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Well-known member
If that'rue, it's just one more example of her revealing other people's secrets.
She needs to stop talking about other peoples business, the illness and troubles of the chapel restorer, Selmar and Tatyanas offer on a chateau..: that might cause someone else to swoop in and try to buy it under their noses.

I have been really struck this week by how vulnerableSJ is, at the start of tonight’s live chat I realised she is just a hurt little girl raised by two generations of narcissists. I identify a lot with her because of this and some of her behaviour is definitely narcissistic, but I think this is unconscious, learned behaviours rather than premeditated. She earns more in a month than I do in a year so my sympathy for her is very limited, but I think she is just floundering. And I think Philip isusing her for his own ends. He was so self-important about the Christie’s gig I think he thinks all this experience will translate into real world opportunities.

the more he gets his antiques around her the harder it will be to make him leave, and I think she needs a shoulder to cry on at the moment. Just my two cents worth.
Also Steph, for the record I’m one of your earliest patrons and avid viewers, I come here to work out what I’m seeing on screen, because there is a gap in the narrative which comes across as gaslighting. And I have to say I was hurt as a Patron to literally be the last group of people to know you both were dating. Even strangers in New York knew before we who are paying for your lifestyle! It feels like a kick in the teeth and none of your explanations up to now have really touched on reality, it’s all smoke and mirrors.
This “hate” site is a place of humanity and connection, I know you know this which is why you stay up until 4am reading here.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I believe it is the entrance to Marquis Apartment from the yard.
Actually it's a little hallway behind the wintersalon that connects to the Marquis Apartment. The door with the table before it goes to the bathroom, making that table really annoying because that's one of the few downstairs loos, the only one working at the moment That table was put there just for the pictures and will be moved aside asap. There's a really old door to the courtyard that nobody uses because it doesn't open easily and another door into the bedroom of the Marquis apartment.
The entrance from the yard as you say is an even smaller room on the other side of the apartment, connecting to the living room and the kitchen. That's the secret project they are filming now, as it will be covered in the ugliest brown wallpaper I have ever seen, again totally mismatched LaLande style.
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Granola Chic

Well-known member
Ironic I found you all after experiencing extreme bullying on the Patron page, but this is a site considered hate in SJ eyes. One woman who replied under my comment on the patron page claimed she had not talked to her own mother in 11 years, but I was even more awful than her for suggesting SJs actions were nefarious.
I still can't believe why so many people think it is wonderful to be lied to for a year.
I guess when you are receiving nearly $400,000 tax-free dollars a year from people, you will do anything or say anything to keep the cash rolling in. blew up in her face.
I watched her video for a short while, just to see if an apology was offered. Something the likes of: "So sorry patrons, we felt it best to develop our relationship a little further before announcing it to you all and to the world" But, she didn't. They did not even sit down as a couple and take questions. It was all about her. And, a bucket full of more lies. For instance, the boyfriend is not going to her mother's house in South Africa. He conveniently has another venue to perform at. Very telling. Clearly, her mother is not happy with the BF, but sadly she needs her mother. It seems she is the only one who tells SJ the truth. Keeps her grounded.

My lovely gay brother shared the Chateau videos with me while in lock-down. The videos were great entertainment for us both, but he is extremely pissed gay Philip is not acting so gay. At 25, some do need to try the other side for a while. (His words)
I'm guessing a lot of her big donors will back away while the little donors will stay on.
We shall see.

Thank you all for welcoming me. A little gossip here is good for the soul. Lying, thieving, and seducing young boys is hateful. (in my opinion).
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
From what I've heard Snorts wanted to do the live together and suggested to create a vignette for it where they would sit hand in hand to answer questions from the patrons about their enduring relationship. He thought the porcelain cabinet diaster they created would be fitting, but he even offered his room as the perfect crime scene for it. His ideas were not only voted away by Potts and Larkin, who's opinions still outweigh her baby, but obviously by his loving girlfriend bride to be. By forcing him back into his formal role of cameraman and chat moderator, so they all agreed, the message would be unmistakably strong: nothing has changed and all will stay the same.
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I just watched today's vlog. This is a rhetorical question: What the fork can't Stef get dressed before she leaves her bedroom?! Instead, she has spent all day in her nightie with her 100 star robe on to: welcome Gerry; wander into Marie and Nick's apartment then watch Antoinie getting a hair cut by Annalise; have a meeting with the tree surgeon; and hassle Anmoury in his workshop. It is beyond disrespectful to everyone in the chateau let alone contractors.

