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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
@Clara Burnett Kari is happy : she got your attention. She mentioned your name on her YT comment...
To answer your question, Kari dear, no, people who betray are no better than those who deceive. You can blame me for bursting your bubble and I understand, but I hope you'll remember it didn't cost you anything and some long lost truth was gained.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Also, she said all the chateau occupants knew about them and their friends and the other Chateau owners that they visited. What bullshit then with the 'oh this is my room, and that room is yours Phillip'. The hosts must have thinking, what the hell! I couldn't make them sign a NDA to visit their chateau
I have been saying this from the day we started talking about the two of them sharing a bed: we all knew and everybody in her orbit talks about it and has an opinion about it, but when push comes to shove they enable her to lie about it because she feels that is better for business as she knows she has crossed the line several times before and it has cost her the collaboration with the workaway program. You are so right about the bullshit of separate rooms to pretend nothing was going on. I'm sure these host have thought 'what the hell', but more in a 'what-the-hell-are-we-going-to-do-about-it' way. If you want SJ to promote your business, you can only play by her rules, no matter how crazy these rules seem to be.

Maybe that's why her opera career never took off... Because she was too shy for the stage? 🤔 🤣
Nothing to do with being shy, all about lack of work ethics and a profound dislike of rehearsing and practice, you know, the ol' devil called laziness.
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Again, is anyone else triggered by the misaligned medallions? Why didn't they use Armoire's laser leveler?
I get a whole lot of BJJ vibes on this design. :sick:

Looks nice and clean on the outside, but there are water leaks and dry rot underneath. The story of Lalande.

1 (1).jpg
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VIP Member
Fellow tattlers we forgot a project!

Remember the peacock wallpaper room which needed to be redone because selmar and Tomaz had removed the build in cabinet? They had ordered samples from the wallpaper manufacturers. Discussed it at length nothing happened ever after.... 🤣
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So I went back to early snort video's and watched the snort pieces with tattle comments in the back of my head.

In the begining Snorts would say things like:
*i agree
*that's what I thought
* i was just thinking the same
*amazing, beautiful (copying SJ vocabulary)

Sir Snorts lord of tripods came to LL with a plan, which he has achieved.

2nd gap year at 25? As a fellow Dutch, I can confirm that you can graduate from university (hbo) at the tender age of 20. Tripod Snorts is the narcist who plays SJ as a violin.
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Can someone ask her (Stephanie) from me; How did she discover that Phillip was not gay? I want the details. Most people think he is, she must have been shocked if he got a boner next to her or whatever happened... :LOL:
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This was a screen shot from March 2021 comments. 😂 It fits nicely with our #81 🧵 title. ♥

BJJ son comments 5-26-21.png
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Well-known member
Must have gotten bored with Spode, so Wedgewood it is. Wait for the influx of blue Wedgewood on grab-a-gift...
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Ironic I found you all after experiencing extreme bullying on the Patron page, but this is a site considered hate in SJ eyes. One woman who replied under my comment on the patron page claimed she had not talked to her own mother in 11 years, but I was even more awful than her for suggesting SJs actions were nefarious.
I still can't believe why so many people think it is wonderful to be lied to for a year.
I guess when you are receiving nearly $400,000 tax-free dollars a year from people, you will do anything or say anything to keep the cash rolling in. blew up in her face.
I watched her video for a short while, just to see if an apology was offered. Something the likes of: "So sorry patrons, we felt it best to develop our relationship a little further before announcing it to you all and to the world" But, she didn't. They did not even sit down as a couple and take questions. It was all about her. And, a bucket full of more lies. For instance, the boyfriend is not going to her mother's house in South Africa. He conveniently has another venue to perform at. Very telling. Clearly, her mother is not happy with the BF, but sadly she needs her mother. It seems she is the only one who tells SJ the truth. Keeps her grounded.

My lovely gay brother shared the Chateau videos with me while in lock-down. The videos were great entertainment for us both, but he is extremely pissed gay Philip is not acting so gay. At 25, some do need to try the other side for a while. (His words)
I'm guessing a lot of her big donors will back away while the little donors will stay on.
We shall see.

Thank you all for welcoming me. A little gossip here is good for the soul. Lying, thieving, and seducing young boys is hateful. (in my opinion).
I hear you! if you offer an opinion that is not all flowers and wonderful the super fans are by far more “hateful” than anybody on here. I also agree if she had said we wanted to just keep things on the down low until we knew if we had something lasting I would have accepted that. I still think she should have shut it down at the first attempted kiss as inappropriate. She is after all the adult here, he’s on a gap year, how long will that year be now? This will have a knock on affect on his future. All this Marie told me you fancied me is just so juvenile and not what I as a Patreon at the time would accept as professional. God knows what the Other chatelaines thought of them when they came to visit! I notice NONE have done the return trip. Great business decision.
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I can't believe she is supporting so many people now . . . . Youtube income pays for Phillip, Natti, Dave (new cleaner) and Mary Poppins. Patreon pays for Amaury, Dan, Kirsty, Selmar and the building teams (and I assume the tree guy).

