Father of Daughters - Simon Hooper Wiki

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    Who is (Mother of Daughters and) Father of Daughters?

    Clemmie Hooper
    ; aka Mother of Daughters was THE Queen Insta hun when the Insta mummy scene peaked. Mother to four daughters, including twins, who (along with the older two) were routinely exposed across Clemmie’s Instagram in grid posts and stories. Clemmie is also a trained midwife and used to work in a London based hospital but now appears to be working at a different site, albeit for the same trust. Clemmie began with a blog 'Gas and Air' in 2010. It was a mix of birth stories (from readers) and Clemmie's own musings/experience on motherhood and as a midwife. Clemmie appeared as the midwife-de-jour across the press, some of which is noted here. Her first insta handle was 'Midewifey Hooper' before switching to 'Mother of Daughters'. Clemmie also had a podcast 'Birth Stories with Clemmie Hooper' which featured interviews with an array of celebs including Nadiya Hussain and other influencers, notably Candice Brathwaite. This launched in summer 2019 and came to an abrupt end at the end of October 2019. She’s released two tomes on motherhood; 'How to Grow a Baby and Push it Out: Your no-nonsense guide to Pregnancy and birth' and 'How to Grow a Baby Journal'. At her peak Clemmie had over 500k followers on instagram. Clemmie's downfall came in November 2019 when she publicly, on her insta stories apologised for slagging off other insta huns on Tattle (see below) under a pseudonym @Aliceinwanderlust.

    Clemmie tasted fame with an early turn at reality tv with a previous boyfriend - links here.

    Simon Hooper; aka Father of Daughters originally set up his account as a challenge to see if he could get more followers than Clemmie. When Simon isn't on Instagram he's also a Management Consultant. He’s released a tome about fatherhood, 'Forever Outnubered Tales of Our Family Life'/ 'Dadlife: Family Tales from Instagram's Father of Daughters'. At his peak he had around 1 million followers. This has since dwindled down to 892k followers - though this is propped up by a lot of bots. The bots have come in various guises - geographically we’ve been around the world and are now onto adult x-rated flavoured bots.

    Clemmie and Simon met while at university and had their first daughter shortly after this. They've publicly discussed how the pregnancy came as a surprise. Both have used their platforms to grift, whether this is through ads (some undeclared or incorrectly marked), press discounts, gifts and or brand partnerships. Through her platform it can be argued that Clemmie preyed on/exploited new mothers while both over exposed their own children across their platforms with no regards to their emotional or physical safety.

    House of Hooper:
    The home reno account House of Hooper was set up in early 2020 to document the renovation. The couple had previously relocated from London to Kent and notably sized up property wise. Work on the house had already began pre Alice gate. Simon referred to the property as a 'Dusty pile of bricks' which was at odds with the well documented renovation carried out by the previous owners, Bounty Margate.

    The house has been featured in a copy of Grand Designs magazine, albeit under aliases of 'Greg and Rachel Bowmann':
    https://tattle.life/threads/father-of-daughters-51-stop-trying-to-make-clemmie-happen.26640/post-8479776 and https://tattle.life/threads/father-of-daughters-51-stop-trying-to-make-clemmie-happen.26640/post-8482281



    Clemmie was posting on Tattle under the user name Aliceinwanderlust (posts are still on Tattle), initially in the Cash Carraway threads then spreading across to the MOD/FOD thread and Tier 3 Instahuns thread while dipping into others. Clemmie was active on Tattle long before the MOD/FOD threads despite her claims to the contrary

    Some highlights:
    Claiming not have been on holiday despite the fact that both MOD and FOD went on numerous gifted holidays.
    Comments about supposed bestie Mother Pukka. It is worth noting that Mother Pukka posted how Clemmie had supported her through miscarriage and appeared to be genuine friends.
    About the other insta huns and then accusing another insta hun of social climbing .
    Worried that another insta couple were coming for her and FODs crown.
    Clemmie accusing others on Tattle of stooping to trolling MOD and FOD.

    Including these snippets about Simon and the now infamous twat comment:

    Racism and Candice Brathwaite:
    Clemmie, under the guise of Alice was quite vocal about Candice and made this racist comment:


    Under the guise of Alice, Clemmie essentially accused Candice of weaponising her race. Something that has been used to attack black and minority women with the aim of diluting genuine concerns they have raised. This was even more galling given she went on to have Candice as a guest on her birth stories podcast. The picture of them together and their body language speaks a million words:

    Other users became suspicious of Alice in March 2019, if not sooner. Alice denied she was MOD. It's suspected that an eye-p address was what gave MOD away as both Alice and MOD were posting from the same geographical region (MOD was on holiday?). Alice denied it again.

    Alice was banned on March 19, 2019.

    Clemmie had a brief hiatus from Instagram - wasn’t clear what made her flounce but she came back.

    It's still not sure what led to the expose several months later.

    November 2019:
    Hungermama and ThatMummySmile appear to oust Clemmie on Insta.
    Clemmie Hooper admitting she used tattle http://tattle.life/threads/mod-fod-10-wonder-if-gousto-do-a-recipe-for-humble-pie.3505/post-610972

    Simon Hooper's first post after Clemmie's admission http://tattle.life/threads/mod-fod-11-sorry-seems-to-be-the-hardest-word.3511/post-618652

    People are still referencing Clemmie's racist remark and it appears the NMC are still investigating it too:

    Clemmie’s NMC hearing began 28th Feb (https://tattle.life/threads/father-of-daughters-56-when-you-love-google-lens-but-it-doesnt-love-you-back.35062/page-50#post-13803936) - screenshots of a magazine article with info from the hearing can be found here: https://tattle.life/threads/father-of-daughters-57-hes-become-an-attention-seeking-elderly-recluse.37095/page-18

    Outcome of NMC hearing via Daily Mail (it will be published on the NMC website in the near future):

    Outcome of NMC hearing published:

    Here is a helpful timeline / list of Clemmie's Tattle activities and the insta huns she burnt.

