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Granola Chic

Well-known member
As I watched the ever-talented Mr. Potts turnout a plump loaf of bread onto the table, I wondered how she could go from that in her bed, to a young uneducated, penniless, homeless, blading gay man. Just how?
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Marty McFly 9

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Judith Long
46 minutes ago
Phillip is gay and not Stephanie's boyfriend, just someone who lives and helps at the chateau!



Lainie Weeks
46 minutes ago
Oh Judith, Judith. Stephanie thought so too, until Philip tried to kiss her! Apparently Marie put him up to it in the first place. I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth. Steph confessed it all in a Q&A last night for the patrons. Every time they've travelled together lately and pretended to be staying in separate rooms, it was all fake.


Muriel Kramer
41 minutes ago
@Lainie Weeks The thing I don't understand is why they decided to play this charade. I'm so very happy for both of them, but being deliberately misled to believe the opposite feels weird! And after so long! I could've understood keeping it under wraps for the first weeks/months, but all this time? We see that they make each other happy and have very similar interests and passions, what would they be afraid of?


Judith Long
39 minutes ago
@Lainie Weeks That is just crazy!!!!! Did not watch the Q&A but I sure will now.


Lainie Weeks
29 minutes ago
@Muriel Kramer I think Stephanie is embarrassed of the relationship, in a way. In any case she's not in love with a capital L, and she doesn't think this would be long-term. She probably never wanted to have to deal with all her fans and patrons saying they thought Philip was gay, etc. But she should never have roped all the other chateau owners and Lalanders into the charade. Aie aie aie.


Bibi BonBon
23 minutes ago


Lainie Weeks
19 minutes ago
IMHO Philip is selectively straight. Straight if it means he can live a fairytale lifestyle with a certain fofolle chatelaine Youtube starlet !
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I just do not get why anyone should care that she employs him. What difference does it make? They are single adults. They are not doing anything wrong. She did not complain about Youtube viewers - but I agree with you, it hardly seems fair not to tell the viewers, who are every bit as important as patrons. There are huge amounts of work going on at the chateau - woodland management, the creation of the natural pool, and there will be lots more. And if patrons are happy - and they clearly are - and numbers are increasing all the time, I just don't see it as an issue that should worry anyone but those paying for it.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I kind of agree with you on the employment thing. Now hold your horses, as someone tried to teach me the other day, this does not mean I think what she's doing is okay, but the outrage over the employment thing is a bit over the top. When it comes to most of the people she says she now employs, her loverboy included, there is no actual employment, no contract, no job description, no formal arrangement other than that she pays them for services provided. This is one of the bigger issues her accountants are extremely unhappy about, because the more she talks on camera about employing people, the more difficult it becomes for them to legally process these expenses. It's a huge blind spot in SJ's idea of a strategy by not portraying her snorting lover as such, but instead choosing to publicly "employ" him as her lapdog: it will cost her either way eventually.
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Stephanie is selling a product - the deceit is that the product she presents is not accurately represented.
I hate being lied to. I studied psychology because I wanted to understand my own narcissistic family members and deceit really breaks trust. The lies she told have made me see her in a different light and people who are ok with her deceit are not aware of the type of characteristics that abuse trust. She didn't need to lie about sleeping arrangements when they were away on holiday or in other chateaus, she should have just stayed quiet and showed the rooms without discussing whose room was whose. This was all done to protect her funds from patreons - I really think she was concerned that they would judge her relationship with a much younger man and also, a volunteer.
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Ironic I found you all after experiencing extreme bullying on the Patron page, but this is a site considered hate in SJ eyes. One woman who replied under my comment on the patron page claimed she had not talked to her own mother in 11 years, but I was even more awful than her for suggesting SJs actions were nefarious.
I still can't believe why so many people think it is wonderful to be lied to for a year.
I guess when you are receiving nearly $400,000 tax-free dollars a year from people, you will do anything or say anything to keep the cash rolling in. blew up in her face.
I watched her video for a short while, just to see if an apology was offered. Something the likes of: "So sorry patrons, we felt it best to develop our relationship a little further before announcing it to you all and to the world" But, she didn't. They did not even sit down as a couple and take questions. It was all about her. And, a bucket full of more lies. For instance, the boyfriend is not going to her mother's house in South Africa. He conveniently has another venue to perform at. Very telling. Clearly, her mother is not happy with the BF, but sadly she needs her mother. It seems she is the only one who tells SJ the truth. Keeps her grounded.

