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What is he talking about????
Not entirely sure but reading between the lines he appears to be saying that if you take a load of steroids, spend a significant proportion of your time in the gym then follow a severely restrictive diet - with the correct lighting, you may be able to take pictures of your muscles for people to see on social media.

what this has to do with success in your business or personal life I have no idea. In fact given their lack of demonstrable success in anything other than muscular definition you may reasonably conclude that the amount of effort that they dedicate to their muscles is detrimental to other aspects of their life. Or maybe they just don’t have anything else useful to do with their time. I certainly don’t know of any people with actual successful business/ personal lives that put so many pictures of themselves on social media.
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As someone who has this on good authority I feel I should speak plainly. I think the ethos of this forum is losing its direction. Speaking from the narrative of someone who knows a fair bit, the general outlook from Georgia's perspective these days seems to be that she also no longer feels the need to protect llewellyn davies or feel ashamed about speaking the truth to those who ask her. I get the feeling that aside from stating true facts about his behaviour and personality during their marriage that she tries to keep it as careful as she can, as like we all know she has a current court case ongoing with him, an order out against him and a fortnightly (not weekly) placement in order for him to have one hour contact with his daughter under supervision.
I would firstly say that having heard and been closely linked with their situation and despite what public opinion is (I don't know Matt by the way) Matt Hall is beyond comparable to llewellyn davies and Rhys davies. Despite what people believe about 'life coaching' it is a service that people choose to pay for. Whether people are in agreeance with its codes of conduct or ethical boundaries, people do pay the money and they do actually benefit a lot of the time from the service the receive. Matt, like many others may have been misguided for a small period of time but to come to the realisation that the road he was headed down was the wrong one actually shows that he is a man of morals and ultimately good intentions. We're all just trying to make a living after all. If people are happy to pay the bucks then I bet not any one of you would likely turn it down. As he said, no one has ever been blocked/unhappy with his service or not refunded, to me that says more about him and his ethical values and is no different to perhaps a personal trainer in the same position. The industry should definitely be more regulated however which I'm sure we all agree on. Any way that aside, Matt is a victim just like the others. To compare them and tarnish them with the same damaging reputation as llewellyn davies and Rhys davies is actually quite damaging because I know that there a very few people in this world that are even slightly near their scale. Llewellyn and Rhys Davies have a mentally damaging affect on almost everyone that is involved with them. I very much doubt Matt, Pretesh, Alec have the same ulterior motives as these two men. They were just caught up for a while, in exactly the same way Georgia and Lauren were, although in a different context. Having known almost first hand the type of people llewellyn and Rhys are, I think I could safely say that Matt Hall etc is nothing like them and here are my reasons why :

° they are void of empathy
° they are masters of manipulation
° they can articulate their narrative to a completely deluded scale
°they are dysfunctional in business/life and relationships. A few examples of this is based on llewellyns many affairs with clients. His obsessive compulsion to engage in sex acts with strange men whom he met off the internet. This isn't just pin pointed to men in general making him bi sexual, this was a number of dysfunctional and confused sexual engagements with older men, transexuals and a BDSM type of nature all whilst his wife and daughter sit unknown at home, putting her at risk sexually. I'm not saying this lifestyle is not ok but I think it does have some type of reflection on his toxic and damaged state of mind. I also have seen first hand evidence of all these statements and have it on very good authority.
°his double life with a hooker that he met of the internet who he also threatened when she turned against him
°their abusive behaviour physically/mentally. My source showed me pictures from when llewellyn had kicked Georgia across the driveway. I was told he also bit her, pulled out her hair, urinated on her and fractured her finger
°he has a suspended sentence for domestic abuse and is also listed on Clare's law
°he has a further case ongoing for breaches of his order
° he barely pays any money towards his daughter given that he is a self made millionaire
°he still tries to portray that he is the epitome of a good father or man in general