The whole marriage conversation, I can't believe he brought that up and neither could she!!! So awkward. They've been together a year, so last November.

A lot of travel in the near future. Going to SA in January, going to see Philip's play, going to London as often as she can. Venice with a large group in Feb. She will be stopping the Sunday vlogs to focus o the daily Advent ones (can't say I blame her for that). She's been having physical issues from working so much. Exhaustion, muscle/shoulder pains.
Most people who are exhausted dont fly and travel over the world all the time like she does...stay at home silly cow.and get some rest...btw i suspect she gets exhausted from herself...i feel exhausted by just looking at her...
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VIP Member
MoJo I no longer can play the videos they are blocked. Anyone else having that issue?
Go back original email
It’s there … have to learn the conversion

I stepped out from a dinner party 🎈 to watch - they think this is mad
Completely bonkers 😜

Contemplating - getting a dump and filming themselfs 🤣🤣🤣
But we’re several drinks in …

Apologies for the camera 🎥 work - but I’m not on the payroll 😜

Am off - french coffees are being served … n I’m done ✅

Tattlers don’t rattle


We need to debrief @Heathcliffe … he’s winding up the new agents

Think 💭 we will just tag 🏷 him VIP and be done ✅ he’s one ☝ of the best parts of the club 😎

Happy the tattler
Doesn’t rattle 😈 M

Where is @claraburnette island 🏝 ?
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
“Exploitation” is the word that comes to mind. She used Snorts to exploit superfans out of money. And I think many fans felt exploited when it was revealed MPK was gay after he and SJ had constructed a fake narrative…leading fans to believe that they were a couple. It’s all about “how can we exploit this situation or person to rope in more viewers, grab more patrons, and rake in more cash?”
It certainly is all about that. There's a clear image of what they want to portray and they are relentless in finding the footage that goes along with it, no matter who they exploit with it. A knitting Marie on the couch with her husband in their cottage, cosy by the fire while her son is getting a haircut by that well loved Anelise? Paaaaarfect. Poor Antoine pressed into learning carpentry from hot sexy Armoir while his parents have no time for him? Paaaaarfect.
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Definitely Maybe

VIP Member
Thank you for using some of my 'snarky' comment for the title of this thread ! :LOL: Have to say that those green chairs most definitely DO NOT fit into the colour scheme of that Wedgwood blue room. As you were ;)
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
From Chateaux DIY vlog ...


14 hours agoWhat Stephanie and Dutch boyfriend Phillip?!? She has never said he was her boyfriend? Do you know something the rest of us don’t?


Muriel Kramer
14 hours ago
Yeah, it either seems like they didn't know that he's just a friend, or Steph and Philip were EXTREMELY secretive in their relationship, so as no one of us caught on, but I doubt that one.


Patricia Nolan
11 hours ago (edited)
They’ve been together for a year and yes she made him an ‘employee’ after they started to date. How her patrons who send her over $30k a month don’t have a problem with this little fact is beyond me.


Lisa Akinlabi
10 hours ago
Yeah this is a tad shocking as there was never a hint of this in the years I have watched Stephanie. It would be lovely though as I like them both so much. 🙂


9 hours ago
Apparently, according to a friend who is a patron of hers, she has been dating him for a while and that everyone knew, people from other chateaus included. This means all the times she stayed at other chateaus and pretended they were sleeping in seperate bedrooms it was a lie to cover up their relationship.


5 hours ago
@Patricia Nolan he's not paid from the Patron funds. I'm a Patron and am very happy for them. FYI none of our business


4 hours ago
@SuperFossinator I don't mind they are in a relationship, I mind that she lied to cover it up when they went away. Why always put on a display about having separate rooms when they were sleeping in the same bed - she should have just not told anyone where they were sleeping. I no longer see her in the same light.


Muriel Kramer
2 hours ago
@Gee Exactly, I'm extremely happy for both of them, but being deliberately misled to believe the opposite feels weird. And after so long! I could've understood keeping it under wraps for the first weeks/months, but all this time? We see that they make each other happy and have very similar interests and passions, what would they be afraid of?


Patricia Nolan
2 hours ago
@SuperFossinator why go to such lengths to lie and drag the other chateau owners into it? I always felt they behaved a little differently around poor Philip but now we know why. Who wants to be perpetuating lies on film? And what else is being lied about?