My lovely gay brother shared the Chateau videos with me while in lock-down. The videos were great entertainment for us both, but he is extremely pissed gay Philip is not acting so gay. At 25, some do need to try the other side for a while. (His words)
I'm guessing a lot of her big donors will back away while the little donors will stay on.
We shall see.

Thank you all for welcoming me. A little gossip here is good for the soul. Lying, thieving, and seducing young boys is hateful. (in my opinion).
It was very tenacious of you to voice an opinion on patron …
the mind set is of a cult following certainly those that post there.
Universally the walk the line of devotion- it intrigues me 😈

You’d have to agree that it is only ever 1/3 of her patrons the higher tears have a direct communication with Nutti and at a soft push with SSB direct .

Delighted you found here - a solid understanding of your opnions is required

- and the ability to see others perspective… my opinion has been changed - by others opinions !!!

Welcome 🙏
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I think Stephanie is already laying the groundwork for ending the relationship and the reason will be the “huge age difference” as she stated.
Oh, I totally agree and I know these signs she's giving as I've seen them many times before. I don't think 'age difference' will be her official explanation for the forthcoming painful break-up. She will just say she has to privately process the fact that they couldn't make it work, no matter how hard they tried.
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oh I literally peed myself

Whilst we were watching them
Watching us
Watching them

They were still watching us

Patron 🤣🤣🤣
Tattle wasent paying any attention to you
My bad 😈
I was just thinking about your initials S&P, just like salt and pepper. The pairing dates back to seventeenth-century French cuisine which considered black pepper the only spice that did not overpower the true taste of food. So there you go, your pairing was meant to be

Oh for Pete’s sake. They’re taking video of their computer screen and posting the live on the hate site in two minute increments. Honestly? If that’s how you want to spend your Saturday night, whatever. I do think maybe you should look into knitting or volunteering at a soup kitchen or some sort of soothing, productive hobby instead. You clearly have a lot of time on your hands!

Catherine H.
Yep! Stephanie really needs to ferret out who “MojoDublin” is here. He/she is the one posting the videos. He/she said they joined Patreon August of last year. He/she may not be the only one, but that is the poster that is posting the videos. There are others sharing the comments here and making fun of the Patrons. They are malicious immature group of haters.

Ellen Wilberg
wow. What pathetic, sad people. They are obviously jealous.

Louisa Ryan
Unfortunately these sites will always exist. There is not a chance they will stop. I have known about this site for many years as I follow a few other youtubers and if you think The CD gets a bashing you should take a look at what other youtubers go through. They are obsessed and they will never give up. The new statesmen wrote a piece earlier this year calling the gossip site the most toxic place on the internet and they are not wrong and I know it can be hurtful to think people would gossip behind ones back but it does happen and it will continue.


Is the quality of the video really choppy for anyone else? The sound keeps cutting in and out for me.
Again, they come over here to watch you watch them and still call you an asshole?? Coming here and then running back to YT to cry about it is the SAME THING as watching YT then coming here to talk about it. How are they not understanding this???!!
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So how much money does it take to finish a loo? 😡
Ah…but the point is the journey, not the destination. And the journey will never end…so the inflow of money is constant. It will never get finished…because to finish is to end the cash flow.

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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
Oh, I totally agree and I know these signs she's giving as I've seen them many times before. I don't think 'age difference was trying yyi bbc e ' will be her official explanation for the forthcoming painful break-up. She will just say she has to privately process the fact that they couldn't make it work, no matter how hard they tried.
Thank you for the inside info. That's the feeling I got watching this video. He sounded quite desperate and she looked very embarrassed by the whole thing. Is he genuinely in love or on the make I wonder?

