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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
To hear Potty be more congenial towards Phyllis surprises me.
Wait a minute, I said tolerate not congenial. Potty knows best when it comes to dealing with his former lovers escapades. The more you fight her on it, the more attached she will get, so a certain amount of laissez faire seems wise. That's not to say he likes the guy or believes he's an asset.
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Questions for dumb and dumber
🌎- they are not from here

Do you still worry that everything will end tmr with Patreon/YouTube? I recall you mentioned it before. Or are you more relaxed about it now? I do hope it’s the latter. You have had to wait a long time to start to make real progress with the chateau, but you have worked hard and should have the confidence now that all will be well going forward. Sometimes I worry that you put yourself (and your health) under pressure in the effort to always put videos out.

Has amaury had any thoughts on the discovered decorative wood in the attic joists? Also when are c4 going to get updated intro footage…’s the old courtyard ….though it does show how far you have come! CDIY I will always remember for gerry, mummy and the pizza oven 😂🤣😂


Kaboom 💥 @Rory kaboom 💥
Oh I wish I should be at the livestream but I have to go to bed. I'm curious about relationship and sexuality stuff but I'm not comfortable asking! I'd ask all sorts of things in person as I would be sharing too, but I get the feeling you would not be wanting to confide such details here, which is fine. So it is with great effort I restrain myself!!

💭💭🌎 like WTF 😳


Kirk to enterprise
Beam me up scotty ….

Steph Dayosteph
How much does sound travel through the Chateau? Will all the new insulation you're putting in (and the Wedgewood room, help with sound isolation, especially during workshops?


Cynthia Lambert
Did you find out who at Channel 4 was responsible for spilling the beans about your personal life? (As if we didn't already know.) Not that we are not thrilled with the news, but it's actually no one's business but yours and Philip's. Going forward, you should make it clear to them that your personal life is out of bounds. They don't even pay you for appearing on CDIY. That's some nerve, sensationalizing it to get more viewers/money/advertisers. It's just wrong. Doesn't surprise me, though, considering other things they have done to use people. They have no shame. And they are not your friends. On another note, I'm so pleased that you are taking steps to circumvent the haters/trolls. I try to battle them myself, but then they accuse me of being a troll, and it's very frustrating. They try to spoil things for everybody, but they can be foiled. I know how to block them on a YouTube channel, if you need any advice. What concerns me, is that the leaked Patreon videos are leaked because the leaker is a patron.

🌎 they don’t need space suits
They walk amoungst us …..
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VIP Member
Some Tattlers in Training over in the DIY Comments!
I nominate Phyllis: hobosexual or chateausexual for next thread!

I’m convinced the Wedgewood Room was nothing more than a “set” created just for the show. It was a small and manageable project that could be completed from start to finish for the cameras. Just wondering how long it will be before it all comes down?
Totally had to quickly find something to do after the ‘swimming pond’ was shut down.
Why not treat the very generous gift with a modicum of respect and have them framed? Why not explain that the plaster cameos were from the time of the Grand Tours and weave her love of traveling and hosting?
But as Clara is always quick to point out L-A-Z-Y!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Do we know the reason why La Jarvis broke off the engagement with Potty?
Potty may be easy on the eyes, but once he opens his mouth and speaks, I become drier than the Gobi desert.
Besides, I always get some a vibe of elitism and entitledment from Potty, yuck!
They both deserve(d) each other...
They did. And in a way they are still closely connected. I was told the breakup was directly from having an open relationship to lighten up the sexual pressure (or lack off) and Mr. Potts being way too successful in landing new flesh regularly to match SJ's game. Then again, she was a big prude in those days, as she admitted herself looking back.

@Clara Burnett I don't know if you've talked about it in previous threads, but do you have any idea of what the two other co-owners of the shito think of this relationship? Also is BJJ even liked by the rest of the people living there? I'm just desperate and hopeful that there is at least a small chance that he will be unceremoniously kicked out of the shito in the near future 😭
Yes, I've talked about it before. Nicholas Larkin despises Snorty as much as most of us do, but he will not voice his disgust as he's Eton-schooled and taught to be a "gentle man". Potty does not dislike Snorty per se, but is not convinced this love affair will last. He's more down the tolerate path than Larkin is and won't burn his hands by getting in between. As for the rest of them, I think it's pretty clear by now nobody will stand up for him when needed and there's certainly no love lost. If I were Snorty, I'd be confused which shoulder to look over for incoming stab wounds...