So here's a tip Stef: lay out your clothes for the next day either in your bedroom on a chair or in your friggin' dressing room!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
From the tidbits of information I gathered, the boyfriend-bomb that exploded through Channel 4 on Wednesday hardly came as a surprise and the presence of both other owners reunited at the HMN was just as little a coincidence. They needed to be there to support the poor outed charlataine and coach her through this PR nightmare. She has to tred extremely careful not to ruin the deliberately constructed money machine.
A lot of the disbelief when we first started talking about the possibility of the two charlatans being in an actual relationship evolved around the idea that Snorty clearly looks like a stereotypical gay guy. I myself have long thought that the shame SJ feels for being so closely tied to a gay guy was the biggest reason for her to hide the truth from her viewers. I know, so silly of me to think she is even capable of feeling shame. Instead of toning down Snorty’s gay-aura in her vlogs in order to make him look more like hubby material, she emphasized these traits and send him into the superchats to lure in the perverts willing to pay for that fantasy. Older gay guys are a classic rich demographic bait, often hunted down for their spending habits with fake promises of like-mindedness. I won’t go into the details again about the incident with the homophobic workawayer as it’s been explicitly documented in previous threads, but it does remind us of how the Unholy LaLa Tripod spins their deceit when it comes to gay narratives. It’s all a strategy, it’s tactics and in order for it to work SJ needs the mystery to continue. Not just online, but also when looking at the visiting superfans portrayed in her video’s and the overrepresentation therein of gays: the disgusting priest with his see-through gift for Snorty, the many gay couples that brought her extravagant gifts. It evidently has been a big part of the fairytale that the other owners helped construct around the love-and-laughter-princess and it has blown up in their faces, once again. Rather explanatory for Nicholas Larkin to hide his face behind a golden mask. The damage will still shine through though, no matter what they come up with. Snorty is the biggest loser of this turn of events: his reputation is smashed to smithereens before he even had the chance to build one. Kind of like what happend with the boyband, he’s constructively sidelined by how the tripod usually handles these matters.
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
Thank you for posting the video clips @MojoDublin .

wow, she was incredibly uncomfortable. Such a sober face. Not a sign of life, love and laughter off that face today. She didn't like Philip's interjections. Her "all relationships end" comments followed by his "I don't see why it would end." ummm, are you listening Philip? Her life experience is that they all end. Your comment was wishful youthful thinking. Her face was not a woman in love, but a woman in frozen panic and fear. She's had her fun with you, but if this lasts beyond Venice, I will be surprised. They are going to have a lot of time apart, if I understand correctly. He will be 3 weeks in the Netherlands with rehearsals and I think someone mentioned he's not going to SA ... he may not even make Venice. This isn't going to last, it's not fun any more for her.
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Kari Lynn, your buddy Stephani climbed up on a scaffolding in a dress in front of male family members and employees, constantly runs around in her robe, and post pictures of herself in the bathtub and you’re worried about her ‘personal’ info being shared from Patreon?? Dating an employee half her age isn’t even the tackiest thing we’ve watched her do! It’s not even top ten. I’m far more curious where that $34,000 a month in Patreon money goes than I am about her love life but NOTHING she does and says adds up. THAT and that alone is why this site has 81 threads about CD. This isn’t a hate site, it’s a WTF-is-actually-going-on-here site. I was a fan of the vlog for over a year. I bought a Spode plate and toile curtains. I considered sending some of my regular and dairy free hot chocolate bombs to Lalande so Philip and Tatiana could enjoy them as well. But then I got to the point where not much had changed in the year I was watching (despite $30,000+ a month flowing in), things seemed put on for the benefit of C4 with no follow through, and there obviously was zero business or project plan. The place is filthy, cold, and cluttered yet people pay to stay there?! Unreal. And a bit unethical, quite frankly. She can put whatever she wants on her vlog, that’s her prerogative, but when it doesn’t add up and the YouTube comments asking about it get deleted it looks even more suspect. So of course people will end up here…just like you did. Thanks for the publicity.

