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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
I think I've been blinded
I have no idea what I just watched......could you imagine sitting around watching that dance as your cocktail hour entertainment. There isn't enough booze in peacock corner & Fanny's bedroom combined to blind me to what I just endured. I felt like I was at a seniors home and they'd hired some cheap entertainment for the afternoon which included a Jackie Stewart impersonator who had a heart-beat and was willing to dance with the old ladies if they tossed in an extra tenner. :m:m:m

There were 3 couples who seemed normal enough (other than the fact they'd travelled to stay at the shitoo) plus the 'dancing' Ukrainian (?) birthday girl. I do wonder if she is related to Pavlina (her mom, Aunt, family friend?). There was 1 more spot at the head of the table and because Pavlina was dressed up I wonder if she joined them for the birthday dinner on the patio. 🎂

Ukrainian birthday girl would give Sharon 'Whip Lady' a run for her money - dueling tiara's at the table on their respective birthdays. 👸

There's not enough tea in China for me to pay to stay at the HMN
For 170(?) Euro/night you get a room in a shitoo that is one jenga brick away from falling down, a skimpy continental breakfast, a couple of songs on a piano, a sparse charcuterie board, a cheap 1/2 bottle of wine and a horny peacock. For an extra 50 Euro you get 3 course dinner snack of whatever crap has been rustled up in the garden and some box wine. I wonder how much Snorty charges for his Saturday morning trips to Emmaus?

His love letter was a very sweet gesture. The type of romantic gesture that Snorty & Fanny will never have.
I hope Isabelle got Percy an oxygen tank for their 4th anniversary. 😷

Why did Snorty look so afraid when Percy called them altogether into the kitchen? What a wonderful anniversary gift it would have been had Percy announced he was kicking Snorty out! :ROFLMAO:

Who are these people and what do they do?
There were 2 extra young people sitting at table - who are they? More unannounced volunteers? How many people is Fanny feeding & bathing at the shitoo and what they hell are they all doing? They aren't doing the:
- weeding (the weeds are holding up the shitoo)
- laundry (Mummy spent her morning in the laundry room)
- ironing (not by the look of the table clothes)
- cooking (Maria & FRK do that)

The less said about Snorty the better. How can Fanny call him boyfriend and darling with a straight face??? Snorty couldn't contain his laughter at the thought of celebrating a 'love' anniversary together with Fanny.
For the love of god, STOP THE CROTCH SHOTS!!! :sick:

C4 Project
Is the Ch4 project the:
a) little fountain in the back garden,
b) gazebo in the walled garden
c) chandelier in Mummy's apt
d) painting Bon Maman bathroom
But Scotman usually only wallpapers, so what's left to wallpaper? Andi was there so is she involved?

He's been at it for a few weeks, so has Amury finished the room within a room yet?

Timey Wimey 🕰 - as close as I can figure it out (Fanny has packed a lot of different days in 1 vlog)

Thursday, May 25 - Fanny arrives back from UK at 4:00 a.m. and returned van at 11:00 a.m.
Friday, May 26 - Mummy & Percy arrive, guests arrive in Porsche, drinks on the patio & dinner with tall flowers in the dining room (Ukrainian lady hugging Mummy in dining room, but Mummy & Percy don't join for dinner.
Saturday, May 27 - Percy goes for ride in the porsche, Annalise does Fanny's hair, Pavlina dries weeds, Snorty moves to Baghead's apartment, Mummy & Percy pick up Scotman. Piano concert, dancing & 7 guests + 1 (Pavlina) have small dinner on patio.
Sunday, May 28 - Mummy & Fanny tour garden & Natti took Percy into town shopping (mentioned in Patron vlog Guests leave & Ukrainian(?) lady leave. (Big hug with Pavlina). Percy eats a Marmalade/Ham sandwich for lunch.
Monday, May 29 - Ch4
Tuesday, May 30 - Ch4
Wednesday, May 31 - Mummy & Percy's 4th wedding anniversary (Andie was still there & hadn't yet left for M&M)
Thursday, June 1 - It was 12:50 p.m., which qualifies as morning for Fanny. Natti was setting out croissants for lunch and Fanny called Snorty darling. :sick: Suspect it was June 1st. Looks like Andi had left, but why no fond farewells??? Aunt Chantal & Uncle Steve arrive, Amuary's Birthday? 🎂🍾
Friday, June 2 - New Guest's Arrive (not shown)
Saturday, June 3 - Guest Dinner for new guests (Maria is making starter at 2:00 p.m. - hope she put them in the fridge and didn't leave them out on the kitchen table for the afternoon)

The only person good at continuity is Amuary - he's always in black, although Snorty did try by wearing that awful checkered top on a couple of different days.