These are just a minority of reasons why I think it's unfair to tarnish Matt Hall and any others with the same brush as llewellyn Davies and Rhys Davies.
They are good people that got mixed up with bad people. Just like Georgia, just like Lauren and just like any others that they draw in and tear down. Abuse does not happen overnight, whether you are in a personal relationship with these men or in a business relationship. Manipulation and abuse happens over a period of time and usually that's why women very often take so long to walk away. They become reliant, and dependent on these people and soon become to entangled in a place of desperation that it makes it so hard to leave. They have lost all their self belief self worth and to be honest they are scared. This happens over a substanstial amount of time, we all know that. Let's not forget who the monsters are here and why this forum is here in the first place.
I commend Georgia and Lauren and all the others that finally were brave enough to get out of that toxic realtionship. It's no easy feat....whether their work choices are not necessarily your cup of tea, if people are happy with the service they are getting then carry on. Llewellyn Davies and Rhys Davies just portray a HUGELY bad example of how these services can be used in an extremely bad way to get money out of people by deception and dillusion. I think Matt Hall has addressed his situation and could of easily been influenced by their standards but actually he did see the lies and the narcism and finally was brave enough to get out and say actually no I'm not that person who wants to follow that.
I can confidently say that I have been advised that Georgia and her daughter are in a much better place, however the battle is constant and draining. Her daughter's safety is obviously her top priority.
It's very easy for us I think to look from the outside and make a judgement. Until you have been in that environment you don't know what you would do. Llewellyn Davies is a massive character and very very intimidating. Just like Rhys Davies, and to be entangled in their games is not a position I would like to see my worst enemy in. Let's not judge the victims who have been enthralled in their abuse but applaud them for having the courage to come forward. Surely that approach would encourage others to do the same and then the message would be a better one. Speak up and we will support you and help others to not ever be exposed to these two toxic narcassictic humans again.. surely that is the message we should be spreading
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Ben Downton

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So I wanted to come on here and share my views as someone that has been a client of Llewy and had dealings with Rhys and back in the day Champions of Mind

I felt it would be good to come on here as Myself as I want to help, I’m tired of seeing these pair attempt to rip others off, and continue to carry on with their unethical, false, misleading manipulative ways with their unethical Coaching, as I experienced this so felt obligated to at least share some my experience

This forum has been good to expose them I think and also allow people to vent, I do believe that the more exposure they can get from accounts from people the better

These two take advantage of the fact people are ‘Silent’ and it plays in to their hands and anyone speaking out only goes against this.

I could write a book on my experience with these two, however I will keep it brief and hopefully it can at least share some insight

I started to work with LD about 4 years ago, Like most people, your looking for help advice and wanting to improve your circumstances,

Llewy Rhys and James Burt AKA Champions of Mind were very prolific on social media, using their well marketed Social media branding and also leveraging their Material objects, cars and ‘Happy Family’ life to leverage and manipulate people in to buying in them and building trust. At the time, I knew no different, trusted him, and just felt like I was doing something good for myself.

Here are some typical plays they did that I experienced

  • Being charged Thousands for coaching packages
  • Being told that I needed them to progress
  • Constant pressure to pay them for their services
  • Over promising and hyping up expectations
  • Love Bombing ‘You’re the next best thing’ and being pedestalled on social media
  • Encouraging you to be coach using their tac tics so you can be a spin off for them and leveraged
  • Having no real direction, plan or journey on place, you was there to be taken for ride while they took what they could from you
Llewy and Rhys have only one mentality – take what they can from anyone using any way they can for as long as possible, they will use any kind of manipulation to ensure that the person is hooked and can keep leaching them

They are only after one thing - Self Gain, with anyone, whether that be Money, Leverage, Sex or Attention.

Their dribble, and exaggerated online persona is just a bi product of their smoke and mirrors to keep a false façade and image and to maintain, and I believe to keep a comfort blanket for what is a very Dysfunctional lifestyle and behaviour, and disillusioned sense of being. Unfortunately people get caught up in between and In its wake it is damaging people who get caught up.

