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Creepy asked Lazy if they should just take the day off vlogging due to the heavy workload. He then proceeds to make a sound at 9:09 that sounds like he's about to launch into the Emmerdale theme tune. Might be a video idea for you @CheekyChappy
@thegreencow Challenge accepted!!... but, I might have got a bit carried away... ;)
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Just because we know they’re reading....please make her click on this every time!

The Ingham Family #101 - Chris Ingham cheated on you in the Ibis Sarah!
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As none of the Inghams answered questions I genuinely have in recent vlogs, I present 73 Questions, in the style of Vogue:

  1. Why does Chris have to wear a beanie at ALL times, even when it’s insanely hot outside?
  2. Why does Chris have to wear grey 99% of the time?
  3. Does Chris only own one grey T-shirt and never washes it, or does he have 100 of the same grey top in his wardrobe?
  4. If he’s not wearing grey, why are Chris’s only other choices downright bizarre, like his tie dye T-shirt?
  5. Why do Chris’s beanies stick up SO much to the point they resemble a garden gnome’s hat or a blown-up condom? No-one else seems to have this problem.
  6. What’s up Chris’s jigsaw piece neck-lace?
  7. Why does Chris appear to have the mind of a 14-year-old emo boy from 2002? Does he have the same issue as Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates and they have to remind him who he is every day?
  8. Why does Chris’s general style choice resemble a mix between Ian Watkins and Jimmy Savile?
  9. Does Chris genuinely believe he’s amazing at roller blading, and does he realise he can only do the one trick over and over again?
  10. Why does Chris talk in a bizarre Jamaican accent when talking to Jace or Prinny?
  11. Why does Chris say ‘foo’ all the time?
  12. When Chris takes photos of himself, why does he pull a strange half-open smile and then Photoshop himself so he looks silky-smooth?
  13. Why does Chris always think he’s got tonsillitis or a broken back, when he’s clearly absolutely fine?
  14. Why does Chris’s eyebrows automatically move every time he looks at himself in the camera? Is it because he can’t quite believe how sexy he is and is pulling his best moves for the Ifam?
  15. Do Chris and Sarah not realise how much they say ‘literally’? It’s literally every sentence now.
  16. Why does Sarah make fun of everyone else when they get something wrong when she gets words wrong on an hourly basis? See: advocado.
  17. When did Sarah’s life revolve around merch and making money?
  18. Why does Sarah think it’s OK to buy products from a Chinese website, stick her label on it and sell it for double the price, while making it sound as if she designed them all herself, knowing full well obsessed Ifam will buy whatever she puts out?
  19. What’s so cheeky about Jace?
  20. Why the name Jace?
  21. When you’re the subject of a controversy of any kind, why can’t you take any blame or learn from it, rather than just get angry and double down, calling any critics out as ‘haters’ and various rude names, while ironically reminding everyone to ‘be kind’?
  22. How many days of school have the girls missed over the past 5 years?
  23. How is it possible that you’ve seen the “most adorable thing ever” every single day? That’s quite the coincidence.
  24. Why do you shop at Morrison’s every single day (sometimes more than once a day) instead of doing one big food shop every now and then, or even doing an online order?
  25. Why do you stick Isabelle in the majority of your thumbnails, whether she’s involved in the headline or not?
  26. When she’s in the thumbnail, why does Isabelle always have her mouth wide open?
  27. When you mention any of the girls in the headline, why are they usually labelled as ’10-year-old’, ‘teen’ and the like rather than by their names?
  28. Why don’t you take Prinny on any walks?
  29. Why do you lie about the strangest of things, like pretending you didn’t buy a load of milk during lockdown just so Jace could have a bizarre milk bath for the gram?
  30. When Isabelle or any of the girls get bullied (probably because of you) or have a tough time, why do you have to exploit them for the sake of a cheap clickbait headline?
  31. Why do you always pretend that Granny Jane isn’t hanging around?
  32. Why do we rarely hear about other members of the family like Chris’s brother like we used to years ago?
  33. What does Isabelle’s father and that side of the family think of vlogging and why do we never hear about them? She must see them from time to time.
  34. What explanation have you given to the girls in regards to the grooming allegations against Chris? There’s no way that they haven’t heard them.
  35. Does Sarah genuinely believe Chris when he says nothing happened or that the ‘drop towel and resend’ photo was fake?
