Celebrity Gossip Gossip Forum

View most liked Celebrity Gossip posts on tattle
  1. Miss Demeanour

    Secret Celeb Gossip #34

    We finished the last thread... feeling bilious over a semi-naked image of Gregg Wallace; raising a toast to Gerry Marsden; still laughing at Hillary Baldwin's Manuel impression. And much more besides. As you were folks. šŸ˜˜
  2. caroleffinbaskin

    Secret Celeb Gossip #33

    Phew, I managed to let go of the Quality Street for a minute to create this thread...
  3. caroleffinbaskin

    Secret Celeb Gossip #32

    Welcome to Tier#32 Tatters!
  4. R

    Secret Celeb Gossip #31

    Carry on gossiping!
  5. caroleffinbaskin

    Secret Celeb Gossip #30

    On your marks...get set...TATTLE!
  6. Oohthedrama

    Secret Celeb Gossip #29

    New thread, continue here.
  7. caroleffinbaskin

    Secret Celeb Gossip #28

    As you were, dear Tattlers
  8. caroleffinbaskin

    Secret Celeb Gossip #27

    Cā€™leen, Chubby or Coleman? Tattle away!
  9. Bette21

    Secret Celeb Gossip #26

    Link to old thread https://tattle.life/threads/secret-celeb-gossip-25.8945/page-51
  10. Blahblahahaaa77

    Air hostess stories!

    So, I was just reading this is the DM and it got me thinking does anyone have any real life stories theyā€™d like to share? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8700529/BA-cabin-crew-reveal-shocking-behaviour-celebrities-30-000ft.html
  11. Miss Demeanour

    Secret Celeb Gossip #25

    Hope I've done this right. It's the first time creating a thread. šŸ™ƒ As we finished thread #24, we were discussing Sarah Harding's recent cancer diagnosis and all in awe of TeaLover49's inspirational positivity. Thread #24 - https://tattle.life/threads/secret-celeb-gossip-24.8299
  12. StephenTJackson

    Secret Celeb Gossip #24

  13. Gym&Tonic

    Secret Celeb Gossip #23

    Continuation of the long running threads https://tattle.life/threads/secret-celeb-gossip-22.7631/
  14. P

    Secret Celeb Gossip #22

    Continue here... https://tattle.life/threads/secret-celeb-gossip-21.7474/page-49
  15. PenelopePitstop

    Secret Celeb Gossip #21

    To carry on where Celeb Secret Gossip #20 left off......... Canā€™t say Iā€™d be delighted if she was my daughter landing Brooklyn Beckham.......
  16. Bette21

    Secret Celeb Gossip #20

    Keep on keeping on! old thread:https://tattle.life/threads/secret-celebrity-gossip-19.7169/
  17. caroleffinbaskin

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #19

    Fill yer boots, my dear Tattlers. i have no idea what TLDR means so I will leave it to one of you cool kids to sort that out! šŸ˜‚
  18. WallacesDog

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #18

    Never done this before. Thank Gary Barlow I don't have to work out 'most liked' title either! As you were, kiddiwinks! Just no Covid chat here if you dong mind! Good, harmless, gossip secret or not for us to distract ourselves with šŸ™ŒšŸ» mon your marks, get set....
  19. M

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #17

    New thread early and please no more racism discussions on these celeb threads as it's offtopic and just gets into an argument. Thanks
  20. F

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #16

    Time for tea! ā˜•
  21. caroleffinbaskin

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #15

    As you were, chaps
  22. Gym&Tonic

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #14

    A continuation of the long running threads.
  23. StephenTJackson

    Secret Celeb Gossip #13

    New thread.
  24. caroleffinbaskin

    Secret Celeb Gossip #12

    Once more into the breach, dear Tattlers!
  25. N

    Secret Celeb Gossip #11

    New thread! You guys are super quick haha