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Don’t you think some of this is going to be her own undoing? I get that if
Someone was actually trolling / hassling / threatening her might be a sackable offence but writing on tattle is no different really to commenting on a sidebar of shame article. Which is not illegal and you would never be sacked for it. Just because she runs her operation based on who is in and who is out doesn’t mean all employers do.

Her hons must be able to see that the person hadn’t contacted her and in fact that muppet went out of her way to read insults about her
Entirely this.

I'm a qualified solicitor of well over 20 years; any comments I make on here are my own views, just as they are if I comment anonymously on the Gazette, or Daily Mail or bloody Mumsnet. I'm not holding myself out as a representative of my firm and as such I'm doing nothing wrong. And it's the same for every other commenter.

She needs a couple of Diazepam to calm the fuck down. No offence has been committed, no law broken - only by her and her doxxing.

I hope this is the start of her downfall.
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Bear with me on this one Tattlers because I think I can see Rachaele's train of thought here (and before you come for me, that doesn't necessarily mean I agree with it!) In her head, people are trying to "ruin her life" by informing ASA when she doesn't declare ads, contacting people she works with and telling them she is a fraud, reporting her to social services / the schools etc. and all of this has a direct impact on her brand, her daily life and ultimately her bank balance - "ruining her life." All of which don't sound like particularly nice things and could be interpreted as harrassment.

Now - some of these reports might be coming from Tattlers, some from closer to home and some just people who view her social media and have concerns. Those people reporting will have their own motives. Maybe they are just heartless trolls or disgruntled ex friends / family members wanting to take her down a peg or two. Maybe they are genuinely concerned for her kids or the vulnerable people at the centre. Maybe they are just bored and need a new hobby. Whatever - none of these things are within Rachaele's control but what she CAN change is her reaction to it. Which so far has included angry rants, publically shaming people and attempting to silence these voices (possibly also interpreted as harassment.)

She could admit she has made some mistakes and try to make amends but she seems so hell bent on making people pay for what they've done to her, she is actually ruining her own life.

For example - "People are complaining that I'm asking for donations when I appear to be hemorrhaging money on Gucci" instead of ranting on your Insta that there are things "behind the scenes" people don't know about - be more transparent with where the donations are going. If you can't do that - ask yourself why you'd be uncomfortable doing so.
"Everyone keeps reporting me to ASA for not declaring ads" instead of passive aggressive hashtags and Lily Allen songs, take your "job" more seriously and play by the rules. Not declaring ads is important because vulnerable people (you know, the ones you care about so much) can be influenced unfairly if they don't know it's an advert.
"Someone told a charity I work with I'm not a nice person" instead of crying about it and doxxing people think instead about what it means to be a brand ambassador and if you are living up to the values of that company. It is troublesome to have someone who is working with vulnerable women be so terrible at safeguarding or film themselves sneering at their children all while wearing an "oh fuck" jumper dangling a "love hard" keyring.

In short - if she has chosen her job is "working hard on the internet" she should take it seriously and do her job properly and maybe the reports will lessen. If, however, supporting vulnerable women is really where her heart is - she needs to take THAT seriously and review her online presence. Oh - and give up the book writing, for several reasons!!!
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Does she think people here are scared about their employer finding out they post here? Their friends? I’ve signposted friends here, and if I’m having a chuckle at a post the husband will sometimes say “Tattle?“

The only reason I wouldn’t share my real name is the very real risk of Rachel sending me weird messages and tainting my otherwise rather fabulous life thanks very much. Who needs that kind of toxicity in their lives?

Out of interest, I just looked back at my posts for the last few weeks and considered how I’d feel if they landed on my bosses desk tomorrow mothing. I reckon I’m pretty hilarious tbh 🤣💃🏻🙌

For the record Rach I think you’re an awful Mother, wife and friend, and your ‘work’ in the domestic abuse field is fuelled only by your own ego. I think you’ve misappropriated the funds people have donated to you and I’m appalled at the lack of transparency you have shown in regard to those funds. My views stated here aren’t illegal, and if you messaged me I’d stand by it.
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Also, she's been ruining multiple lives for the last 20 plus years.... but thats ok is it Rach?
You ruined Vanessa's life when you stole her husband and flaunted it in front of her.
You ruined her daughters lives when you would force them to watch things that you knew gave them nightmares as children.
You tried to ruin your dads 2nd marriage because you were jealous of his new wife.
You ruined the boys mum when you had an affair with her husband.
You ruined edies dad life when you had an affair with josh and then tried to take his daughter away.
You have never let your mum live down the fact she chose to leave the family home.
You again ruined the boys mum life when you brought out book 1 about her and then again book 2 about her!
You have caused shit with your brothers and sisters and step siblings, ex best friends, school parents, your own children.

