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Snorts is pushy pushy pushy to have some status. But I want to stress that the worst thing about him is that he showed up with an agenda and a plan. His plan came to fruition. He now has, I am sure, other plans. I don’t think Steph is up for those plans. He’s going to end up going home money broke and rich in Emmaus tat.
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Nobody asked, but I think that Steph was genuinely taken aback when Channel 4 outed them. She was nervous tonight in case she said anything she would later regret and so we actually had to listen to a garbled start of the month update - which was just a repeat of last month's update. We did not learn anything new about their relationship. She is keeping it about her, not about them, so it was not a share the screen chat. I think she would have been better to do the interview with Philip so we knew all about him and then said they would do a further short one together that was not live, so they could choose the questions they wanted to answer. I don't know why she was in such a state as her patrons are cool with it. I think she will actually be disappointed that there was no surprise, shock, horror - just mind bemusement because many thought they could not be in a relationship because they mistakenly thought Philip was gay. They are are both adults and no one is exploiting anyone atm. She asked her patrons what she should do about her Youtube followers. Well, it is pointless trying to hide it - so how about going forward, don't hide it, but don't make a big thing about it. Or just have a one year together party at the chateau as if everyone already knew. As for me, I am really happy for them and to be honest, am a bit disappointed with some of the comments here. I liked it better when it was genuinely funny send ups and parody, like everyone in the public eye has to get used to, and some really interesting analysis of what was going on in the chateau. But the outrage at age difference, or not being told, or just nasty comments (I know it is a gossip site but for a while this thread distinguished itself from pointless snark and the sheer enjoyment of tormenting others). has made a lot of people I loved hearing from on here, appear less and less or disappear.
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Actually, to call Tattle a 'hate site' and play the victim, pushes me even more in the direction that she is a narcissist - narcissists love to play to the victim to avoid accountability. She is frightened that she will be judged for dating a man who is 21 years younger than her, what better distraction does she have than to redirect their attention to seeing her as the victim of people on this website. Some comments on here cross the line but a lot on here are just writing their frustrations or their concerns.
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Now may be a good time to remind everyone of the vlog way back in January where they visit Honfleur. They talk about the ceiling height in "our bedroom" around 27.50. (not "bedrooms" note" ).

Screenshot 2021-11-07 at 11.05.05.png

Even then, people were defending them saying that's not what she meant. Wonder if they still feel the same?


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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I agree about the projects not getting finished is a huge frustration. But she seems to run into labour and material difficulties, or it has to be hidden forever for Channel 4 ..and I still love Stephanie but that Wedgewood project was beyond shoddy. I would have been embarrassed to show the reveal. And next time I am in the VIP lounge, I will buy the drinks all evening because life is short, and happiness, as Steph says, should be enjoyed whilst it is available. We can drink to them.
It seems so logical what you are saying and you every right to buy into the excuses SJ uses for not finishing the projects. There are however enough counter arguments of projects in the region that are finished on time with a more professional approach. The only real reason it is impossible to ever finish a project at her HMN, is because she completely lacks knowledge, interest and a sense of reality and prioritizes her impossible dreams over the real world. She used to claim that a lack of money was her core problem, but I guess we can clearly conclude that even money doesn't buy her happiness, at least not in a lasting way.

So you are depicting scenes of sexual assault now. Really out of line. And frankly disgusting.
Hear hear. So not what we are here for.

