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New member
Hello Guys and Girls, a few disclaimers up front; I am new to contributing (however, I have been viewing comments for a while), and I am a chateau owner located new CDLL. At first, I was over joyed at the ETTC C4 show, as it contributed to knowledge about what we chateau owners face. The introduction of local chateau owners on the DIY show. Then SJ started the vlogs, all very good and a semi-true reflection of life here. However, last May I contacted her regarding the gift giving. Expressed my concerns of the distaste of it, and the additional begging of MP and Marie. I was immediately attacked by idiots on her comment section. However, SJ herself seemed to be taking it on board via messages. TBH I was only communicated with as she knew I was a local chateau owner.

The situation we chateau’s (as mentioned previously) is they are money pits – you enter into this relationship (with the beast of a house) with full knowledge of this. Baseline is, she has been there 15 years and little structural work has been completed. Way too much money is spent on surface nonsense. Additionally, the privileged and moneyed background is screaming out to be disclosed, which Tattle has done. If she was as poor as she proclaims there are grants from AHAN which go to restoring old buildings. You can assess this money if you are of a low income. In assessing these grants you must disclose all income, for Miss SJ not to be able to avail herself of these grants means she is well above the threshold of income which a normal chateau owner would be.

As to a tax situation re Patreon income, this will be, as of yet be declared, as under FR law it is, as of yet not covered. Workaways have been removed, again for the legal reasons surrounding employing people in FR. The hours they worked etc. would have made them employees under FR law.

I also highlighted the jumping on the money train by MP and Marie; whilst I am sure are nice people this was tasteless and low behaviour. They are all fully aware the vast majority of people who are donating are vulnerable people for a variety of reasons. Therefore, after seeing the ‘hinting’ for items on vlogs I ceased to watch. Marie, again I have communicated with, and she is quite a rude person, trying to give allowance for cultural differences. However, she has never held down a job and is emotionally suspended in childhood. Also, why is she paying rent on stables, when she is compensating SJ with cooking and cleaning? MK vlog on D&A, legally speaking he did not mention the names therefore one could argue himself out of a legal fight. This would not go to court but a settlement talks. MK motives were quite simple, to damage another brand that he and SJ hope to replace. D&A will not retaliate as they will face many a CR claim to come whilst they are expanding their brand. MK incentive was to, in a very dysfunctional manner, enchant sympathy (the pity economy from which he does so well on P acc) and to bag possible sponsors or design deals. Again, this is very common in design world. However, I feel his P pennies would be better spend on a therapist and possible not dressing like a man who owns the manor house, as opposed to the cottage in the back of the manor. The arrested development and identity issues with all mentioned characters are a psychologist wet dream.
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Anfield Annie

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Hi everyone...I've been a tattle fan for a while but only just came across this particular thread so thought I'd join in! 🤓

As someone who actually lives in France and has close connections to the renovation world, including with chateaux....I thought you might be interested in some background information in the legality of how things should be done here...and I mean "should" very strongly because as with most things in life there will always be people who look to bend or ignore the rules. So apologies if my post is a bit long

When I last looked you can set yourself up in the UK as a self employed anything...a carpenter, plumber, electrician whatever without any real verification. In FR it is totally different. So assuming you go through the proper channels , you cannot advertise or accept money for services (not just in the construction field) for which you are not registered for. To obtain your registration you have to provide various papers to authenticate your qualifications or experience and in some areas like electrics you have to re-sit assessments based on FR standards. And if your skill set is related to anything related to construction or renovation of properties you are also legally obliged to provide a certain insurance cover on your work for up to a 10 yr period. So pretty much any activities up to the painting stage is required to be covered in this manner. So for this reason you don't see so many multi made "builders" in FR - just because if you offer more than one trade you have to be registered & insured for each individual skill set

You then have a level of "handyman" type people who register themselves as a bit of a "jack of all trades" and don't have to provide insurance - however..what they are not allowed to do is larger scale works. It should only be smaller jobs taking just a few hours or days a week. So for example you can change one new light fitting but you cannot rewire a house. You can build a small garden wall but you cannot build an extension, you can replace 20 broken roof tiles but not replace the whole roof etc etc The principal being you cannot undertake works which takes away the opportunity for a more professional registered artisan

Most chateaux available for sale here are all in similar literally nothing done to them for maybe 50+ years if not more. A good rule of thumb is that whatever you pay for the purchase of the house, you will need at least double if not treble the amount again to complete the renovation . So a "bargain" of €300k will end up costing you a good €1m in total outlay if you assume all the obvious things need repairing or replacing...and assuming you use these registered professionals I already mentioned . Say you have a 40 room chateau - new roof? not much change out of €100k, new electrics? €40k, new plumbing/heating? €40-50k, repair of exterior walls? €75k..and this before you look at interior finishes & decor etc

The average day rate labour charge for a registered & insured artisan tradesmen here would be around €350 per day, certainly €300. A handyman will charge somewhere from €150-€200 per day .So what happens is that these chateau owners start on the road of sourcing their labour force through the proper channels and then after connecting themselves with other owners via social media or whatever they soon become aware of the option to cheapen their Reno costs by working their way down the labour force ladder. So forget the professional at €350 per day, move to the handyman level...forgetting the fact he is not legally allowed to rewire your house!....and then as time goes by...forget the handyman - move onto the "free" volunteer workforce where you might bung them €50 a day and/or provide a bed & a bowl of stew at night...and even better, see if you can get a total freebie workforce ! Look at Dick & Angel's website...they actually charge you €75 per day to go and garden for you pay them for the privilege of working in their grounds in return for some sarnies & a cuppa!