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What’s with Flips inappropriate behavior you mentioned?
What’s with Dan and Annaliese breakup you mentioned?
What‘s with Olie‘s oral adventure at lalande you mentioned?
What’s with Flip’s big downfall last autumn you mentioned?

Those things can do extreme harm towards others. You posted those things but you didnt took responsibility for that.

Be real, or be gone. You have multiple ways to contact people and prove your honesty.

YOU started it.
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Tess’ wedding is all over chateauverse instagram. Tess, Dana, Annalise… pics everywhere. It’s almost like you were there.
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Let's just call it what it is. She has no "guests" at her chateau.
They are all Patrons - they happily pay her every month, so have no problem paying exorbitant pricing for sub-par accommodations and meals. They've already faced down their demons with regard to paying her every month to renovate, so staying there is the bonus!

No normal person would look at that place from the outside and want to stay there.
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Just Grift Wood

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fast forwarded most of last nights cringe fest and one word springs to mind, pretentious. Pretentious food, that is not French, tasty or seasonal just some bloody awful concoctions with what they consider style over substance and flavour. A ghastly table scape with far too much on the table. Flowers look better in an array of vases at different heights some clustered together and the candles should be at different heights too. Get rid of those ghastly lamps. Candles and flowers should be in odd numbers. Phi Phi stop making the napkins into phallic symbols it is not going to make your polo prick grow.Maria is so far up her own arse with the now pretentiously named "concerts" this is not relaxing or entertaining it is truly cringeworthy and her food is just so pretentious too no one wants to eat highly contrived slop. How can she have all this affectation whilst having paying guests on a building site with all the ceilings still down? Polishing a turd springs to mind. Please Fanny recover the dining room chairs in a plain velvet.
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Let's talk about the hair:
- The braid is a yes.
- The roses are a no! They're too big and bulky in that braid. She should have opted for the smaller flowers like the one at the bottom of the braid.
Doesn't she look kind of possed in this picture? 👇
It's All Roses Dahrlin'.png

If the idiot chatelaine wanted to do her romantic floral fae fantasy, she should, firstly, have opted for a prettier dress!
Next untangle the braid and let the bottom part be curly and loose. Made a light tiara out of an old alice band and twist colourful wildflowers around it. Maybe put in a butterfly clip or comb above the ear... (depends on the size).

Stephanie really doesn't know how to dress for the occassion (neither does Tess). Anything she wears dates her. When she tries to do young, it makes her older.
What a hopeless cause.
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T Rex

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Has Tess been married before?

Yes. According to Clara’s 2021 post ( which I understand may not be popular at this moment), Tess left her first husband for Potts. That is why I did not think Potts would be invited or welcomed to the second marriage of Tess Hoffman, if he played a role in the demise of her first marriage, even if he did not have the F1 conflict.Did anyone see photos of Ruthie at the wedding?
According to Clara last summer, Tess was involved with a guy from Florida (who she cheated on Adam Guettel with), and Florida bruh was supposed to fly to Venice for a month for Tess' birthday. She told him she wasn't in lurve, but ended up getting engaged to Gilles Hurbain instead (it was super secret and sudden, as Fanny wasn't allowed to film since Gilles had not even told his family yet.) Interestingly, if you visit the Sarzay municipal site, you find THIS gem: (Put your reading glasses on you hags, and look under Mariage, which is listed under 2022...) :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Screen Shot 2023-06-07 at 10.50.10 PM.png
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Those prices are ridiculous, almost criminal, considering what they get to eat and the state of the place! People should compare them with Puy Vidal and Rebecca's chateau and menus where they get to stay in beautiful, comfortable and safe surroundings with sane hosts who genuinely wish to provide an excellent service for their guests, rather than being concentrated solely on themselves.