The whole thing wasn’t at all beneficial to me, I was caught up in a very strange and situation, paying someone a lot of money to find a route to my problems. I ignored all the red flags from family people around me aswell as my intuition screaming at me that this situation isn’t right.

Im a very Loyal person and Im trust worthy, however one thing I had to come to terms with was that I was allowing my lack of boundaries, and values in myself to be manipulated. I feel that in any ‘relationship’ with someone whether that be working or romantic, when you allow your Intuition, Values and boundaries to slide you start to loose yourself – it erodes you

However when you realise this, it is a huge way to build that Armour back up

Ive come to realise is that the ‘Life Coaching’ ‘Business Coaching’ is mostly a Hustle. It is an easy route for someone to charge money for a service and sell to people. A lot of people need help and Business is hard, when you see nice marketing its easy to take what looks like a fast route and, like I did, you feel like your doing something beneficial for your circumstances

Im not saying there isn’t ethical and good people out there, there sure is, however anyone seeking help must be lead properly, ethically, through proper framework, and the interest must be taken for the persons progress not their Wallets. Also GDPR and Safeguarding is another Duty of care to think about when dealing with people who are effectively asking for help and are vulnerable.

When I see NLP Practitioner in someones Bio, it immediately shouts Red Flag, it seems a majority of people use this as a gateway to all of a sudden be an expert in solving peoples problems and be paid well for it. All it is a strategy to understand peoples behaviour – Most people use this to market their products other than help people.

I have had experience in Business, I ran a real Business before that turned over a very respectable amount of money, and I know that a lot of these ‘Mentors’ have no idea what its like to even turn over ‘6 Figures’ let alone give people advice.

Also, not too long ago, I was offered some help from a colleague at work to help gain a qualification, and assist on a work project, he kindly off his own back ‘Mentored’ me for a few months, he just offered to help, he got to know me personally, he knew his field and was way more experienced than me. It made me realise that people selling ‘One size fits all’ mentoring to the general public is really selling Old rope, and I don’t believe many people know or realise this. It will never change, people are mostly focussed on making money than solving people’s problems.

I will say that Self Development and Business Development takes time, and not everyone is cut out for Business.

I believe When people come to you for help, you must be trained and aware enough to know if they are at risk and anyone must be aware of safeguarding,

People need framework, just charging for ‘Wise words’ or generic opinions, there is a huge need for more education for people around mental health and optimising health, most people can become happier by just looking after themselves better or just speaking to people for free

Anyone that is seeking services for help, really take time to take a step back and think about what and why your spending money – What is it you actually need? Is the person your asking experience in your field? Do they want to help you or just charge you?

As far as Self Development goes – I don’t believe that Life Coaching is the answer, think about why you need someone to tell you how you live your life?!

I feel it is Band Aid that is covering up issues in people, again I talk from experience. It is a short cut- Spending money thinking that it will save money when really you need to do the Inner work yourself

I would advise to invest in a good PT or Gym, focus on building some personal excellence, start with the basics of living a healthy lifestyle, get around some good people, read some good books study etc. Build up your Self Confidence and Self Awareness, this comes naturally and it’s a constant consistent work in progress. Only you can discover your Inner peace & Confidence not a Life Coach

A few years back I started working with a CrossFit coach from America, I wanted to improve my fitness and its my hobby, he was well known and trained Athletes, although he wasn’t the cheapest in this area, he was drop in the ocean of what these two charged. He was professional, integral and cared about my results, he taught me a lot, and although it was fitness coaching , I learnt more about myself and self development from him than anyone else – It was a breath of fresh air and made me realise how terrible most Coaches are, I even asked him why his services are the most expensive, He didn’t push market me, he didn’t manipulate me, I went to him and he was fair open and transparent. I did my diligence and it worked

Im not saying all Coaches are Bad, but its important to really look in to why you need someone, I speak to some trusted people who ive got to know over years, they help me if I have a problem, they don’t cost thousands of pounds, they never call me for Business telling me I need them. However they help me, and I want to make clear that it is important to still have people who can help you.