There will be an avalanche of soft toys from adoring fans and hedgehog couple related kitsch. It exists!
My husband, who is really very sensible has an unfortunate liking for hedgehogs. I get hedgehog related cards every birthday. I haven't the heart to say "not another hedgehog card". I drew the line at the kissing hedgehog plates, I persuaded him just to have 2 not a complete set. They are awful, see below. I can't accidently engineer an accident, he'd be very upset and go.out and buy more. He is nothing like Philip I hasten to add , not a wet drip.
What is it with men and hedgehogs? My friend's husband is the same. It must be a desire to go back to their childhood.
If Philip reads here he'll probably want to buy a set of these. They are from Dunelm UK Philip.


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I found it quite telling, when she said: "People should pursue their dreams" <I'm done with you Phyllis, go be the musical star you were never meant to be>
The relationship's days are numbered. I guess all there is, is to wait for another KABOOM.

I don't assume that at all. I have a pretty good idea that SJ and her entourage do feel that way about many of them though. It's their favorite topic of conversation in private, I can tell you.
I find that quite saddening. The delusional superfans believe they are part of something great and donate their money to her, only for her to laugh at them in private. That's stone-cold.

When Squirrel threw out the question and comment about getting married (his own, not a patron!) it was truly cringeworthy and funny to see SJ’s reaction. What a way to put her on the spot…in a LIVE CHAT!!! How stupid! Whether it was a joke or an attempt to corner her…just goes to show this guy is a complete idiot and/or way too immature. Before the live chat began, she should have told him to keep his personal comments to himself. SJ needs to move on from him as quickly as possible and try to contain the damage. I agree, I think she’s already laying the groundwork for a split…maybe started even before the show aired? Possibly Snorts could sense this and was the one to make sure their relationship was announced on the show, in a last ditch effort to secure his place?
AGREED! Also, if Clara's hearsay is correct. Then Phyllis wanted centerstage beside La Jarvis (just like in the Advent vlogs), but when that got vetoed, he must have been p'ed off, and inserted his little petty question.
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Definitely Maybe

VIP Member
@MojoDublin thank you so much for going to all the trouble of sharing the 'private' Patreon videos. If channel 4 read tattle they must surely drop her now that they know how much income she has from patrons ? She would be appearing under false pretentions unless they declared that her income isn't just from running a B&B .
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VIP Member
NOV 5, 2021 AT 6:20 PM

Livestream Update + Secret Project reveal!!

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Hello lovely patrons!!
I was so happy to read all of your lovely and kind comments under last Wednesday’s post. I feel so blessed to have received so much support from all of you (we both do), you’re wonderful ❤❤❤
About tonight’s live:
Many of you very kindly said that there was no need for a live in the circumstances, but I enjoy chatting to you all and am aware that you haven’t had a proper full video yet this week, so I very much want to go ahead (but we don’t need to make it all about Philip and me, feel free to ask about everything as usual!)
Having said that, it’s been brought to my attention that your Patreon videos are being illegally leaked onto a hate site on the internet.
I’ve spent this afternoon looking into a way of preventing this. Vimeo is a video platform similar to YouTube and I am considering switching to Vimeo for your Patreon videos.

Apparently I can also use Vimeo to livestream just to patrons, so I would like to try that for our scheduled livestream. I’m still doing my final research and will have to set everything up, therefore I’ll have to push tonight’s promised Patreon-only live to tomorrow - to make sure it actually will only be with you, my patrons.
Thank you so much for everything, I can’t describe how deeply I feel your support, which has been invaluable this week. Next week will be the usual start of the month update video that many of you are looking forward to!
Love, Steph x ❤🏰❤
P.S. The photos are of a secret project we filmed for British tv this year, which I’ll reveal on The Chateau Diaries next week. This is a sneak preview. We call it ‘The Wedgwood Room’ and it’s a tiny entrance hall next to the winter salon. Let me know what you think!

Well-known member

Today at 6:43 PM
Don't you guys worry a bit!.. we have tech savvy insiders on patreon 😂

Screen Shot 2021-11-05 at 11.42.57.png


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That is the cheapest, ugliest "transformation. They both have HORRIBLE taste. Stop!!!
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VIP Member
He got shot down hard!!
Him: We're not married

Her: hahahaha NO! hahahaha

Him: Would we get married in the chapel if that were the case or would we get married somewhere else?


Him: No, I'm just wondering ...

