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Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. I genuinely did not expect any of it, I just wanted to make it clear to everyone that Seb and Isaac are MY gorgeous boys, NOT hers, however hard she tries.

I am not on Facebook or Instagram, and do not follow them, as everything they say is for their own gain, and to be hurtful towards me. I will not allow them to make me suffer. I am healthy, happy, and as content as can be under the circumstances. My new life is sound and protected despite their best efforts.

I understand that some people may have different views, but this is my truth.

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Once again, thank you to you all for all your support and lovely positive messages. It's so nice to finally be listened to after all the trauma and heartbreak. Any support or advice anyone can offer is more than welcome. I am aware that there are likely to be negative consequences to me finally having a voice, as they are such spiteful people, who are more than likely to want me to suffer again. Whatever, it can't be any worse than what they've already put me through. I am as protected as I can be, so let them try. If they do, you'll all find out...

Thank you all again.

Samantha 🌺
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I don't know what to say. I'm in tears reading all your responses. It's been absolute hell, the most devastating thing anyone could ever imagine. I would never wish this on anyone.

Your support has really touched me. I didn't think anyone would ever understand or even listen to me. Now I feel vindicated.

I can't find the words... 😢

Samantha 🌺
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To everyone who has been mugged off, fooled, duped, misled, and all the other things that have been said - I can only empathise and understand how that feels.

For a long time people didn’t believe me or anything other than their lies. They tried to ostracise me, turn my friends and family against me, and they even managed it with some people.

I couldn’t have felt more alone and isolated, which in hindsight is what they wanted. Fortunately, most people locally began to realise and see past the smoke and mirrors and did in the end sincerely apologise to me.

The saddest part is that they’ve done this to my children - my boys have been made to hear and read the lies and been part of all of this fabricated, sick show on a daily basis (I could use stronger words but don’t like to). Encouraged to be part of a ‘famous life’. I will never understand how a mother could keep another mothers children from them and use them for her own gain.

Like I said my boys have not even been given their birthday cards or presents that I sent, because apparently I don’t exist in their little world... Not even a phone call or a letter has been allowed by R and J because ‘I’m mental’ or ‘drunk’ - despite being well and recovering from it all and being happy and healthy. They wanted me to drag the kids through the courts again, even after three years of it first time round. Like that is going to help the children.

I do work and am held in high regard. People suffer from mental health problems for lots of reasons. Anyone who does not believe this is ignorant or arrogant. At no point should any form of stigma or discrimination be used against someone who is vulnerable or well.

J and R have done everything to stop 50/50 contact due to their fear of their limelight being diminished. Purely because they are guilty of doing such awful things behind my back and living a ‘great lifestyle’ based on mine and other parents/families suffering.

I take full responsibility and have been accountable for my mistakes but regardless PTWM and J have ensured my boys have remained thinking their mummy is unwell and cannot look after them. PTWM has made every effort to replace me.

At one point I even tried to pretend to like her, just to put an end to everything. Still no difference.

So to all the people that doubted their relationships, believed she was a saviour, guru, or whatever else - you are not alone.

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Chatty Member
Hi Tattlers.

Before I go into details, please let me say this hasn't been easy, a lot of the subjects covered on here are a trigger for me but I need to speak out, if Samantha is strong enough to do it, so can I.

Well here I am, I'm doing something I thought I NEVER would and joining Tattle.

Why? Because I am the woman who has 45 grabs in my mobile phone after being sent them from PTWM. I didnt not ask for them, I am not a friend of hers, I was just someone who followed her, donated in belief i was helping vulnerable people and would comment on posts and stories at a time when I believed there needs to be more of her in this world. Foolishly, I was even inspired by her and wanted to be just like her. Now I know that one of her is quite enough and frankly, she needs to be stopped.

I need to stress, not all the screen grabs are court documents. No, our PTWM is a huge fan of oversharing as we all know. In her bid to create an 'army' that would make her untouchable and always be the 'victim' she also sent me three screen grabs after I commented on a stories of hers, funnily enough, where she was doxxing an account for trolling her. I responded with something like "who even says or does that?" now this is where I am confused by her, for a woman who has an admin team to filter her messages, she has never failed to reply quite promptly when I have responded to one of her stories, and, on that occasion, her response was quite simply that she believed it to be Samantha and then sent me 3 screen grabs of what I assume is an old facebook post of Samanthas. A post she claimed was unhinged and unstable, she claimed it was proof the children were in the best place. I believed her, as did many of us who hung on her every word.

