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I’ve been trying to read for the past hour and I’m barely caught up. So much going on…
@Jeeves i was thinking the same about the avian flu! I really hope that’s not it, they have little kids in that place 🙁

Steffy and Snorty’s revelation saga continues… and im feeling fatigued by all their shenanigans. It could be because I’m not doing so well myself, physically and emotionally.

Unfortunately I am feeling quite under the weather and won’t be posting probably for a couple of days… but I’ll have your witty posts and interesting sleuthing to keep me entertained!… thank you for that.
Hope you'll soon be feeling stronger really soon. We'll be thinking of you and sending you lots of positive thoughts.
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Clara Burnett

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So, the viewers are just meant to ignore the fact she has been lying about separate rooms, etc, for months, creating a smokescreen because it would hurt their pocket and carry on as if nothing had happened.
That's the plan. I know it sounds unbelievable (and they might change strategies after reviewing yesterdays responses, the real reason for not doing any more Sunday vlogs in November is to buy some time to strategize some more, we all know the advent thingies are already recorded so that's a see through excuse) but they plan to keep that scam going even now that the squirrel is out of the bag and I'm sure they will get away with it with the super fans. Like she said, she just wants to go on the way she did before, that fake reality means more to her than the "love" she feels for her boyfriend irl. Squirrel should take notes, these seem to be defining days.
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The breathing sounds of Phillip in the videos! Get a tripod! He is forcingvthe narrative (we don't like being apart) - puke inducing.

Thankyou @MojoDublin for uploading
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Lulu Lemondrop

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Sure, just add the word NOT
True! The longer the Q&A went on, it seemed more and more telling that one of the players is more serious and planning long-term than the other.
It makes sense. He is an inexperienced pup in puppy love. She's had boyfriends and lovers. She's been married, she knows how relationships go and she seems to not have her head in the clouds when it comes to this one. They are reading from two different books. It looks like he's set up for heartbreak in the future. Weirdly, in this situation, she seems like the realist.
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I just watched today's vlog. This is a rhetorical question: What the fork can't Stef get dressed before she leaves her bedroom?! Instead, she has spent all day in her nightie with her 100 star robe on to: welcome Gerry; wander into Marie and Nick's apartment then watch Antoinie getting a hair cut by Annalise; have a meeting with the tree surgeon; and hassle Anmoury in his workshop. It is beyond disrespectful to everyone in the chateau let alone contractors.

So here's a tip Stef: lay out your clothes for the next day either in your bedroom on a chair or in your friggin' dressing room!
Sometimes in nursing homes the younger paid "staff" dress the elderly in the morning .
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Marty McFly 9

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What information am I asking (digging) for?

All I am trying to say (originally) is we all have a reason to be here. We are mad or frustrated at something. There are plenty of reasons.

I came because of petherick... Enough said there. When it comes to Lalande, I am annoyed at the missed targets, labour law issues, misrepresentation of where the funds go. I'm also here for the gossip because I can't stand the squirrel and it's over all hilarious.

This was my point: What I don't get is why there is a big uproar about the relationship from the YouTube viewers that don't know her (Clara excluded, I apparently have to point out). We don't see 99% of what goes on in a day. Only 20 minutes of about 2 or three days worth of actual happenings. And she said she isn't talking about her relationship. I don't see why people who don't know her (once again, Clara excluded) would be hurt about her trying to keep that quiet. I don't really get it because I just view this as entertainment, where as it seems others have an emotional investment in her life. Difference of opinion I suppose

Just jumping back in there this morning with already several pages to catch up on, but I thought I'd share my take on this.