In FR it is actually illegal for someone to undertake works he is not registered or insured to do. and especially so if he receives any form of payment for that work. Both the tradesmen AND the homeowner can be heavily fined. No one stops you if you are a DIYer ..if you want to DIY fine, no probs...but don't supplement this approach by using the wrong paid for labour force. Volunteer workforce is only supposed to undertake a limited number of hours of "work" per day per week...and again, it would not be expected that they were doing high level things like fitting your new bathroom!

The reality is that most chateau owners are greedy and arrogant - thats how they found themselves buying the bloody house in the first place! They would far rather spend their money on a fancy chandelier or antique table than pay for something they deem to be of less value or that they know they can be done by someone else at a fraction of the outlay. All they are interested in is the short term benefits. What they won't be thinking about are the longer term repercussions -so when they come to sell & cannot authenticate some of the really significant works with invoices or insurance papers then the house will be difficult or even impossible to sell. Any capital gains tax charges cannot be offset by the money they have invested on improvements as they won't have an invoice for it. And god forbid they ever had an insurance claim for something like a fire! I know of someone who did not get their cheap electrics authenticated by the proper channels & when the house burned down their insurance would not pay out because they could not prove who did the works. And on top of that the fire brigade charged them for coming to put the fire out!!

Right , time for. cuppa....thanks if you read to the end! Keep up the good work

PS - I forgot to add that I get really pissed off too when I see these chateau owners either pleading poverty and encouraging financial donations or whatever ..its total BS. I just wish some of these people who like to live vicariously through other peoples fake IG life could see how they were being used
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Where’s Heathcliffe in all this drama, he love a bit of Trotter Tribulations and now we have it in spades and not a nugget from him, perhaps he’s just absorbing it all and gathering his thoughts and constructing his musings on gardenpotageriedesigngate.
I am here darling, stunned into silence :oops: I did watch the "confession" vlog of young Trotter, and I just can't find the words! But shall try. :devilish: Firstly, why do we think of him as a boy? The vlog itself is the answer. He isn't though, not in chronological age anyway. If this weird Chatelaine of TV shows has cheated him out of money by using his art, she is not nice to know. But he has had something like 200 000 supporters in the last 10 months, WHY has he not taken advantage of that fortune and created new stuff in his own name that makes what he made for her seem insignificant? At the time, he was a nobody, now thanks to algorythms mainly, and that people like his face, he has an audience. That he has completely taken for granted and only served them a couple of boring videos. He has creativity, he should use it. IF you are reading this Michael, ACTION speaks louder than words, for heaven's sake DO something! Produce, shine, rise above! 💪 To put blame on gossip sites like this one is just too easy, and infantile. As a person in the spotlight, there will ALWAYS be green eyed monsters who snipe, people who are curious about your private life (and look for clues), narky people who got up with the wrong foot and want to let rip, and horrible mean people who likes to see others suffer. That is a fact of life, and of being a known person. If you can't ignore that, you should not be in the spotlight. You cannot shame the world into only speaking nicely about you, it won't happen! Not even to Jesus would that happen. :sneaky::coffee: Also, to be all high and mighty and claim that speaking about other people is a sign of lowlife, get over yourself. Society and humanity relies on us having interest in one another, you're no different. You love it as long as it is adoration, well it has a backside.
I agree that some stuff written on this site has been malignant, but the vast majority of it is just idle gossip. I agree that to speculate in SJ father being a weirdo, and trying to "diagnose" mental problems is way out there. As far as the Pethrics I am not sure I have seen anything here I would classify as malignant, -people are mainly calling them boring and idle, so prove us wrong then!?! :rolleyes: So, in short, I was not impressed by the confession vlog, no. It just bought the young man more time to excuse himself for not actually producing any content to the people who pay for that. He likes the income, but somehow does not come up with ideas or energy to make entertaining vlogs. He need only look to SJ vlog, those are entertaining! My wife loves watching those, in spite of me lusting after SJ at times. :ROFLMAO: They are charming, entertaining, varied, fun! If he has no talent for presenting and creating vlogs (which might be the annoying truth) then create designs and goods, make a web shop! The superfans would love that. So, that is my opinion. Not impressed.(n)
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I just discovered this group a few days ago and have been binge reading. I have liked or laughed at dozens, if not hundreds, of your comments but not made my own yet since I started at the very first page and am only up to reading a few thousand comments. I tend to agree with most of what has been said here, and rarely bothered to comment on the actual CD videos since I could see that most of the viewers were just sucking up. I know I'd have been tarred and feathered (is that an American practice?) for daring to make a few honest observations, so I said nothing. I got so tired of the fans rushing to post the pics of their newest piece of toile, or Spode, or 100 Stars robe, wondering why none of them had an original idea. I will try to get caught up here over the next week or so, reading it all, as your comments save me lots of needless vlog watching. I am behind there too, though when I began and watched the original CDs in order, I watched them all up to just a few months ago and got behind. BTW, I am American, over 50, but not the typical fan that you all cringe at. Speaking of cringing, something about Queen Brenda and then later Karen Cbomb caused me a lot of that. Glad to know I can share cringe worthy moments with other like-minded individuals. I had to leave those "official" FB pages once I discovered here that they were only superfan kingdoms ruled over by narcissistic queen Bees.
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That singing of Non, je ne regrette rien was quite something.
Aaah living in a Château in France, singing Edith Piaf, eating out of porcelaine de Limoges plates, over-emphasizing French words as if they want to say it better than French people themselves, this is all snobbery...
This way of always trying to convey an image of France that's not real, just to appeal to, non-French people and their romantic view of France (mostly North-Americans but not just) is getting really old, especially when actually it looks like they have very little (if not any at all) interaction with actual French people, with locals.
They'd rather have people coming from all over the world to work for free than hiring local French artisans apparently.
I grew up with people like that in the French countryside.
And then I'm sure they wonder why they're not particularly liked. 😒🙄
Plus they act like French law doesn't apply to them (you know, tax probably but no real proof just speculation but also Covid restrictions...)
The limit during Christmas time was 6 adults maximum (could be more if all adults live together all the time but otherwise maximum of 6.) It was just a recommendation for sure not law but they clearly did not care and respect it.)
I personally did not get to spend Christmas with my family in the south of France this year for this reason, and stayed alone in my Paris studio (with my cat), I haven't worked since March 12 2020 since I work in hospitality and the hotel I work at has not reopened yet since the first lockdown... I have firends who own a bar who are now struggling. We all want everyone to do their part so we can resume working (like everyone everywhere wants), and then I see them acting this way...
This is just so blatantly disrespectful.
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A fair point regarding my comment on 'stupid Americans', thank you for the monitoring it reminds me of somewhere...oh is CD fans attacking people for any perceived transgression. As to my state of mind, indeed you are quick, considering i did state i was angry, how very perceptive of you! No need for armchair psychology as after all i did state it myself. However, why i am angry is not her revenue; it is the plain injustice of claiming money from people when she has it hidden away in trusts and property. I can make my own money, without selling my privacy and that my dear is something i am very proud of and not angry at all about!
Just to add to the conversation, and I should state that the reason I’m okay with paying for content is that, as an American, my cable bill is $200 a month. $5 a month to me is nothing. If SJ is cranking out 12-15 hours of programming a month it’s cheap. I have hundreds of channels and I don’t have anything to watch. I think the videos are welcome because it’s sort of reality, which is better than the canned diy shows we have over here.

