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The hair tool thingy looks like a flesh light (Google it but if you don't dare it's basically a pretend fanny) 100%. I see Lauliè has come to life, logo looks like the cover of a shite rave tape in 1992. Afternoon lads! Busy busy traveled over a 100 miles yesterday new place is absolutely fantastic! Views for miles ❤ Today I have a shit ton of paperwork to go through but shall be back later to see what's the happs. Missed your little scrunchie faces yesterday. 😝👏💕👀
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liar liar

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Is the jeweller as dim as her? Why is no one around her literate? :rolleyes:
I don't know why - yes I do - I'm a cynical bitch - but I'm expecting this necklace jobbie to appear on Crimewatch as part of a haul stolen from an actual jewellers...
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Her Mercedes still doesn’t have an MOT, hope it’s because she has a new one. Sorry maybe petty but it pisses me off, it’s against the law to be driving a car without an mot, it was due at the end of March. Hope she gets pulled over if she is still driving it, it’s not like she hasn’t had time to get it sorted.
But she’s a busy 28 week pregnant woman who barely has time to say thanks for her freebies let alone do practical stuff. This pregnancy stuff is very time consuming it’s not like you can just live your life as normal. Maybe you need to educate yourself in all things Lozzadiculous 💁🏼‍♀️
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Lads.... Champagne is.a demon. I am currently drinking a bottle of cold Irn Bru which will hopefully save my life. 😨😒 Today is Ok Magazine preview day what delights are in store? Let me guess... Golf date, anixety, new demon cot.Sooooo boring, yesterday's DM comments were especially hilarious.

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Hi I'm new to this thread, so glad I found it, it has made me laugh so much over the last few days.
I hate to admit this but I have a bit of a fascination with your favourite zeleb Lauren, its like watching a car crash that you cant take your eyes away from. It amazes me that someone would choose to live their life the way Lauren does, and the fact that she calls herself a TV personality. It baffles me!
Hi.. welcome. Join the club! What’s so frustrating is she actually thinks she’s living the dream in her beautiful relationship with her beautiful face in her beautiful size 8 body!! She needs to wake up from her dream and see reality.
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liar liar

VIP Member
1) why is that logo SO shit
2) guessing they didn’t pay a professional for a full branding package by the looks of it
3) why is the page private
4) why are they promoting a private page 🤷🏻‍♀️
5) she was looking for manufacturers recently and already made a brand = shit off the shelf with their crappy label inside (new businesss should be thinking about how to be better not the same old shit wrecking the planet)
5) let’s take bets how long this ‘business’ will last once they launch it
6) they have NO experience in design / retail / Ecommerce / trading - business as a whole 🤦🏻‍♀️ Why not do something you know, so you have better chances of sucess
Well she doesn't know how to do anything. She should have staying as a secretary in the City and maybe married a nice ordinary bloke and she would have a lovely home and a couple of kids by now. No she jumped at the chance of TOWIE. I can't think of one person who is actually better because of that program; not one. The women are all plastic messes and the blokes have very high opinions of themselves not noticing that they have been taken over by blokes from other reality shows. All a mess.
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Congratulations to @MunHun for our new thread title 👌 (sorry I had to trim it slightly) and thanks to @xyzcba Big Loz has her own wiki page on here listing some of her more grotesque and maddening behaviour. Bravo 👏 and thank you for your service.

She left her pit to go to a Covid rule breaking gender reveal party and let off environmentally damaging and unsafe for animals Chinese lanterns whilst wearing her several sizes too small real-fur coat (what would PETA say? Turns out they don’t give a fuck 😡) whilst Oddbod sat in the corner comfort eating pizza.

She also photoshopped herself a triangular head with an almost completely flat face which was most odd. 3 days later she was posting about a factory farmed pig being let free in a field. Her hypocrisy levels have now cleared the stratosphere.

Her fanz are worried Oddbod is a wife-beater a comment which doesn’t think needs addressing/ denying or deleting. She’s also been writing herself messages again - noticeable as they follow her own pattern of illiteracy - purporting to be from other up-the-duff yungels with no friends who are just misunderstood.

I absolutely loved this haiku-esque number from @Blowup80 which is still making me cackle to myself. I thought I’d apply the art form myself:
Her face looked so flat
As the lantern ascended
Photoshop fail Loz

She’s still taking her ‘helfy’ eatin’ seriously with lots of nutritious things like sweets, a spag bowl with peas and pasta possibly coated in butter 😳; and one of her now famous bangin’ shit inducing roast roasts with enough potatoes for the population of Essex.

We were overdue another set up pap-walk and she delivered in a stretched into next week blue polyester number with a suspicious stain on the side. Bewful babes, looking immaculate. Obvs photoshop and FaceApp were used in the production of these shots but the reflection of her actual figure in a window was neglected. She also forgot her trotters hands. Oops 🙊. The bloated white skin reminds me of a corpse that got dredged up from a river in Silent Witness.

The lack of bump shots was brought up and as always ask and you shall receive - lounging in the stinky “milk” and fake tan stained pit, and showing off her newly acquired rickets 😂

We have clocked a number of secret squirrels 🐿 infiltrating the thread to spy, or lead the conversation in a certain direction - we had a very not obvious code for highlighting them - I may or may not be an expert at this 🥸

@Katie8ee unearthed a very interesting article about Big Loz saying that “parents should not go to work and leave (their child) with a nanny... no amount of money or career is worth leaving my baby with a stranger.” Given she has no career or money that may not be a problem for her, but how is baby Laulie going to be fed? Puréed Papa John’s and Desi Indian?