Stephanie an EXPERT and CONVINCING Love Bomber. It's a powerful affect. People are longing for love and approval and she showers it in spades and its not just those close to her that can fall victim to its manipulation. She sings that she is transparent in showing her life, and even her wearing robes and showing us in her bedroom are all part of the message that we, her viewers, are so close to her, and she thinks of us as friends and family. Many many many people are longing for closeness and transparency and love and approval and compliments. Love Bombers have victims. When they are accepting all that "love" they feel GREAT. It feels so good when it feels real. BUT when you realize that your actually being manipulated it is a huge shock and the level of betrayal that is felt is huge and rocks your world. I believe what you're seeing with some of the newer posters here and also in the comments on YouTube, are people who fell for the love bombing, they believed she was completely open. They are confused and hurt. I know it seems strange when she really is a stranger to them in real life, but she is very very good at it, thus we see the crazy gift giving and all the patrons. People are dying for love and approval and it is natural for us to want and long for that. I think in these times of COVID it is even more pronounced. What you're witnessing are the victims of her love bombing having their eyes opened and it is painful ...
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And the grift continues 😈💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
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Nobody asked, but I think that Steph was genuinely taken aback when Channel 4 outed them. She was nervous tonight in case she said anything she would later regret and so we actually had to listen to a garbled start of the month update - which was just a repeat of last month's update. We did not learn anything new about their relationship. She is keeping it about her, not about them, so it was not a share the screen chat. I think she would have been better to do the interview with Philip so we knew all about him and then said they would do a further short one together that was not live, so they could choose the questions they wanted to answer. I don't know why she was in such a state as her patrons are cool with it. I think she will actually be disappointed that there was no surprise, shock, horror - just mind bemusement because many thought they could not be in a relationship because they mistakenly thought Philip was gay. They are are both adults and no one is exploiting anyone atm. She asked her patrons what she should do about her Youtube followers. Well, it is pointless trying to hide it - so how about going forward, don't hide it, but don't make a big thing about it. Or just have a one year together party at the chateau as if everyone already knew. As for me, I am really happy for them and to be honest, am a bit disappointed with some of the comments here. I liked it better when it was genuinely funny send ups and parody, like everyone in the public eye has to get used to, and some really interesting analysis of what was going on in the chateau. But the outrage at age difference, or not being told, or just nasty comments (I know it is a gossip site but for a while this thread distinguished itself from pointless snark and the sheer enjoyment of tormenting others). has made a lot of people I loved hearing from on here, appear less and less or disappear.
Sorry but I can't stand BJJ. If Amaury WASNT her cousin and she was in a relationship with someone like HIM and NOT being horribly, incapable of and stupidly trying to be, secretive about it, I would love seeing her "friend" being part of the crew. But. He IS her emp!oyee too. So just yuck.
And she is just a delusional nut, to comp!ain about you tube viewers. If she didn't have the free money from stupid Patreons, you tube money would be her only bread and butter and she would be sucking up to those viewers as she should be now as well.
And we can't just comment on what is going on at the chateau, because NOTHING IS GOING ON AT THE CHATEAU!
Lovely SJ is taking the money and giving NO PROMISED restoration. Nada. Zilcho. No no nothing.
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Unbelievable that there is now yet another leak and absolutely no hot water in the place where they have at least 17 people, including paying guests! What on earth she would do without Amaury and Dan, goodness knows. They must be saving her loads of money doing all these things instead of calling in an outsider. BJJ is useless in any emergency situation so he and SJ just stay upstairs while she calls down on her phone; she wasn't even aware of the water problem! Dan cooked a 6 course dinner for guests and also helped Amaury with the plumbing. I really hope she is paying him more than the standard rate for all the extra work he's doing. It's very good that A and D are such good friends, they each need someone sane to talk to in that circus. Now that A and D are there and are so adaptable, Potty and Nic can just sit back and let them get on with solving all the problems. Amaury reportedly went there to install the paneling; he probably had no idea of what a complete shambles the place is and how incompetent his cousin really is. I see Dana is back, helping in the kitchen.
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I think the reason why people have been thrown by this is when you compare her to other chateau vloggers, there are no other vloggers who don’t disclose the nature of their relationships with anyone who is onscreen with them on a regular basis. I would understand if there was a relationship off screen but the fact that he is always with her, that feels more deceitful than private. The second thing is Stephanie is hardly professional when it comes to the vlogs, especially when you look at everyone doing a similar thing, I don’t see another chateau owners filming themselves in the bath - when you are inviting people into your bedroom and bathroom then lines are blurred, so to be so secretive seems out of character. I think she wants to hide it because of the age gap and the fact she has started a relationship with a volunteer, which could cross a lot of moral boundaries. This could all have an impact on her financial support as a result.
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Also, what's happening with the radiators??? There has been no further mention of them... Don't they need to be replaced? Are they waiting for them to arrive? So there's currently no heat in the chateau?
It's as if nothing happened now just a week or so later.
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Wow! That KABOOM really knocked the stuffing out of the Chateau Diaries! When was SJ this rattled last? Her ectopic pregnancy?
It'll be interesting how SJ will spin all of these glorious happenings off in the next vlog.

