I’d bet my house that after she finished her impromptu M&S stair feeding exercise (with camera to catch the precious moment!) she said to herself “You got this Mama!”
Self indulgent, self congratulatory post of twat level 10. No one cares where you feed Frey Bentos. NO ONE.
I'm starting to think that it's because she lives in her 1950s housewife bubble that she thinks these tasks are utterly revelutionay. Everyone stop and look, this woman is out WITHOUT her husband or mum escort and is feeding her baby. She basically a suffragette
Meanwhile, there are millions of women running at 100 miles an hour, juggling real jobs, battling the commute in time to pick kids up, or at home running around trying to squeeze in the food shop, cleaning, kids stuff, feeding their kids however without the time to think twice about how why or when. Many with no partners or family around. And not because we are of a lower class or less hard working than the grabby clan, but because that's how life goes.
It's great grabby, but honestly pottering around M&S in your in never ending spare time isn't exactly ground breaking stuff. You aren't helping woman around the world with your grubby step picture. And we aren't buying into 'you got this Mama' super mum front. The ones who are busting their ass for their family and really have 'got this' are far too busy to spend their spare seconds bragging about themselves online to make themselves feel better and others feel shit.
Step outsude your sheltered ideal every once in a while. See how people really live. It might encourage you to think a little differently and realise that people's struggles and achievements go FAR beyond what waitrose porridge toppings to serve at a brunch hosting