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I found myself agreeing with every word of her video about stopping the videos. She’s definitely over sensitive to what other people think which is a bit bizarre given that she chooses to put herself online. I wouldn’t want people analysing my diet and weight but funnily enough, I don’t make videos about it 🤔

I’d have more respect for her if she didn’t mention her weight for the next year and got back into actually succeeding with her weight loss.
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Ayup, another rant 😂 didn’t take long did it. Who is this silly mare trying to kid? Who are all these neighbours benefiting from her baking (🤢)? If I bake cakes I don’t think well I’ll just have one and give the rest to my neighbours! I freeze them. And that poor woman losing her privileges to comment on the superstar’s channel 🙄. Bet she’s gutted. Carla, just remember you’re nobody famous, your channel is fucking boring, your diet is a joke and your ego is now the size of Mars.
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I am always polite!😂😅😂😅😂😅 oh Carla you are a hoot! You're not even polite to Josh and Jack, making ooh matron comments about their private lives, you think you are comedy gold, well you ain't! Go ask those poor volunteers in the charity shop when you're berating them with your equally rude sidekick, smocky Caroline! Oh, you forgot to take the other 4.5 lb that you gained on holiday and forgot to count or mysteriously marked as an M on your screen. So really you're 9lb over. Your old pal Tammy is as bad as you, if not worse for enabling you. Thanks for not filming the spoils as it would have icked me out. Boiled eggs incoming, get the fans on in the portacabin guys! Get some therapy and keep your inner child for the couch not your weight loss vlogs!
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Epic on camera pitty party mrs m style "chatty" video from carla, recorded from her, wait for it, bed lol, she's a real pro. Her daughter coughing in the background. Updates everyone on her mother, she was told months ago to change her diet, but did she, they all have hit after hit of sugar, caffeine and high fat foods, then wonder why they are ill. natalie is almost obese as her mum, carlas put on weight, pretty obvious to see. The dogs are fine you will be relieved to know ( I don't care) and then the main reason for the video, she wants to get to 10.000 subscribers and pack in her second job, so she's milking youtubers empathy for all it's worth. I could almost hear Samuel Barbers adagio for strings in the background.
Are her viewers meant to endlessly feel sorry for her, her family, her dogs, her pals dogs, her friends and anyone else she cares to throw into the mix, cause they really do need to start caring about themselves instead of projecting their feelings onto yotubers who'd really just like to get their grubby hands on your cash.
Todays video, well it's like you know when you are out and you see an elderly friend and they tell you all their ailments, you listen, sympathise and then they say can you give me some money for my performance. Really pisses me off how they drag a select loyal few around with the only intention of squeezing cash out of them cause apparently her sitting on her bed with her rotten front teeth whining about her life is entertainment, she thinks she deserves to be paid.
She really has morphed into that money grabbing off the backs of others empathy and charity aka, mrs m.
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Wow...this is some sort of record everyone - it took one full week of the 'calorie crush fake weigh ins' to rant - oh yes - and did Little Miss rant! So first she tells us that she visited her 'friend' in high places - Little Miss wide legged trousers #Ihaveabiggerhousethanyou ...then she talked about her 'job' which she never talks about and we don't for one minute believe! Then she moans about her hectic week as Nat had taken two children (not hers!) out of school and on holiday (???).

Then she continues on with her honeycomb flab (sorry slab) cake video last week and tells (passive aggressively!) that one woman who dared to say anything in her comments had her privilege to comment taken from her - ?? But laughingly she also mentions comments 'elsewhere' (here on Tattle ...Hiya Little Miss! WE SEE YOU!!).
Then she rants for five mins about baking - what baking?? That slab is not baking or cooking's putting slop into a pan! Maybe you should look for a 50p cook book at the car boot!

1. you did eat it
2. you know you did
3. you wouldn't have put up such a fight about it if you hadn't ate it
4. we know you ate it
5. stop pointing your finger at your audience
6. stop telling me what to do
7. you get paid for what you put online
8. we will do exactly what we want Little Miss
9. you are not in charge of us
10. you did eat it (needed to repeat that one)

....oh...and 11. (you don't influence ANYONE!)
Definition: Influencer
An Influencer is essentially the internet version of a celebrity. The unofficial definition of an influencer says that you need at least 10,000 followers to be classed as an influencer
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I'm confused, kazza latest videos, her tag words are weightloss calorie counting losing weight, she splatters them repeatedly over the title, then makes a video where she eats whatever she likes, not even remotely healthy, spreads biscoff spread all over her lunch makes and then eats cake for her supper. Do you think she has a right to click bait viewers into believing she wants to get healthy or is her road to weight loss eat whatever she likes and then pray for a miracle? Theres people on youtube, plant based, making green juice, all kinds of different salads, tying different healthy foods, beans, wholegrains etc and then in comes kazza with a new cake recipe, it's just a joke.
Absolutely agree. Loosing weight (if she is) but killing herself with all that sugar and carbs that she's eating. I'm beginning to think she's just taking the P**s now. All that crap she takes to Bingo, no one eats that amount in a couple of hours, you'd feel as sick as a dog surely. And I'm sick of seeing her cook cakes every day. I also beleive that feeding your kids (and hubby) so much crap is as dangerous as underfeeding them. Does she not feel guilty about pumping all that sugar into them. Both Kazza and Carla need some lessons on healthy eating.
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Thanks to @arty123 for the thread title.