*Other grabs are ones I have taken myself so that her thumbnail is present in them to show and prove they were sent to me, by her. To answer a question some distance back in this thread as to why I didn't delete them,I hoard messages and still have conversations in my DMS/messenger/emails/whatsapp/texts from various friends, family and junk mail that spans back years, it is literally no more than that. I am a phone storage nightmare.*

Samantha, before I say anymore, I am truly sorry you have been put through so much by her lunacy and have been portrayed as the 'bad guy'
As an adult who grew up Fatherless due to parental alienation and having countless Uncles and StepFathers, I should have known better, PTWM is a carbon copy of my own parent. I'm sorry that she has drained you so much to the point that to fight (financially) is pretty much impossible and instead, you have had to wait for your voice to be heard. I promise you, it IS being heard and now that we are listening, be strong enough to NEVER be silenced, keep talking, keep shouting, keep sharing your truth. I only wish my Dad had been able to so many, many years ago. I can only hope that just as I did, your boys grow up curious and wise, they grow up to have questions that need answers, they grow up with morals and an open mind and an open heart. I hope they grow up to listen and read about the mother who keep going even when they tried to beat her, I hope they come to you for those answers.
Just know we are all behind you and want to help you.

Sadly, I don't think the answers to paypal will ever be given, back at the start when this thread bagan, I responded to that snotfest story about Tattle 'trolling' and was told you are all lunatics who need sectioning (great advocate for mental health there PTWM) and when I mentioned the paypal, she ignored it completely and instead ranted how you are all obsessed with her and any story she posts is commented on in minutes on here, so yes, she is watching AVIDLY (she told me Josh hates that she does and tells her not to look as she isn't helping herself) and it also makes me believe 100%that everything she posts now is reaction to what is said here, that included involving children in her sordid game of passive aggressive 'tit for tat'

Well PTWM, all I can say is this, by sending all those documents, you have made many, many people identifiable (which we all know is illegal) and I can 100% promise there are many interesting people watching this thread, rubbing their hands with glee that finally the truth is coming out.

Always remember, there are three sides to a story, there's yours, theirs....and then the screenshots.

Now can I ask RCHL (you got greedy with my money, you aint taking my vowels too) where did my money go?
Or I'm guessing that just like the gifted conservatory, you feel you earned it by doing so much good in the world? My suggestion here would be, before you try to help others, help those children and stop over exposing them, stop alientating them from their Mum. If you can keep an open mind and allow drug smugglers into your home, around those children and help people who as you said in the past yourself, have mental health concerns, drink/drug related issues, surely you can be open minded enough to do the right thing by the children in your own household and support their Mother too? In my eyes, Samantha is a warrior too.
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It’s just so upsetting when you have had to feel so brave enough to come forward and then still be interrogated.

No one needs to be concerned about any family court proceedings as there are none. I will not put my gorgeous boys through all of that again. They were the ones who suffered the most last time and nobody ‘won’.

I’m not telling lies, I will always pay for my boys I just don’t know what it ever goes on for them. Just like people don’t know where the donations have gone.

My child maintenance is not a back date I’ve never once not paid for them. Yes I have had it reviewed today. I’ve had sent proof of my child maintenance payments on here.

I don’t want people’s money. If anyone wanted to donate money I would say to go directly to the charities themselves to ensure that you know are donating towards.

I just wanted to be heard as all my life and my boys have been published without my consent or control over it.

I said PTWM and J would do this to me didn’t I and I’m NOT playing the victim. It is what they do.
Like I said people don’t understand how abusive they are but I do.

Please don’t think I’m not genuine or sincere or horrible or dishonest. I am not any of those things.

Sorry I need to go I can’t stop crying, they are such spiteful bullies.
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I just want to say to Samantha and all the other people going through similar things with their babies, please don't give up.