    Exploitation of their own children:
    One of their elder children was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. This has been routinely exploited for likes. Even said daughter meeting her new friend from a Diabetes support group was videoed for the gram. The meet up had already been shared by the friend's mother but was posted at a later date by FOD.

    Encouraging the twins to climb shelves in cupboards and pantries.
    Posting pictures of the girls bedroom, having previously said this was off limits.

    Commenting on his children's eating habits and setting one a budget for 'snacks' with no recognition of the emotional/behavioral impact.

    Encouraging children to hide in fridges with no awareness of the dangers. When followers pointed this out Snarky FOD appeared.

    Sometimes obvious lies, other times clearly where stories posted to Instagram don't make any sense so suggest FOD is being disingenuous. Other times it's clearly pre-recorded content being posted as if it is live/real time content.

    New Years Eve 2021 - Make it make sense please!

    As highlighted here Simon has taken donations and plaudits for a charity abseil which has yet to materialise. The original was cancelled but no updates since, despite the donation page still being open and the grid post on the gram.

    Bad ads / Tone Deaf Posts:
    Axa (AD):
    A women's day ad.

    Couldn't even spell the acronym correctly - posted it as BML. Complete lack of self-awareness and no acknowledgement of Clemmie's comments on Tattle about Candice.

    Travelled during the start of COVID and seemed oblivious to the risks/how serious it was.
    Posted stories of climbing/hiding on supermarket shelves during the pandemic - also late to the party with lack of loo roll.
    Contradictions about whether he or Clemmie had COVID.
    Posted controversial research about COVID resulting in diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes which just served to encourage anti-vaxxers to comment on the post. Posted really emotional videos around this which were exploitive of his daughters diagnosis.
    Posted a story/grid post of him holding multiple LFTs with the results visible alongside all of the QR codes/test numbers.

    Dodgy tutoring service (AD):
    Advert for a tutoring service. The comments were full of posts highlighting how dodgy the service was.

    Discussing alcohol and children drinking underage/how they purchase drink. Link to an ad for a alcohol company.

    Ethical Christmas 2018
    MOD made a big song a dance about having an ethical Christmas (see the very first MOD thread!) of charitable donations and no gifts between MOD and FOD. Easy when you're riding the grifting gravy train of Insta fame!

    Gifted/press ad/discounted items (in no particular order):
    Kitchens (see below)
    White goods including dishwasher, washing machine, tumble drier
    Food boxes - Gusto
    Milk and More
    Dorset cereal

    A list of other items can be seen here:

    Number of kitchens:
    Standard kitchen
    Utility kitchen
    Upstairs wardrobe/kitchen
    Outside Santorini kitchen
    Kitchen workshop aka former basement kitchen - now utility/dumping ground
    Camping kitchen - seasonal kitchen, seen occasionally in the wild.

    FOD's To do list for 2022:

    FOD & HoH 2022 #ad #gifted #collab list

    • Bigdug - flooring, storage racks and work benches (temporary solution), value £1,111.94
    • Oddbox - fruit & veg box (looks like large size), value £19.99
    • Mina and the Moon - 2x sweatshirts & 4x beanies (possibly more), value at least £140.00
    • Astonish Cleaners - oven & grill cleaner (gifted ages ago, finally used), value £3.00
    • Compare the Market - financial service ad (presumably paid)
    • Spotty Otter - 2x blue fleece lined PU splashsuits (twins birthday gift), value £100.00
    • OTO - 10% CBD Sleep drops (30 day supply), value £69.00
    • Nothing
    • Dig Club - bespoke garden planting (Mediterranean style), estimated value £2,500.00+
    • Wattbike - Atom indoor bike trainer, value £1,999.00
    • Wattbike - Floor mat, cycling jersey and bib shorts, total value £159.98
    • Affordable Art - ad featuring "Under One Sky" screenprint art by Emma Reynolds, estimated value £450.00
    • Dotty Dungarees - ad featuring colourblock short dungarees x2, value £86.00
    • Premiership Rugby - ad for Twickenham final, hospitality, tour, photo ops package for 2 adults 4 children, estimated value £600+
    • WD40 - ad featuring WD40 Specialist Silicone 400ml, value £7.49
    • Merci Maman – men’s personalised open bangle, value £79.00
    • Renault – Papa/Nicole ad with daughter M (presumably paid)
    • Camp Bestival – disco dance world record attempt ad, value £20 per ticket

    Some thread isms:
    Glen aka Clemmie. A Users typo/autocorrect that's stuck.
    Fodney / Slymon aka Simon
    Texas Hun - stemmed from a follower in the USA and our cynicism that Simon was trying to appeal to the US market.
    1 Boot - reference to the clunky/chunky boots that were the fashion de jour at the height of the insta hun fame - standard pose often showed one boot.
    Swim Tits (ST) - Reference to Clemmie's thirsty friend/Kent neighbour who is also Editor for Red Magazine. Two cheeks of the same arse.