P.S. don’t go judging Clara when you literally just did the same thing.
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
While you are all belly up to the bar in the Tattle Loung tonight, I felt you all needed some fresh air and relaxation, so a few photos from Jasper ... first one is especially for the @Marquis de Potpourri and his fiance...






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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Poor delusional Kari Lynn. Does she really think she’s warning SJ by telling her something new? I’ve got news for you, sweetheart, your idol reads here and enjoys the banter.

hate site.png
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Hi All
first time poster, long time lurker( I’m shy) please excuse the following rant but I can’t hold my tongue any longer.
I am So annoyed and frustrated and feel completely conned as a former patron of this shitshow
I am the same age as SJ my eldest son is the same age as twat. If he came to me and asked to volunteer I’d say go for it, I mean all you need to volunteer is a heap of allergies, a fear of work and a love of parties right? If he then called me and said yeah I tried to kiss my boss I would hope that as a ” professional “ she would send him on his way and say nope…. Not appropriate. Instead she asks her elderly mother what to do? If my weird sons relationship was then outed on national television and shortly after worldwide to a huge audience discussed on YouTube and then on a pay to view platform I’d be mortified. I certainly wouldn’t be sending tartan pyjamas to the adoptive brother. Nic and Marie (not so sure re Potts) are all professionals god knows what they must think. They’ve invested money into this and for what? I’m really trying hard to think of a project that has actually started and been completely finished in the last 2 years? The list of started stuff is phenomenal.
chambre perse ( peacock room)
chicken houses ( bought instead)
shutters and dogs
ive probably missed a few!
I was planning a visit but the thought of a few suitcases full of clothes for warmth another one for food( worried I’d get lettuce and ice as thier allergy free) and aspirin for the hangover and twisted ankle from the tango have put me off.
thank you all for saving my sanity.
The patron and YouTube love brigade had me doubting my sanity.
Ok rant over
back to lurking x
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
It was just a sociology experiment.
Oh, I see, Kari Lynn, a sociology experiment. You wanted to find out how it would feel to communicate instead of having your questions deleted without ever receiving an answer. I understand your surprise when I did answer your question instead of being ignored as you have become used to on your favorite channel. I hope it wasn't too painful an experience. Now go ahead and spread the gospel: questions deserve answers, even if you don't agree.
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Dear fellow Tattlers,

I feel that I must share this with you, if only to ease my suffering and help you all understand who I really am. I often post amusing things
- as we all do - on this site, but there is another side to me, a more serious and, dare I say it, darker and sadder side. Last night, I had a terrible nightmare that literally shook me to my core. I often have nightmares but I’ve never experienced anything like this before, and I still haven’t quite recovered from it … . I dreamt that I was being pursued in a forest by a very strange couple - a manic blonde-haired woman in a nightdress and a ‘man’ who looked like a woman with facial hair and a scraggly brown wig, dressed only in underpants. In fact, he bore a close resemblance to a hedgehog with a woman’s body. I was absolutely terrified! I realised that I was being pursued by a pair of vampires. All around me were emaciated corpses hanging from the trees - they had had everything sucked out of them, including all their money. I ran as fast as I could, but to no avail. The last thing I remember is the two of them standing right next to me, about to sink their fangs into my neck … . Fortunately, I woke up at that point and realised that it had all been a bad dream … until I switched on my TV and went into YouTube …
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I sometimes wonder whether we pay far too much attention to these people ... . After all, they're just a bunch of losers living in a dump in the middle of nowhere, people of no particular interest or talent, apart from fleecing grannies ... can't wait for the next juicy bit of gossip ...
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