when I deleted it, I went through a few lonely months- all these people who I thought were mates were only my mates through convenience and to holster my ego. luckily I found someone who met the real me and actually thought I was kinda ok 👍🏻
I don’t know if she is ever going to reach the stage of coming away from that world (I really hope she does when the baby arrives) only when I deleted it all, I realised I didn’t need it and what it did to my mental health. But she has people supporting her- surely an agent should advise that there are people have a better and more relevant SM than her- and can edit their lives better than her so move on.
Surely her boyfriend flicks between her SM and then looks up at her stuck to her bedsheets and thinks “jeeeezzz I don’t know how I will introduce her to my mates without getting terrorised?”
the relationship worked In lockdown because she was in a bubble she could hide it- how’s it going to work when she has to enter the real world?
I accidentally hit delete so I have to type my message out again snd probably won’t be as good Sorry if it appears twice

cheers for sharing your story. It really gives good insights into what goes through Lozzas mind. She really has issues and her friends are all just enablers. For her to live in this world of lies in her head thinking she looks the way her pictures do is terrible. ITV tv interview with her tried to call her out on it once and said surely this is what causes you anxiety becsuse you don’t want to be seen in public the real you and she said I think I look like my photoshopped pictures

I saw her last year and she looks NOTHING like her photoshopped pictures. She looks very oily, old botched skin, harsh and rugged. She needs mental help. Even our resident Pap said they all think she has issues.

I’m glad you found yourself again.
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