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Don't think any of us saw this coming.

My first thoughts are - If the nature of what Jenny was saying about her was that bad, it's obviously awful and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It would be so hurtful to find that out. We don't know what exactly was being said about Lindsay, but literally every friend is guilty of bitching about their friend - so it would have to be really REALLY bad for Lindsay to publicly put Jenny on blast like that, right?

My second thoughts are - The timing of Lindsay doing this is odd considering the dust had pretty much settled, and she was going ahead with Itgalz herself, so what's left to say? Jenny's posts all week living it up in Ibiza and then the mic drop new podcast announcement post, and people supporting Jenny and getting excited about her solo pod must have really really rubbed Lindsay up the wrong way. Enough to have her think 'it's not enough that I get to keep running ItGalz, I want people to know the truth about Jenny' and basically sabotage Jenny right back. Lindsay writes In detail about the character defamation Jenny allegedly intentionally engaged in, but she is doing the exact same thing right back to Jenny now - in a very dramatic and public fashion. If it's true that Lindsay had to sign an NDA and now she's basically gone against that, she could legally be in a lot of trouble.

Also an intentional 'trial by social media' post like that is serious mental torture to inflict on someone, again Lindsay says how much her mental health has been affected but now she's done possibly the most mentally affecting thing right back to Jenny. Yeah stuff was said about both of them on tattle, but not every one knows about tattle - the top liked comment on Lindsay's insta post that literally everyone they know can now see is 'She has always been jealous of you. You were always the more popular and funny one (IMO) I’m with you. Hope you feel better and best of luck.' that is fucking humiliating. What if Jenny flipped and commit suicide? It's quite serious to put someone on blast like that on INSTA, not a private message forum. If it was Jenny who made the post I'd say the same thing. Why create drama and fan the flames of a situation that was settled when they were both clearly moving on with their own pods (the only thing for people left to discuss then was the quality of the solo pods which is all fair game)

I will hold my judgement on who is in the wrong until we know more, but the one thing I do know is two wrongs do not make a right, and this is one of the most toxic shitshows I have ever seen. How were they ever friends? I seriously hope no one gets hurt in all of this.
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My dream is that Adam O Reily would host a sit down red table talk vibe with the girls. They both tell there side first and then meet after to discuss
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Don’t believe it for a second, very “she said, she said”. No malicious rumours about L were ever circulating so I think that maybe L couldn’t take a few home truths from J. I don’t buy this belittling shite either, J often had to step in to stop L getting cancelled. It’s very obvious to me that L can’t take any criticism.
Completely agree.

Lindsay has been all over the place for over a year and cannot ever take ownership of her own shit.

Swinging from one relationship to the other, dragging her kids to and fro. On the sesh all during covid, flat out stopped taking her meds, breaking covid restrictions, getting covid and having to isolate, giving the dog away... And if it's true, although we don't know for sure, someone said her son moved back in with her parents instead of moving across the city into a new boyfriends house.

Any reasonable person would maybe look at all of this objectively and say "maybe I'm part the problem" and go to counselling to sort their shit out and get to the root of the issue. Yet here we have Lindsay ready to believe that Jenny is some sort of malignant narcissist, hell bent on ruining her life with all sorts of malicious lies. For what reason? I call bullshit.

It sounds like J was venting and ranting about L and someone said it back, Lindsay clearly unable to deal with the home truths and is going to extreme lengths to stay in denial instead of addressing shit she's said or done.

What she has done there to Jenny is quite scary, and shows what a dangerous person she is. She has made some serious accusations there and done a complete character assassination.

She has done the same with Jimmy, annihilating his character on the podcast. Nobody loves their ex but seems like she has a pattern of toxic relationships and now a toxic friendship too. She's either very unlucky to get involved with all of these vindictive people, or she is deflecting her own shit onto them.

Think what she has done there is so so wrong, imagine going online one day and reading that shit written about you. Poor Jenny, I hope she's OK.

