Jack Monroe Gossip Forum

Jack Monroe is known for being a poverty chef and influencer. She's released 8 cookbooks and is known for her outbursts on twitter. One outburst against David Cameron talking about the loss of his child lost her a deal with Sainsbury's and another set of twitter messages that targetted Jamie Oliver lead to landing a BBC One cooking show.
View most liked Jack Monroe posts on tattle
  1. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #101 The bubble bursts

    Congratulations to MY bubble buddy, also known as Mrs P, @Silver Linings, for the thread title! Not just at the coal face everyday, tirelessly bringing us those screenshots, you’re also not bad with words. All the pickled radishes for you. Recap of thread #100 She’s moving her bubble buddy...
  2. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #100 Jack Monroe and The Jimmy Nail Experience - she’s still lying

    Congratulations to @kachoochoo for the centennial thread title! 68 reactions 🎉 Vlad bless these threads and all who sail in her. We are now one hundred. Kombusky all round (but not for Jack, she’s underage). Recap of thread #99 Not content with being Southend’s political correspondent, she...
  3. Alansbigplate

    Jack Monroe #99 Great Eggspectations

    Can’t be arsed writing words, you lot can do the round up Thread title by shirker @Pocahontas probably wasn’t meant to be one so soz
  4. Pixieboots

    Jack Monroe #98 Thoroughly Naff

    Congrats to @AmTellinYa for the winning title! It's been a suspiciously chaos-free full moon so far, dear frauen und herren. What horrors lie ahead on this Halloween night? In our last thread... - Jack briefly toyed with Judaism. Shalom, Jack. Shalom. - Also on the menu - a return to Jack's...
  5. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #97 Get in the skip

    Congratulations to @Silver Linings for the thread title! 76 reactions 🎉 it’s a true honour to write these words, now please can we just set the date? Recap of thread #96 She made some crumpets. They looked edible. She was ‘wide awake with backache, and big grumps. Send dogs and cats please...
  6. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #96 Not that nice

    Congratulations to the wonderfully named @Traazers on your first thread title! 40 reactions 🎉 I hope you are suitably outraged at all forms of pantaloon on a bird. Recap of thread #95 She let off some steam. Hope she felt better getting that off her chest. She went to do her shopping, no NOT...
  7. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #95 The only poverty she works to eradicate is her own

    Another group frauen effort for the thread title! @Scarletfever for the words and @LeftToMyOwnDevices for nominating them! 98 reactions 🎉 Summer in Vlad’s palace for you two. Recap of thread #94 She uploaded a photo of ‘herself’. Oh, Jack, you look so young! Good skincare, big window, 3...
  8. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #94 It’s okay Jack, others have taken up the baton

    Congratulations to @Droosie123 for the thread title - I believe your first! 76 reactions 🎉 One used, slightly muddy Burberry scarf for you. Recap of thread #93 She got a bee in her bonnet with Krishnan Guru-Murphy for tweeting about Fareshare (the charity Marcus Rashford supports). Krishnan...
  9. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #93 I can’t believe she’s no butter

    Congratulations to @Scotty1976 for your very first thread title! 83 reactions 🎉 Your prize? MancBee’s going to send you a flask of leftover soup. Recap of thread #92 Jack, jack, your pappa al pomodoro recipe is my favourite soup. Will leaving out the vinegar make a huge difference? ‘Nah.’...
  10. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #92 Reverse Robin Hood, grifts from the poor to give to herself

    Congratulations to @TriviaNewtonJohn for the thread title! I’ve lost count, babe. Vlad says you aren’t getting any more bitcoin from him though. Recap of thread #91 Looks like she may soon be in receipt of a shopping trolley or two. Perhaps then, good followers of Jack Monroe, the trolley...
  11. kachoochoo

    Jack Monroe #91 POOR (ISH)

    thanks to @Harrybosch for the title. I'm sorry, I'm not @Pocahontas, so this won't be as good an intro basically, Jack's done her weekly shop in two trips again which she doesn't need to do because she isn't poor she has angered the fraus and herrs immensely because, well, she's a liar and...
  12. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #90 Freezer of lies in a house of extravagant buys

    Congratulations to the thread title queen @TriviaNewtonJohn ! 77 reactions 🎉 Also, congratulations to all of us for reaching the grand old age of 90. We are now a cabal of nonagenarian ninnies. Recap of thread #89 Her stacked takeaway boxed meals in her defrosted freezer seemed to disprove...
  13. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #89 Did you know she once ran out of jam?

