Kayla & Leah Itsines Gossip Forum

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  1. how.now.brown.cow

    Kayla and Leah Itsines #18 Leah baits a baby, Kayla’s a snore, Mitchines’ business fails and more grifting galore!

    Congrats to @ceecee12 for the new thread title! Our favourite boring Itsines sisters are still in the GC acting like it's the only place on earth that has wildlife, beaches and sunny days. Leah is baiting a pregnancy HARD and is on to her next grift - a clearly AI generated children's book...
  2. A

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #17 absentee parents, secret house sales, both unrelatable and telling tales

    Had to adjust the title down slightly. Thanks to @ceecee12
  3. how.now.brown.cow

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #16 A GC move, no word on boobs, ozempic slay and BARE goes away

    Thanks once again to @giving-in-urgh for our new thread title! You've won a barbie doll to throw in the bin lest you let the plastic nature affect you negatively! Kayla and Jae have firmly situated themselves in the Goldy, with Jae still being a man child - you can only be young once but you...
  4. how.now.brown.cow

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #15 Secret boob jobs, missing dogs, chocolate flogs, still bogan flogs

    Thanks @giving-in-urgh for the new thread title! Kayla and her man child have moved to the Goldie amid speculation Kayla has had a secret boob job - but Arna is still not allowed Barbie dolls because it's unrealistic standards 🙄 Leah and Mitchsines had a 'honeymoon' read: business trip to the...
  5. how.now.brown.cow

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #13 Mitchines wants USA, Teef has a tiny peen, K is absent as ever, BARE isn't lean

    Thanks to @MoonMellow for the thread title, I had to slightly edit to fit sorry! Original title was Mitchines wants the US, Teef has a tiny peen, K is absent as ever, BARE is far from Lean Continue!
  6. A

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #12 Kayla’s botched face, Leah won’t comment on the Big beige space

    Thanks to @hereforthethrills for the title. Had to remove a section as it was too long! Original: Kayla’s botched face, left her kid without a trace, Leah won’t comment on the Big Beige space. Kayla and Teef have been in Bali with only Jax, who didn't seem to leave the accommodation once...
  7. A

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #10 Welcome Baby Teef, just in time for the first ep of flipping houses with the Bee

    Thread credit to @snarky mcsnark face 👏🏼, had to reduce it a little due to word limits. Leah and Mitch are pretending they don't have beige house on the market and are still flogging their overpriced maltodextrin hot chocolate power, while Kayla is back to old habits with filters and Bo Bo...
  8. PiesAndLattes

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #9 K’s vajayjay is only for JaeJae, Leah’s salmon in the sun gave everyone the runs

    Thread title credit: @hello.hello 👏 Continue on!
  9. C

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #8 Leah and Minge, Kayla and Teef, everything is a vibe pumped on beef

    Cheers MoonMellow for the most popular title suggestion! Let us continue on!
  10. Michy02

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #7 Leah’s greasy, Mitch is a dik, Kayla’s a lost cause & Teef is ick

    Kayla & Leah Itsines Thread 7# Leah’s greasy, Mitch is a di@k, Kayla’s a lost cause & Teef is ick I had to shorten it to fit but congratulations to @SticksAndStones! You win a new water filtration system for all those nasty steam chemicals (??) and a gas Pizza Oven (BYO gas and pizza base)...
  11. Michy02

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #6 Mr and Mrs Sloppy only eat beef and Kayla is a meal ticket for Teef

    Kayla & Leah Itsines Thread 6# Mr and Mrs Sloppy only eat beef and Kayla is a meal ticket for Teef Congratulations to @adelaidewallflower for the thread title! You win a “working holiday” trip to Utah to be catered exclusively by Leah - hope you like red meat! Teef will be your personal...
  12. A

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #5 Jae and Mitch itsines lock down their banks with babies and rings

    Thanks to @B.Bop for the new thread title, special mention to @adelaidewallflower for the runner up of 'Love at first sight when Mitch and Jae found their Its(dollar)sines $$$'
  13. KrittyKat

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #4 All cash, no class

    Thanks to @ TashatBwa for the new thread title!
  14. Michy02

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #3 Kayla can’t stop with the crop & Leah won’t admit Soli is a flop (still Greek)

    Kayla and Leah Itsines #3 Kayla can’t stop with the crop & Leah won’t admit Soli is a flop (still Greek) New thread title thanks to @adelaidewallflower 😃👏congratulations (I added the Greek part lol) Put on a crop top and grab a lumpy hot chocolate and welcome to thread #3!
  15. PiesAndLattes

    Kayla & Leah Itsines #2 Did you know we are Greek?

    👏 @adelaidewallflower
  16. PiesAndLattes

    Kayla & Leah Itsines

    As requested. Can’t stand her and think she’s an absolute leach who only got “famous” because of her sister. I don’t think she adds any substance to whatever community she is apart of (fitness? Cooking? Mumfluencer?).