But when something is said about you, you don't like it???? Give over!
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You never hear any updates from her about these police/troll investigations do you. You'd think at some point in the last 3 years she'd have told us the outcome of at least 1 of them.......
The police officer who was assigned to the case has gone a career break for 5 years so they've got to start the investigations all over again!
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New member here. Was signposted here yesterday after ptwm shared those screenshot of a message thread. disgusted by her abuse toward the person. There definitely appear to be messages missing / out of sync. At end of the day an employer can't do anything unless an employee has used a business name, email or computers to make defamatory comments to a person directly. My understanding is the person never contacted R? A screenshot of a screenshot doesn't constitute any trolling or direct abuse or prove anything. There isn't anything legally that can be taken from it. So as others have said any threats to let employers know are fruitless, it might cause a little hassle but it won't get the person sacked.
Also the timeliness doesn't add up, she made a horrible accusion that the person has been responsible for her suicidal thoughts when pregnant but the person didn't start commenting in here till January 2021? Her youngest is 3 now? So the timings don't match, not only is it a harsh accusation its completed incorrect!! Lastly, freedom of speech vs communications act for maliciousl communications...the latter one of those has been breached and it wasn't by the tattler. So if R has any intension of using any of those comments from here and aiming them at that person in her book she should be issued with a cease and desist order!
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That's not even TRUE 😬. She wrote a few comments on here and liked a few posts on Instagram. That's it. She's totally mental. The POLICE are involved? For what? I hope she gets done for wasting their time. I've seen it all now.

She needs help, she's been on here stirring up shit, baiting people with her little #notanaddickheads. Saying Trolls upped her insights on Instagram. Saying she didn't give a shit, she doesn't even read here. Laughing on camera about trolls with Emily, Jo, Josh whoever. Going on other influencers accounts calling people hyenas, like she's the big bad of Instagram. Getting involved with those dodgy accounts, that actually STALK people, setting up that other account to troll Vanessa, accusing members of her FAMILY of being here with no evidence at all. Getting them hounded. Sending her friends into peoples inboxes. Lying her teeth out about every single thing and now she has a random name, she's the victim worthy of police time? is that the same police she spent a good half an hour slagging off about them being abusive employers of Husband, that didn't treat him kindly? The same Police that she said they'd sued? The same police she 'didn't like at all.?'

Use all of the above Carrie if you need it because the videos are on here of all of it.

Fuck off
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You know what she should have done, she should have messaged the woman privately. Telling her she has found her profile and what she’s written about R. She should have asked the Tattler to delete the comments and her account and that should have beenough. Maybe an apology too.

But the reality is, she loves to publicly shame people. We’ve all seen how she publicly humiliates her kids, including small W. Her friends. Her husband. Herself. Anyone.

What she did was revolting.
I can't agree with this at all.
We all joined this site for varying reasons. Anything we say is our own opinion which we choose to share with people who possibly agree with us. It's fair that people who disagree can share their opinion too.

• R recognised the profile pic that Carrie was using and sought her out on other platforms.

• R or a 'friend' then searched Tattle & screenshot all of Carries comments relating to her

• R then decided it was a good idea to privately message Carrie revealing she knows her identity, her location, her family set-up, her friends, her employer, her lifestyle. Essentially stalking!

• R then bombarded Carrie with message after message of why Carries personnal comments impacted her life, caused her trauma, suicidal thoughts, her mental health suffered, how it impacts her family.... like a dog with bone these messages were relentless

• Finally R gives Carrie an ultimatum to consider her actions, apologise, close down her sm platforms and R will think about what she'll do with this information regarding informing her husband, friends, employer of her online actions and personna !!!!

Now with all of this laid out tell me WHO do you think was in the wrong?
Who initiated the dialogue?
Who was threatening and who was submissive.
Given our (all of us) activity on Tattle would we accept being approached in the same manner and feel the action was valid?

When we post here we have a small window to edit, delete posts so Carrie couldn't possibly remove any of her comments as requested.
Furthermore had anyone quoted them they'd still be on here anyway.

I honestly wish R would pick on someone stronger who was confrontational and offered a better argument BUT I can see why people (plural as this is her MO) would panic and fold.

Lastly that statement regarding her suicidal thoughts at 8 months pregnant FUCK OFF. Who does she think she is Megan Markle, who coincidentally is
another narcissistic bitch who claimed similar.
There are genuine people with dark thoughts every waking moment and people who chat shit lesson the importance and validity of their traumatic situation.

If anyone new has joined or lurkers deciding to finally show their hand WELCOME 👋
We are a fair bunch on the whole, with valid questions and opinions which R fefuses to address.
You can't play at being insta famous, getting the money, ads, freebies, book deals, fan base etc without being brought to task when things go against all you claim to be.
If R doesn't up her game this is never going to end for her!

Carrie hope you're OK. We've got your back.
For anyone else having a shit time of it, take care ❤ .
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Well quite. We've had no end of posters saying they'd messaged her asking for help and support (either for themselves or others) and had no response, or a generic "that's so shit babe". Not a single person has signed up here to defend her, say that she helped them leave and get into a refuge, or that they visited her centre and got their dirty washing done while they relaxed with a coffee and stopped their kids choking on a worry doll.

Even if messages of support are supposedly deleted, there is always someone around who will reply or screenshot, so there are always receipts.
Going to put a trigger warning - some details of abuse.

This! All of this!
My relative messaged her for help and was left on read! Then she let her abuser move back in and thought she was the problem.