6 years ago my mum took my daughter. She was 15 at the time. We were having normal mother/teenage disagreements, my mother convinced her to go and stay with her for a few days. She never came back home. My mother systematically and completely poisoned my daughter against me and within a matter of a few weeks, all contact with my daughter ceased. I did everything I could think of. Begged, pleaded, contacted legal help, medical help. Nobody would help me, as far as they were concerned my daughter was safe and with a family member. Nobody would look into the motives my mother had for behaving this way and nobody would listen to me about the experience I had as a teenager with my mother (I spent most of my teenage years in care) my voice was completely ignored. I stopped functioning for the best part of a year, couldn't do the most basic of things. I grieved for a child that was very much still alive. It's something you don't ever get over, you just have to learn to keep breathing. It destroyed me. I couldn't believe how irrelevant I was, how powerless and disregarded I was as her mother, by all the authorities that are supposed to help.

And then this January, out of the blue, I woke up to a message on facebook from my daughter. Now 21. We are rebuilding. She lives in her own flat now and has cut contact with my mother. We talk everyday and see each other often, all the fears I had about how she would be treated the same way by my mother as I was as a child and teenager, have come true. She was controlled by guilt and manipulation which made it impossible for her to change her mind about coming home, until she found her own strength and her own space. But I hope she can recover easier and faster than I ever managed to.

It's hard, I don't think that the level of pain and fear of having your child taken from you ever leaves you. My reason for writing this is that I never thought my daughter would be part of my life again. But 6 years later, things have changed so dramatically for the better, and in a way I never believed could happen. Please don't give up.

Sorry this turned out so long, it became a little bit of therapy for me to type it all out ❤
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This message has been unapproved for now while we check a few things.

I am the REAL Mummy to Sebastian and Isaac. Samantha Marshall.

It is actually heartbreaking to have heard that my boys are still being continually used and abused for PTWM ‘fame and fortune’ which has been based on her life of lies.

I am accountable for my emotional roller coaster of a break down. I did everything to cope and then struggled to cope (with more than anyone will realise) during family and divorce court proceedings because of her and my husband at the time walking out on my boys and I.

I will never be surprised why people feel fearful of speaking of the truth because every thing/person is always manipulated by PTWM for her benefit.

Like I’ve always said I will never be grateful for or to PTWM ever for how she has used my boys and destroyed my relationship with them. And still had the audacity to publicise my boys as if they are hers day in day out. What kind of Mother does that to another Mother especially when I was vulnerable.

I may well have suffered from adjusting to everything that happened but who wouldn’t have, if you really knew what went on.

My boys have been groomed, they think I’m an alcoholic, they think I don’t care or love them, they think PTWM has done everything to protect them from their ‘mummy’ so they are ‘grateful’ for her. It’s all screwed up.

I did drink through hell and back and I sought help despite losing my world to her which she thrived on.

So for all concerned who continue to believe the slander about me, let me remind you that people to recover from traumatic events and life circumstances, no matter how hard it may seem at the time.

What matters to me is that I know I’m well and healthy, I have the best man in my life, I work, I have genuine friends, I will never, ever stop loving and thinking about my boys, no matter how I’m perceived.

I am the boys REAL mummy and nobody can ever take that away. I gave birth to them and I brought them both up knowing that they were loved, happy, well mannered, inquisitive, kind, content and secure. Until everything was taken from underneath me.

As further proof of who I am, this was posted to moralqueens (Keeley's blog) before she had to take if offline due to harassment from R's supporters:

A letter from Samantha Marshall. A woman who needs to be heard.
23 June 2019

This is an open letter from Samantha Ann Marshall. For anyone who cares to listen. This woman deserves to be heard and we all owe her that after watching her children day in day out without her consent.

Occasionally when anyone writes an expose on a popular figure in the media. New interesting stories come to light. On Friday a article was posted about Rachael Hambleton and the Part Time Working Mummy social media pages.

Though it seemed that the job was done and looking forward to moving on to other topics, the article gained attention and then more emails began to pour in. Then one caught our attention as a it was story that needed to be told.

Samantha Ann Marshall made contact. She did so willingly and surprisingly, it was not expected at all. Opening the message started another chapter to this tale and whilst everyone is around, Sam got a promise that she could have her say.