    Well rinse my beans, another group frauen effort in the thread title! Congratulations to @byropaw for the words, and @bignose28 for nominating them. Working together, we can make a change ... Recap of thread #88 She indulged in one of her ‘twice-yearly’ designated rest and relaxation slots...
  14. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #88 Jack, sell the Emin!

    Well, looky here. Another cheeky little duo. This time it’s my sci-fi loving chum @blurstoftimes and yours truly. Thanks for your words, Blurst - never a truer word spoken. 66 reactions 🎉 Recap of thread #87 Please go to her monetised website, she needs to close her rent–salary deficit. She’s...
  15. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #87 Anchoïade, anchoïade, anchoïade

    Congratulations to @NoseyParkour for the words and @Peachy9 for nominating them for a thread title. Group frauen effort, that’s what we like to see. Recap of thread #86 New information: she was a child prodigy and has 22 years’ worth of songs percolating inside her. She might share the onion...
  16. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #86 Precariously fine, not smelly

    Congratulations to @Geetbo the sock king for the thread title - you’ve popped your thread title cherry. 123 reactions 🎉 Your prize: a year’s worth of socks. Recap of thread 85 Jack Monroe: Riverdance. Something’s got to help three devilled eggs through the digestive system. Hhhhnnnngggg. She...
  17. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #85 Nobody cares, nobody’s interested

    Congratulations to @Bobtheknob for the thread title! Full title: Nobody cares, nobody’s interested. What a load of self-indulgent drivel. Now fuck off! Okayyyyyyy, here I am again. I have no notes, so will hash brown something together ... 1. She left! 2. She came back! 3. She made some food...
  18. Harrybosch

    Jack Monroe #84 She ducking RENTS okay?

    What's up, Cabal! I've set up a new thread! Round of applause please. Congratulations to @blurstoftimes for a great title. Any new members to the coven will find this helpful, as they may not yet be aware that our dear Jackie rents. Here's a recap for #83 #cutlerygate (or was that at some...
  19. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #83 The case of the disappearing poverty manuscript and other short stories

    Congratulations to @Emmapism for the thread title! I believe this is your title cherry popped and I love that it ecapsulates the hill on which you choose to die 😂 Recap of thread #82 At night and in want of distraction, Jack Monroe needed something engrossing and HARD (her words, not mine)...
  20. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #82 Cooking in a boot

    Congratulations to @Silver Linings for another sublime thread title! 88 reactions 🎉 Well done, my beloved. Recap of thread #81 The huge, HUGE photo shoot happened. It involved her running, cooking, dancing – all in six-inch heels, and ‘co-piloted by a very tall, astonishingly handsome man’...
  21. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #81 It’s like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a wife

    @TriviaNewtonJohn you are a thread title wizard! I’ve lost count of the amount of times you have wowed us with your words. 88 reactions 🎉 Recap of thread #80 She was shocked and outraged that her son wanted to walk home with his friends instead of her. No more 10p potato cakes and cooking...
  22. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #80 A dog is for life, not just to sadfish

    Gawd bless these threads and us, we are now collectively octogenarian frauen and herren. Time to draw our old age welfare. Congratulations to @TriviaNewtonJohn for another phenomenally lovely thread title! 75 reactions 🎉 seasoned pro! (With PBOB) Recap of thread #79 Another poorly-written...
  23. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #79 Big mistake. Big. HUGE.

    Congratulations to @Froggies for your first thread title! 75 reactions 🎉 Be proud of yourself. Recap of thread #78 Jack really is the luckiest little urchin alive. To find a pristine Burberry scarf in a puddle of mud and have no one claim it despite very, very, many, many attempts to locate...
  24. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #78 All of your food is brown

    Congratulations to the esteemed and badass @Breakdance Badass for your exquisite thread title! A mighty 85 reactions 🎉 Succinct and to the point, brava. Maybe you’ll be (mis)quoted in Elle again? 😉 Recap of thread #77 Jack Monroe let security levels slide and the picture of the tuna...
  25. Pocahontas

    Jack Monroe #77 Further into the depths of culinary depravity

    Congratulations to @Scarletfever for the thread title! 85 reactions 🎉 Your inauguration into the thread is now complete and Vlad expects your company at his table at your convenience. Recap of thread #76 She posted the recipe for her sausage, bacon and many-veg casserole on her website. Good...