Brief Synopsis from old thread:-

- Carla is still dieting
- but she’s not gonna reduce her calories

- She’s got a real job
- But is still gonna sell crap on eBay
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Hanna Spanna

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Carla talks about the rising cost of living, drives round trying to find the cheapest dog food - then asks her viewers to donate to her friends vet bills! People have enough of their own shit to pay for!
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She talks about being an ambassador as though she works for United Nations 😂. I knew from day one it wouldn’t work. Love how her willpower lasted until car boot day and it all went down the pan when the lure of a fried breakfast beckoned.
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Please can I say, yes Carla still has a way to go - whichever way she choses to lose/gain/lose/gain but it doesn't sit right with me when you are being rude and mean to someone who still has a way to go and is brave enough to go in the pool and let us all see photos.
I have been in Carla's shoes in the past (and still struggle massively) and it takes some guts to put a photo up on the internet like she has. By being in denial at the moment she's only hurting herself and rude comments don't help. She has lost loads of weight and although many don't think she is telling the full truth about her weight we shouldn't be personal with our assumptions and comments.
I appreciate your words and I know sometimes I can be harsh but I just see a normal human being not a youtube martre, to be held up on a pedestal and hero worshipped for losing some weight. You have not been in carla's shoes, youve been in your own, stop seeing yourself in her, because believe me you are bound to fail if you have more weight to lose. You should save your empathy for yourself, cause she will use it and go buy herself another meal out.
That said, I shall refrain from posting photo's of carla, she might truly wake up and see herself. Are youtubers meant to live in this perpetual delusional dream world of tilted cameras, soft focus and cheshire cat smiling heads?
I never made a joke out of that picture, I stated facts, wake up before you get diabetes, cause I ran out of empathy a long time ago and unlike her viewers who looked at her at 27 stone and kept sending her chocolates and cakes, I told them to stop killing her. Sorry if you want fluffy bunnies and butterflies go read alice in wonderland.
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Sorry, OT as not Carla specific but I hope you guys don't hate all resellers. I found Carla because I started reselling to raise funds for street animal rescues (mostly dogs but often cats and cows) in India. I was self-funding (i.e. running through all my savings) to do it individually and now I'm trying to open a shelter. These YouTuber resellers have really helped me with how to resell and to create an income for that goal 🙏 But also, having done this for a year now you realise just how much 'waste' you save! I get so much for free because it would be going to the tip, and there are people located maybe across the country who desperately want that thing. I'd honestly do it for free just to prevent waste if that was feasible. There is a brilliant app called OLIO which aims are reducing waste by sharing items no longer wanted locally 💜
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Bella's mummy

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I found myself agreeing with every word of her video about stopping the videos. She’s definitely over sensitive to what other people think which is a bit bizarre given that she chooses to put herself online. I wouldn’t want people analysing my diet and weight but funnily enough, I don’t make videos about it 🤔

I’d have more respect for her if she didn’t mention her weight for the next year and got back into actually succeeding with her weight loss.
Totally agree with her being over sensitive. In nearly every calorie crush shes called someone out for making a remark she found offensive. a lot of You Tubers are so touchy about comments. People everyday get nasty comments but they dont keep dwelling on it. If a person is too sensitive they should stop putting their life on social media.
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Talking of Kazza (has she got her own thread?) looks like she had almost 1600 calories in her “bingo dinner” unless my maths is wrong (Latest vlog)

Nat’s taken someone’s kids on holiday? In school time?

The only thing in that honeycomb slab that wasn’t sugary was the cornflakes. Who on earth buys such a big bag of chocolate chips unless they’re a baker? And four bars of chocolate as well as all the other sugary crap in them? It made my stomach turn
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Just watched the new video, what a load of absolute bollocks ! Puts 4.5lbs on on holiday and has ended the week with a a loss of .5lb. so she's saying she's lost the 4.5lb and an extra .5lb in the few days she's been back from holiday, not buying it Carla !
Spot on Kizzy! You've sussed it too! She is 100% lying in this video she even looks sheepish, never mentions losing the 4.5lb only sneaks in that in two weeks she has a half pound loss. Now we know why she didn't make herself stretch to take off the four markers last week because she already had planned it all out beforehand😂😂 How on God's green earth can you lose weight while scoffing Greggs baps at a rate of knots? It's a miracle...It's a modern day bonefide miracle..all hail Saint Carla of Waffle. What a load of tosh her subs put up with, they're worse than she is!
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Hi all. I'm normally just a reader and very rarely comment on threads but today this woman has got on my goat and I only watched 3 minutes of her rant. She is like a spoilt child.
What does she expect, she puts out video's of all she eats for people to watch and then she kicks off because she doesn't want opinions. I'm pretty sure that she's angry with herself because when viewers comment on the food she eats she knows they are right, that's why she doesn't welcome their opinion. I don't beleive this this lady will loose anymore weight because her head isn't in the right place. I'm not sure how much longer she can keep doing the 'diet' videos because she is going nowhere and I can't see how she is helping anyone by thinking she is. It's a shame but I think this lady is coming to the end of her (tiny) career as a weight loss vlogger.
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