Her: I'm NOT talking about MARRIAGE

Him: I wasn't su... nevermind....
I loved that conversation! SHOT DOWN HARD!!

Hey Sir Snortsalot she was literally laughing in your face over the thought of marrying you. And while we're at it, she's only with you because she was lonely, and she admitted that in the patron(izing) vlog.

And while I still have your attention, this is not going to end well for you. You conned your way into her affections, but she's not going to be stuck in the Shitshow forever. Once she heads to SA without you, you'll be but a memory. Though, she'll remember you fondly for curling her hair.
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VIP Member
Titles... gosh.
I had initially decided From Patreon to Vimeo, the only loser is SBB
Then as the thread progressed I just loved the witty stuff coming from fellow tattlers @Jules100 & @Pno
I think the final one will be:

The "hate" site presents: The Tale of Philip, the châteausexual Hedgehog
(hopefully there is enough room for the title)
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I wonder what her father, Derek, would have made of her romance with Snorts ... he would have filled the house with depictions of them engaging in intercourse ...
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I like the comment about him being a paid employee. Do tell Stef, do tell.

Dawn's Little Corner

17 minutes ago
When will the patrons be getting a monthly update? People are paying money and not being told exactly where it's being used. Also is Phillip still being paid as an employee ebn though you are in a relationship? When do we get to see the blue room that just aired? You said it was a sneak peek bit it was just on TV. What's the hold up for the downstairs loo? What's happened with the ceiling collapse?


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I think with this new realisation about their secret relationship, it is safe to say that Philip would not be interested in her if she didn't own a chateau, in fact, I don't think he would be interested if she owned the chateau the way she did before she started making thousands and was struggling financially. He likes being able to choose expensive items and spend her money (he is quite the dandy and has classical and extravagant taste). I think she has been very careful in selecting relationships and friendships with people who can give her something, such as her driving miles and spending hours looking around another chateau for random strangers, she wouldn't be doing that if they wanted to buy a cheap french flat. Now, it seems, someone is doing it to her and is exploiting her loneliness for their agenda, in fact, narcissists often love a lonely or desperate person, it makes love-bombing them so much easier as they want to hear the 'wonderful' things the narcissist has to say to them so much. The greatest tool a narcissist has is their ability to seem completely sincere and benevolent when they are not.
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🍾 Ok, here is what I think happened; Stephanie and Phillip were sitting in her bed looking at fabrics. As she was discussing the patterns and looking through the samples, Phillip suddenly got more quiet. Stephanie turned to her gay friend (or so she thought) and he leaned in for a kiss. Stephanie started laughing as she thought it was a joke. Phillip grabbed her hand and put it on his cock. It was hard as a rock. Stephanie gasped "But, but you're my gay best friend!?!" and Phillip did that face (you know the one from the photo where he is trying to be sexy) and said "No I like women! Mature women! " He threw his slender figure on top of her and finally forced his tongue in her mouth. Who was she to say no. Right there in a pile of fabric he fucked her vigorously whilst she felt she was part of a rocky horror show, still not quite believing that he was doing this to her, she would have thought he would have preferred to take Davey up the arse. Afterwards he strutted around the bedroom in her lingerie as a demonstration of power. The kingdom was now his, Nick and Michael Potts could go fuck themselves. He who rules the Princess is almighty. Long live Prince Phillip!🥂
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I suggest we remind her of this every single time she does this because you know she will and I completely agree: if you want privacy to keep the magic to yourself.

He has found the stage he wants to perform at and was hired after auditioning for the lead part. This particular stage, fortunately, does not require any specific skill or talent, so lessons or coaching sessions are a thing of his past from now on. The sad thing is that performances on this stage are volatile and doomed to shoot straight into oblivion. He is not getting paid enough for his temporary efforts to ever enable a return to a bigger or more desirable stage.
Why did she go to such levels to lie to her audience? This is why I believe she has been more deceitful, compared to her saying she is just private, when you consider the lengths she went to when going away or staying at other chateaus to pretend they were sleeping in separate rooms? Why not just keep quiet and not mention sleeping arrangements at all, then there is no need to lie to anyone. I am no longer watching her because it all feels seedy and dishonest.
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