Through my own trial error and experience, I found these people and they are not life coaches, they are not NLP Practitioners they don’t push market their brands, they care about people are professional and are not Gurus on social media. Just my experience.

The experience with Llewy/Rhys etc taught me nothing it was a route to a dead end and the journey was nothing more than a ploy to see how long he could sustain me paying him.

You are just ‘Supply’ them, there is no morals or boundaries, they will use manipulation tac tics to keep you there in many different ways.

I once had an incident where I was in a gym with Llewy, Rhys was there also James and Llewy was verbally aggressive to me, It was played down and we carried on. At the end I told him never to threaten me, he then told me I was disrespectful to him for saying that. He did apologise and I was stupid enough to still work with him – A massive red flag ignored.

The relationship with him wasn’t normal, it was a kind of dysfunctional uncomfortable situation, I was paying him a lot of money for help advice, and knew I was involved with a someone not very normal. He mostly was approachable and friendly however there wasn’t any regard for confidentiality for anyone, anything with these guys has an ulterior motive and as silly as it sounds I kind of knew this. The fact they played such a convincing game maybe was the reason I ignored it. They never lead by example and were very hypocritical

At times he would come across like he was your friend, I am not sure if this was part of his play, or he would adopt this because in reality he doesn’t have any friendships outside of people of his ‘Supply’

There was a time when I just could not bring myself to pay him anymore, he in himself knew and we started to loose contact, at this time he had other people and sources around him so I think it didn’t matter to him so much at this time. Communication slowly went, he did try to convince me to come back but I was done, I started to see through bullshit. The last time I had communication was back in 2019 when James Burrt left, he randomly called me for advice, I sensed some strange vulnerability from him, and I didn’t hear from after, then in time came the blocking and no contact.

I very quickly dusted myself from the experience from these, and most more Llewly. I took it for what it was and knew that I had made some very bad judgments paying him and allowing myself to be taken down a path that had zero benefit to me.

As much as I can blame how they was, I had to accept responsibility and Fix what I knew was wrong in myself. It can be a hard pill to swallow, especially knowing that you have been taken advantage of, it’s a case of having some humility and having no choice but to move forward. Dwelling on it wont serve you. The hard pill is the realisation and shame, also frustration, regret and feeling of stupidity.

I leaned in to myself, I focussed on my career, my health my fitness and in a very short space of time become a much better person. Its like having ‘Stain’ on you, you want to get rid of as much as possible because you feel tarnished!

I studied, I learnt and grew more than I could have with Llewy. I also Studied Narcissism, it helped me understand a lot and opened my eyes a lot too, id recommend a you tube channel by Docter Ramani who is an expert on dealing with Narcissism and is great to listen to and relatable

I was fortunate enough to learn a hell of a lot in my Work I do, I started to understand how people learn through frameworks and had to learn a lot about GDPR, Safe Guarding and how to work with people as individuals. This was a huge motivator for me and also it opened up my eyes to the mistakes I made and also how mostly a waste of space the Life Coaching Space is and also helped me grow in myself.

Also I am a Spiritual Person and working on this made me realise a lot about finding Inner Peace and has been a huge tool in own self development.

I will say that I have had no choice but to take some positive perspective from what happened to me, it opened up my eyes a lot and it solidified a lot of personal Values in myself and also personal Boundaries. I see through anything a mile off, in some ways it taught me a hell of a lot

I had no choice but to improve what was missing in myself and I look back now and am incredibly proud of myself and also cannot believe that I was that person naïve enough to get involved with them – In some ways its embarrassing! But I have to take ownership of it. I hold my head up high that im integral. Im not perfect and never will be but Im mile apart from these guys.

