Autistic Interpretations Gossip Forum

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  1. G

    Autistic Interpretations #21 Val is a liar, liar, pants on fire scam artist

    This is the first post in this thread. Please follow. --- That instagram with the kisses was disturbing to say the least.
  2. G

    Autistic Interpretations #20 Val’s not a Mother nor is she a Nurse, she’s an online

    This is the first post in this new thread. Thanks for the title Wallfly. --- Mod edit please report if there's a title within length to use. Thanks!
  3. G

    Autistic Interpretations #19 Schizophrenia disguised as Autism with a side of Munchausen by proxy

    This is the first post in this thread. Autistic Interpretations #19 Schizophrenia disguised as Autism with a side of Munchausen by proxy.. please follow
  4. G

    Autistic Interpretations #18 Burnt food, panic attacks and lies upon lies

    This is the first post in this thread. Val has panic attacks, Hannah ruins food again and jessica gets her way again. --- I’m at a loss for a new name for this thread. I tried to sum up all the goings on lately. Hope it’s ok. I withheld my comments for the last couple days, trying to stay...
  5. G

    Autistic Interpretations #17 Jessica stuffs her face while Hannah wants to take her place

    This is the first post in this thread --- This is the first post in the new thread: Autistic Interpretations #17 Jessica stuffs her face while Hannah wants to take her place val got a French fry cutter, doesn’t know how to use it. Why don’t they practice off camera first before filming? Jessica...
  6. G

    Autistic Interpretations #16 Jessica is obsessed and also seems possessed

    This is the first post in the new thread. --- Val and Jessica are mother daughter camping. Sitting in chairs yelling at cars and cooking awful food. Everyone and their brother are going to stop in to visit. Val can’t be alone too long with Jess.
  7. G

    Autistic Interpretations #15 Hannah signs while Val reclines, Jess declines and Marlow resigns?

    New thread. Autistic Interpretations #15 Hannah signs while Val reclines, Jess declines and Marlow resigns? please follow --- I thought that spontaneous camping trip was weird also. Maybe they had to have a cleaning crew come in and fumigate. Marlow might be pursuing another full time job...
  8. G

    Autistic Interpretations #14 Schizophrenic Misinformation

    New thread Autistic Interpretations #14 Schizophrenic Misinformation --- They should never have started inviting people to their home. They don’t know who these people are and what they want out of the family --- I went to check the comments on that other Hannah’s fb and there isn’t any...
  9. Autistic Interpretations #13 Camping, slapping, and taking advantage, oh my!

    New Autistic Interpretations thread 4/28/23
  10. D

    Autistic Interpretations #12 Eat, Sleep, Beg, Repeat

    Let’s try this. --- Hope this works, my friends!
  11. G

    Autistic Interpretations #11 Bessy’s family is bat crazy, manipulator’s & extremely lazy

    This is the first post in the new thread. Mod please note. --- I think that they did block Susan. She was too obsessed with them. Maybe if the were really truthful in their videos and kept it about autism and not focused on gifts, she would have moved on without them blocking her.
  12. G

    Autistic Interpretations #10 Users, abuser, fakers and takers

    This is the new thread. Autistic Interpretations #10 Users, abusers, fakers and takers --- Today’s live was the gift opening that wasn’t.
  13. G

    Autistic Interpretations #9 Jess gets over medicated while the Porn Palace gets renovated

    mod edit, fixed title. always report to get a thread closed and to fix anything - we wont see it until someone reports it If you want to get notifications hit the watch button, don't post to add nothing. Thanks
  14. G

    Autistic Interpretations #8 Nothing to do with Interpretation of Autism

    New thread title Autistic Interpretations #8 Nothing to do with Interpretation of Autism
  15. G

    Autistic Interpretations #7 Munchausen by Proxy, Val Brooks

    This is the new thread, Autistic Interpretations #7 Munchausen by Proxy, Val Brooks I will add this to the old thread
  16. G

    Autistic interpretations #6 The Val and Hannah show, will grift for trips

    Autistic Interpretations #6 The Val and Hannah show, will grift for trips. New thread This is the first thread for Autistic Interpretations #6 the Val and Hannah show, will grift for trips Hope you all found this.
  17. G

    Autistic interpretations #5 autistic misinformation

    Mod please post Did this go through right? I have no idea what a tldr is hope you all find this
  18. Autistic Interpretations #4 Mental Illness and financial abuse of a disabled adult.

    Autistic Interpretations :Mental Illness and financial abuse of a vulnerable Adult. Hi everyone sorry I still dont know how to tag you all.x Mod edit remember to add the number and report
  19. Autistic Interpretations #3

    Autistic Interpretations. Jessica has serious mental health issues-not autism. I'm really sorry,I have no idea how to tag everyone. Hope you all find it ok.
  20. Autistic Interpretations #2 Circus interpretations the Val and Hannah show

    Thank you for the name couldn’t find who to tag. I’m sorry Hey everyone I was trying to figure out how to make a new thread and I forgot to put autistic interpretations first before the thread name. Mod edit always report to fix errors and get something closed else we'll never see it! Thanks...
  21. D

    Autistic Interpretations

    I thought I would make a thread about this family... I used to like them but lately they have become really greedy and unlikeable. I could have sworn they were just at Disney and now they are there again? Also, why are so many people sending Jess things that she needs a whole video dedicated to...