  36. Does Sarah not cry herself to sleep when she realises that Chris’s noncey behaviour ruined their career, and stopped them from having serious YouTube management and having any proper meet-and-greets outside a creepy doll shop in Leeds?
  37. When the entire internet was saying you were downright weird for selling a Jace doll, was there not one part of you that thought ‘we might have got this one wrong’, or did you simply think the whole world were ‘haters’ and you were totally right?
  38. Why did you leave a baby only a few months old unattended on a beach while on holiday abroad? Most people wouldn’t even leave an 8-year-old on their own in that situation. The fact that you could see him is irrelevant.
  39. How did you not know that putting Esme’s purple braids in was always going to get criticisms for cultural appropriation? And if it was a genuine mistake, why didn’t you just own up to it instead of shouting at people for being ‘ignorant’ when clearly it was the other way around?
  40. Why do the girls always have to get involved in tedious activities, often involving a tuff table, purely because you need content?
  41. Why does Chris always shout ‘woo-hoo’ when anything remotely ‘exciting’ happens?
  42. Why does Chris have a strange, bordering on sexual, obsession with water and water parks, yet rarely gets in the water himself?
  43. Why is Isabelle not able to be on her own, even in a tent in the garden without Chris being nearby? She’s nearly 15. Does she have any close friends?
  44. What did Chris do to get banned from driving and why does he pretend that he’s still driving when he’s clearly not (unless it’s round the estate as he can get away with that)?
  45. Why did it take Chris two years to film his magnum opus, when it was only 5 minutes 13 seconds long, and it clearly included footage of other skaters wearing the same outfit as him, so he can pretend he’s better at skating than he actually is?
  46. Why does Sarah put her hand under her chin and stick her elbow out whenever she’s talking?
  47. Why does Sarah constantly move her hair off of her face, only to instantly move it back to where it just was?
  48. Why doesn’t Sarah or any of the girls ever get their hair cut?
  49. Does Granny Jane secretly do the school run every day?
  50. Does Sarah ever get up before midday?
  51. Do Sarah or Chris have any friends left?
  52. Why can’t they keep anything out of reach of Jace? Do you just leave chocolate on the floor?
  53. Why does Jace HAVE to eat with his hands all the time to the point where it’s in his hair?
  54. Why do you feed Jace such trash and such huge portions? He had eaten McNuggets and even calamari by the time he was 9 months old.
  55. Why is there always alcohol in the background when we never see either Sarah or Chris drink them?
  56. Why did you spend months on Jace’s bedroom, when he’s never slept in it and it’s now just full of rubbish?
  57. Why do you always insist on waking Jace up every single day?
  58. Why do you need a gardener to look after a square patch of grass?
  59. What are the toadstools about?
  60. Why do you one minute say ‘don’t send us anything’ and then the next you’re shouting about how amazing this gift from a random Ifam was?
  61. Why do you think it’s totally fine and not at all creepy for countless fan accounts to make edits of you and your children, including some folks who are genuinely obsessed with them?
  62. Why does Sarah always leave cryptic messages about ‘haters’ on her Instagram, when no-one apart from die-hard Tattlers could have a clue what she’s on about?
  63. Why isn’t Sarah honest about where her Baby and Me blankets come from?
  64. Why do you fleece your Ifam £14.99 for a notebook when you can get them from Poundland?
  65. Why do you always have to do things as a whole group, and not allow the girls their own time away, or even spend one-on-one days out with either parent?
  66. Why does Chris insist on pulling his serious face in the Ingham Family intro – it just doesn’t fit the vibe of the whole thing and makes him look like a criminal.
  67. Do you not realise you’ve taught your kids to believe that it’s totally normal to receive 100s of presents every birthday and Christmas, constant presents from random strangers and the daily threat of a surprise holiday? What are they going to do when they grow up and realise that’s not the case for 99.9% of the general population?
  68. Why does Chris pretend that he’s not a ginger?
  69. If you’re moving so soon, why is nothing packed up yet?
  70. Does Chris buy views and followers?
  71. Why did you fake your reaction to finding out you were pregnant?
  72. Why do you exploit your girls’ illnesses or accidents for the sake of some clicks instead of just putting the camera away, like when Esme had to go to hospital for a sprain?
  73. Why can’t Chris shave properly at 35?
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Sarah saw this,
Sarah filmed this.
Chris "edited" this,
Chris uploaded this.
Neither one of them spotted the problem.
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They must think we were born yesterday. Go to Sainsburys did we?