On camera SJ comes across as a little nutty, which is entertaining, but the fact that she churns out the videos (some have a good deal of research that goes into them) makes her a bargain. She’s also a really good presenter. She seems to be highly motivated to make the money and I appreciate the hustle. She never misses putting out content and seems happy to have a “job”. She seems appreciative too. I know people in positions similar to hers and it could well be she’s never had a vocation or chance at one she’s liked because of her parents. She seems to be very happy and delivers what she says she’s going to deliver. She also has not, as of yet, flooded the merchandise or done a product placement, which is admirable.

I get where you’re coming from though. She’d be well served to shut the gift stuff down. But she’s trying to keep her fans happy. It may probably get to be too much. She’s much more appreciative than tv stars, they’d never do what she’s doing.

Her financial background is the elephant in the room as far as I’m concerned. She needs to find a way to do a reset on all of that and come clean, but some of us pay for the content and consider it a fair trade. We’re not doing it because we think she’s poor.
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Not quite a thread summary. However in anticipation of new members I've tried.

For those new to this thread, particularly if directed by recent commentary on youtube; welcome. I encourage you to start at thread #1. This is a discussion including critiques of the Chateau Diaries, and under sufferance, The Pethericks. If you are a superfan this is not the site for you. We do not abuse if we disagree. This is not fb or youtube. is a free exchange you cannot moderate others' views. We say " I disagree" or present an alternative view. Most info is from SJ vlogs, insta, facebook or from basic searches of public info. Many on here are incredibley witty. Origns are we enjoyed original vlogs, interesting reno talk, travels, etc. Then the money grab started which raised a lot of concerns.

In recent topical threads we have discussed:

1. Concern re how SJ presents her personal financial situation and how fans don't connect the dots. SJ owns flat in London and 50% Chateau. IJ owns ZA property, UK property and presumabley a % of her own mother's home in France.

2. COVID Christmas Diaries at the Chateau - it was evident more people were at the Chateau than the 16 for dinner. Discussions focused on who they were as they were seen in background of vlogs and on cleaning/cooking rosters. Concern increased when it was evident length of journey (would require a pit stop with potential risk) and 2 holding senior public roles in Netherlands and Belgium. No persons have been contacted making comments to them, nor their employers. Not sure how this is bullying.

3. Derek Jarvis paintings -- several present sexualised imagery. These are not openly shown but visible. SJ said her father let people have own interpretation - so I did, tongue in check on one painting. Some discussion of his possible imitation of other styles as he developed his own, and suitability of such imagery in front of a child/daughter.

4. SJ behaviour with volunteers. Concerns discussed. 1-2 posters stated their inside experience/views. These were discussed and debated at length with concerns raised about this in terms of ethics/moral if not legality (Workaway in France). List of boyfriends maintained so we can keep track.

5. Financial gain. Concerns re the lack of financial transparency, continued donations by the vulnerable, questions raised about the charitable foundation. As we are a global group, familiarity with french taxation and laws was supplemented by posters who knew/searched online. Can't ask polite questions as patreons or fb group as you get slammed. So discussed here.

6. SJ behaviour. There was a discussion on SJ's observed behaviour and whether it was ADHD, narcissism, hoarding, child like for a 45 year old, etc. Also relationship with her parents based on her commentary. This did get a bit weird. Discussed on relationship dynamics with ex boyfriends, whobshe mentions and does not, hence the boyfriend timeline.

7. The Pethericks. We avoid the Trotters as most find them boring or distasteful in open money grab and number of vlogs. Once they were up, through a few simple searches of social media history, commenters raised concerns. Speculation on their motives and background. Concern re Gwen. MP2 basically supported with his creativity, depressive tendancies and potential; frustration at lack of action, rework on cottage, open begging in his vlogs. Failure to launch comes to mind.