Re Fanny's lack of dancing skills: I reckon she is a physically very awkward and clumsy individual. All the exaggerated "catwalk" movements and hand gestures are rehearsed and deliberate for the camera. At other times in others' videos, she looks really awkward when she is not acting. It's also becoming more and more obvious that her physical attractiveness is all down to make-up. Without it, she is quite plain and very like Gerry with dark hair and rosacea. I imagine she was a shy and awkward child and teenager. Even in some of the Oxford photos, she appears plain and socially awkward with a similar look on her face as in the vlog watching Selmar drumming. I think she then decided to bleach her hair, paint her face, and pretend to have a personality. It worked for her as so many gullible people can't see behind the facade. No one should be blamed for their shyness or plain looks. However, what we are criticising is her fakeness. She has created her own fake appearance; fake personality, and fake good nature. We can see behind the facade which will eventually crumble and crack, just like her home.
Fanny should be finished with her facial restoration ( fillers, Botox, skin peels, etc.), she now needs to start working on her Dump.

I do not think Marie is enjoying her return to the Dump.
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Fair play Fanny you’ve scrubbed up well. Would love to see what smugtwat looked like.
She does look pretty, but...

Lift the dress up a little, it is too low. Look where it hits under the armpit... and the bodice squishes the girls...
Free the girls Fan Fan. Lift 'em up, up, and up. It looks like she's breast fed 4 kids. Ask me how I know... A LITTLE décolleté is nice with a little boob pop but hers look squashed...

The hair do is quite becoming but there are too many too big flowers. LESS IS MORE!

Personally, I'm a one gardenia right behind the ear lobe kinda gal. The men folk love to linger when they lean in for the kiss kiss...

@Madame de Pompanddoodoo, you were wondering...
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Welp, I never thought I'd find anyone more annoying in Stephanie's recent vlogs than Philip Janssen. I found Scotman/brother man/Gerry to be on a roll in the Annoy Department. And I felt no creepier vibe than watching people dance while being filmed, around a dining table, with all the chateau guests watching and Maria pounding away on the piano...... didn't top the creepiness of Percy reading that poem to his bride of four years, though!

Speaking of Maria, ugh oh...she was PISSED! I don't know why Pavlina was holding that tart and watching the old timers dance. But it was an accident and she clearly didn't mean for it to happen.....Maria needs to calm the f*ck down.

View attachment 2217837

View attachment 2217838

So......that leaves me with this. One of these things is not like the other.

View attachment 2217844

View attachment 2217852

And no, Amaury, he does NOT look like Slash. Philip may have curly hair and can wear sunglasses, but that does not make you look like Slash! Slash wouldn't dress like that! Slash is cool. Slash doesn't have liver lips. Slash doesn't have ghost white stick legs that he shoves into skin tight jegging shorts! Slash doesn't look like he spends his time indoors all the time setting the table for dinner. Slash owns who he is.

And finally, Slash doesn't have little lady hands, either!
Slash has a music career & doesn’t get replaced mid-video, he has muscles, lips you want to sit on, hair you can run your fingers thru & not get spray paint under your nails, has a toilet that doesn’t flood Nutty’s office & is a man who doesn’t let cats starve, he pays for things with his own money, does not sit at lady desks or look at paintings of little mice & doesn’t have, I repeat does not have a favorite fork!
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The Chateau wrap up episode 4 was great. Jules, I love your depiction of Fanny, her baccarat crystal tumbler, the chapel, and the caption about offering Fanny free advice was perfect. Free is a paaaaaaaarfect price and an even better deal than her 50 euro bargains and magical upgrades.

Insecure Phi Phi gets more and more overbearing, controlling, entitled, and obnoxious as the avalanche of opinions about his lack of value/ adverse effect on the CD channels and Patreon grows larger daily. He is threatened by anyone getting close to the cash cow. Why is he still at the Dump?

I believe phi phi has taken many actions to try to secure his position as co Shittelaine of 50% of the Dump. IMHO, I think it is more likely than not, that nosy phi phi has kept a diary and has tons of documentation about the the sketchy shittelaine, the Dump crew, the true nature of the Dump structures, emails, copies of letters, text messages, photos, financial info, etc. and has “squirreled” away all of this info in hard copies, flash drives, in the cloud, and shared info with Bubble girl and others. I believe he has documented conversations and info he has discovered by snooping electronically and in person at the Dump, from eavesdropping on conversations, and info derived from the inebriated Stephanie Jarvis. He will not leave the Dump quietly.