Sam is the Ex Wife of Rachael Hambleton’s Husband. He is a key feature in the world of the PTWM brand. It is true that they appear to be a very happy couple. But after the book was released with the text that Rachael said she’d had extensive legal checks which ripped Sam apart at the seams. After she lost custody of her children and has been denied access illegally. When she has no more money left to fight for her rights. Sam wanted to have a voice. So, in her own words, which were so beautifully written.

This is a letter from Sam.

I am Samantha Ann Marshall. I am the Mummy of Joshua Marshalls children. My ex - husband is Joshua David Paul Marshall who had an affair with Rachael Hambleton.

Rachael and Hannah Marshall along with Josh and his mother Helen Marshall ruined my boys and my life. We went through courts for 3 years and nobody believed me, nor my family, my friends or even my work colleagues, about what they put my boys and I through. I was set up, they tried to ruin my job, it felt like they wanted me dead. They were already in trouble for malicious communications, slander. But, it came to a head when Josh came to hurt me after finding out he wasn’t getting any inheritance from his grandmother. His sister Hannah was the same.

But still nobody listened, not even Children’s services. They all portrayed Josh as innocent because he was a police officer. Rachael and Josh were even using substances around my children, with some of her friends. I tried to inform the papers that she was a liar, a narcissist and was manipulating vulnerable people to hand over their money. But still nobody would listen. They were apparently the perfect couple to outsiders eyes, but not in the community, where they knew the truth. He is a police officer and she a advocate for mental health and DV. I am a mental health nurse working full time and would never consider taking money from people. The money she was supposedly raising was given by people in good faith for those who were/are struggling.

I have no contact with my boys because of how they’ve portrayed me to everyone. I brought my gorgeous boys up. I did everything and I worked hard. I didn’t have an affair. Josh left on my sons 9th Birthday and walked out, leaving the three of us.

I had a breakdown during this period and drank to cope because it was utterly unbearable, they harassed me every day. They made phone calls to the police about me and concerns for my welfare saying I was on the beach drinking vodka when that day I was at my Nanny’s and Pappy’s having dinner. Which the police obviously discovered. I cannot begin to tell you the damage they have done, lied about, been delusional about, abuse people’s kindness, destroyed other parents and their relationships with their children. Because it really is beyond belief

He and her were collecting donations whilst Josh and I were going through the courts, still when I asked where their money came from, nobody would look at it.

I would also like to know what happens to the child maintenance payments I pay towards my boys who I am now being illegally prevented from seeing. I have sent them cards, presents throughout duration, even letters, but nothing has ever come back to me. I am not even sure my children got anything I have sent.

I am and my family are so happy and yet upset that it’s taken so long for any justice. Their father is controlling, and Rachael is utterly deceitful. I know people will say I’m biased but I’m not. I’ve spent every hour of the day suffering and I always will.

I am not a drunk or mentally ill, I did eventually breakdown. My employer and colleagues also know this. I am not ashamed of it. I could not take any more abuse. The injustice and them telling me over and over that I would never see my boys again, I just broke. In the courts they were both told the boys should not be exposed to her PTWM social media account’s, but they still do it. I just don’t have the money to keep going back for every court ruling they ignore. Its crippling me physically, financially and emotionally.

I know you have spoken to many people. I found out before I emailed you. I am not on social media anymore as it was just heart breaking when my family and friends said what Rachael had been saying about my boys, the swearing about them publicly, and the names.

I am in a healthy sound relationship and am working full time on an acute mental health ward. Everything I’ve told you is true. I do not care if it’s exposed. I have nothing left to lose other than my boys and everyone knows this. So, I give full consent, as does my family to put things straight once and for all of us that have suffered.

I have gone through, as have my family, everything that could possibly help us. With no results. I appreciate your consideration around this. As far as everyone involved is concerned, it’s should go to the national papers. You must understand this has been a long time coming for our whole community, which has been shocked by it all from the start. The welfare of our children is all I have left

They already live a life of lies that the children are aware of sadly. I have and others have, been through such terrible experiences. But we are stronger for it and have we have all accessed individually the help that we have required. Again, I want to thank you for acknowledging this.