1 hour ago (edited)
@Patricia Nolan I feel the same. I remember when she went to stay with Philip and Anna at Chateau le Fleur and doing a whole song and dance about saying goodnight to Philip (her Philip) and saying that she hopes he enjoys his room and she was off to go and edit. She didn’t need to do that, they could have just not filmed going to bed. Why lie and perform? I understand her desire to keep it private, but I don’t support the nonsense she did to try and cover up for it.


Patricia Nolan
1 hour ago
@Gee oh and she had herself filmed in a hospital bed with a mystery illness so claiming privacy now seems redundant. Sorry but have such a hard time believing liars. And forcing Marie and Cat and Selmer and Dan and Nati to go along is terrible.


Lainie Weeks
58 minutes ago
Quite the revelation, huh? I'm pasting my reply to another comment-- Stephanie did a live Q&A with the patrons and these were my big takeaways: 1) Like the rest of us, Stephanie always thought Philip was gay. He jumps in to tell her that at some point, he communicated that he was (also?) "interested in women". She was surprised one day when he tried to kiss her. They'd bonded so much over china and tableware, she thought she'd give it a try! LOL. (Ok that last part was me paraphrasing.) 2) She was asked if she and Philip have long-term plans for their future. When she (very appropriately, gracefully) began to answer that most relationships come to an end eventually, referencing how well she gets along with all her exes ((between the lines implication: no reason for there to be be drama when this one ends!)), and evoked the very large age difference in this case, and Philip's dream to be a musical theatre star (which he can't do in rural France)...This was all very clear messaging: Stephanie was trying to communicate that she cares for Philip, but she doesn't see this as a long-term situation. -- HOWEVER! Young Philip was adamant! Jumping in to say that he sees NO REASON this relationship should EVER end. (LOL, dear reader, I yelped!) It was so embarrassing. 3) When asked by a patron whether a ring she wears is a duplicate of one of Philip's, Stephanie explains that NO, they are not matching rings. It's only a coincidence that they look alike. At which point, the following exchange occurs: Philip: "We're not married". Stephanie (laughing uncomfortably): NO! No no no no no no Philip: "But if we were to marry, would it be in the chapel? Or somewhere else?" Stephanie: "....." (horrified, confused): What? (incredulous, annoyed) No, no, no, we're NOT talking about marriage!! Philip: "I, I... wasn't... never mind." Honestly, I feel badly for Stephanie. I'm a fan and a patron, but she made a mistake, getting into this. Philip definitely wants to "s'incruster" /to stay forever at the chateau. And he did not miss an opportunity to declare his lordship during that Q&A. He's either actually in love, or this is a grift. She's going to have a terrible time getting loose of this kid. It's much better to be the chatelaine's payroll boyfriend and to travel the world buying dishes and antique furniture, than to have to wait tables between auditions. Why would he ever want to leave? Ohhh la la la la. Stephanie, I wish you luck!
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Bibi BonBon
36 minutes ago


Bibi BonBon
33 minutes ago
@Muriel Kramer Loos the rich gay demographics, a big part of their income?


Bibi BonBon
30 minutes ago
@Patricia Nolan Exactly: what else is being lied about? Wake up people!


Patricia Nolan
17 minutes ago
@Bibi BonBon will she still do the phony filming of her ‘just waking up’ knowing that Philip just rolled out of bed and turned the camera on?
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How many people would actually hot glue anything to their walls? To think this was done in an 18th century chateau ... 🤦‍♀️

Is there pressure to get these rooms done for the British tv show? I suppose things have to be entertaining enough to watch? But that doesnt mean good taste needs to go out the window. Anna and Philip of La Fleur are also featured on the show and manage to design tastefully.
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She's just throwing a bone at her patrons, showing she's getting things "done". But what is the purpose of this room other than wasting space??
she is trying to create a cabinet,,we have it in here...its the most intimate and also smallest place in an appartment..just enough room to have a fireplace in it..a few chairs and not much else really..i never understood why they did this in the invite your best and most important friend into your closet..but hey,,nowaday we store stuff in it..and we invite our guest in the diningroom and the salon..i dont need to invite my best friends into my closet...i have been out of the closet since i was 23...also a bit late when you look at it now..lucky many things have changed.....
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So many regulars are oblivious, then a few well-informed ones spill the beans...


3:39 PM JosephM I don’t see Phillips side of the bed.

3:39 PMCarol Weaver :LOL:

3:39 PMKatherine@jetje goes dutch Hi!

3:39 PMMichelle Kucharewlol @Donna Davis Art

3:39 PMJosephM Phillips not gay?
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