He then treats Stephanie Jarvis like she is a nursing home resident. He dresses her in dowdy clothing, does her make up and hair, carries her luggage, brings her breakfast in bed, runs after her with sweaters and coats, catalogs her possessions and money, monitors her correspondence/comments/emails/conversations, reminds her of appointments and obligations, drives her places and picks up her relatives, does all the decorating, watches her movements 24/7, plies her with alcohol daily, and has his father help to manage her legal/ financial issues
( allegedly).

I think he will become even more sensitive to his precarious plight as a detriment to the CD channels, etc. because the Çhateau Wrap Up channel provides another forum for viewers to express their opinions and thoughts that cannot be controlled or easily manipulated by the Dump crew’s juvenile antics/ aliases/ games. Phi Phi is fighting for relevancy in all the forums ( Fanny had to specifically write that phi phi filmed the latest travel with my crappy friend video in the comment section), he made Marie change out floral vases on a whim, wants to be the “ face” of the B and B by leading brocante expeditions and being waited upon at the dinners, etc. He was recently moved out of the main Dump bedroom next to Fanny’s room ( due to the arrival of the tartan terror ) and placed in what is/was Baghead’s apartment. He was not happy.

It seems like they are filming a lot more in Baghead’s apartment. Baghead and family were not present at Easter and haven’t been there as a family for months. Have you heard anything else about the rumours that Baghead had sold his share of Dump? After Amaury and Ñutty moving out, I do not believe Fanny would want to reveal such info, if it were true.

Karma Baby’s advice was good. I believe with both Nick and Potts being heavily involved with the tech industry, YouTube advisors, etc., Fanny has been told to do many things to improve her channels but has refused to do so. She, as a legend in her own mind, believes she knows best, and will listen to no one. She never listened to Mummy’s advice. She is incredibly lazy. As you aptly noted, when faced with decisions or work, she chooses to do nothing. That’s the LieLande way…….do nothing and open another bottle of champagne.🥂
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Clara took apology classes with Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby (UK and Ireland tattlers will understand this ref)
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Nobody asked but here is my view of Fanny's wedding outfit. The hair was ok, although the false braid was too big. A smaller one would have added fullness but looked real. This just looked like she was wearing a false hair piece. The flowers, as many others have said, were lovely but too big and "blown". Smaller ones would have looked stunning. The dress was nice but it magnifies the difference between classy and brassy. She was wearing it too low down which looked mutton. Hitched up slightly, still with cleavage on show, would have made her look classy. Less is more.
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Congratulations @Tea with lemon for naming the thread. Wonderful.

Most Liked Posts from the previous thread:

Princess of Framlingham

Active member

Wednesday at 12:05 PM
Hello Tattlers, I've been lurking for a while but thought I'd come out f the shadows and say hi. You all make me laugh so much.
I watched Chateau DIY and found CD through that show. I liked SJ then. At the time I was living in Framlingham and felt a connection with a local girl. To my shame I even became a patreon. Until things didn't add up and I realised she had numerous properties and significantly more money than me! The final straw for me was seeing the nursing home they used to run. If they could afford property like that they could afford to do up their own bloody chateau.
Support squirrel winds me up more than all of them. Why does he think we need to hear from him all the time??!! Shut the F up.
I will finish by talking about the one thing we brits love talking about the most, the weather. It's freezing in the UK. Is everywhere else having a rubbish start to the summer or is it just here?

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Friday at 12:53 PM

Screenshot (399).png







James Carrington
2 hours ago
So Philip wears the same shirt to Chelsea Flower Show all day in the sunshine (to the point of getting sunburnt), wears it out all evening to the Yves Delorme shop and to Mavros, then he wears it the entire following day to drive back to La Lande in and then wears it for a third full "consecutive" day (if we believe the timelines) to return the van and prepare for all the guests...? One can only assume he also didn't shower in those 3 days as you certainly wouldn't go to the effort of showering and put on 2 day old sweaty clothes... One can only assume there is still no hot water at the Chateau then..? Any updates on the heating...
Rosie Hugh
1 hour ago
The problem with you is that you assume far too much and have far too little sense.
James Carrington
1 hour ago
And you are?

... and the rental van...



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Thursday at 8:13 PM
Off topic: First day of Pride Month, and it takes on a new meaning for me this year. In the US, after Marriage Equality was settled by the Supreme Court, I think a lot (not all) of the LGBTQ+ community became somewhat complacent. But recently, hate and discrimination has become more prevalent here. Even Target retail stores in some southern states had to pull Pride merchandise from shelves due to death threats and hateful comments geared toward employees. Politicians have fueled a lot of the hateful, divisive rhetoric and made people think it’s ok to do that…it’s not. So, this month, just a reminder that there are all kinds of people who make up the world. ❤


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Lady Avonlea

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Thursday at 8:45 AM
Patreon Vlog
Best thing about the vlog is there was no Snorty. It's an illuminating Mummy & Daughter Hour.