8. Persons of disrepute who & why. Brenda's bullying online of persons including a patreon asking simple questions. Her inserting herself in key moments like Forest Gump, and general mis representations exposed, including basic lies like the view from her window. She advertised Tattle to 10000 fb fans and threatened us. So a few legal truths were published on Tattle. Jill Scott has a white collar taxation criminal record. Multiple times our comments have expressed frustration and amazement at who SJ associates her brand with and could she please get some experts in, rather than amateurs.
Of all people in LaLa universe Nic, MP and Ruthy are often discussed as professionals who would have some idea of what to do, so we wonder what is going on in her head. Oli, as a marketing communications person and potential co- vlogger, would he not speak with her. Watch SJ burn him for BJJ on launching Chateau tours across Europe.

9. La La Land Universe. Commentary on other "characters" (as SJ calks them in vlog 100) is a critique on their behaviour in vlogs, motivations for being there, work contributions, etc. Especially when they start own money making/begging social media presence. BJJ's presence with no skills raises the thought SJ needs a sidekick (used to be MP). Look I can't even be bothered writing about him, read the threads.

10. Restoration work not prioritised. Lack of structural, heating, the basics considered as people obviously are freezing in an old hunting lodge/ruin. It was never a grand Chateau. 15 year ownership yet on her vlogs SJ shows rooms she hasn't gone into (vlog 36) or enters very infrequently or keeps tidy (attic, laundry room, old dairy room, hallways).

Not quite a thread summary. However in anticipation of new members I've tried.

For those new to this thread, particularly if directed by recent commentary on youtube; welcome. I encourage you to start at thread #1. This is a discussion including critiques of the Chateau Diaries, and under sufferance, The Pethericks. If you are a superfan this is not the site for you. We do not abuse if we disagree. We say " I disagree" or present an alternative view. Most info is from SJ vlogs, insta, facebook or from basic searches of public info. Many on here are incredibley witty. Origns are we enjoyed original vlogs, interesting reno talk, travels, etc. Then the money grab started which raised a lot of concerns.

In recent topical threads we have discussed:

1. Concern re how SJ presents her personal financial situation and how fans don't connect the dots. SJ owns flat in London and 50% Chateau. IJ owns ZA property, UK property and presumabley a % of her own mother's home in France.

2. COVID Christmas at the Chateau - it was evident more people were at the Chateau than the 16 for dinner. Discussions focused on who they were as they were seen in background of vlogs and on cleaning/cooking rosters. Concern increased when it was evident length of journey (would require a pit stop with potential risk) and 2 holding senior public roles in Netherlands and Belgium. No persons have been contacted making comments to them, nor their employers. Not sure how this is bullying.

3. Derek Jarvis paintings -- several present sexualised imagery. These are not openly shown but visible. SJ said her father let people have own interpretation - so I did, tongue in check on one painting. Some discussion of his possible imitation of other styles as he developed his own, and suitability of such imagery in front of a child/daughter.

4. SJ behaviour with volunteers. Concerns discussed. 1-2 posters stated their inside experience/views. These were discussed and debated at length with concerns raised about this in terms of ethics/moral if not legality (Workaway in France). List of boyfriends maintained so we can keep track.

5. Financial gain. Concerns re the lack of financial transparency, continued donations by the vulnerable, questions raised about the charitable foundation. As we are a global group, familiarity with french taxation and laws was supplemented by posters who knew/searched online. Can't ask polite questions as patreons or fb group as you get slammed. So discussed here.

6. SJ behaviour. There was a discussion on SJ's observed behaviour and whether it was ADHD, narcissism, hoarding, child like for a 45 year old, etc. Also relationship with her parents based on her commentary. This did get a bit weird. Discussed on relationship dynamics with ex boyfriends, whobshe mentions and does not, hence the boyfriend timeline.

7. The Pethericks. We avoid the Trotters as most find them boring or distasteful in open money grab and number of vlogs. Once they were up, through a few simple searches of social media history, commenters raised concerns. Speculation on their motives and background. Concern re Gwen. MP2 basically supported with his creativity, depressive tendancies and potential; frustration at lack of action, rework on cottage, open begging in his vlogs. Failure to launch comes to mind.

8. Persons of disrepute who & why. Brenda's bullying online of persons including a patreon asking simple questions. Her inserting herself in key moments like Forest Gump, and general mis representations exposed, including basic lies like the view from her window. She advertised Tattle to 10000 fb fans and threatened us. So a few legal truths were published on Tattle. Jill Scott has a white collar taxation criminal record. Multiple times our comments have expressed frustration and amazement at who SJ associates her brand with and could she please get some experts in, rather than amateurs.
Of all people in LaLa universe Nic, MP and Ruthy are often discussed as professionals who would have some idea of what to do, so we wonder what is going on in her head. Oli, as a marketing communications person and potential co- vlogger, would he not speak with her. Watch SJ burn him for BJJ on launching Chateau tours across Europe.

9. La La Land Universe. Commentary on other "characters" (as SJ calks them in vlog 100) is a critique on their behaviour in vlogs, motivations for being there, work contributions, etc. Especially when they start own money making/begging social media presence. BJJ's presence with no skills raises the thought SJ needs a sidekick (used to be MP). Look I can't even be bothered writing about him, read the threads.

10. Restoration work not prioritised. Lack of structural, heating, the basics considered as people obviously are freezing in an old hunting lodge/ruin. It was never a grand Chateau. 15 year ownership yet on her vlogs SJ shows rooms she hasn't gone into (vlog 36) or enters very infrequently or keeps tidy (attic, laundry room, old dairy room, hallways).
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I would just love to see random fans showing up at the shat-o without calling ahead or being invited. Swarming around, oohing and awing over every little piece of kitsch, plugging up the plumbing, asking for tea, making themselves at home in the grand salon, and then leaving without cleaning up their mess. After all, SJ has invited fans to stop by but only on the weekends but you know how rabid fans are, they only hear what they want to.
Superb additional info. and welcome here. Your comment on everyone jumping on the ‘money train’ particularly Michael and the rude Marie are on point. They all want something from others who frequently have less than they and both of those give back nothing or little in return. In life there are givers and takers and these two (and obvs SJ) are take, take, take.