She really does think motherhood will all be a (set up) walk in the park dressed up like a drag Queen impersonating Kim K. She’ll need to rethink the boots though because this.

She promised a ‘wardrobe page’ for the clothes that no longer fit her, some would say they never did... She’s also made Oddbod get rid of his stuff which seems to just be slightly too small shiny shiny tracksuits. Form an orderly queue people. Try not to brawl over the scuba suit.

And please don’t forget our campaign to #freecharlie who may need winching out of her flat. Thanks to @Pom Bear for our excellent poster.
You hairy fritzel I love you. Fucking genius once again!! You deserve some kind of award for this 🥰😘🥰😘

And what a thread title!! Market wear🤣🤣 Genius x
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Impressive! I am making like Loz and still in night attire.

I'm not convinced he has the maturity to care for a baby.

He likes playing gangster, calling women 'bitches' and joking about snorting coke.
I wish I was still in night attire! Sadly too much work to do and reminiscing over those beautiful lockdown days 😂

I think he's of the same ilk as her they like the idea of it just don't realise it will be a reality.

I'm sure he snorted coke with KP and mentioned it in an article. I recall he posted a "bitches" sentiment and Big Loz was all touched and happy to be someone's "bitch" which I have no words for. If someone I was "in love" with called me a bitch and made me beg for them to be on social media only for them to slate me on a live they would be fired out the window at a rate of knots.

Poor wee Lauliè coming into this shit show.
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Imagine how silly and cumbersome fake tits must be? So bloody weird to have implants.

I can't bear this woman!
We once talked about this many threads ago and someone had implants though i can't recall who 🤔 They said you get used to them and it just ends up feeling normal but that is also to do with proportion and size. Big Loz is quite short,they take up a huge part of her body and with obesity on top of that they must be bothersome just as real boobs would be in that proportion.

But the arse........ I don't think you would get used to that. With BBL weight gain can cause it to grow as the fat has been transferred to the arse. There is no way that having such a disproportionate arse isn't cumbersome. Our bodies by nature balance us out so we can do things like walk upright and she has messed with the balance. It won't be long before she suffers from horrific back pain and all for what? 💁

Morning everyone! One day to go until moving day! Best friend arrives today so I will see her for the first time in eight months so I suppose I better actually finish packing 😂🙂😜
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Seriously why is every single post littered with spelling mistakes. She spends "sooooo"much time editing the picture and then doesn't look at the words or even try to read them in her head or does she honestly believe that we will be so captivated with her natural beauty that the words are just irrelevant.
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She’s a Narcissist with complete body dismorphyia and psychological issues, I mean you have to be to keep peddling lies constantly and to edit a picture of yourself as a child to make yourself more conventionally Pretty I mean how messed up do you have to be to consider let alone actually do it. Or do you think she knew people would find out and it would keep her in the press, at this point I think she edits so heavily to keep people talking 🤷🏻‍♀️
One quick google search reveals the sad truth.


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So….. I was just checking out her forum on ‘nudustar’ Someone bought a £100 picture of her and posted it

Can’t see her face but she’s got her tits out in full and u can see her pregnant belly.

She has on multiple occasions said she would never do full frontal nudity.
I need bleach. Please someone send me some bleach for my eyes.

not sure if I can post it here.

what I don’t get is Charles let’s her do this??? He really doesn’t give a crap about her or respect her if he lets her do this. Someone in the public eye who is apparently “not” a sex worker shouldn’t be doing this. It’s going to be on the web forever. She can’t remain anonymous.

And she did this for the bargain price of £100

and now some twitter handle is passing it around like peanuts if you follow them.

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I know right. Like he is literally just looking at her and ‘fans’ predict they will be they good parents and are so in love 🤦🏻‍♀️

Yes he posts a few nice words under her pics but all the actual pics of them together are cringeworthy awkward; he either never holds her normally, or she looks like she is gripping him for dear life and he looks bored as shit.
Haha remember this little beauty Scrunchies (Ref the above) 👆🏻


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She definitely couldn't do secretarial work because she is illiterate. She may have been ok at reception but I can see her struggling even doing that.
Agreed. She can’t spell even with the benefit of spell check, hopeless at grammar and punctuation, has no eye for detail either to review her errors before she posts/sends them. I would not hire her in any capacity, but certainly nothing that involved anything of importance going to anyone of importance.
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There’s a reason cots are made of mesh or bars and it’s for airflow, plus those buttons are a choking hazard when Laulie starts pulling at things and they come loose as babies do. Still, so long as the big fat gypsy cot gets likes on the Gram, who cares if the baby isn’t safe 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤬
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1) why is that logo SO shit
2) guessing they didn’t pay a professional for a full branding package by the looks of it
3) why is the page private
4) why are they promoting a private page 🤷🏻‍♀️
5) she was looking for manufacturers recently and already made a brand = shit off the shelf with their crappy label inside (new businesss should be thinking about how to be better not the same old shit wrecking the planet)
5) let’s take bets how long this ‘business’ will last once they launch it
6) they have NO experience in design / retail / Ecommerce / trading - business as a whole 🤦🏻‍♀️ Why not do something you know, so you have better chances of sucess
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