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Fun Fact- why should I pay child support when my sister has the kids more than her. Fuck that moose knuckle bitch.
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Meanwhile every single girl in club baddie is 375 lbs. and a fan girl of a washed up reality star from 15 years ago who is a delinquent mother. 🆗🆒
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Now shes claiming she hates getting her hair, nails etc done. Lmaooooo

The lie detector determined that was a LIE.

For someone that doesn't like it you go pretty often to keep up the maintenance.
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Long time viewer, first time poster. Tractor Tray blocked me months back cause I passed a comment about how she encouraged her poor innocent daughters to pose like baby prostitutes and it was so absurd. I’ve been watching her prove my point ever since :)
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I watched a little bit of the live. When someone mentioned that Tracy should go tuck Sky in, she blacked. "This is the 5th time she's come down here. I dont tell you how to parent, dont tell me how to parent." But mama, this is a regular thing for your daughter to not be able to sleep and she comes downstairs for some comfort and you shoo her away to continue talking about unimportant shit. If you don't want people judging your parenting, don't put all your business online.

At least she didn't look drugged up this time.
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Alright sooooo idk which company I messaged told her, but clearly they sent screenshots and thats how she got my FAKE account 😂 I wasn’t about to do this on my real account. Sooooo here we go
She’s trying so hard to stay calm and be professional but we know her blood is boiling. Then she asks who you are on fb like you’re going to tell her 😂. She thinks if she acts oblivious and concerned you’ll slip up. What a fucking moron. You should send the screenshots of her being racist or any other vile things she has posted and say this came straight from Tracy Maloney’s mouth, this is who you want promoting your business? We have receipts too Tracy.
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Holy SHIT. Now they’re making fun of Brielle’s looks by calling her a trans.
The way they spoke of Transgender females/males. Like the ugly is oozing from their skin. How horrible are you? They are some bitter ass humans. Terrible they want to be uplifted but refuse to uplift another. They legit are selfish and mini Tracy's. How fucking horrible
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So I watched a good amount then threw in the towel. My favorite part is when she asked him how many people were watching on his end and he said 215 and she says that's weird I only see 190. I forget the exact number but was def 190 something. You know why!!?? Lmfao because I used an account that she has me blocked on and went in thru his live. So I could see her but she couldn't see me. I imagine others did it that way too. Possibly some of you. That's probably why she wasn't seeing some comments either.🤣🦖
Poor Skylar I wonder if she couldn't sleep because her mouth was hurting from whatever she had done.
Another side note. I love when she gets so triggered off of the simplest comment. Pure entertainment to watch her act like a whacko. I love when people get her riled up. It's so easy.
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Anyone else feel your blood start to boil, when Tracy post 17 InstaStories on what she is watching on TV? I get it, your on your stinky-ass, stain covered couch, yet again watching TV. Shocker! How is posting Stories from a movie/TV show being an InFlUeNcEr?!? Dipshit.
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Brielle is on vacation somewhere. I wonder if she’s with Corey.

Every time a video gets taken of Tracy that she didn’t authorize, and she knows there’s no filter, she’s got this deer in headlights loook on her face. Like she’s terrified of the world seeing the real her.

Ladies, can we please keep politics off this thread. It’s all that’s been spoken about for the past year along with covid and this should be our safe space to escape the bullshit.
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Notice she hasn't posted about Biden today.... she makes it so obvious she's a trump supporter
Who cares who she supports? That doesn’t affect her behavior one bit. I’m so tired of “oh that person is an asshole they must be a Trump supporter”. So if someone supports Biden does they make them “a creepy pedophile?”
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Who is this guy, he sounds like a little bitch! Nobody was giving him any type of blowjobs back in the days. I doubt he can even get some today! He makes no sense, just rambles on and on.
seriously!!! And I’m dyingggggg how they’re talking about how girls need to stop “claiming to have a WAP”....Tracy goes “heavy on the eyeroll” BITCH you claim to have perfect tits, a naturally fat ass and a size 0 waist yet in reality you look like 300 pounds of cottage cheese dumped in a neutral colored tank top disguised as a dress. PLEASE stop the hypocrisy!
Also LOL Tracy shaming women YET AGAIN saying if your man wants anal a lot, it means your cooch isn’t tight or good enough🙄🦖 she would know...
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Who the fuck would pay to watch nobody Alan watch jerseylicious and react? Why not just rewatch it yourself? Are you kidding me??
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T should say “guys she has nothing to do with this place and it’s none of our business. That’s my kids’ father.”

What she will say: “teehee Scorpio seasooonnnn I’m such a bitch, no one is better than me”

Now they’re trashing Brielle in CB. her hairline is not even bad? To say Corey will never find someone else like T 😂😂😂😂 let’s hope
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