This is why I was so disappointed to see Anna and Phillipe not only teaming up with SJ et al, but also handing out the begging bowl before they have barely begun. It’s so ugly and offensive.

Am so pleased to know there is a chateau owner out there with principles (and no begging bowl) who was prepared to advise and challenge the grab grab grab of SJ and Marie. Well done. Seriously a good move

Not at all surprised to learn Floral Roadkill is rude, even allowing for a language difference, her surly, sulky nature cannot be disguised, no matter how faux-happy she appears from time to time nor what she dresses up in.
Apologises i have no idea how to utilise this site to respond correctly - here is hoping.

As i said she showed respect (or faux) due to our ownership status and knowing her. However, she claimed to 'need' this economic avenue of income and was providing vlogs in return. My point was made that she now has thousands of 'masters' directing her vlogs via their likes and dislikes. This Chateau will never be her's, it will be completed on the backs of stupid Americans who are willing to pay up for a dream of FR seen in a 'good year' movie. True is we have had friends in common from UK and IR for years, she is claiming to be poor, and whilst she may have been cash poor at some stage, she most definitely has never been asset poor. People need to ask, and investigate - how can she afford to buy this place and she has never worked (opera singers (i have a dear friend who is one and lives a few miles from SJ) do not make this kind of money. How can she afford fees at oxford may led you to how she has afforded this all. Point is she is in no way poor and is aimining to complete this chateau via other peoples funds. The local Chateau owners are aware of this and are disapproving. And, don't start me on how the local French see this car crash situation - not good. Also they never have locals over...she is not living in rural FR at all. This is an illusion and people are buying into it. Disclaimer Yes sometimes it makes me angry as we work our ass off to keep this place going. And, no i would never sell my privacy for money. No thanks.
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I have no idea. My knowledge only goes as far back as the early- mid-2000s.

I just wanted people to be aware that it's not right to represent yourself as someone who is in a huge house in the middle of France as if it was an inherited burden or you are financially struggling. The family has money, the boys invested have money, they all have enough to run the chateau without any support. This is someone wanting the Catherine Palace but not wanting to bankroll it. Excusing any external and structural work (there doesn't appear to be any? Other than cosmetic) this is all mere vanity. If you can't upkeep the property (which they can) but if not, sell it or sell your countless assets to bankroll your lifestyle.

I have looked at the chateau Patreon and it appears that monthly, via "fan" subscriptions £18,000 is being generated which equates to over £200,000 per year, meaning in 5 years (if this continues) they would have extracted over £1 million pounds pre-tax, is it taxed? Not including the additional private income, brand deals, and Youtube revenue. If they receive the latter two, it's not clear?

£200,000+ per year. WHAT?

Thank you friend! This is what I needed to hear. I’ve been a patron of Stephanie’s for a while and I started contributing thinking that she had some means, but couldn’t finance the big stuff. I have wealthy family and I could see how maybe you can have some money but not be able to get $100k worth of structural work done, etc. She does work pretty hard to get all the videos out so it didn’t bother me to pay a bit to spur the work along.

Over time though, I started noticing things. Like fabric that costs $500 a yard for wall coverings. Magnum bottles of Moët at dinner. Hotel rooms that are probably $600-$1000 a night. Manolo Blahniks. Dior couture. Certain fragrances. Zipping to New York, London, Venice, Norway. Liberty advent boxes.

But also, Isabelle has never flown 1st class? Steph can’t buy a car? Steph covers the holes in her cashmere with stickers? The courtyard looks like shit? She buys clothes at the charity shop? They can’t afford a gardener? They can’t afford to fix the heat? They can’t afford an admin person? They couldn’t afford a new lawn mower? She actually gives people hotel soap as a present? Marie buys all the flowers? She has shit internet and will sit in a car for three hours to upload a video? The shutters are falling off?

My spider senses were going off a while ago. I thought again, maybe she has enough inheritance to live comfortably, but sort of shabby broke. But these other things indicate a person who has always had access to expensive things. I thought maybe she actually made some money singing for a while, or her workshops were fairly lucrative, or something. Apparently not. It’s all family money.

Now I don’t fault her for the ad revenue she’s earning with the videos. They are mostly lovely and entertaining to watch. The Patreon thing is a little bit cray cray though. If indeed they have the means to really fix this place up, it’s wrong for them to poor mouth. I think the elusive Nick has already come down on her for it. I don’t blame him for putting his face in a bag frankly. I would too.

Without knowing 100% about the other dodgy things alleged here, I can’t judge anything other than what I see. Bottom line right now is that I think they have money but are cheap. Cheap people do weird things. I can see Mummy being cheap.

On the surface though Stephanie seems to be witty, charming, funny and intelligent. She cheers me up when I watch the videos. So this is disappointing. I do think though that her father dying had some to do with the lack of direction or work for quite a few years. She now seems to be willing to work hard on the videos to raise money and the rennovations to give us something to watch. You have to admit it compelling. Hell, we’re all on here bitching. That’s saying something. Jury is still out for me. But something just ain’t right.
I'm new. Don't ask for details because I'm not giving them. Recently learned of the TV series on Channel 4/5?. I noticed someone googled "Chateau de la lande" and found you guys here.

If you are a person donating to Steph, please stop. The family is very wealthy, I know this for a fact - directly. What they have in the bank I'm unsure but we are talking millions! Multiple properties all over the place, 7 that I can recall. Very sizable incomes - alimony payments, pensions, trusts, inheritance, rental income, the list is endless. Money most of us could only dream of.