I wouldn’t be the person I am now, so I have no regrets, I just have anger that these two can still carry on, because there are some that wont recover from the damage

All I would say to anyone who has been involved with these two – Don’t be hard on yourself, you most likely had good intentions. Get advice and never be ashamed. My view is No one ever will ever bring me down and any experience is good experience I say, because we always learn. Try and remember that. Again, I wouldn’t be the person I am now without learning from my experience. However there is Zero credit to them, it was me that made the choice to improve

That being said, The Pair of these should be ashamed of themselves for the damage they have caused many people and the audacity to keep posting how great they are, is just a reflection on how Narcissistic they are

The false persona online screams very loudly how big your Egos are, yet also very insecure cowardous and in some ways laughable.

Take a big look at yourself, the best thing you can do is seek help for your Narcissistic personality disorder and maybe have the courage to come forward and make up for the many you have ripped off. Show how Ethical you claim to be.

They are a disgrace and everyone can see through it– the constant scamming only has a shelf life and the more you try and damage people it wont end up good, they deserve to be in Prison and I only hope that the sad existence eats at them truly inside.

I think Matt Hall is good for coming on here, I have engaged with him on social media, I wanted to help him not put him down, I hope that he becomes better in himself and if your reading this, give yourself time and be kind to yourself, we all make mistakes, we can live learn and be better

I mentioned James Burrt on here and to be honest I feel that he was caught up in a mess he was trying to navigate through he wasn’t a bad guy, I knew him well enough, I don’t blame him for anything and wish him well

I also feel for the Partners of these two, Georgia Archer is a very Nobel person from a very good and nice family, and I think its best that if anyone knows what’s going on with her situation, permission should be asked before publishing anything, especially if legals are involved and children

Lauren I met but didn’t really know but she seems like a nice enough person, it’s a shame that she was caught up with a child with a toxic individual like Rhys

Im happy to speak to anyone privately if they want some advice, im happy to speak on social media, ill always remain confidential if you choose to engage.

Otherwise, even if this Post creates some awareness then that’s a good thing, I hope this forum can remain helpful as its intention should only be to help people
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Course they did you fuckin idiot LOL, What a sausage you are, you honestly believe the absolute shit that comes out your mouth, Oh look, Mummy and aunty liked the photo as per usual, I know you're reading this, just go back to what you're good at.......... Sucking dick round the back of Heron foods ya Dickhead


Course they did you fuckin idiot LOL, What a sausage you are, you honestly believe the absolute shit that comes out your mouth, Oh look, Mummy and aunty liked the photo as per usual, I know you're reading this, just go back to what you're good at.......... Sucking dick round the back of Heron foods ya Dickhead
Also, What kind of a fuckin Narcissist likes his own photos?? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL you really are a cunt aint ya
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Why has he started saying 'we're representing the UK on the World scene'. It's not like you've been picked to represent the country you bell end, you're just a British bloke entering a competition abroad! If I go on holiday and have a game of table tennis, I'm hardly representing the UK am I. What a knob!
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Chatty Member
Footballers - schoolboys, had a trial with Preston North End for a month and didn’t get offered a contract. Quit football.

Boxers - amateurs, not professional. Most of the tinpot twins’ fights were at the Bedworth civic hall.

Bodybuilders - done about 5 shows between them. They’ve been on steroids for about 10 years now. The lemon Llewellyn Davies competed in future physiques show in coventry and kicked off with the judges because he didn’t hetabout 12 years ago and the big bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies got told to do one at the door in Derby for a UKBFF qualifier around 7 years ago. Neither have achieved any form of significant win in bodybuilding hence why there is absolutely nothing on the web that can be searched.

Actors - extras in a couple of bang average TV commercials hardly classes you to be labelled actors you pair of dimwits.

WWE tryout finalists - This was a time when WWE were quite strong in their pursuit of talent from the UK just before NXT took off and would regularly host open events for talented wrestlers over here to show what skills they have in the ring when they would be touring in the UK. Thes tinpot twins turned up with zero grappling skills between them and got told where they can go.