@Clara Burnett Kari is happy : she got your attention. She mentioned your name on her YT comment...
I saw that, yes. Wonder why she doubts my gender.
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Perplexed bee

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Poor delusional Kari Lynn. Does she really think she’s warning SJ by telling her something new? I’ve got news for you, sweetheart, your idol reads here and enjoys the banter.

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I'm reaching the point where the super-fan comments are more hilarious than the vlogs themselves! Trying to explain that "boyfriend" means a friend who is still a boy, thinking that every critical comment is made by jealous people (heehee, here I am sitting in my 16th century house, sipping tea from my ancient Bernardaud tea service), and that SJ has a right to privacy, when she shows us everything of her life, starting by her waking up in bed scenes and running around mainly only half-dressed. Other vloggers do indeed have private lives, but they also have a more curated YT content. As I have already said, I liked the old SJ, when she was more collected and focussed, and she has an engaging presence. As an owner of an old house I am disappointed by the way she is not taking renovation and maintenance seriously... we are only custodians and should pass on historic buildings in good shape for the next generations. I feel sorry for poor Antoine, if he is being pressured into being the next one to take over the mess.
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VIP Member
Thank you for posting the video clips @MojoDublin .

wow, she was incredibly uncomfortable. Such a sober face. Not a sign of life, love and laughter off that face today. She didn't like Philip's interjections. Her "all relationships end" comments followed by his "I don't see why it would end." ummm, are you listening Philip? Her life experience is that they all end. Your comment was wishful youthful thinking. Her face was not a woman in love, but a woman in frozen panic and fear. She's had her fun with you, but if this lasts beyond Venice, I will be surprised. They are going to have a lot of time apart, if I understand correctly. He will be 3 weeks in the Netherlands with rehearsals and I think someone mentioned he's not going to SA ... he may not even make Venice. This isn't going to last, it's not fun any more for her.
And they will blame this "hate site"... or those Patrons "stealing" her videos... or the pressure from her "audience" or anyone else but herself. As usual.

PS : A huge thank you @MojoDublin ! You are a hero ! (really).
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VIP Member
Again, is anyone else triggered by the misaligned medallions? Why didn't they use Armoire's laser leveler?
I get a whole lot of BJJ vibes on this design. :sick:

Looks nice and clean on the outside, but there are water leaks and dry rot underneath. The story of Lalande.

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Ghastly entrance to the only working loo. Who displays plates on top of a radiator and flowers on top of doors?
I saw this on The Channel 4 show and laughed my socks off as they worked out the pattern and then Steph got her glue gun out.
Ian had to replaster the wall and Flip gave it the once over ( the walls -you filthy minded Tattlers)

Congratulations to @HalcyonOrganic 👏

Not mentioning the other VIP wannabee who is drinking the bar dry.

What's this about us being a hate site? A differing of opinions which doesn't require brown nosing is not hate.

Most if us are discerning and we like and praise where we find it is due. I think she is jealous of Dan...there I've said it. He has a lot more going for him and has earned good reviews on Tattle (and some not so good) We like Amaury, he is a favourite amongst many of our ladies as well.

What we don't like is - well I'm sure Steph and fans can read the threads and find out. Don't forget your glasses Steph. If you need a summary, the talented @TaxInspector can write a little ditty for you.

DB as in Darling Brenda must be enjoying the drama. She is making much ado about nothing. vlogs from Dan...oh my.... he has gone bitten by the channel 4 virus...he wants fame...and all to give support to Her Griftiness..he might be carefull...otherwise he is going down with her..he better could take care of his own following..and skip that flashing lunatic..but i guess he has fallen for her spell...and he thinks he can be the next Dick Strawbridge...not gonna happen..
He did give fair warning and a man must do what a man must to earn his crust.

Yes, I know I am a Dan Fan (must give balanced opinions so we don't come across as haters)

Now put the knife away, they are sharp when stuck in the mouth. We wouldn't want you to have an accident whilst drinking your wine. :)
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Congratulations to @HalcyonOrganic VIP Member :m:m:m:m

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39 minutes ago
The official next thread 🧵 title:

Octo-Oedipus: being straight to ingratiate

AUTHOR @Definitely Maybe

Most liked post previous thread

Chatty Member
Wednesday at 8:47 PM

Congratulations to Stefanny and her Dutch Boyfriend Phileep! :sick::m:m:m:m:m

Also, smack my ass and call me daddy! I've gone house hunting and I'm taking applications for a trophy wife who will be bearing my 2.4 kids in record time. (As promised in my previous post.)