They have no money issues you are just paying for things they don't want to pay for.
Thank you friend! This is what I needed to hear. I’ve been a patron of Stephanie’s for a while and I started contributing thinking that she had some means, but couldn’t finance the big stuff. I have wealthy family and I could see how maybe you can have some money but not be able to get $100k worth of structural work done, etc. She does work pretty hard to get all the videos out so it didn’t bother me to pay a bit to spur the work along.

Over time though, I started noticing things. Like fabric that costs $500 a yard for wall coverings. Magnum bottles of Moët at dinner. Hotel rooms that are probably $600-$1000 a night. Manolo Blahniks. Dior couture. Certain fragrances. Zipping to New York, London, Venice, Norway. Liberty advent boxes.

But also, Isabelle has never flown 1st class? Steph can’t buy a car? Steph covers the holes in her cashmere with stickers? The courtyard looks like shit? She buys clothes at the charity shop? They can’t afford a gardener? They can’t afford to fix the heat? They can’t afford an admin person? They couldn’t afford a new lawn mower? She actually gives people hotel soap as a present? Marie buys all the flowers? She has shit internet and will sit in a car for three hours to upload a video? The shutters are falling off?

My spider senses were going off a while ago. I thought again, maybe she has enough inheritance to live comfortably, but sort of shabby broke. But these other things indicate a person who has always had access to expensive things. I thought maybe she actually made some money singing for a while, or her workshops were fairly lucrative, or something. Apparently not. It’s all family money.

Now I don’t fault her for the ad revenue she’s earning with the videos. They are mostly lovely and entertaining to watch. The Patreon thing is a little bit cray cray though. If indeed they have the means to really fix this place up, it’s wrong for them to poor mouth. I think the elusive Nick has already come down on her for it. I don’t blame him for putting his face in a bag frankly. I would too.

Without knowing 100% about the other dodgy things alleged here, I can’t judge anything other than what I see. Bottom line right now is that I think they have money but are cheap. Cheap people do weird things. I can see Mummy being cheap.

On the surface though Stephanie seems to be witty, charming, funny and intelligent. She cheers me up when I watch the videos. So this is disappointing. I do think though that her father dying had some to do with the lack of direction or work for quite a few years. She now seems to be willing to work hard on the videos to raise money and the rennovations to give us something to watch. You have to admit it’s compelling. Hell, we’re all on here bitching. That’s saying something. Jury is still out for me. But something just ain’t right.
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A Donegal summary for newbies.

LaLande is a chateau in France,
Which patrons pay to enhance.
But the chatelaine is feckless,
And with the money quite reckless.
She prefers to party and dance.
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Great post this ☝
Hi, I'm new to this site. I joined after watching Michael's whining YT vido. I feel that MP really needs a shot of reality in his life. People work. They then rent or buy themselves a home or project that they then carry on working to renovate/decorate to their tastes. They don't make a couple of YT videos and expect the world and his dog to support him in his project while he basically does nothing more than a little bit of filming whilst his senior father and his friend (Sean) do all the work on his renovation. Its obvious that Mick is a grafter but he's got his own property to graft on which I'm sure would give him more than enough work at his time of life. Michael should be ashamed of himself.

Originally I thought Michael was a fun person with a bit of get up and go. It slowly dawned on me that all he was doing was money grabbing from total strangers, so that he could carry on pleasing himself. His videos have become more and more boring and the amount of drone shooting (paid for by his adoring public) is monotonous. But his begging for me and more money has become more and more noticable. He wasn't memorable from ETTCDIY and it was only CD's videos that had brought him to my attention. The more of his YT videos that I have watched the more amazed I have become at his blatant begging for money and now even plates (at Christmas), I now find myself watching them just to see what he's begging for next, although I no longer watch the adverts.

He was employed by the lovely Angel to paint/draw a design that she had huge input into on the initial design. If he wanted to make an income from any upcoming revenues, this was the time when he should have voiced his expectations. It seems to me that the "boy" is peeved that someone is making money from something that he was paid to do and is now not satisfied with getting money for nothing just from his YT, Patreon and GoFundMe sites, he is fuming that he has been missing out on extra money. If I worked for Mr Ford and designed a car that I was paid to design, I would hardly expect Mr Ford to give me a cut of every car that was sold and call that car after me.

As to the rest of the Petherick family: poor Gwendolyne, the whole family has taken over her space when she was vulnerably emotional from the loss of her mother. Yeah, Mick's a grafter but they do have their own place so why have they now taken over the other cottage. Where does Sadie and her daughter and boyfriend/partner live? In the Chateau? Billy does do some work, but he doesn't really seem to give any support/affection to Gwendolyne. He's too busy with his buddies, doing god knows what. The poor woman looks lost and lonely most of the time while the leeches have just taken over.

After MP's performance on Friday, showing himself to be stressed and depressed from all of the negative/nasty comments on here about him, he seemed to perk up on the Petherick video about holes. If he doesn't want to receive negative comments, I guess he's in the wrong game. You have to take the bad with the good. Another shot or reality is needed there. I do wonder why there are so many people who are prepared to pay for him to live this wasteful, playful, extravagant lifestyle - one has to wonder how empty their lifes are?