What a week! An entire thread started and ended in less than 72 hours!

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My oh my! I skip tattle for one day and I miss out on so much fun! Thanks @MojoDublin for sharing the videos… I experienced a range of emotions form LMAO to extreme nausea…

I have half a mind to cough up $7/mo and download the whole videos for you guys, just to see how those super fans flip out 😂😂
I need to use my tech powers for good!

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Anybody remember this picture, which made the gangsta grannies wild and crazy?!
She had been in a relationship with Phyllis since September, yet by May still let her fans to believe there was a chance with Sir Trotter (and that was before his cry-me-a-gay-river-vlog!)
How they all must be dissapointed, first that Sir Trotter is gay, then that La Jarvis has taken the wee Phyllis as a paramour.
How wonderfully deceitful... ;) #BaitingForMoney #YouStillOweStephanie500Euros
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Clara is a person on another page who is not a fan of CD & took a screenshot of my comment & posted it on this other page. She will see my response. She appears to have some inside knowledge of the goings on at LaLande.
Unlike Kari Lynn, who has no inside knowledge but wished that she did.
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I'm imagining the two chairs in pink and maybe that would work in a confectionery sort of atmosphere. Without the flowers though, the room doesn't really work. So they need to depend on fresh flowers to be always be there???

I do wonder what a professional talented designer would have done with all those medallions.
Medallions would have looked better in a display case, possibly on a dark velvet background. Same with the Wedgwood plates. We know the radiator doesn't work, so no danger of cracking from the heat. Maybe they will get pinched by someone or they will fall off when the wind rushes through.
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Kari Lynn, your buddy Stephani climbed up on a scaffolding in a dress in front of male family members and employees, constantly runs around in her robe, and post pictures of herself in the bathtub and you’re worried about her ‘personal’ info being shared from Patreon?? Dating an employee half her age isn’t even the tackiest thing we’ve watched her do! It’s not even top ten.
♥ @JuiceyLoo ♥ Case in point, SJ shopping.

SJ no knickers.png

SJ no knickers 2.png
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Just seen Dan's vlog. All I can say is Bloody Hell!
Water leaks, full Chateau, having to cook dinner and plumb.
Why! Why? Why?!
Surely sort plumbing out and give guests money back so they can go elsewhere.

I've never been striven to call someone a stupid cow in my life, but her and her Co owners are stupid grifters. They should be ashamed of themselves for this.

More concerned about her love life and having a boyfriend rather than sorting out the comfort of her guests.

Patronage of a defunct Chateau is worth jackshit!

How many hot water bottles does 30000€ a month buy? Answers on a postcard.

UK Tattlers will be familiar with the wagatha Christie story. Hope Clara's contact doesn't fall foul of something similar.

A Football wag suspected another one of leaking stories about her to the press. To test her suspicion she made up a story and only told the one person and the story ended up in the papers. Hence the nickname wagatha Christie.
Equally as pathetic! Like either of them were worth it.

She must think she was worth something if she is setting traps. She isn't and it isn't going to make front page of The Daily Snail. It may do if they investigate her running of a non standard B&B amongst other things.
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