She did finally get support and a divorce, had to go on some courses to heal from a narcissist. Amazing and sad that a course specifically for healing from a narc exists. However, my relative is doing very well now well. Is happy and safe. But no thanks go to Queen fishy flaps St Canestan of Torbaydos!

Left an abused woman in a dangerous situation (it was the night she was strangled and bounced off every surface in the kitchen) on read. Totally ignored, not even a “that’s shit babe”. Absolutely rank. Not saying it’s Ratchet straps fault the abuser was moved back in, but imagine if support was given when the woman reached out. Maybe my relative wouldn’t have had to live another 6 months with that waste.

I dunno, she just makes me angry. I grew up as a child in that situation, I really thought Raquel helped people which in turn helped kids like me. But all I see is stories of women who were failed! Yes, my relative lives nowhere near Torbay so couldn’t get certain support due to the distance, but some advice, a few phone numbers, a website, would’ve been a start. Even some words of encouragement. Ugh! She’s a liar and a fraud of the highest order.
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Hi Trolls 👋 I feel like I know you all so well 😂 as I am reading here since her original tattle rant in 2019 and I've read the first threads looking for those vile comments she mentioned. Of course all I found was genuine questions re PayPal etc and some remarks about their appearance. You gave me some great giggles over the threads I have to say!
Last night's screenshots have made me feel sick, the relentless bullying was just awful to read but the apology sounded very familiar to the one she shared before, that was sent to another influencer (as it was mentioned here before) that's why I feel very suspicious about the whole situation. To me, at the time she shared that, she came across jealous that it wasn't her who got that apology from a "troll" so here it is now. Anyway, real or not, it definitely did not scare me off, quite the opposite, I am here now posting for the first time.
To you Rachael, as we know you will read this, I actually have no words to describe how disgusted I am by your behaviour (and I know I am not the only one). Your whole life is built on lies, deceit, scam and bullying. From what YOU share online and in your books (yes I've bought your first one 🙄 and felt really disappointed by it) it's clear you are a horrible person that will stop at nothing to get her own way. But I am a firm believer in karma and I believe that we reap what we sow so I am planting myself here awaiting your inevitable downfall. And it will come, sooner or later but it will come.

P.S. Gin Diesel got me in stitches 🤣
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I think a tattler above could be right, she is doing the whole troll thing just incase it does come out that he was sacked for looking on the database for trolls.
“He done it to protect me”

Now if this is true and he was sacked and they was genuinely worried about “trolls” surely he could have spoke to someone at work about his concerns not take it into his own hands.

Also he would have had to appeal and have his say on why he done it, if he was just looking surely a slap on the wrist, warning and don’t do this again but if he was sacked I think he done more, I think he contacted people too from the information he got on the database.
It doesn't wash with me. If my pregnant wife was planning to take her own life over internet trolling, I'd be taking her phone off her, handing the account over to PA Jo to run, and contacting management to explain the situation and say she's taking a break for a bit. I wouldn't be jeopardising my career by doing something that I KNOW is gross misconduct, will be found out, and will get me the sack.

What was it she said to the Tattler over the weekend? "You're only sorry you got caught"
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The more I read, the more bullshit I smell. Something just doesn't sit right but I can't quite put my finger on it.

"I will talk about this in more detail when my brain calms down", which translates to "I will do a story but I need time to think about what bullshit I can come up with to make you all feel sorry for me. We needed to find a way to manipulate you muppets".
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Gin Diesel needs to calm the fuck down tbh.

What a shit weekend those kids must be having. Imagine your mum being more concerned about someone having an opinion on a gossip forum than she is about you.
The thread title, recap and Gin Diesel have given me a stitch ffs 😂😂😂😂😂😂. It's not even 12 o'clock hahahahaha.

(The lady who she's having a pop at, let's just leave her to deal with it. She can come back if she wants to but she probably is stressed to high heaven. She doesn't owe neither us nor Rachael anything at all. She wrote some comments on a website and is now getting blamed for that chaotic cranks mess of a life. Fucking nonsense at best. If she needs support, we are here 👍. Leave it at that I think.)
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I've lurked here for a while but I feel I need to post today as last nights FB stories triggered an anxiety attack for me :( The whole tone was vile, goading and just downright disgusting.

How can they say they're getting trolled and it's so bad, when they can goad someone with the fact that they can get them sacked (yes we all know it'll never happen as the perceived incident has no credence and no employer would take such action, but what an evil thing to taunt someone with) and that's okay?

Honestly, that's just sick.

I'm not looking for any sympathy from you guys by the way, just I felt I needed to post.
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I’m new here, PTWM was mentioned in another thread I’m on so I’ve come for a nosy. Don’t know anything about her, but read the messages she sent the ‘troll’ and they made me feel sick. What exactly did she want from the woman??
I don’t understand why people don’t get that this isn’t a troll site? Its a gossip site. They have to physically come here to read what people say about them. If you don’t like what people say about you, fuck off and don’t read here!
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Gin Diesel needs to calm the fuck down tbh.

What a shit weekend those kids must be having. Imagine your mum being more concerned about someone having an opinion on a gossip forum than she is about you.
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