Just had to get this off my chest. I'm enjoying the site. Its nice to have somewhere where people appreciate the shows I enjoy and where we can have an honest discussion, rather than the sickeningly sycophantic twaddle that is seen on YT comments.
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Lady Chatalot

Active member
I thought that too re price of Anna and Philip house, it's in Normandy if I recollect so perhaps that area more affulent than say where the HMN is situated. Did they pay one million or over one million for it whereas others seem to pay between 300 to around 600K for their heaps? Either way I am amazed when they say the cost when they are introduced in their segments on ETTCDIY. People here too who would know more than me especially re property like the run down chateaus, that you need minimum the same as what you paid for the house to cover the renovations if not more. Why anyone would take such a project on without funds or a business plan for the premises long term astounds me.
SJ didn't think about a business plan or finances because her parents paid for everything well into her adulthood. She was allowed, perhaps even encouraged, to live in her own fantasy world and let others take care of business. I still don't think she has a sound business plan. She just flits from one dumb ass thing to the next. I really think the whole lake situation sums it up pretty well. She panicked instead of researching and hiring an attorney like almost anyone else would have. Now she's got this incredible, complex and very expensive issue to restore the lake. I'm sure there are many of her panicked and slapdash fixes that will end up costing a fortune in the long run. She just isn't practical! I would definitely fix the outside of the chateau's exterior as it is the first thing you see when you drive up. That crumbling cement is hideous. Who cares what the double-face silk brocade bed curtains look like when the damn house is falling down around you and you're freezing your ass off.
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Lady Chatalot quote: (Crybaby Michael Petherick has made a new vlog about his woes. If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out! He would probably be a lot happier if he grew up and became independent of his family. Also, he needs to get real about his sexuality. It must take a lot of energy to pretend you are straight when it's obvious that you are very gay. Maybe he and his 'friend' Ryan could do a vlog together. Like many of the posts I have read on this site, MP is really quite boring on camera and his cottage is not very interesting. He just acts so immature.) Can‘t quote you as full up now so copied and pasted the above. I’m not sure Michael Petherick has ever pretended to be straight? Also what do you mean by “very gay”?
Pansygirl Post 3649747 I too have just watched the vlog where he opens up (cue violin music) about getting ripped off by "she who shall not be named - but note one of the "fan comments" reveals "the name" - just a point Michael when you read this. I only watched the LaLande as a spin off from Escape to the Chateau a couple of months ago and immediately was turned off by Stephanie's squealing, "look at me" immature (she's 45 not 15) behaviour. I quite liked some other characters (not all) so when I saw The Chateau Diaries I kept watching and cherry picked the bits I liked. I liked the interior decor works, the brocante and charity shop buys etc but was immediately turned off by the "Cadeaux at the Chateau" gift grab. What an appalling display of greed, the hints for desired objects (including high end and antique brand china) pretentiousness. The constant self obsessed dialogue by Stephanie was bad enough, but when the money grab Patron started, interspersed with the expensive trips to Venice , South Africa, Egypt etc (I know Gerry is supposed to pay for her) when she is crying poverty and wants to renovate the Chateau with volunteers and donations. Other than Selmar you appear to be (as you admitted in relation to that "other" matter) very naive - don't you see how you are being used? This is what incenses people on this thread. Yes some of the members have got a bit steamy and downright cruel but personally I'd like to get hold of you, shake you by the scruff of your neck until your teeth rattle and you see what a dupe you are - Stephanie is not your friend. She is nobody's friend except for what she can get out of them and once she has no further use for them, dumped. I finally went off you too, when at one gift unwrapping you stated in a begging, whining tone how you loved Spode, you couldn't afford Spode, you would save up for Spode, you loved Spode. Lo and behold the next vlog I saw was you, back at your cottage with a "gift" that had been sent of a Spode Tureen and plate. Then the one where the Spode Christmas plate was broken. Again out trotted the pathos and the entreaty for a replacement - ok once and very quickly you asked if anyone saw one on the Internet to let you know so you could "buy it" but the main message was you wanted one, you wanted a fan to send you one and you really didn't want to pay for one. Now the only time I look at your vlogs is when something is mentioned in these threads. I would suggest you stop grifting and put away your begging bowl, sever all ties with Stephanie or alternatively sit her down and tell her enough is enough and you are no longer going to be used and stop letting other people use your talent - toughen up, control your own business affairs (pay for a business advisor if necessary and make a plan), Most people can pick an occasion when they got shafted - it happens. The trick is to learn from the experience, recognise danger next time and grow up.
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FFS! One of the minions commented under the latest Shit Unwrapped at the Chateau this regarding Stef having to ring Michael to see if he is okay:
seethevolcane26 minutes ago
Cyanide to the water system at "that" odious chato, you know which.

Seriously, cyanide at D&A's! I down thumbed that.

Also, I assume everyone is downthumbing the Sadie vlogs, and Shit Unwrapped, and IF Michael ever uploads a vlog?
Did you see this comment! haha..... its happening!


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I'm new. Don't ask for details because I'm not giving them. Recently learned of the TV series on Channel 4/5?. I noticed someone googled "Chateau de la lande" and found you guys here.

If you are a person donating to Steph, please stop. The family is very wealthy, I know this for a fact - directly. What they have in the bank I'm unsure but we are talking millions! Multiple properties all over the place, 7 that I can recall. Very sizable incomes - alimony payments, pensions, trusts, inheritance, rental income, the list is endless. Money most of us could only dream of.

They have no money issues you are just paying for things they don't want to pay for.
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Anfield Annie

Active member
Just me ...with a generic rant about fake people who create YT, IG or whatever blogs, vlogs, ..frogs or clogs or god knows what other crap they post online for poor saps to spend their cash on.

before I crack on I’ll temper it by saying I’m sure some content is interesting, useful, helpful to some people out there but on samples of what I’ve seen , albeit only minutes not hours....some of the free stuff is ok but I just don’t get the justification for the paid for content. And it’s especially galling when you then realise that a lot of these vloggers probably don’t actually need the cash...they just want someone else to bankroll their fantasy

I’m sure many people live vicariously through these chateau owners, wishing it was them....but please FGS if you really have all the spare time on your hands not to mention the spare cash why not donate it to a real genuine charity who needs help? Covid has decimated so many wonderful local causes and they’re desperate for help.