I will never understand what happened to Joshua. How he changed so much.

I just hope I can finally reach my sons in some way.

My warmest regards

Samantha Marshall
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To any one who has or is suffering from a mental health disorder, remember you may feel alone but you do not have to be alone.

I have clearly stated my own experience and have no tolerance at all for stigma.

PTWM (KD) etc bullied me for 3 years (all documented).

Suffering and struggling in silence and/or being ashamed to disclose your thoughts, feelings and behaviours may reinforce self isolation which may magnify symptoms and become more distressing.

Through my profession and life experience what I do know is that people should be encouraged to talk openly and honestly within a safe environment without fear of judgement and discrimination and to be acknowledged and respected for sharing.

Most people will unfortunately struggle at some point. People live with all kinds of things all the time, this doesn’t mean they can’t function, or don’t deserve to be treated fairly. We all have vulnerabilities and they tend to rear their ugly head in times of stress. Having insight into them helps us to address our needs so we can live a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

I have been at rock bottom, I didn’t see any light but genuine people had faith and belief in me and held hope for me during this time. That is why I am here today, despite all the maliciousness that I was subjected to.

Things do become easier and can be better no matter how hard your journey may be in between or how unbelievable and unachievable it may seem at the time.

It’s okay to not be okay sometimes ❤

Thank you to everyone on Tattle for being supportive of each other. It is a breath of fresh air. I am proud to call myself a Tattler now 😊

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It’s taken me all day to read all the posts here and what an eye opener it’s been.

Unfortunately I was one of those people who was sucked in and all I can say is that it ruined my life.

I don’t actually know her, she’s a complete stranger to me but when I was in a low place I would just sit and watch Instagram stories and I stupidly believed that ptwm could offer me some advice given her ‘past’ and ‘training’

How stupid am I feeling now.

Early last year I contacted her on Instagram to ask for some advice re something that was puzzling/worrying me

(I know before anyone says anything, but having no one else to turn to I thought a stranger who didn’t know me would be able to point me in the right direction)

She was full of advice and messaged me all the time over a couple of months to see how I was (I was in a bad place), she offered me to go and stay with her for some ‘time to myself’ which I politely refused as she’s a stranger and lives a good 400 miles away.

Every day I would wake to an Instagram message asking how I was and then telling me i should report my situation, telling me I would feel better for it and would be better for my child, how she would support me and be there as a listening ear.

I did that, eventually as she kind of put a bit of pressure on me and I didn’t know what to do for the best (she kept telling me I would loose my child if I didn’t report for advice) ......and I told her what I’d done and what was happening and that my relationship with my other half had fallen apart then bam.......nothing. Not a message or reply to the ones I sent her. She read all my messages but never once replied to them, not even to acknowledge them.

Thankfully nothing came of it and it had been blown out of proportion (wasn’t as bad as she told me it was) and we’re back together and working on things and I’m in a better place, but what if I wasn’t? Where would the support and listening ear have been that she promised as at the time she knew i was alone with no family or friends I could turn to)

I no longer follow her, stopped after she blatantly ignored me, knowing fine well what I was going through and after she had encouraged me too, but I was alerted to this site through others talking about it on Instagram and wanted to say she’s a horrible nasty person who gives no fucks about anyone but herself.

I wish and hope that more and more people come forward and I can only feel sorry for the ones that do approach her for help thinking that she is able to offer advice and support, only they’ll realise when they’re in a really low place that she too doesn’t give a shit.

I hope that she does get found out for the person she really is and I hope it’s soon.
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Rosie(several numbers)

You think it’s grubby here? Yet you went through the effort to make an account to do so? And will now probably keep reading here to see what’s going on, in this grubby little world. That’s cute.

What’s interesting is your take on the situation, and how you almost pedi-stool yourself for the fact you didn’t donate, and you weren’t in a position that you were so low you thought this lady WOULD indeed help you, like she promised. I mean, why wouldn’t you, she shared all these screen shots showing all these women she put in refuges, letters of help, her new best friends she saved repeatedly on her social media. But not you. Oh no, you are too smart, right?

