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It's pretty harrowing.

Mental abuse - mum called a whore, louise called lazy and dirty, not allowed a bra or to shave legs, isolated from family, made to do degrading tasks.

Physical abuse - slapped, kicked, spat at, dragged and smothered.

I'm listening to it- she comes across well. It would be a good read if she could get over the 'lol' 'heh- heh-heh' 'yanno' ticks.

I'm liking her more than I have in years. This feels vulnerable and real and true. Bowing out of the thread now because I feel she's been brave and if she keeps her word about keeping her kids off screen then I have nothing else to say.

Side note: Matt is an a-grade arsehole for casually telling her that he was introducing Devon to Darcy 'that afternoon' - If he knew even a snippet of the info she has shared in this book then that was a pretty sadistic way to punish Louise - I hope he gets no more praise on this thread.
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It seems like some people here either have a very limited experience of renting or are unaware of what renting is like for people less fortunate than themselves. The idea that the colour of the walls or the aesthetic of a perfectly functioning bathroom would “put you off living” somewhere is incredibly self-righteous. And god forbid the bathroom would be used before?! I hope anyone that feels that way at least understands how lucky they are to have those opinions. I think the colour she’s gone for is one of the most “liveable” she could’ve chosen. It’s neutral, modern and will hide scuff marks. I’ve lived in rented properties all my adult life and none have been to this standard.
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Chatty Member
The idea of someone else’s bathroom just makes me feel a bit ill 😷 though admittedly I am a clean freak and I have never rented; I am sure most people do not think that. I was more thinking by leaving those things she had almost done half a job 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like if you are going to do something then do it right...Though I do applaud charging less than market value! The rental market is essentially daylight robbery and it is nice to see someone bucking that trend
This made me laugh 😂 we talk about Louise and her privilege and money, and then we have posts like this about using a bathroom someone else once owned making them feel ill 😂😂😂

I think she’s done a good job, not half done at all. Anyone who’s looked for a rental before will have seen the houses I call “death houses” where the houses are inherited and rented out immediately with decades old kitchens and carpets, old boilers etc so she’s done way more than a lot of people do.
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Apple In My Pie

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What strikes me about what Matt did, introducing Darcy to Devon... yes he should've told Louise, yes she has the right to have prior notice but all it shows is that Darcy's feelings weren't considered either 'cos to spring that on a little girl isn't very considerate. And it's like he robbed Louise of helping Darcy prepare for it, something which she herself would have wanted all those years ago when it was her own dad, too. Ouch.
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Her latest grid post has riled me! Saying her English teacher told her not to take a level English but she’s a published author now!


I imagine it would have been ignored otherwise, if she had even thought to write one and not been told to 🙄
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Yep. She mentions this a couple of times and I was genuinely stunned. I have 2 young children and there's no way in the world I could afford cleaners and nannies and for her to include that as a tip made me feel like shit really. I do everything myself and that's just the way life is for many people and they just get on with it.
It’s not much of a tip is it? It’s like saying, ‘top tip: if you can win the lottery then do that as it will make managing your finances easier.’
She’s so out of touch.
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That post made me smile - it sounds like Liam spoke to her the exact way I spoke to my four year old when she didn't want to move house - pointing out the special things and treats she can have in her new space.

He's obviously desperate to be allowed out the car.
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Chatty Member
Good for her! I honestly like this a lot. This is obviously something she relates to and has dealt with herself. I'm glad it's not another money grab, but something she cares about and is passionate about.
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I definitely believe Louise about the abuse, and no child should ever have to go through that. It also explains a lot of her current behaviours. I just wish that as part of this 'journey' and healing, that seems to involve speaking out about it both in this book and by working with the NSPCC, she'd look more at how to keep her own children safe.

Like maybe not putting them on the internet as your main source of income, because not everyone on the internet is a 'good egg.' Maybe look into the fine line between featuring your 9 year old in videos and child labour, especially if you're actually giving her scripts and scenarios to say in these endless instagram ads. Understand that a 9 year old cannot give consent and maybe do what is in their best interest and protect them more.