On TV a few days ago there was a 12yr old lad with lots of physical issues and learning difficulties after he suffered horrifc brain injuries at 2 days old. His name is Oliver Voysey. He had a wonderful personality and was doing little challenges leading up to his birthday this month to raise funds for a specialist outdoor activities center in the Lake district where he used to go on holidays with his family. So standing unsupported for 13 seconds was one challenge he did on TV . He’s up to about £62k as of now but the charity involved could lose £1m this year.

So....wouldn’t it be great if some of these odd fivers and tenners 💷💶💵 could be better spent elsewhere in these torrid times

Rant over, pours drink 🤓🍷
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As if Spode or Liberty would want to use him. Can you imagine - he'd design a cup and saucer and need to have a rest. The collection would be antique before he got to the dinner plates!
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I do hope Michael continues to read here and can see the good advice here, in particular Heathcliffe's post.

Michael has many potential opportunities right in front of him!!! When people have a large audience, they can often take it for granted. Remember, very few people on the planet have direct access to the audience that Michael has. It might be easy to lose sight of that when you're in a community of online influencers, some of whom have far bigger audiences.

From the outside looking in, it looks like a turning point in life for Michael. It's painful. IT IS. We can see it. This is a point of choosing personal growth that can get you where you want to be. On the other hand, the path of least resistance, to stay where you are now, is always there to pull you back. You are flirting with that gravitational pull in your video. Don't go there. Don't let it. Keep pushing forward no matter how hard it feels.

THAT is the opportunity. I'm rooting for you Michael!!! (See below for ideas.)

Here's what I see: ***Michael has proven he can sell a lot through someone else.*** Right? This means Michael is very successful at that! VERY! (I know he doesn't feel/see that right now but I hope he can see it.) Find others to create work for, just next time get a contract that's more advantageous to you as the artist.

From a business angle, the Patron and Go Fund Me are the low-hanging fruit of revenue. That's easy. It won't last forever. Someday Patron and Go Fund Me will be like MySpace and AOL. Think of yourself like a business because you ARE a business now - businesses need to diversify funding streams. Develop the skill to imagine what's next, where's the potential. Michael imagined this with the cottage - apply this skill to product.

Don't invest your money in actual product, sell through others. The world is full of artists who do work for others - the artists names are never known but we all buy their images on products. They are making money, good money. The difference is, they have attorneys, contracts, they know how the licensing and intellectual property game is played. Far savvier businesspeople will come to you wanting to make money off your broken back. You need to see them for what they are up-front and counter with your own contractual language to ensure you get your share. Don't always say no to them just because they're sharks. They're savvy and they have the money because they know the rules and they know how to sell. You can ride their wave. Find a good attorney before the next potential agreement.

Create a lifestyle. You have a new gardener's cottage. What do you need? What would be in a gardener's cottage? Create these things. Set aside the Spode admiration for a moment, because you tried to follow the SJ model of acquiring luxury given by others and I'm not sure that's going to work for you long-term. First of all, you have a small cottage, that's not a criticism, I LOVE how you saw the potential in a junk-filled cobwebbed place and LOOK AT IT NOW! You can have some luxury things, but selling luxury to others doesn't work in there. Your cottage IS an aspirational place but it has different aspirations than a whole chateau. Tap into how your cottage has its own unique aspirational pull for an audience. I think you already know the answer to this, because it's what drew you personally to the cottage in the first place. Tap deeply into that and stay focused on it. You talk about Beatrice Potter, there's a cute-ness and a coziness to that. Consciously realize your BRAND. Make YOUR OWN BRAND. Use the color of your front door, it has meaning to you. You want a big platter for your table? DESIGN SOMETHING. Get it produced on a platter. Make it available to others to buy. You need artwork on your walls? DESIGN SOMETHING. You need tea towels that look good with Spode? DESIGN SOMETHING. Design rugs for your floors. Design your bedding when you finish the bedroom. Make your life your brand. This has been done ad nauseum by American influencers, because IT WORKS. (for example look up Justina Blakeney, very different style but she built a design licensing business on her personal style.) Michael is in a perfect situation to do this, and he has a ready-made audience to sell to, that will only grow.

I sure wish all of life learning was like it was when we were children: sitting in a chair in school listening to a teacher talk to you nicely. But it's not like that. The longer we live, and the more we do, the more exposure we get, the more often we run into criticism and resistance. That's just how it is. If you don't want that, stay in a small box. Some criticism is pure malignant for the sick joy of the criticiser. Some of it has suggestions that are gold nuggets for us and our futures. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. That in itself is learning, it's a skill.

Anyone who has a business and has had years of exposure to customers knows you will get criticism and you can use it to your advantage, once you can get over yourself and your ego, and get on with the work that will get you what you want in your life. Lord knows I've gone through this and it sucked. SUCKED. But I am better off for it. I see Michael is in this spot, the sucky spot. USE IT to your advantage Michael! This is how YOU WIN!

I expected a serial killer bloodbath of mean words when I found Tattle. That's not what this place is. There's some malignance here, some gossip, some truth. It's the mixed bag of humanity here. It takes a skill and a level of emotional intelligence to filter through it and figure out what's useful to you. Michael has been handed many gold nuggets here!! So many!!! Most of us fail to achieve what we want and we have zero feedback, we cannot begin to figure out why. There is feedback here, there are clues to the "why." For Michael, I'd suggest maybe find online courses about pacing of visual stories. Maybe get a video coach skilled in that who can go through your videos and be an impartial, dis-passionate third-party critiquer to help -- someone who is a nice giving person and truly there to help you.
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