Overall, Mummy says she's happy with the garden, but it's sure hard to tell. Mummy is very concerned that:
  • Fanny has planted too much & taken on too much. It all takes management & work, but Mummy knows Fanny won't do it herself and really isn't interested in the gardens
  • The plants need water and with water restrictions/drought conditions much of what's been planted won't survive
  • Even with 3 gardeners (none who work on the weekend's we are told) there is much work and maintenance which isn't being done.
Mummy seemed anxious during the tour and clearly has different opinions to Fanny. I wonder if Fanny thought that planting lots of things in the garden would please Mummy, but not sure it has. Mummy loves gardening, and she's been told her role during this stay is to manage the gardeners, but Isabelle wants to get out in her garden and do it herself.

Mummy did the whole tour without sun glasses, but early on was rubbing her left eye a lot. Mummy admits she can't see very well. I fear for Mummy & Percy on the spiral staircases. Don't let Snorty walk behind you!
Gnome's know more about gardens than Fanny


In the garden, the chicken coop, the greenhouse, the Jardain Anglaise the dialogue went something like this:
F - I don’t know what that is
M - It’s lupins
F - That’s peas
M - It’s broad beans
F - I don’t know if it’s a pumpkin patch or courgette patch
M - It’s aubergine or perhaps melons
F - I don't know what it is – will have to ask them
F - I don’t know what that is – will have to ask them
F - I don’t know what that is - oh, field mushrooms (after reading the sign)
F - It’s delightful, it’s so pretty
M - One needs to check for little black mites
F - Strawberries
M - The birds will eat them
F - Asparagus
M - Needs lots of water, aren’t going to survive
F - Think it’s Rhubarb, unless it got moved
M - Needs lots of water and shouldn’t be forced
F - It’s artichoke
M - No it's cardoon and you eat the stalks not the flower head
M - That’s not how you store tools
F - Here's where the gazebo and new flower bed will be
M - The only problem is you are creating more and more work
F - Davy is pretty go at considering maintenance
M - I’m not sure
M - Where's the Lily of the Valley I planted
F - I think it got trampled

Fanny claims everything Davy has planted in the Jardin Anglaise needs no water after 3 years???? :rolleyes:

Fanny thinks she should come to the woods everyday. Fanny, you can’t do that unless you actually stay home at the shitoo everyday.

Scrap Yard for Broken Down Vehicles 🚗
Fanny says it's all Dan's old cars, but think we've found the red van and the car Baghead purchased for Fanny

Those damn posts in the courtyard won’t be removed for 8-10 years. Fanny tells Mummy she needs some vision. (Fanny, your Mummy is blind) Mummy will likely be dead before the posts are removed

New bench from auction house in Sussex – Fanny thinks it was only £50 but can’t remember!?!?! (Fanny you left off a zero - it was probably £500)

War on Weeds
Big argument over the heuchera plants in the Jardain Anglaise

M - That should not be there
F – But look at the nice red flowers Mummy
M - The weeds will take whatever water there is, so you need to do the weeding
F - No, No, No Mummy - don't pull that
M - What’s good about this? (after pulling out the weed)
F - Nothing
F - Maybe Mummy knows what she’s doing after all
M - She does (Mummy keeps pulling at the weeds)
F - Oh you’re getting there
M - I was always there
M - Apologize
F - I bow to your superior wisdom
M - I’m going to spend time here – everything has to go :ROFLMAO:

Mummy, can you please include Snorty in your “War on the Weeds” which are invading the shitoo! We'd all like to see Snorty pulled out by the roots and chucked in the garbage, never to be seen again.

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T Rex

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Thursday at 2:27 AM
Hello my lovely Tartlets, Tartgents, hags and flying monkeys. I have yet to catch up on any of the vlogs for the past few days due to being busy- boating, beaches, house work, social events with friends, volunteer work, and the yard. I even missed the Fleuries' Sunday vlog! (I also got a really good deal on 8X BBW 3-wick candles for $80 with free-shipping on this weekend, so I will not be purchasing and reviewing any Fleurie candles any time soon!)

