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I’m genuinely baffled at posts that say Vicky is so down to earth and lovely etc etc. Personally I think it’s obvious that everything is a big act. I’ve met her in real life a few years ago and she was arrogant and rude (pre jungle days). All of a sudden she became this ‘nice person’ overnight. Hmmmm......her continuous pouting and trying to look ‘cute’ makes me cringe. I just don’t buy it at all
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Hey folks! So I actually used to work with her PR manager. If anyone wants some ‘insider’ information I’d be happy to share.
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I went to school with Vicky Pattison and she was an absolute bully. She was mates with the popular kids from the year above. It irritates me how she pretends to be a “girls girl” when it couldn’t be further from the truth.
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God she's annoying.Trying to be relatable by talking about her period again.
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She thinks she’s above that life now though, especially obvious when she tries to hide her Geordie accent 🙄
She wasn’t above that life when she was getting obliterated, being a bully to girls much younger than her, spitting in jays face, cheating on her bf with ricci and then refusing to break up with him, punching ricci into the face and shagging him on tv. She showed her true colours multiple times yet thinks we all forgot.

The only reason the girls looked up to her is because she was a bit smarter than them and knew how to use a big word every now and then. Vicky is a bullying midget who looks like a bloke with her swinging jaw and chin.

At least with Charlotte and Holly you could see that they were very nice girls who have clearly been messed up by online bullying and the boys in the house criticism. Whilst Vicky has always been nothing but a nightmare and just a horrible bully who thinks she can say anything to anyone.

Even James said it to Rebecca in series 2 that he hated Vicky but never caused a fight cause she’s a nightmare and manipulated people to turn on you. She purely didn’t like that girl Rebecca cause she was skinny, tall, pretty and was not afraid to tell her and ricci to go fuck themselves.
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I think she's repulsive. Remember her from geordie shore and she was a bully. Claims she's changed but she's just a good actress! I'm sure I read somewhere she actually went to drama school! You can tell when she's lying as she puts on a fake voice and Turns the tears on when she gets called out. Constantly banging on about body shaming but has been called out for it herself numerous times. Also was until recently making money off selling shakes and pills to people that wanted to be like her, except they can't because that's not how she lost weight! Photoshop her photos too. Will use any relationship she can to make a bit of cash.
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I’ve been watching old geordie shores when her and Ricci got together and OMG how bad! I didn’t realise how bad it was until now. He was awful and so controlling mind she is no better. I live not far from where she’s from and she has forgot herself completely. Totally detached herself from Geordie shore thinking she’s a cut above when that’s what got her where she is! Total disgrace thinks she better than what she is when she’ll always be VIP Vicky! In my opinion holly has had the last laugh she is unreal and getting married and smashed it. I’m so happy for her I bet james is kicking himself Cos he said some awful things about her. No he is 30 something still living at home and back on Geordie shore
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I’ve had the misfortune of being at the same spa hotel as her and her mother. We were there for a lovely afternoon and VP spent the time taking photos or asking staff to take photos, looking ‘for the golden light’ (ie: wandering round the place with her phone and standing in front of people / blocking sunshine and generally disrupting the tranquility of the place) and asking for a free lunch and drinks in return for tagging the place in her insta posts. Even her mother was a dick about it all.
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Does anyone else get sick to death of her stupidly long posts going on about how much she loves her fella or one about self love with 2 pictures one with her glam and the other no make up and pulling a stupid face 🙄 so repetitive!
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When people mention Vicky all I see is the bully who went after Holly, Becca and Marnie. Spat at Jay. Cheated with Ricci. Belittled the other girls in the house and thought it was OK just because she has a degree. Arrested for assault. The list is endless. No matter how hard vicky and her pr team tries to make out she's this girl next door image she will always be a vile bully in my eyes.
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Just found the account.Our New Home -Vicky and Air can.She is going to be insufferably beggy over the next few months trying to fill that place up."Hey Lasses,does anyone know where I can buy.......".Yeah I do, Homebase you fuckin grifter.
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So the agency represented half of Geordie Shore. It was a bit of a pain pretending I actually enjoyed it for a couple of years!