Lindsay desperate for everyone to take her side, she has really shown her true colours. Horrible
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“It’s hard to stand up to a bully and scary”.. How is anyone supposed to take statements like that seriously from a woman who is airing all their dirty laundry on insta for the past month - trying non stop to ruin J, yet she accuses J of character assassination.. she’s a master manipulator

Dead that it took 3 people to produce that ramble LOL
Her, Luna & Stella
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I’m not sure why people are saying oh Jenny must’ve been in the wrong she didn’t argue for the business/friendship.

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you kind of had to stay even though you were really uncomfortable?

To try and make a comparison, I had rented a house with a friend before, I loved her to bits but as time went on I slowly started to realise this isn’t someone I could live with, be around this much etc. I didn’t know how to tell her because she was my good friend, and she hadn’t really done anything to me personally, she was on and off with an absolute idiot... very self destructive and I just found being so involved in her life draining. I found out something that ended our friendship, something I maybe could’ve considered forgiving had we not been living together, but because I was so sick of her and her antics anyway I was happy enough to walk away from the friendship and the current living situation.

Maybe J was delighted, almost relieved even when this big ‘bust up’ happened and wanted out immediately. It gave her that chance. How do you tell your best friend with no degree or previous job experience ‘hey, I wanna end our business’ and not have a big fall out anyway to be fair? She’s probably been thinking of how to get out of this for months now and finally the opportunity arose. Cowardly? Maybe, I dunno, but like I said with my situation above it really was taxing on my mind for months leading up, and that was only a lease on a feckin house, imagine owning a business.

Anyway, defo still team J, even more so after her statement. Notice how she didn’t even post it on her grid, she doesn’t give a fuck about Lindsay or anyone else seeing the supportive comments, who’s ‘statement’ got more likes etc.... I can guarantee you Lindsay is living for that shit at the moment.

Apologies for the rant! Hehe
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VIP Member
Girls, gays and theys I sincerely doubt anyone on here actually knows J or L personally. Can we stop with the "you're Sarah or J or L or Pete" Half the thread looks like this....
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Chatty Member
I don't get this whole 'Jenny is such a snake for bitching about her friend' holier than thou stance. The irony of being on TATTLE and acting as though you have never bitched about a friend? Lol thanks, I needed a laugh.
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That would be so stupid for her to start leaking anything. Shit loads to leak on her and a close third party AND real State of her relationship that I’m positive she wouldn’t want to be leaked pre wedding. If that goes ahead 😇 not sure her fashionable mate C would be happy with the lies she was spewing about C baby daddy either. Just my opinion on the wisdom of that approach.
You have replied back to me on here before with very emotional responses, seems like you are somebody that is directly involved, if not Lindsay herself.

You are claiming to know lots of info but no proof, why should we just take your word for it?
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The more I think about it, the more it seems Lindsay is absolutely raging over Jenny living her best life in Ibiza, the new pod, and the praise she is getting here.

That statement is an attempt to drag J down. As usual, no proof given.... Just her word against Jennys. It's actually mental that she posted that tbh.

Her family should be advising her to stay offline for a while... Panic attacks, anxiety and going online looking for likes is a bad bad idea
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Kinda seems like they were all really fed up with L and discussing her
*I* was getting fed up of L and I’m not even her friend. I was genuinely scratching my head at the time as to how her sisters and J tolerated it. And before you downplay it, yes L, it was chaotic. You moved Jimmy back into your kids’ lives (which is a huge thing) only to move him back out (another massive adjustment), only to introduce Moo Moo to them (another big step for any child, despite you saying at the time introducing a fella to your kids isn’t a big deal. It is), only to break up with Moo Moo, get with the latest ex, move one kid in with him, leave the other with your parents (allegedly) within weeks, only for him to break up with you and kick you out of his house, move your whole life back into your old apartment (all the while leaning on your friends) only for you then turn around and get back with him. You keep saying you’re not chaotic and it really shows a massive lack of self awareness if you think what I’ve described is not hugely chaotic.
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you’d swear she was abusing her kids the way you’re going on give over, adults break up and make up all the time you’re going on like she’s bopping off to a crack shack every weekend and neglecting them? Have u never gone to your nannys for a week or two on your summer hols?
Going to your nanny's for a week or two isn't the issue. When you have children, you can't uproot them from their house and school into a strange man's house that you've just started dating... Then shift them again when the relationship breaks down. Then get back with the fella again. It's not fair on them. Rushing into relationships is grand if that's what you want to do, but leave your kids out of it.