Since we have a LOT of landscaping and a lush green lawn, we have to mow every three days, and are constantly pulling weeds, trimming trees and hedges, etc. We have learned that is is easier to maintain when you are always on top of it. Give me the team of 3 gardeners at LaLande, and that place would be sorted in 2 days. Since we have a front in the gulf right now that is supposed to bring torrential rain this week, I ended helping helping my neighbour as well by edging along her sidewalk (and the neighbour next to her, as his lawn service does a terrible job), trimmed the landscaping and mowed. My mower (which Mr. T Rex has recently tuned up and put a new blade on) randomly "blew up" (an explosion of oil everywhere- luckily, it was far enough from the house that my shirt was the only casualty.) Since the radar showed my time was limited, once it cooled down, I took everything apart, cleaned it, and discovered one of the bolts that connected the upper and lower engine housing units was missing. I dug through my workshop and found a suitable sub of the same thread pattern and length. (It's a different metal, though, so this is a temporary repair- galvanic corrosion from dissimilar metals is real.) Reassembled, checked the oil, and finished mowing in time. I was just happy that A) it wasn't a seal, B) I regularly service my equipment myself, so troubleshooting was pretty simple, C) I was able to find a bolt in my stockpile that fit, and D) get the lawn sorted before all of the rain (St. Augustine is a beast to cut if you let it go for a week.)

Mr. T Rex, while the obvious suspect, denies any charges. Since he brought me an offering of Miller Lite, and worked really hard on other home projects today, I let it go. Plus, it did cement my "cool girl" status amongst the neighbours that were outside when it occurred. "WOW! T Rex! That mower is toast! Can Mr. T Rex fix it?" "That's cute- I can have this thing torn down and stripped with my OWN hands faster than you can get a pedicure. Bless your hearts!" Flashed them the "deuces" sign when I had it up and running again.

Since the remainder of the week is supposed to be rainy and shite, I will do my due diligence to return to read the remaining 59% of Ruthy's "Villa" for you filthy lot, and give you the cliff notes version.

Fanny, if you are reading this- do yourself a favour- cease from purchasing ANY additional plants until you get a proper watering system, an actual Master Gardener (not Davy, who is your "Plant Dealer" pal) who devises a comprehensive task list for the other gardeners to deal with your current "Fanny's Folly of Foliage" (who are right now just winging it), and get those weeds under control.

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Friday at 5:25 AM
I found it interesting that Stephanie said to Mummy, something like, “See, there are fun things for you here at Lalande”, whilst holding the baby chicks. “See, I told you it would be nice to be back”, whilst showing what Philip did to Mummy’s room. This makes me think there was a previous conversation or five where Mummy told Stephanie why she didn’t want to go back to the chateau.🤔

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Chatty Member

Yesterday at 8:04 PM
I think the "gardeners" are afraid to weed around the shitoo. Place could fall down.

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Now, remember we have a wiki.
Happy Tattling.
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How the f**k can a cheese platter for one person be £45??? 🤮 Isn't it the norm in France to have a cheese course, rather than a platter?
I wonder whether they also limit the amount of alcohol one gets to drink during the meal? Wouldn't be surprised! :rolleyes:
Yes you have your cheese before dessert.

This is the menu at our local bar

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Don't forget, in Clara's post, she indicated that she only attacked those she thought were strong enough to bear it... and this included @Karma baby! who was, at the time, in recovery from a blood clot which nearly ended her life.

That wasn't just rude, it was calculation born of spite. It was deliberately malicious. I'm not offended on the part of anyone that Clara put her claws into, I'm freaking furious!

And to Clara herself...
So what was your recent behaviour, a "social experiment" a la Tess? What bullshit! The majority of Tattlers gave you respect, many were honoured to have a chateau insider toss a little intel our way. I was too at one time, but no longer! You have your fans here and with respect to them, I admire their loyalty to you. I admit you've tried hard to bring SJ down, but you've only managed to ring yourself down. And after your recent behaviour and, your non-apology apology wrapped up in the gobbledegook of your most recent post, you have neither my respect or loyalty.
Not forgetting that, as her usual MO has shown, when this subforum is not solely laser focused on Stephanie Jarvis Clara gets her knickers in a twist and does a flounce. En fait, her behavior is remarkably like that of Fanny when not getting her way or all the attention.🫤
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