I had a nice run as a single gay man and my last party was a memorable one at La Demence where I also run into the Rengifo bros. I can say that "being asked to leave" came as news to Andrew.

I'm taking the news about the happy couple of Lalalande with a tiny pinch of salt, though, as the information is from the production company that can't even spell Stefanny's name right. However, I'm especially delighted how this will rock the world of some of the superfans.

I can't understand why Stefanny hasn't kicked her utterly useless Pandemic Pet to the curb at this point. I wouldn't tolerate such incompetent little tit even for a day. She must have a thing for being the teacher in bed. On his own, Support Squirrel couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

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@Clara Burnett
VIP Member
Wednesday at 10:32 PM

Marquis de Potpourri said:
and a confirmation that some Tattlers have been right all along.
I am not at all gloating and will keep my 'told you so's' to myself, but am over the moon that my eyes and ears once again did not let me down.

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Wednesday at 11:07 PM

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But we all appreciate these video excerpts, Mojo! Thanks.
SJ has her role as head liar down pat.
Nothing is getting done except Phyllis.
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Thank you for posting the video clips @MojoDublin .

wow, she was incredibly uncomfortable. Such a sober face. Not a sign of life, love and laughter off that face today. She didn't like Philip's interjections. Her "all relationships end" comments followed by his "I don't see why it would end." ummm, are you listening Philip? Her life experience is that they all end. Your comment was wishful youthful thinking. Her face was not a woman in love, but a woman in frozen panic and fear. She's had her fun with you, but if this lasts beyond Venice, I will be surprised. They are going to have a lot of time apart, if I understand correctly. He will be 3 weeks in the Netherlands with rehearsals and I think someone mentioned he's not going to SA ... he may not even make Venice. This isn't going to last, it's not fun any more for her.
indeed..well said..just the way i looked at it...she liked it to be a secret and that excited her..just like a little girl who has sex with somebody the parents dont approve the cat is out of the bag...the fun is gone..imagine the fun they both must had playing a maskerade for al her followers...I think she is so nervous...because she damn well knows, although people approve of her relationship...that she is demasked as a big lying fraude...People will always question her from now on...because she has proven to play with their feet..she didnt just let the relationship out of her vlogs...she made a lott of fuss with showing their seperate bedrooms on trips etc...that is something she surely shouldnt have done..she lied big time to her followers..some dont mind but to others she showed her true self..i think thats bothering her..i think she may loose some by next month...

All the things she mentions about renovations...same story again...delays and excuses...i dont understand why those patreons dont see threw it..its the same story all the time..

She says she has been shy all her life..utill she started vlogging...come on...we all have seen pics before her vlogtime...that woman was never shy...she is one thing...a big bunch of lies...i never believe one word she says...she even believes her own lies and think its the truth..
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Active member
Ironic I found you all after experiencing extreme bullying on the Patron page, but this is a site considered hate in SJ eyes. One woman who replied under my comment on the patron page claimed she had not talked to her own mother in 11 years, but I was even more awful than her for suggesting SJs actions were nefarious.
I still can't believe why so many people think it is wonderful to be lied to for a year.
I guess when you are receiving nearly $400,000 tax-free dollars a year from people, you will do anything or say anything to keep the cash rolling in. blew up in her face.
I watched her video for a short while, just to see if an apology was offered. Something the likes of: "So sorry patrons, we felt it best to develop our relationship a little further before announcing it to you all and to the world" But, she didn't. They did not even sit down as a couple and take questions. It was all about her. And, a bucket full of more lies. For instance, the boyfriend is not going to her mother's house in South Africa. He conveniently has another venue to perform at. Very telling. Clearly, her mother is not happy with the BF, but sadly she needs her mother. It seems she is the only one who tells SJ the truth. Keeps her grounded.

My lovely gay brother shared the Chateau videos with me while in lock-down. The videos were great entertainment for us both, but he is extremely pissed gay Philip is not acting so gay. At 25, some do need to try the other side for a while. (His words)
I'm guessing a lot of her big donors will back away while the little donors will stay on.
We shall see.

