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Jenn doesn't want to eat at Portillos because it's not great for their videos to do the same thing over and over. 🤦‍♀️
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Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

I found the calendar to that place that I suspect J$ does him gymnastics class on their insta. There was an egg hunt on Friday 4/7 at 10:15am. Which would be consistent with the trip to the outlet mall and then going to lunch.

Here's the sad part: It was a PARENT/CHILD Easter Egg Hunt 😭 Poor J$. My heart breaks for that child. I am sickened by them.

What are the chances that they don't even do something special for him at home this morning because he already did the egg hunt on Friday? 😭

I absolutely loathe these people.

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I'm surprised Big Baby didn't get motion sickness in that carrier while she was waddling and his head bounced with each waddling step.

Why can't this bitch ever brush her hair?

So outlet shopping is the reason the bitch couldn't upload a vlog yesterday even though she kept saying she would during the live show? 🙄

Don't think a stupid fan is going to help Big Baby from overheating when he's face-first against Ginn's sweaty black shirt.

I'm really really glad I'm repulsed by excess materialistic junk and clutter - every time I've moved it brings me so much joy to get rid of shit and my last move was during the pandemic which also made me want to declutter even more and simplify, and decorate and buy with intention and it's been so much better for my mental health. If I buy a new shirt, I find an existing one to donate. I have less storage space in this home than my last one and I actually have extra closet space. If I like something I see that isn't a necessity, I leave it in my online shopping cart to see if I continue thinking about it or if I forget about it or realize I don't need it. It's been great for my wallet too!

Also, if they went outlet shopping during OG Buddy's Easter egg hunt, they are fucking cunts and my heart actually breaks for him. Fingering "merch" is more important than spending time with your own child? That's just so sad. They take everything for granted and contribute nothing to the world but trash and shit, literally and figuratively.
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The bitch says she keeps checking her phone while Buddy is giving preschool a trial run as if she actually gives a fuck if he's okay. HELLO you left your fucking miracle child on a cruise ship with a friend while you got off the ship in Nassau, you left your child with the nanny late at night right before a hurricane was about to hit, and you LEFT YOUR MIRACLE CHILD IN A VAN WITH A STRANGER in Hawaii. And you leave him with Nanny of the Season while you go galivanting around town, so fuck off bitch. He's with teachers and students and you mentioned multiple times how he couldn't leave you fast enough to go do the school thing.
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I don't celebrate Easter and I don't do religion at all, but I'm just sayin', if you're describing your Easter junk that you gave the kid as a HAUL, you're missing whatever the original point of Easter was supposed to be. 🙄

Buddy didn't give AF about the birdhouse. 🫠
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Buddy's outfits are always channeling Richard Simmons these days. Poor kid.
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Ginn makes fun of another customer who she overheard saying he was looking for the "russell stevens" bunny. Hey bitch 1) that's fucking rude to talk about other customers in the store even if you think you're talking softly but hey you've always done this, and 2) not everyone knows the brand name Russell Stover by heart cause they don't frequent target and publix 12 times a week and film chocolate and 3) you and Dim are the LAST fucking people who should make fun of other people getting words and names wrong.
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Trophy wife Ginn.
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They filmed on Friday, then there is a cut to the next day and Dim says it's "Daddy Sunday". Sir, it's Saturday when you filmed that, and "Daddy Sunday" sounds like a drag show your state would love to ban.

OG Buddy is still definitely wearing diapers at night.
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Just more screenshots of the cunt mistaking her preschooler's enthusiasm for getting books at the library as 'unhinged' and mocking what he looks like in case this vlog ever gets deleted and for the stans who continue to be in denial of how much of a fucking cunt she is.
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Hey Ginn, YOU'RE unhinged.
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Chatty Member
I don't even have it in me to make fun of them, this is just so sad. J$ is wearing clothing and pajamas clearly a size too small. His parents are in Target every other day probably walking past the kids section ignoring the idea of spending $8 so their kid has right-fitting clothes. J$'s speech is heartbreaking. It's really bad. And it's not a fluke - it's several times when he speaks in this vlog. The kid is showing a big interest in books but his parents just make fun of him instead of encouraging it.
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Hey Trackers! How about you pretend to care about your children’s health and safety and read once in a while. You know…pregnancy nutrition guidelines….instruction manuals from all the crap you buy to keep them from bothering you….