Self made businessmen - Zero business qualifications between them. Their “success” has been scammed and bullied to.

Top 1% earners - Have a look at companies house and you’ll see just how big earners these two are.

Success does leave clues and it also leaves evidence and the only evidence is that you two are nothing short of a pair of lying, cheating and stealing scumbags. That is your concept.

The Tinpot Twins.
Very one sided view here, think we need to consider the truth...

Boxers- could have turned pro but they wanted to help the world so had to leave it.

Bodybuilders- they bought some IFBB shorts at the giftshop at a show in Spain. Wearing the shorts daily to promote the brand just shows how much of an asset they are on social media- the IFBB just haven't realised it yet.

Actors- They also auditioned for a film that Nicole Kidman was starring in, so they virtually helped her get an Oscar nomination.

WWE- Triple H said they were good, not his fault that the contract obviously got lost in the post.

Self-made businessmen- Organo coffee doesn't sell itself, but they outgrew that market-leading organisation and realised they had more to offer.

Top 1%- Top 1% within the Davies family is still Top 1%. They once turned down a £10m contract (as Champions of Mind), so clearly didn't want to upset the other 1%ers- this just shows how generous they are.

Success leaves clues, but you haven't been listening recently; money in the bank and material assets aren't important. What matters is that you are in 'fantastic health and exceptional spirit' every day (including when you can't sleep because your gear cycle is causing havoc with your body).

P.S Llewy, that fake Tag Heuer is awful- take it back to the market stall and ask for your £20 back.
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Rhys, for the love of god, what the fuck are you doing!?

Do you not wonder why you have no clients?

Look at the fucking state of you!

Who in their right mind would think that posting a photo of yourself, bent over, with your kecks round your ankles would attract some potential coaching clients!? 🤣

As much as I like to see that you have no work, this really is fucking tragic!


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Still one of my favourite Rhys Davies videos to date.

In short the message is simple: 'I'm not rattled, but I really am very rattled.' 🤣

It's funny to look back at this based on the claims he makes:

😂 'I'm making moves I dreamed of'... you've downsized your RENTED home twice since this was filmed.

😂 'The only reason you display hate to me is becuase i have what you desire'... Or maybe its because you are a conman, who's literally got nothing left for anyone to desire.

😂 'Supermodels all want my cockie becuase you motivated me to lose weight'... I'm sure you're inundated. Only question is what 38 year old man calls his penis his 'cockie'?

😂 'I bought my mums house cash'... But you didnt though did you, its still rented you silly man.

😂 'Your hate just motivates won't affect me'... Well, your life has gone dramatically downhill, ooopps!

😂 'You see all my holidays and supercars'.... Er, no they all dried up pretty fast didn't they!

I could go on. What a class A tosser this man is.

In summary, since this video was filmed this man has failed at every junction, not been on holiday once, gievn back all his cars, downgraded to a rented 2 bed terraced house he can barely afford, and has absolutely nothing left but some muscles hes managed to build due to having nothing left to do with his life, other than go to the gym and take anabolic steroids.

Oh and he still ain't bought is mum's house. Why? Because he's totally skint.

Well, that motivation from the haters sure worked well for you, didn't it big man. 😉
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Chatty Member
Who are the bailiffs after… the lemon Llewellyn Davies or the big bullshitting Bentley bellend Rhys Davies or both the tinpot twins?
If they went to Redfants Manor, it will be Llewy.

I presume bailiffs turned up at Rhys's old place and thought 'no-one living in such a majestic semi-detached house next to a Travelodge, with luxurious old cars on the drive, and stunning nutcracker statues flanking the front door, could possibly owe anyone money'. Then Rhys came outside and paid them with wisdom, using his NLP Trainer (almost) qualification to show why they should get back in their van and drop the case (or he fled in the dead of night and left most of his belongings in a skip...)
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First time posting

I'm originally from Coventry but now live in Australia. I twitch through the curtains watching this pair of muppets strut there stuff and pump iron.