Ice cream - Morrisons

Yorgurt - Aldi
yoghurt 2.PNG

Onions - Asda
Saisbury's onions have a different colour label
onion 1.PNG
onion 2.jpg

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Welcome to thread 100 Tattlers. Congratulations on this achievement Lay-z and Creepy... wooohoooooo boo boos.

Title suggested by @Kazza123

Hi Steve and Lazy (we see you reading here on the vlogs, babe)
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Decided to switch things up a bit, and instead of a summary, decided to do more of a thoughts on the vlog - (like opinion type thing), and leave greencow to carry on with her brilliant summaries.

So here are my thoughts on todays vlog, Enjoy x


- Fully sick of the montages in their vlogs....literally every vlog starts with a montage, ends with a montage, has montages every 3 seconds and of course today was no exception.
- Creepy starting the vlog just isn't the one...we don't care ur out of essentials...we already know ur happy to waste 5 packets of pasta on the bloody tuff table so im not surprised.
- Can creepy stop trying to get the girls into rollerblading...I feel like the girls are forced because its all creepy wants to do? (particularly Isla and Izzy) You don't need to start traumatising the neighbours of the estate by having greasy zoom past on his skates.
- all creepy wears grey shirts? Does he not realise other colours exist?
- Someone also sent him an LED beanie...*proceeds to vomit* Another #gifted item...even tho lazy swears they don't like accepting gifts?
- Does Lazy ever stop complaining? You went shopping at peak times, a Saturday, what u expected.
- Return of the tuff table :rolleyes: - making jelly to play with and then eat...ik you shouldn't waste but isn't that a bit unhygienic?
- £15 for 5 mins with them on a zoom chat?....I know its for charity but my God. Poor girl getting a call from the Minghams on her birthday...couldnt imagine anything worse.
- Is Lazy going to carry on plugging that 'sew cute' insta page anymore? Stg every vlog includes an item form then.
- Today Lazy is going to 'sit and do nothing' - why change the habits of a lifetime
- Jace stealing chocolate out Lazy's handbag...doesnt surprise me
- B&M Wallpaper? - surely with all that 'money' they have they'd opt for something more expensive? Ngl wallpapers were a bit chav central.
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Lazy starts the vlog in those awful buns she had in her hair yesterday. It's the evening and the Inghams haven't vlogged today because they've been busy and the girls asked for a pyjama day. Creepy has been doing some online work he's needed to do. Translation - looking for more girls to go skinny dipping with. Lazy has been catching up on orders and now they're caught up. The store went crazy tonight. There were 70 orders Lazy asked for some questions. They got good feedback on the last Q+A so they're doing it again.

Creepy thinks he's damaged the lens on the camera.

Q - Fingers for toes or toes for fingers?
A - Cackle. Cackle. Cackle. Creepy's toes are really long and gross. Cackle. Cackle. Cackle. Someone is obviously a very lot on the wine tonight.

Q - Who's the tidiest in the house?
A - Creepy. He says he cleans up after everybody. Lazy says he mislays items and he's lost some of Jace's boots. Creepy says he's put them in Jace's room ready for the move.

Q - Who argues the most?
A - Esme because she's so fiery and feisty.

Q - Funniest in the family
A - Esme

Q - Lazy's favourite Baby and Me product?
A - The adult blankets because she can use them.