Actually, many of us haven’t been conned by her on here, but we support those that were in such a bad place that did reach out to her and got spat out. We support those who donated thinking it was going to women and men in need.
If you read the LITERAL hundreds of messages I’ve had from people in the last two weeks from people telling me things that she’s done to them you would be horrified and actually feel physically sick. I deal with this kind of thing daily for work, but Rachael doesn’t. She has no right to deal with what she is doing and conning people. It’s disgusting.

Yes Rachael is VERY unwell. It’s a middle of mental illnesses and after what I’ve read, I don’t think she can blame this on a childhood I think is largely fabricated in her mind and books etc to suit her own agenda either. I actually think a long stint in a unit would do her some good.

So PLEASE keep your comments either to yourself or be more mindful to those that found themselves in such a bad place they got sucked in by her.
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@Quickfyre if you are still here, I believe EVERY word you wrote.
I’ve been desperately trying to find you to talk to you as I think I can help you out.. if you want to message me, the. Please feel free to, I TOTALLY understand if you don’t feel you want to however.
But I think you are so so brave.
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I’ve been reading these threads ever since Rachaaaggghhhheee put up her crying video...
My eyes have been well and truly and opened and I’ve told anyone who will listen about Tattle and when they have doubted (because of her and her “Army’s” comments) I’ve told them to read here and judge for themselves.

I’ve donated, I’ve bought the book, I’ve felt sad (seemingly with her at the time), I’ve shared and I’ve swiped up.
I know, I must be a Mug 🤦🏼‍♀️

The worst thing of all though? She made me question my own family life, my own relationship. If I was truly happy. I messaged her a few times, some random things about the silly things kids can say/do and some more deeply personal thing where I was seeking advice and support.
I got responses to the trivial things and entirely ignored on the deeper things. (Which in hindsight I’m grateful for)
I feel such guilt for ever questioning my own life based on that of a stranger and the comments she would make.
I’m not sure why you would ever make someone question their own happiness/life.

I work in Children’s Services too so a lot of the issues resonate with me.

Anyway, I sit and read these threads every day and I get angry with you and I laugh with you and I started to feel like I should comment.
And I finally have... sorry for the essay! 😬🙈x
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Thanks Ted. I paid for my mistakes a long time ago. Despite acknowledging them, they did everything to portray me in the most horrendous light, which is just not true. I am stronger than I have ever been, mainly due to going through all this. It's just awful I to have to be strong at all, when it should never had to come to this. I did everything to try and be amicable at the time, but I was bullied and threatened so much, to the point of breakdown .Not many people do cope in those situations. Like I said, they wanted me dead...

I am not having it any more. I have a nice life (under the circumstances) now and I'll be damned if they think they're going to ruin it again.

Thank you for the faith

Samantha 🌺
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I am the REAL Mummy to Sebastian and Isaac. Samantha Marshall.

It is actually heartbreaking to have heard that my boys are still being continually used and abused for PTWM ‘fame and fortune’ which has been based on her life of lies.

I am accountable for my emotional roller coaster of a break down. I did everything to cope and then struggled to cope (with more than anyone will realise) during family and divorce court proceedings because of her and my husband at the time walking out on my boys and I.

I will never be surprised why people feel fearful of speaking of the truth because every thing/person is always manipulated by PTWM for her benefit.

Like I’ve always said I will never be grateful for or to PTWM ever for how she has used my boys and destroyed my relationship with them. And still had the audacity to publicise my boys as if they are hers day in day out. What kind of Mother does that to another Mother especially when I was vulnerable.

I may well have suffered from adjusting to everything that happened but who wouldn’t have, if you really knew what went on.

My boys have been groomed, they think I’m an alcoholic, they think I don’t care or love them, they think PTWM has done everything to protect them from their ‘mummy’ so they are ‘grateful’ for her. It’s all screwed up.

I did drink through hell and back and I sought help despite losing my world to her which she thrived on.

So for all concerned who continue to believe the slander about me, let me remind you that people to recover from traumatic events and life circumstances, no matter how hard it may seem at the time.

What matters to me is that I know I’m well and healthy, I have the best man in my life, I work, I have genuine friends, I will never, ever stop loving and thinking about my boys, no matter how I’m perceived.