They truly suck as parents.
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Can’t wait to hear them butcher the name Eleuthera. yes recap this cruise before they sail. They spend $1000 on more stuff before they leave. The pack the day before. They get there late, they had a “friend” drive as well because all of their luggage and useless shit couldn’t fit in the tesla. Said friend happens to be 2 nanny’s that will be underpaid, undervalued and over utilized. They’ll nonstop eat and complain about it since nothing is ever right. The room will be too small, because how in the world can a family of 4 that includes 2 small children not fit in a regular room?? Mind boggling. 🤦🏻‍♀️. More complaining about anything and everything. Dim will obsess about trivia night and then take a front row spot from a strangers kid for whatever show because he’s such a narcissist and he’s soooooo literally important. The whale will buy 2 more giant hats because the other ones no longer fit over ever-expanding head. She’ll also need to cover up her hair since she forgot her brush, again. Amongst all of this they’ll continue to eat anything and everything they can find. All in all it was a fantastic stay…except the room size, food portion size, soundproofing from their props, etc. ok. I’m going to get back to prepping my house for Easter and family.
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FRE, Smackher part 2 just posted….



💕 our Petey!
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Well, it took me only about 2.5 seconds to figure out the school. They need to stop putting any and all information out there about this. They make it too easy. It is an actual school, not a daycare/school and school does start for the new year in the beginning of August. Their webpage describes the exact observation visit procedure that Jenn described. I don't know how she didn't understand what was going on.

He only cried once, at the end of the day. Tim's reason for the crying was that he had all this energy to still burn off. Jenn's version said he missed her too much. They both lie so poorly. J$ cried at nap time because never in his entire 3 1/2 years has he been told he just has to sit in a place and be quiet or relax without someone there soothing him in some way.

Tim's been reading here--a lot. This is another Tattle's greatest hits vlog. He tells the viewers how J$ dropping his nap has made him a better sleeper. When he goes to bed a little later, he sleeps later in the morning. We've been saying this here for a long, long time. He also talks about how if you ask J$ an opened ended question, he gets confused and can't answer, but when you ask a specific question he can answer it. I know that I've personally given examples here of how they need to quit asking him questions the way they do.
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Jenn calling J$ unhinged is still laughable when we have footage of her sprinting through Magic Kingdom just to show off Halloween costumes to park characters.

She's just gross.
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Whew, made it to the end finally! You guys were busy while I was on vacation. It took me a week to catch up!!!

First off, I hate calling babies and children ugly, I really do. However, $liver is not a cute baby. I've hoped that he would grow into his face, but he hasn't. Not yet anyway. Maybe that's why they aren't showing him as often as they showed J$. 🤷‍♀️

Secondly, J$ is acting out because of the new baby coming. They did not prepare him AT ALL for this change. Once the baby comes, they start over indulging in J$ in hopes that his behavior will change. Renting a Jeep for a weekend because that's what J$ wanted....letting him pick out the color of the new car....seriously? What he's craving right now is attention from his parents and to feel included. He isn't looking for things to be bought. He's wanting one on one time with Jenn..whether its taking a walk, reading a book or going to the park. He doesn't need all that extra stuff like they've been doing. Sending him to a parent/child egg hunt with the Nanny is NOT helping this. They should have been there with him. As for his changed eating and sleeping habits, he's doing this because it's the only thing he has control over. He can control what goes in his mouth and what doesn't.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I checked, a moving car rocks the car seat, correct? Why do they need that stupid attachment piece IN THE CAR??? It's not safe to have anything attached to the handles of a car seat. If you get into a car accident, that becomes a loose object and it could cause an injury.

No parent is perfect, and I understand that. I'm sure I did my fair share of mess ups when my kids were younger. The difference....I didn't film every aspect of my kids life for the world to see. They need to be more careful at what they're posting.
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I am now convinced that Ol$ver got sunburned during this video. Their live must have been filmed when they got home from the outlets. That's why he was so red in their live. He wasn't that red in the outlet video. I can't believe they let that little NEWBORN baby get sunburned. All because Ginn felt left out and had to go be in the videos and get out of the house. Just for a stupid video where they fondle all of the merch and complain about how crappy the quality is.

Was this filmed the day of J$'s Easter egg hunt? So instead of watching their miracle son's Easter egg hunt they chose to walk around the Disney outlet and not buy anything? Just when you thought their parenting couldn't get worse it does.
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