The main thing that stuck with me was her snorting coke in Carluccio’s - classy.

Scotty T was also arrested with a van filled with dead badgers.

It never stopped with those guys.
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Why don’t you watch Geordie shore from series one that will answer a lot of your queries and open your eyes to the disgrace she is
I recently started watching GS from the start. Vicky was horrible, utterly horrible. She bullied and alienated Holly. Rebecca was even worse, that poor girl never even got a chance.

I always thought Vicky was jealous of any women who were slimmer and more attractive than her. She would always slutshame the other girls, called them slags, crucified Holly for cheating - then she cheats on her boyfriend on camera with Ricci the garden gnome.

Ricci was another weirdo. He seemed to want Vicky just because she had a boyfriend and he wanted to see if he could steal her to boost his ego. He was so shady to her boyfriend. Arrogantly smirking and chuckling when the boyfriend asks him if he has a lass, knowing he has been spooning his girlfriend. Showed his nasty streak there.

I loved how Vicky was very open about the fact she was behaving badly and people were going to be hurt. Clever girl. Pretend to have a conscience so people feel sorry for you. When months before she was calling Holly all names under the sun for cheating.

Don't even get me started on Rebecca. The way Vicky treated her was revolting. That trip to Leeds really showed what a nasty, manipulative person Vicky is. Pushed Rebecca to the point of sobbing her heart out, then comes over and gives her a hug? Wtf? No wonder Becca was so confused.

And Vicky was jealous of Charlotte the entire time. It becomes really obvious when they go to Australia. Charlotte was the star of GS, and a fan favourite. Vicky couldn't stand that someone else was Queen Bee, especially because Charlotte was so liked by just being herself.

Her act doesn't fool me. I always believe in giving second chances. I also don't think someone should be condemned for past actions if they have changed. I am certainly not like I was back in 2011. But Vicky just seems so fake and desperately trying any angle to be relatable and witty. Just like on GS. Except her personality is so mean she can't keep it hidden for long.

Taking someone else's photo and not even putting a note to say it isn't yours but you would love to find out so you can credit the OG artist. We all know if she hadn't been called out, she would have never admitted that photo isn't her work. She hasn't changed since she spat in Jay's face almost ten years ago. She is just getting better at hiding it.
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I dont know why but she irritates the hell out of me , I dont even look at her or anything but if i see her in the papers she gets on my nerves. She comes across really phoney, and all this going on about periods and pretending to be down to earth. Mind you all these youngsters who have got loads of money and free stuff off no talent bloody annoy me to be fair. And why do they all look exactly the same? even their weird body shapes, their noses same, felt tip eyebrows same, rubber lips same, michael jackson nose jobs the same. Those inflatable bottoms look bloody ludicrous too. And they look like they have smashed all their ribs to have a permanent corset effect with giant deformed hips on the sides. It must be because im old. I forgot those stupid giant white plastic dentures too. And fake overly thick hair.
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Me and my housemates used to watch GS when it first came out at Uni. I thought she was so mean, arrogant and condescending to the other girls, especially Holly who she was vile to. She would act superior to them and patronise them so much. She also thought she was really clever and witty and came out with these one liners that were so annoying. Not to mention the gurning! Which I swear she still does ?! Bit off topic but Joel Corey, who went out with Sophie also stayed in our hotel in Malia (lol) in 2009 before he got ‘famous’. He would lay on his side on this bridge in the middle of the pool and doused himself in baby oil and honest thought he was gods gift (we actually thought he was gay). Then he came on screen on GS and we were all like omg it’s baby oil boy!
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I’ve spent my Xmas watching old Geordie Shore episodes, has been a lovely blast from the past, thought you might all enjoy this screenshot, since we were talking about the blond look a few pages back 🙈


And of course with the mismatching extensions
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So she is trying to shame her boyfriend into proposing by posting wedding venues and asking her followers which one is the best? She obviously hasn’t learned from her previous engagement! She reeks of desperation.
I predict an "accidental" pregnancy in the next few months.She clearly wants to lock Air can down.God help the little fella.
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