Paging Mr Morrow Gossip Forum

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  1. V

    Paging Mr Morrow #21 Lying through his fake teeth

    Congrats to @Funfouryou for another funny Morrow thread title. Title had 11 total votes when I created this. Somebody else please handle recap duties!
  2. Hereforthesh

    Paging Mr. Morrow #20 Fat man, Fat dog, Fat Mortgage

    Congrats to @jumpman23 for the refreshing new thread title. Things were getting a bit boring on the last thread, that it was on the last page before any suggestions were
  3. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Paging Mr. Morrow #19 Stuck in Flavortown without a DD

    Congrats @Dismom2 for having the winning thread title!
  4. Hereforthesh

    Paging Mr Morrow #18 too busy to film, but not to eat

    Thanks to @ZOMGdcvripoff for the new thread title. Nate's been quite busy lately. This YouTube celebrity has been travelling the world, and now even has a drink named for him at La Cava del Tequila in Epcot! Of course, he's also been eating all the foods an drinks as he makes his way around...
  5. Hereforthesh

    Paging Mr Morrow #17 that mouth can manage!

    Thanks to @EmilyisDone for the new thread title. His mouth can definitely manage, food that is. Can he manage WL girl? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  6. Hereforthesh

    Paging Mr. Morrow #16 Wilderness Lodge Girl or a Mukbang Wedding

    Thanks is given to @Dismom2 for the new thread title. Originally it was "Mystery Girl" in place of "Wilderness Lodge Girl." Further discussion afterwards led to the new title. It's just all food, food, and more food, and then even more food. Oh, and a ride here and there too, sometimes.
  7. Hereforthesh

    Paging Mr. Morrow #15 Almost 40. Wishes he was 30. Always asking if she's 18 and talks like he's 12.

    Thanks to @MichaelKaysHairyBack for the new thread title. Someone feel free to do a recap. I'm sure it's mostly about eating, drinking, Disney, Gideon's cookies, RSVLTS shirts and friends, I mean fwends, we can't stand.
  8. Hereforthesh

    Paging Mr. Morrow #14 I traded my dignity for some crappy fat man shirts

    Thanks to @CrazySquirrelLady for the new thread title.
  9. starri

    Paging Mr. Morrow #13 LET HIM EAT

    No shenanigans needed, @airbusA330 won this title in a walk.
  10. starri

    Paging Mr. Morrow #12 Sorry, Gracey, I ate all your pup cakes!

    Hat tip to @NateHate for the title.
  11. starri

    Paging Mr. Morrow #11 We're Gonna Eat Some Food and Eat Some Food and Eat Some Food. Let's go do this!

    Congratulations to @Nate's Top Button for bringing us here. I'm not even going to recap, because the title really says it all.
  12. starri

    Paging Mr Morrow #10 He can't grill in a fedora and button up but he can swim in them.

    I made a command decision and took @Murray9000's post and ran with it. Continue to discuss Nate's quest to become the biggest Disney vlogger.
  13. starri

    Paging Mr Morrow #9 The Grifter with the most from coast to coast.

    We give our profound thanks to @MichaelKaysHairyBack for the title. Previously, on Paging Mr. Morrow: Nate rode some rides, ate some food, and turned as red as a beet at every opportunity. Anywhos, let’s have a new thread.
  14. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Paging Mr. Morrow #8 He'll Give you The Shirt Off His Back.....If You Use The Discount Code.

    Congrats to @Murray9000 for having the winning thread title.
  15. V

    Paging Mr Morrow #7 Oppsies, Scoopsies! I ate too much and I got the Poopsies

    New thread time. Expanded PMM #7 Oppsies, Scoopsies! I ate too much and I got the Poopsies to what you see above. I'll let someone else handle the recap. Congrats to @MichaelKaysHairyBack for the close win!
  16. starri

    Paging Mr Morrow #6 turning 50 shades of red

    Made a command decision on the thread title. Hope it's to everyone's liking.
  17. starri

    Paging Mr Morrow #5 anywhoos, let’s go to rehab!

    Mad props to @MojoFilter for the thread title. Previously on Paging Mr Morrow: Nate went through Disney World life fat, drunk, and stupid.
  18. H

    Paging Mr Morrow #4 Yo Morrow is so fat, he went to Chef Mickey's and ate the characters!

    Title comes from @wtc50e Wasn't really too much going on the last couple of pages besides talk of his waffling habits, and excessive food intake... Carry on!
  19. V

    Paging Mr Morrow #3 Anywhoos, lets go sweat this.

    Hey friends it is time for a new thread. Last thread we had lots of tea let's keep it going! Thanks to @Hammerstone for the title and if I missed one with more votes my apologies.
  20. H

    Paging Mr Morrow #2 fedorable or deplorable?

    The most liked title suggestion came to us from @Murray9000... Last we were discussing was the 50/50 chance that Nate's entire persona is a fallacy, whether or not his speech issues are in fact issues, and if the dog was being held against its will... Carry on friends! (Also, for any Mods...
  21. Mark81

    Paging Mr Morrow (Disney Vlogger) - such a fedorable guy

    I felt it was time this guy had his own thread. To me he is one of the few bearable local disney vloggers, such a jolly personable man who often makes me laugh. He is kind of like a Disney vlogger santa Only negatives for me is the slow mo food shots and when her partners up with other vloggers.