Creepy seems to be drinking a lot of water tonight... or is it water? :unsure:

Q - Hardest thing about being a vlogger?
A - Dealing with people who think they know you because they see a section of your day. It's not hard but just frustrating. Creepy says some people take the videos way too personally and think they know you from a 20 minute section of your day which is meant to be for their entertainment. They don't put the vlogs out to preach their way of life - they do it so people can enjoy family friendly content. Lazy says if Jace has a meal and there's no veg on the plate it means they don't feed him vegetables. You get judged on the 20 minute vlog. Lazy says they should do a 'reacting to hate' vlog because she gets some hilarious things sent to her. Hi Steve, I hope you're enjoying my vlog run downs👋The best one today on Baby and Me was she's frauded the NHS because she used rainbows on a blanket. Creepy continues to drink his 'water'. If Creepy watches a YouTube video and doesn't like it he just doesn't watch the channel again.

Creepy looked a very lot uncomfortable with that question

Q - Do the girls prefer home school or school?
A - All the girls would say school. Creepy tells the ifam to comment down below your views on the Prime Minister's speech tonight because he know what his are. Lazy tells the ifam to keep it friendly. You don't have to agree with someone but don't argue with them.

Q - Will the Inghams go out in public if lockdown is lifted?
A - They don't know. If they could travel freely throughout the country they would take the caravan somewhere remote. they wouldn't go to normal life right now. Creepy will always be social distancing until there's a vaccine. Even when there's a vaccine they will still be cautious. Creepy knows the outside world won't be safe until there's a vaccine.

Q - Is Lazy still breast feeding Jace?
A - Yes but only once a day. He fed three times yesterday. He mainly feeds before bed.

Q - Kindest child?
A - Isabelle. The others aren't selfish but Isabelle would give you her arm if you needed it. She is always the one to give something up to make someone happy. I guess she didn't inherit that trait from her mother then.

Q - Have they ever been close the giving up Youtube?
A - They've never been close to giving up YouTube but there's been things that frustrated them. There's been a load of rubbish online. Conspiracies that people read as fact. The police confirmed Chris did groom the girls Lazy so definitely not a conspiracy; just you not being able to accept that you're married to a dirty groomer who will never change. Lazy has questioned if it's worth it but never seriously considered giving up because they do YouTube because they want to. You can't let the tiny molescule of negativity take away from how far up the Inghams' arses the ifam are how much positivity they get each day. You should never let anyone make you feel like you can't do something you want to do. Creepy 'nah man' Idiots are running their mouths about stuff they have no clue about makes him want to do YouTube more to prove them all wrong. The haters couldn't be his biggest inspirations. Cackle. Oh he's got his big balls now because he's in front of the camera.

Q - Will they take Jace to Lapland?
A - They were planning on taking him this year?

Q - Best behaved child and the naughtiest?
A - Lazy hates answering these questions because it sounds like they have a favourite child. Which they do. They're all different personality wise. Esme is definitely the fieriest and gets into trouble the most. If she feels hard done by she will fight the cause to death. She struggles accepting she's wrong. She must get that from her father. Esme doesn't always give a proper apology, she will just say 'sorry then'. Creepy does an impression of her. Isabelle is quick to apologise. She hasn't properly rebelled. If Isabelle and Lazy fall out then Isabelle is always the first to apologise. Isla used to be the best behaved child but now she has attitude. Creepy attempts to spell ' attitude

Q - Why did they leave Prinny eating chicken bones and her nails need cutting?
A - Cackle. Lazy sarcastically says 'are we not in lockdown?' Creepy puts his face right up to the camera and says he didn't leave her eating chicken bones. He went to get his shoes, came back and she had got it out. As soon as she saw creepy she scarpered across the garden but if you didn't vlog it it didn't happen. If Prinny scarpered across the garden then why was she right next to the chicken carcass in the vlog? No groomers are open so she can't get her nails cut.

He seems quite drunk at this point. He will be hung over the toilet in the morning puking up the vodka and the tuna pasta they probably had for dinner.

Q - When was Prinny last walked?
A - An hour ago but Creepy didn't vlog it so it didn't happen. I can believe that it didn't happen. Those claws are not the claws of a dog who is regularly walked. Creepy says he doesn't vlog sleeping or showering either so it obviously doesn't happen.

Q - Would they consider living abroad?
A - They've spoke about it a lot recently but Lazy is reluctant. They're not planning on doing it any time soon though.