I truly think she is not comfortable with relationship out in the open. She has said this but I think seeing her demeanor only validates it. I also think she enjoys the relationship for what it is.... Companionship after several lonely years and a shared love of all things chateax related which must feel satisfying in a partner....but I don't think she is thinking of this in any long term way whatsoever and is enjoying the present moment. If Philip finds himself in a position that he must go and devote himself to a new opportunity , I think she will be able to relinquish the relationship quite easily. Fun while it lasted sort of thing. Probably a healthy way to look at it , if so
I would agree were it not that this is not the kind of happiness she's selling: everything is always about historical references and long lasting lines of family and love, tightly bound together in her HMN. She pretends she's missing all of her good friends when they are not there, while in fact she completely forgets about you the moment you step outside her bubble. It's her natural way of coping with loss.
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Some of them might have made the correct arrangements themselves, like Selmar did when he started his own business (of doing little to nothing). I have no inside knowledge how these things work in France exactly, but I do know that she's forwarding these responsibilities somehow to the "workers" themselves.
It’s clearly evident

She’s forced them to be self employed they assume responsibility for their own tax affairs
Therefore they are contractors and she avoids having to pay any social tax on their wages .

Hence snorts set up his own company in 2020 right around the time he got gainful employment at the chit000

So - she avoids tax on the patron money 💰 - restoration
She has them all invoicing her for their services
Avoiding social tax

Buys all her restoration supplies mostly from England

She’s basically squatting in France 🇫🇷
Declaring nothing … still no filed AUDITED accounts
And has moneys in multi currency 💴 duristicitions

Now if that’s not a classic tax avoidance scheme … well 😈
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Maple fairy

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Well for the patrons that feel that they should be getting extra private content I don’t necessarily disagree but I would think the lack of transparency and the stalling, the constant excuses as to why things aren’t getting done. Nothing, nothing getting done is more important than a fluffy feel good video. I also have to say it really pissed me off when she kept saying that certain people had hacked into Patreon. My dear these are your patrons they PAY for the content. So like just stuff your fake outrage because you game has been found out!
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Stephanie is selling a product - the deceit is that the product she presents, i.e. her life as a chateauleine, is not authentic.
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I can't decide if he is the naive young boy dipping his toe into his first relationship (with a woman) or the calculated opportunist trying to find himself a platform.
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And, MPK showing us how he crushes the “powder” in the gardeners cottage….looks like he’s a pro at this! Lots of practice! 😆 (he made sure to say it’s not what we’re thinking…so he must read here!)

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Chatty Member
Do we know the reason why La Jarvis broke off the engagement with Potty?
Potty may be easy on the eyes, but once he opens his mouth and speaks, I become drier than the Gobi desert.
Besides, I always get some a vibe of elitism and entitledment from Potty, yuck!
They both deserve(d) each other...
potts is the type of guy who stares at ‘himself‘admirably in a mirror while he’s doing you,,,
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Margo Polo

VIP Member
I just watched today's vlog. This is a rhetorical question: What the fork can't Stef get dressed before she leaves her bedroom?! Instead, she has spent all day in her nightie with her 100 star robe on to: welcome Gerry; wander into Marie and Nick's apartment then watch Antoinie getting a hair cut by Annalise; have a meeting with the tree surgeon; and hassle Anmoury in his workshop. It is beyond disrespectful to everyone in the chateau let alone contractors.

So here's a tip Stef: lay out your clothes for the next day either in your bedroom on a chair or in your friggin' dressing room!
Hello, I’m knew here 🤗🤗, I’m from another tattle forum.
When I saw the video, I said the exact thing, don’t forget her ugly slippers. 🤢
She thinks she’s this

and Phillis thinks he’s this, as I noticed he was also in his silk bathrobe.
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T Rex

VIP Member
I apologize…I thought this lady was sending the gift box to La La Lande. I didn’t realize she was sending it to her sister! I stand corrected. That’s actually really sweet. I’d much rather see someone doing that (sending a “happy” gift box to someone special) than sending more stuff to SJ. If SJ inspired this lady to send a gift box to a special family member, I’d say that’s good. SJ…you should encourage your fans to do that instead of sending you more things.