Thank you all for welcoming me. A little gossip here is good for the soul. Lying, thieving, and seducing young boys is hateful. (in my opinion).
Welcome. I agree, I also feel you cannot be honest and call her out, which is what brought me here too. When I studied psychology and learnt about narcissism, I also learnt about enablers (in psychological slang they are called 'flying monkeys'). Enablers are all about protecting the narcissist from taking accountability and even attacking others who call the narcissist out. They are often unhinged and abusive, so you have to ignore that, as they will protect the narcissist at all costs. They can't even call her out on the fact she lied, when you consider the fact she often lied and pretended they were always sleeping in separate bedrooms when they went away - that is deceitful. However, the narcissist's ability to always play the victim and incite protective responses from others, is what is causing her to try and deflect the viewers attention away from her lies and redirect them to this site, playing the victim and calling it a 'hate' site.
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NOV 5, 2021 AT 6:20 PM

Livestream Update + Secret Project reveal!!

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Hello lovely patrons!!
I was so happy to read all of your lovely and kind comments under last Wednesday’s post. I feel so blessed to have received so much support from all of you (we both do), you’re wonderful ❤❤❤
About tonight’s live:
Many of you very kindly said that there was no need for a live in the circumstances, but I enjoy chatting to you all and am aware that you haven’t had a proper full video yet this week, so I very much want to go ahead (but we don’t need to make it all about Philip and me, feel free to ask about everything as usual!)
Having said that, it’s been brought to my attention that your Patreon videos are being illegally leaked onto a hate site on the internet.
I’ve spent this afternoon looking into a way of preventing this. Vimeo is a video platform similar to YouTube and I am considering switching to Vimeo for your Patreon videos.

Apparently I can also use Vimeo to livestream just to patrons, so I would like to try that for our scheduled livestream. I’m still doing my final research and will have to set everything up, therefore I’ll have to push tonight’s promised Patreon-only live to tomorrow - to make sure it actually will only be with you, my patrons.
Thank you so much for everything, I can’t describe how deeply I feel your support, which has been invaluable this week. Next week will be the usual start of the month update video that many of you are looking forward to!
Love, Steph x ❤🏰❤
P.S. The photos are of a secret project we filmed for British tv this year, which I’ll reveal on The Chateau Diaries next week. This is a sneak preview. We call it ‘The Wedgwood Room’ and it’s a tiny entrance hall next to the winter salon. Let me know what you think!

Well-known member

Today at 6:43 PM
Don't you guys worry a bit!.. we have tech savvy insiders on patreon 😂

Screen Shot 2021-11-05 at 11.42.57.png


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well she gave us a lott of advertising space.... :LOL: hate website ...omg...she has nerves..that lying bitch...
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I think Mummy needs to get back to the chateau ASAP! The inmates are running the asylum.
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She sure is embarrassed about him I must say!
That is exactly what I took away from that interview...he is proud of the relationship and wants everyone to know, she is embarrassed and doesn't want to discuss it. It is probably more about his age than her love for him though.
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
The Blue room reminds me of something you might find in Hyacinth Bucket 's house.
Stephanie's taste is Hyacinth Bucket style.
Here are some fashion tips for the Caribbean holiday.

the highpriestess of grifting keeps nicely out of the way.... in SA..very convenient..she has learnt her daughter the need to interfere..
Isabelle always goes to South Africa in winter to get away from the freezing cold chateau and returns when the weather is warmer I don't blame her.!

Sorry fashion tips by Hyacinth Bucket for Stephanies next Caribbean holiday. Messed up the post.


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I think SJ and PJ's relationship is going to be heading downhill pretty soon.
The element of their relationship that she gets the biggest buzz from is having it a secret.. one over her YouTube viewers.
Now the cat is out of the bag she will get rid. We will be told he has an exciting new role that will have him away for a protracted time and then he will fade away from memory.
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SJ knows all of us were/are fans and this space is where we discuss her failures and achievements in equal measure without being deleted (unless it goes overboard). Some posts are harsh and I don't blame Tattlers coz honestly, nothing ever gets finished properly. To call it a hate site, driving her fans to curiosity and still lurking here is really weird. Hate is a very strong word and using it loosely on us (who while waiting for her to upload fodder) fill our time talking of food, life and personal struggles just shows what sort of a person she is.
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