Celebrity Gossip Gossip Forum

View most liked Celebrity Gossip posts on tattle
  1. AlanBanan

    Secret Celeb Gossip #10

    Continue here!
  2. StephenTJackson

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #9

    New thread
  3. StephenTJackson

    Secret Celeb Gossip #8

    New thread.
  4. Flowerpotgirl

    Secret Celeb Gossip #7

    Did I do that right?
  5. Bette21

    Secret Celeb Gossip #6

    As you were.. link to last thread:https://tattle.life/threads/secret-celeb-gossip-5.4939/
  6. N

    Secret Celeb Gossip #5

    Hey guys, new thread! As you were...
  7. AlanBanan

    Secret Celeb Gossip #4

    New thread as other is full
  8. annanuttall

    Secret Celeb Gossip #3

    Hi there, time for a new thread. Carry on people.
  9. Oohthedrama

    Secret Celeb Gossip #2

    New thread for part #2 continue here. thread one. https://tattle.life/threads/secret-celeb-gossip.4701/
  10. S

    Secret Celeb Gossip

    I love hearing stories about celebs that have never made it to mainstream media! Whether it's hear say or not, please share your secret Celeb stories or experiences
  11. black ripped skinnies

    Celebrities you've met...the good, the bad and the ugly!

    You know the saying you should never meet your idols because they might not be who you thought? Just wondering if anyone's met some celebs and has any interesting stories to tell!