I am the boys REAL mummy and nobody can ever take that away. I gave birth to them and I brought them both up knowing that they were loved, happy, well mannered, inquisitive, kind, content and secure. Until everything was taken from underneath me.

As further proof of who I am, this was posted to moralqueens (Keeley's blog) before she had to take if offline due to harassment from R's supporters:

A letter from Samantha Marshall. A woman who needs to be heard.
23 June 2019

This is an open letter from Samantha Ann Marshall. For anyone who cares to listen. This woman deserves to be heard and we all owe her that after watching her children day in day out without her consent.

Occasionally when anyone writes an expose on a popular figure in the media. New interesting stories come to light. On Friday a article was posted about Rachael Hambleton and the Part Time Working Mummy social media pages.

Though it seemed that the job was done and looking forward to moving on to other topics, the article gained attention and then more emails began to pour in. Then one caught our attention as a it was story that needed to be told.

Samantha Ann Marshall made contact. She did so willingly and surprisingly, it was not expected at all. Opening the message started another chapter to this tale and whilst everyone is around, Sam got a promise that she could have her say.

Sam is the Ex Wife of Rachael Hambleton’s Husband. He is a key feature in the world of the PTWM brand. It is true that they appear to be a very happy couple. But after the book was released with the text that Rachael said she’d had extensive legal checks which ripped Sam apart at the seams. After she lost custody of her children and has been denied access illegally. When she has no more money left to fight for her rights. Sam wanted to have a voice. So, in her own words, which were so beautifully written.

This is a letter from Sam.

I am Samantha Ann Marshall. I am the Mummy of Joshua Marshalls children. My ex - husband is Joshua David Paul Marshall who had an affair with Rachael Hambleton.

Rachael and Hannah Marshall along with Josh and his mother Helen Marshall ruined my boys and my life. We went through courts for 3 years and nobody believed me, nor my family, my friends or even my work colleagues, about what they put my boys and I through. I was set up, they tried to ruin my job, it felt like they wanted me dead. They were already in trouble for malicious communications, slander. But, it came to a head when Josh came to hurt me after finding out he wasn’t getting any inheritance from his grandmother. His sister Hannah was the same.

But still nobody listened, not even Children’s services. They all portrayed Josh as innocent because he was a police officer. Rachael and Josh were even using substances around my children, with some of her friends. I tried to inform the papers that she was a liar, a narcissist and was manipulating vulnerable people to hand over their money. But still nobody would listen. They were apparently the perfect couple to outsiders eyes, but not in the community, where they knew the truth. He is a police officer and she a advocate for mental health and DV. I am a mental health nurse working full time and would never consider taking money from people. The money she was supposedly raising was given by people in good faith for those who were/are struggling.

I have no contact with my boys because of how they’ve portrayed me to everyone. I brought my gorgeous boys up. I did everything and I worked hard. I didn’t have an affair. Josh left on my sons 9th Birthday and walked out, leaving the three of us.

I had a breakdown during this period and drank to cope because it was utterly unbearable, they harassed me every day. They made phone calls to the police about me and concerns for my welfare saying I was on the beach drinking vodka when that day I was at my Nanny’s and Pappy’s having dinner. Which the police obviously discovered. I cannot begin to tell you the damage they have done, lied about, been delusional about, abuse people’s kindness, destroyed other parents and their relationships with their children. Because it really is beyond belief

He and her were collecting donations whilst Josh and I were going through the courts, still when I asked where their money came from, nobody would look at it.

I would also like to know what happens to the child maintenance payments I pay towards my boys who I am now being illegally prevented from seeing. I have sent them cards, presents throughout duration, even letters, but nothing has ever come back to me. I am not even sure my children got anything I have sent.

I am and my family are so happy and yet upset that it’s taken so long for any justice. Their father is controlling, and Rachael is utterly deceitful. I know people will say I’m biased but I’m not. I’ve spent every hour of the day suffering and I always will.

I am not a drunk or mentally ill, I did eventually breakdown. My employer and colleagues also know this. I am not ashamed of it. I could not take any more abuse. The injustice and them telling me over and over that I would never see my boys again, I just broke. In the courts they were both told the boys should not be exposed to her PTWM social media account’s, but they still do it. I just don’t have the money to keep going back for every court ruling they ignore. Its crippling me physically, financially and emotionally.