Not only has her son lost his own dad who isn't around, then someone who was seemingly like a dad (Jimmy) to him and seemed to really love him, then he loses his dog, and now he's apparently not living with his sister because he doesn't want to move again...

If you had children of your own, you would realise how fucked up all of that is. Teenage boys can be so vulnerable and from a psychological standpoint, an unhealthy or unstable relationship with their mother can cause them serious problems as an adult.

I'm not trying to mom shame so don't come at me, but my point is - if I were Jenny, I would have been expressing my feelings on all of the above too. You can't blame her for that. Especially when L goes from posting pics of edibles and tagging her dealer, comes off her meds cold turkey, goes back on them, drinks a lot, hangs out with big sessioners, comes off the drink. It's not normal behaviour.

I hope she sorts herself out because I've spiralled off those meds myself and it was the darkest time of my life. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, it really fucks your head up but counselling and taking a break from work and social media is the only way to get better. Don't like to see anyone going down the path that she is.
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Seeing all those likes (7k currently) and supportive comments on Lindsay's post, I just can't get the past the thought 'Is this what you really needed to make yourself feel whole?' Like no matter what - keeping a salary of 11k a month, a legal splitting of the business, two separate statements and a plan for both of them - L had to have the last word and the public validation and fanfare and to feel like she'd won? Was she ever going to settle for anything less? There's something so unsettling about intentionally creating chaos to make yourself feel better. There's no way Jenny is going to stay silent in response to an attack like that, she may even be lawyering up for all we know if L seriously broke a legal agreement that was in place.

The drama does not start and end with that post, it makes it a million times worse. I don't know how L doesn't see the short lived dopamine of public validation isn't going to magically clear up her anxiety and depression over what happened. She had the opportunity to just focus on the pod and move on with her life like Jenny, but instead to L has created a far worse environment and left herself wide open to the public discourse she hates again. You have to ask yourself, in the end what was the priority? Keeping ItGalz alive? Or hurting Jenny like she hurt you? If it's the latter then L and J are both as bad as each other.
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Come on @yikes93 spill the bleedin tea, it was piping when you started talking about it six hundred years ago, now it's only tepid. Stop with the empty threats and get it off your chest
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Have to say I believe it. Personally I am very close to someone who knows J & let's just say - it isn't out of the realm of possibilities. She is exactly what the other poster in the last thread described - saying your hair is nice and giggling behind your back. Theres some strong things against her being said in that statement and I dont think youd say those things unless it was actually what happened. She could easily be caught out if she lied here. Personally if I was being thrashed online and blamed for it all, I'd do the same and tell people what happened.
That being said, she isn't perfect. There had to be toxicity in the friendship. But I do get more of a genuine vibe from L than J. I think shes just a bit more easily led & guillable
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Lindsay has such a victim complex I’m finding it hard to believe her side of the story. She has something bad to say about everyone in her life and they’ve all wronged her somehow. Jimmy doesn’t contribute enough financially and never sees Luna (despite multiple Insta stories of them together), her parents were religious nuts who forced her to marry young when she got pregnant (despite them helping her raise her kids and giving her granny’s apartment to her), and now Jenny is the issue. Everyone is the problem except for Lindsay it seems.
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Well-known member
Don’t believe it for a second, very “she said, she said”. No malicious rumours about L were ever circulating so I think that maybe L couldn’t take a few home truths from J. I don’t buy this belittling shite either, J often had to step in to stop L getting cancelled. It’s very obvious to me that L can’t take any criticism.
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