If you aren't making enough money just alone as Louise without using your children, then maybe get a different job. I'm sure she's saving a LOT of money for Darcy and Pearl, but will that really make up for them having had to perform and basically 'work' when they're supposed to be having a childhood and time off from school?
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A recap if you don't want to watch the video:
  • Her dad introduced her to her step mum 5 days after her mum died. The abuse lasted 8 years.
  • She got legal advice for the book and spoke to her family about it.
  • She really didn't open up about the abuse until 2015 when she had a dark scary thought when driving which pushed her to go see a therapist and acknowledge that she was abused.
  • She's writting another book.
  • She didn't mention certain people in the book in order to protect their privacy, which includes Matt and another member of her family. I'm guessing that member is Tiyana.
  • Her dad read the book.
  • Her and her dad went to counselling together. For a long time, she felt he let her down.
  • She talks about forgiveness and says she is okay that her dad didn't spot the signs because abusers are manipulative and twist things.
  • She's not sure how her family will feel about the book because they haven't all read the book yet. She said it will be a difficult/upsetting week for them because there are things mentioned in the book that they aren't aware of.
  • She was asked "Why now", as in, why she wrote the book now. She said it's because it's the first time in her life where she has felt stable, strong and well. She also has a good support system.
  • She tried to make a video about the abuse 2 years ago but she was extremely upset when filming it and never posted it.
  • She said she feels strong enough to be able to deal with any fall outs and repercussions that will come from the book
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Wow. Louise is advertising child friendly internet equipment? How sad that she claims Darcy is just starting to explore the internet now yet Louise has exploited her to make three internet ads just in the past week. Poor girl.
There is so much information about her already on the internet, her pictures have been seen by millions, we know of her birth, how difficult Louise found the birth and post natal period. We know that her parents divorced and share custody, can easily find which school she goes to. We know when she lost her teeth, her interests, her personality and every holiday and trip she has taken. Yet this poor girl is only beginning to explore the internet.
She has been consistently exploited and used by her mother to make £££, promote her 'brand's and gain attention/ego boosts. She isnt even able to comprehend the level of exposure she has been forced into, yet Louise has the absolute audacity to post about introducing her to the internet and promoting online safety. She is deplorable.
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I do feel a bit sorry for Louise. To have her mum die when she did, and her dad to seemingly check-out on parenting, leaving Louise to be emotionally and physically abused by this step-mum, and with her dad being super-critical about everything. She must have a lot of resentment towards her dad.
I also had some difficult times with my dad growing up, and although as an adult, you try to forgive and let it go... In reality it isn't that easy, and at times, impossible. Louise manages to put an adult face on the relationship, but there is still that hurting child inside, who wasn't protected or treated fairly.

I live in the same town as Louise, and live opposite the school Darcy attends. I've seen Louise out and about a number of times, and honestly? She always looks very nervous and unhappy.
She puts on this front of sunshine and roses, but I think the reality is very different.
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Part way through her book and honestly quite enjoying it! Non fiction personal memoir is definitely much more suited to her writing style than a fictional narrative. The parts about her mum have been very moving. I’ve only just started the chapter about the abusive step mother and to me it’s reading very true. As someone from a Middle Eastern background the style of insults and put downs that she is writing about sound very similar to the way horrible women in my own family speak. Not suggesting women of other ethnicities can’t be abusive or cruel, just making a point that the use of language and style of phrasing Louise is describing is super familiar to me.

Honestly I feel like I now understand why Louise is super sensitive to any form of perceived criticism (warranted or otherwise). She reminds me of my cousin who grew up with a very verbally abusive overly critical mother and it also made her insanely sensitive towards criticism. I remember I once mentioned to her that the toner she used had really harsh ingredients that could damage her skin in the long run and she blocked me for two weeks haha. Ofcourse I’m only about half way through the book so won’t make a total judgment on how I feel about it until I’ve finished.
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Louise's latest post is a big list of her upcoming plans and suggestions for how she can avoid 'burnout'. Look again though and it's 90% nice things like - see my friends, go on holiday and update my house. Why oh why are you discussing this in the same breath as implying your life is stressful and overwhelming?

This morning I've got up and ready and started work. In influencer land I've - nurtured my children, tended an injury, produced a meal, crafted a power point, consulted with a colleague, washed my hair (#selfcare), made some big and exciting plans with my husband (#minibreak) reviewed social media activity and written and published this post!

Just a ploy to mask their vapid and empty lives.
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I can't believe she included the hideous condom/morning after pill story. For a book that she said is for her daughters to read when they grow up.

I'm just about to get to the abuse chapter now. So far I've been enjoying the book somewhat but it's been mostly a retelling of things we've already heard a lot before, like Darcy and Pearl's births. Which I knew to expect because its called mum life. I did find the part about her mum's death to be really upsetting. I'm listening to it on audible so to hear her crying made me sad.

Also, just wanted to point out that people are saying it's bad that he sprung the devon meeting darcy thing. Louise says that Liam was driving past one day and said he'd like to call in and she said yes he could come round and Darcy was there. So there was no preparing Darcy for that or consulting with Matt. So it goes both ways. Just saying.
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That did choke me up tbh
It is very sad to think of. I am sure Louise has many mental scars and trauma from it.

Wow. Her stepmum would call her a "whore" as a child. Awful woman.

"Whatever way I unloaded the dishwasher would be the wrong way and I would be smacked for it. If she discovered a drawer in my bedroom was untidy she would drag me upstairs, empty everything out, break my things and punish me for being lazy. Or dirty. Or a whore."

She recalls being “dragged from room to room by my hair, scrambling to make my legs work underneath me so that the whole chunk of hair didn’t come out.”

And on another occasion, when Louise fell over, Sandra kicked her repeatedly until she stood back up again.

Louise suffered the abuse for almost a decade, before she turned 16 and decided that she would either have to end her silence or end her life."

My dad worked away from home a lot, so most of the time it was just the two of us.

That explains how her dad missed it. Makes me feel sick. I am glad Louise didn't end her life. Louise must have been terribly upset with how soon Matt introduced Devon to Darcy.
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VIP Member
Her latest grid post has riled me! Saying her English teacher told her not to take a level English but she’s a published author now!


I imagine it would have been ignored otherwise, if she had even thought to write one and not been told to 🙄
That annoyed me too! How deluded! She is a has-been YouTuber, only famous for being chummies with ZoELLa, her books are her merch! She is not👏a👏writer👏. Louise, the only content that you make that does well are the ones where you are exploiting your children. They are the reason you make money, not your notoriously badly written books.
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