What an utter disgrace, my son had a cardiac arrest at the age of 1 and no words or suggestible language is going to sort that shit out.

Your not wanted by the NHS your not wanted by anyone you fuck heads, apart from a couple of susceptible drongos.

Absolute pair of flogs, Lambo for 150k top geezers ra ra ra, holidays, Banksy's. WOW, I'm embarrassed for the Muppet's.

Llewy, if you tried to get a more manly looking Mrs it would be a man and Rhys, pal sponging off a single (almost) Mum what a joke.

You are absolute numptys, there's no jealousy here I have a job, a house and a son who loves me and kisses me good night (every night). I won't talk about money or my manor as that is just crass.

Jesus christ anyone with half a brain would stay a mile away from these characters and anyone with less than half a brain probably deserves everything they get.

Fuck I could go on all night, the road rage, the driving whilst on the phone the fraud..... you get the drift

And if my brother had 129k and I had double, I would spend most of that to get my mother out of poverty and stop her being such a peasant
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Getting serious now advertising all his certificates ! Might whip out my old speedos with the 10,25 and 100m badge stitched on to them , see if I get any bites to train Adam Peaty! NLP trainer (almost) I mean if I stick a fucking gold fish bowl on my head can I put on my cv I’m ( almost) and astronaut!

The bullshitter claims to have been serving in the military then! Notice he didn’t add “professional footballer” to his little roll or honour.
Hasn’t he added he was PTI in the military now as well !! I mean people must panic buy bog roll near where he lives for the amount of shit what comes out his mouth there must be a shortage!
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I’ve searched for the results of this “global competition” to see how many competitors there were for him to come second! But there is nothing! No news, tweets anything! It’s seems to be the equivalent the local dog show is to Crufts!
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Dizzee Rascal is about the be scammed…!
Mate, it was not a business meeting. You bumped into him in the car park of a gym. he looks as though he thinks you are a dick and wished you'd go away. GET OVER YOURSELF AND GIVE UP.
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Tony Arnold

Active member
I note with interest that having returned to the UK, Llewelly Davies is immediately trying to sell his "services" - from the tarmac at the airport next to his private jet low cost airline plane.

Happily, although I'm not interested in bodybuilding and have an excellent, well-qualifed and highly trained PT who I've worked with for five years, Llewy IS offering "lifestyle mentorship".

I'm tired of running a successful business with many long-standing (years-long) clients and in a long-standing, happy relationship.

I could really do with some insight as to how someone loses clients so frequently and struggles to recruit more, even though they've been "IN THE GAME" for "DECADES" and who has had to move from a (rented) six bedroom manor to an average rental house in an average town and has to be supervised when he sees his own daughter for a very limited time each month.

That's DEFINITELY a lifestyle to aspire to.. And he's definitely the mentor to coach you through that process.

F**k's sake.
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Tony Arnold

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Hilarious to watch the Tinpots posting claims that they'd reached 1million in 28 days on Facebook. Very obviously watching this thread, still, and annoyed about people calling them out on boosting posts. Which they are, obviously, because posts are randomly getting 12, 36, 45 Likes then TWO THOUSAND! 1.6 THOUSAND! Then, of course, dropping back to the usual level of non-engagement.

Fellas, no-one that has any actual understanding of social media thinks that you're not boosting posts. But whatever, if it makes you feel better and you can fool the least intelligent that humanity has to offer, you go for it!

Back in the real world, below is a gem from earlier. Still waiting, predictably, for the announcement of the FIFTEEN LUCKY WINNERS at 5pm. Given that only five people could even be bothered to push Like as they scrolled past, I'm not holding my breath.

They must be so irritated that they have nothing but gym pics rather than the pseudo-legitimate old Champions of Mind videos/events/"inspiring" business "seminars" they used to post, to at least LOOK like they mean anything to anyone..

Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 17.28.23.png
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