Q - Do the girls physically fight?
A - Never, they're too worried about hurting each other. Creepy has only ever heard a door slam once in the house when Isabelle and Esme were shouting at each other. Isabelle stormed down the stairs and slammed the door to her room.

Q - Does Jace sleep through the night?
A - Yes but they put him to bed at 9pm. He sleeps for 12 hours.

Q - What are the Inghas doing to keep busy at the moment?
A - The videos are a full time job and they wish they had spare time. The stores take up time too. They grind themselves to the bone working. There's nothing lazy about doing YouTube.

Q - Hardest thing about havng everything they do online?
A - A misconception about Youtubers is all their lives are online but only a small part of their lives are online. They choose what they put online. There's 24 hours in a day where other things happen but we only see 20 minutes. You don't see Lazy crying because she did her hair wrong and you don't see Esme and Isla arguing. You don't see Creepy and Lazy bickering. Just because they don't film it doesn't mean it doesn't happen Who wants to see Creepy getting a lead when he looks like rubbish in the morning. Creepy doesn't want to film himself picking up Prinny's shit but he can't film it because he never picks it up - the garden is evidence of that. Someone left a Baby and Me review saying they don't walk the dog.

They'll definitely do a 'reacting to hate' video because they get some corkers You won't react to comments about the non situation though, will you Lazy? the girls are watching TV before bed.

End of vlog

Lazy's eyes were all over the place and Creepy looked so uncomfortable. I bet there was a huge bottle of wine on that worktop and more than a few top ups of vodka in Creepy's glass. They will be paying for that when they wake up. They delivered a huge helping of bullshit with a side of damage control. There is no situation everything is fine completely fine, absolutely no issues at all.