I think it was really sweet! Today, at "T Rex Garage Sale", we had a plethora of buyers from all different walks of life. (We made $500 today- Mr. T Rex did give me crap as while everything was priced really low, I kept discounting everything even more when they paid- ironically, very few people even asked, but I reminded Mr. T Rex, "This was stuff we were going to donate to charity, and the tax-write-off is 10%, so who cares?") A nice woman and her husband came at the end of the day, and she was interested in a Coach bag. (I have like 30 in there- they're all pretty pristine, real, have the cards and original dustbags- I have lost all interest in them, and don't want to drag them back into the house.) Her husband remarked, hushed conversation, "But you have plenty of them at home." "None of mine are real. I really LOVE this one!" "Good luck bartering for it- you don't have a lot of funds left for it." (I did not mean to overhear this, but I have remarkable hearing. And these were definitely not resellers.) She, "I don't want to insult you (this was a $200 bag I marked down to $25 in mint condition), but I will give you $20!" "That's fine." And when she went to pay, and literally threw out everything in her purse, had $11. Me, " I seriously don't care- it is fine. We're good!" The lady went back to her vehicle and literally attempted to scrounge up every cent in their truck- me, "NO NO NO! WHY?!? Please stop- you are giving this bag a far better home where it will be loved and used! At the end of the day, this is all that matters." Mr. T Rex, "Well, you made someone's day. Either you are a really good person or an idiot. But, based on her lack of other purchases, as she had a handful of other items and put them down for the handbag, she chose the bag, and was probably legit."
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Well-known member
This made me chuckle! on this FB group, any talk of SJ is banned as it causes too many arguments! :

FB conv 1.png

FB conv .png
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Speaking of gay. I sincerely wish this fellow Nicolas Fairport finds human love and companionship soon.
It's getting harder and harder to watch him do things alone like a lonely cat lady. He seems like a decent and lovely chap.

Calling all single gay men in Edinburgh!


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Stephanoligy - word to the wise

Your playing a dangerous game - deflecting to tattle as the cause of your downfall

You should have gotten your lies straight for tonight

Patrons won’t adore what’s coming
Tattle has same views as your vlog

Your media ineptitude’s are shining

It’s such a shame that there are hate sites and groups but just remember that lots of bloggers get this hate and it’s people with jealousy issues and nothing better to do. You’re not doing anything wrong, so please don’t ever change. You inspire so many people to live their dreams and for those that can’t travel (or live the chateau French country life), they can live vicariously through you and watching your videos always makes my day better (and for thousands of other people too).

I’m also so happy for you both. You both have so much in common that it doesn’t matter about age- plus you are a beautiful couple and it’s about what makes you happy that your true friends and supporters want only the best for you.

Forget the haters. The Lalande family outweighs them by over 164 thousand people! (Followers On YouTube) And more on other social media sites.

YouTube doesn't like ppl who bounce channels

Watch your algorithms get slaughtered
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It's just occurred to me that she's used the other chateaux owners in her deceit as well. If, as she says, they all knew about the relationship, they would have given them a shared bedroom when they went to stay so when she filmed her vlogs of them being shown around the chateaux, she must have asked the owners to show her her room and then pretend to show BJJ his own room, so she was using them to deceive her viewers and patrons!

I wouldn't normally give BJJ any advice but if he hasn't got the maturity and sense to see how differently she views their relationship from the way he does, he needs someone to advise him to extract himself from the situation a.s.a.p. I wonder if his grandmother and parents are patrons of SJ and saw that vlog, if so, surely they must have had sufficient insight to notice the difference and would advise him accordingly. Unless, of course, they are as blind and stupid as the diehard patrons.
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VIP Member is not just us, that thinks Hani is weird... Angela, Nutti is not level headed. Allow me to remind everyone about her two left boots. 🤪

Angela C
8 hours ago (edited)
I love how Tree-Nick kissed his little doggie! Amoury is so kind to Antoine - he'd make a great father, Nati, but I guess you already know that! I see you two sitting together often! Sigh. It was only a matter of time before someone of the Chateaux 'family' became involved with the gorgeous Amoury. I'm surprised there aren't fights over him! Cat's too loud, boisterous and sarcastic for him; Hani is plain weird; Nati is level-headed, and there all the time. Voila.
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