Teen Mom UK is a British reality television series set in the United Kingdom. It is a spin-off of the American franchise Teen Mom. It currently airs on MTV. The series was first announced in September 2016. It follows the lives of five British teenage mums who are trying to make it through motherhood. In July 2017, the series showed in the U.S. under the name Teen Mum.
Previous thread
I agree with what people have said about Matt. Actually it’s good to have a season where the girls partners are not all abusive.
We got through that last thread quicky thanks to dylan and manley that can't keep it in their pants 😂
Link to previous thread here
Carry on as we were
Last thread got a bit too full
Tea can continue to be spilt here
Link to previous thread here
Carry on :)
Old thread here https://tattle.life/threads/teen-mom-uk-21.26899/
Carry on.....
I bet Marliya being so poorly is such an inconvenience for party girl Mia. Imagine if she's still this ill at the weekend? How will Mia cope not going out to party!
Old thread
Carry on here.
I was just watching Reeann stories and omg her lips look awful. Why is her cupids bow so pointy? It looks horrible 😬