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Chris Ingram is not on the spectrum nor are the girls. Chris is a dirty bastard who finds very young girls attractive. That’s the behaviour of a pedophile not autism. Please do not give him a reason to do vile things it’s not fair on the people who are on the spectrum.
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This a very long post but...What I’ve learnt about Sarah, Chris and their family members from the past two years matter what happens, they won’t STOP until they get what they want. Which is the media’s attention or more fame. It’s this basic YouTuber culture that has changed that famous catchphrase to “any bad publicity, is good publicity”. Chris, is obviously a “narcissist”. He’s loudly showing the basic characteristics of one. He doesn’t want to be famous....because he thinks he’s already famous. He wants to be treated like the world owes him something back. He doesn’t need to see everyone around him “better” than him...because he sees himself “better” than them already. He will take, take, take and take from that person until there’s nothing left to take. As we’ve learnt, he THRIVES on attention, he loves being spluttered with compliments and much needed attention. His true colours began to play when he overstepped his trust on how to respect his younger fans and started flirting with them and being a straight up fucking creep. He was loving every bit of it though. He didn’t see what he was doing was “bad”. He didn’t care for his wife. Sarah, even though she’s just as bad for defending every action he’s done and joined along in the intimidation and bullying towards others spreading awareness on her husbands’ actions, had been blindsided awfully. I’ll get to Sarah in a bit. When the scandal came out of the blue, he was probably at home, SHITTING HIMSELF. The almighty “beanie wearing” woohoo YouTuber has caught himself in a tornado of shit. He deserved being caught in it. Like the saying goes, you do the do, you pay the price. Chris probably thought that the girls he flirted with and didn’t even think about them feeling awkward or very uncomfortable, were “overreacting”. Of course he did. He still thinks that today. His “apology” video wasn’t even about him feeling sorry for his “pregnant wife” or his “beautiful little girls”. It was honestly about him. His face shouted “feel sorry for me! I shouldn’t have to own up to my shitty actions!”. The cherry on top of this sad little man is...he knows he can get away it, again, If means be. He knows that Sarah will always come running back to him because of the “income“ they’re getting and the “fame”. He knows that his “vulnerable” audience will always watch their vlogs. COPPA hasn’t done anything in my opinion. YouTube and COPPA must do BETTER. The thing is, he may think he’s “off the hook” now and he can do whatever the fuck “he wants” but let’s just say it’s all talk with him when it comes to us, fake threats, no actions if one of their “haters” actually comes to confront them. Now, with Sarah, what you see...isn’t what you get I’m afraid. She may have had a troubled past but that is no excuse. She may been somewhat decent back then to what she is now but let me tell you, she’s given up. She’s totally given up on being her own person. Due to the fact that Chris takes full control of the editing and the channel, sometimes Sarah does have some control but it’s Chris that runs it, the income, their stability of a marriage and a family, this woman has decided to become like Chris, his mother, all of the other family members targeting the “haters” and just being so miserable towards everything daily. Why? Because she chose to, not because she was forced. I honestly believe Sarah had a choice on being the better person, putting her children first and just making a fresh new life. Away from YouTube...but she selfishly put her needs first instead of their daughters. Which has ultimately damaged any good reputation she had left. Now shes not the only suffering but so is the kids. We don’t think she notices this but I can assure she DOES. She’s way too focused on herself and what she needs that her daughters will sadly always fall into second place when it comes to her decision making. Also, the fame and greed that Chris strives for, has hit her like a ton of bricks. Both of them probably do have major arguments about money due to the fact they don’t have “viral talent” with them anymore or any big chances for their channel and careers. They probably don’t just argue about that but they probably argue about Chris “destroying” their future on YouTube and what he did. Sarah obviously has given up and fallen into those tracks like the others have but I truly believe, deep down, she’s fully regretting that decision. Sad that her selfish tendencies has to get in front of it all. She will do ANYTHING to get more fame and more money just like her husband. Even if that means stealing others creations and profiting them as her own, even if that means mentally damaging their children and making them their own piggy banks, even if that means breaking the law. Things would’ve been so much (and I cannot stress enough) so MUCH different if Sarah wasn’t in denial when the actual proof was there and confirmed by police and lastly, placing her own needs before her kids and the girls that Chris was being extremely inappropriate with. It’s not Sarah’s fault that Chris did what he did but it’s not helping the situation if she’s just doing this to be very selfish. Their marriage has obviously hit a very steep low, they’re only together for the “income” now and for *ahem* the sex and affection they both obviously want from a partner (sorry guys, I had to go there). If the income wasn’t there, would Sarah stay with him? Would Chris stay with Sarah? No. There’s the answer. Their marriage isn’t strong enough. It wasn’t strong enough to begin with but with the current situation they’re in, divorce bells will ring if they practically had no money coming in. The most heartbreaking reality of it all is...these kids are gonna up either mentally unwell or take on those toxic behaviour traits that their parents have. sabelle most definitely KNOWS about this all and she’s showing clear signs of being depressed. I remember being her age and was clearly depressed on what was going on in my personal life, I suffer with mental health issues myself, it’s a NIGHTMARE. I wouldn’t even wish on it on my worst enemy. I can see that Isabelle is truly a ticking timebomb. Her mental health is only gonna get poorer and poorer until she hits rock bottom. I could say the same for Isla and Esme growing up too including jayce. Their parents made them believe that education isn’t important. They’re all behind. they’re not gonna succeed on YouTube either, I’m sorry but it’s just how I’m looking at this situation. YouTube is always changing and family vlogging could very well be a thing in the past when it comes to them doing their own thing. Which is actually a good thing because Sarah and Chris will finally get their just desserts. They want what they want but are not willing to be good people to get it? No. I’m in no way defending either of them expect for the children in this. They deserve a bit better don’t you think? Also, I know that they like to spy on tattle, so if you’ve read all this (If there’s a miracle) , Chris, Sarah, Steve, Jane, prinny, whichever you are, I have two questions. 1) Chris, if you have any remorse left, even the tiniest bit of it, to what you did to those girls and your YouTube career, I would advise to get some help. Stop with vlogging and let your daughters lead a good life and 2) Sarah, you had that chance to do what I included in this very long rant, you chose your own needs. How is this going to work in the long run? How is this going to have a positive impact on your children’s lives when some people at their school or in the public know what you and your husband have done? You still have time to change things but you HAVE to put your kids’ needs before yours. I’m not saying you’re a “horrific” mother. I’m saying your actions on when it comes to your children are sometimes...questionable. Don’t leave it too late. Take a long a look at yourself please. Both of you. My thumbs are EXHAUSTED. If you read all of this Tattlers, you get a “woohoo” from me!❤
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