I know you have spoken to many people. I found out before I emailed you. I am not on social media anymore as it was just heart breaking when my family and friends said what Rachael had been saying about my boys, the swearing about them publicly, and the names.

I am in a healthy sound relationship and am working full time on an acute mental health ward. Everything I’ve told you is true. I do not care if it’s exposed. I have nothing left to lose other than my boys and everyone knows this. So, I give full consent, as does my family to put things straight once and for all of us that have suffered.

I have gone through, as have my family, everything that could possibly help us. With no results. I appreciate your consideration around this. As far as everyone involved is concerned, it’s should go to the national papers. You must understand this has been a long time coming for our whole community, which has been shocked by it all from the start. The welfare of our children is all I have left

They already live a life of lies that the children are aware of sadly. I have and others have, been through such terrible experiences. But we are stronger for it and have we have all accessed individually the help that we have required. Again, I want to thank you for acknowledging this.

I will never understand what happened to Joshua. How he changed so much.

I just hope I can finally reach my sons in some way.

My warmest regards

Samantha Marshall
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I just thought I’d offer my opinion after speaking to MANY people on here that have come forwards to my inbox and off here.

Rachael is much more manipulative and emotionally abusive than any one of here gives her “credit” for.

Please bare in mind I read statement after statement from some of the worst cases you can probably EVER imagine a human to be put through in domestically and emotionally abusive situations, and I can hand on heart tell you some things I’ve read the past week from people that have contacted me have actually made me cry and had my jaw to the floor.

This woman GROOMS HER VICTIMS. There is no other term for what she does. She spends a lot of time of each person and adapts her persona to eachone, and seemingly gives them a tailor made story to make her more relatable, and therefore make each person become more trusting and open with her.
She then does things that are just mind numbingly insane, like threaten to call the police on people’s family if they don’t.
As on this thread you’ve read, make someone believe they will lose their own child if they don’t take certain actions.
In this time she ‘peppers’ messages to these women and makes them feel like they are her only priority, like she has dropped everything to talk to them.

She hands out all her information. She doesn’t ask for the women’s details in ANY of the cases that have come to me so far.

Any one that stands up to her or questions her is IMMEDIATELY dropped but is not given any answers, just no more messages. No more “how’re you” in the morning. No more “have a good afternoon stay strong” the messages these women relied on from who they started to think was their friend and “saviour”.

Rachael is nothing but actually evil and I GENUINELY get the feeling she gets a sick thrill out what she does to these women.

My professional opinion is that Rachael needs to spend a stint in a cell and then in a psyc unit for a considerable amount of time.
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Active member
I love all of you! I have such fun on here.
I've literally found a love for you all.
The way we deal with the few twats that pop their snouts in.
The way we explain if something has been misunderstood.
The apologies if something came across a bit strong/wrong/etc.
The compassion over how duped we've been.
The way we are not dropping the PayPal issue until we have answers!
The way MODS have gone out of their way to identify people so we (non grubby tattlers) have the correct information.
The way we have Samanthas back now we've got her with us.
You've made me cry, laugh and think differently (for the good!) So thank you all!

This is a mother fucking army Rachelele. Cunt!
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I feel a twinge of guilt reading your experiences as I'm a Wicked Stepmother raising 3 step kids full time away from their mum. The difference for us is I cant get their bloody mother to see them, remember birthdays, or ring them... 🤬

I have refused to say anything to them about their mother other than 'I'm sad she hurt you, but I'm happy she let me look after you' or 'I just do the mum jobs while she can't be with you'. Its not my place to influence their view of mum regardless of my opinion.
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Samantha has provided identification and as far is I can tell I have no reason to doubt it.

The post has now been reinstated @

Thank you :)
I really appreciate all the hard work admin do to allow everyone differing opinions but keep the site legal and honest free from derailment and lies.
Also the support they give to members who need additional support or are being trolled.
Its far from the den of iniquity and hate site the anti tattle petition was about.
Thanks helen and team.
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