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This Is hilarious. The hardest work alias at the Dump, Caroline Gooder, has commented on the latest Behind the Chateau Doors dandelion video:

caroline gooder
1 minute ago
Guests are promised a vase of flowers in their room. It is more cost effective for Stephanie to supply from her own garden. The nearest florist in La Chatre is expensive.

That’s all you got Caroline? Fanny buys a minimum of 100 flowers a month from retail stores, over 1,200 flowers per year for the Dump come from grocery stores, florists, markets, etc. , NOT from the most expensive garden in France at the Dump. Is fresh from Dubai vacation F4F so cash strapped that she cannot spare one donated, free to her, tulip to a small child?

Fanny purchased flowers to go into the Dump rooms for the first B and B weekend. She is a truly stingy, selfish person.
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T Rex

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According the fan site, JDub is off to Brazil and he left this little tidbit 🧐
Bless his dumb heart. Oh, JDubz, based on your last stay at the Shittoo and the fact Fanny gave two forks when you were unwell recently, WHY man?!? Just spare yourself (unless you come bearing a ton of expensive gifts in hand, Fanny's just not that into you!) Go on with your bad self- sell your Picassos and Monets (while the majority of us are just happy to offload our random shyte on FB Marketplace for Free 99- we are all winning at the end of the day.) Reality check- it is a very sad day when the 15 members of a "hate site" gave more of a care about you being unwell than your "friend", whose love you have to buy through Fortnum & Mason offerings. Words of advice- JDubz- real friends could give two forks whether you are the bin man or bajillionaire. Instead of bragging about your sales (which is gauche AF, and makes you look like a douchebag- even nouveau riche people would find it cringey), go out and find REAL people and friends you share common interests with, no matter what life of life they are from. Stop being so desperate for approval. Fanny has already replaced you with Andrew & Ricardo- it's time to be a carrying on now. Go find yourself.
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The least they could do is fold the boxes flat and stack them up nicely. They are lazy, the lot of them.
Lazy ass Potts also moved into the Dump in November, 2022. He had 3 to 4 months with no F1 races. Why didn’t he clean any of the crap out of the stables? He is as entitled and useless as the little orphan princess. What do the 2 grifters do instead of cleaning up their Dump? Party in Dubai.

Baghead came to stay at the Dump in February. Why didn’t he help clean up his Dump?

Fanny partied in Austria, London, Paris, and Dubai instead of cleaning up her Dump.
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Tally Ho Tattlers !! Don't let chateau ennui detract from fraudie fanny's flagrant fakery. Imagine how delighted F4F would be if we trailed off into the sunset. Of course the 15 of you are exhausted after 235 threads, i haven't posted since Sept when Hurricane Ian blasted through Sanibel island and wrecked my, and many others' homes and gardens. But, I've enjoyed the humour here and sincerely hope it continues. 😘
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It’s not like I have been welcomed here with open arms either. I joined during the „Spain“ event and I remember being called out after I reacted shocked about some very terrible posts against Isabella Jarvis.

It took about 3 weeks and multiple posts to convince the bitches here of not being Hani or Nani.

But at least we all get to know each better now.
Of course you’re not Hanni or Nati! We all know you’re Percy!😎
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Congratulations to our newest VIP @MadameChat for naming the thread - had to chop it to make it fit.

So the B'n'B season has started again, will everybody survive this year? Should we place our bets?

Most Liked Posts from the previous thread:


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Friday at 2:18 AM
How bad must it be at Lalande for Amaury & Natti to leave. Free housing & most everything else that goes along with it are hard to walk away from. The reality of living there in that situation must be worse than we imagine and we all think it’s pretty terrible.

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Tea with lemon

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Friday at 7:50 AM

Are you excited?

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Just Grift Wood

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Thursday at 11:13 AM
Fanny now has real issues. She is scraping the barrel for content and Natti and Amaury moving to their "little house" (note how she said that so snidely in a passive way) brings up multiple issues for her. 1) They are the only two who show a modicum of care to guests and a successful B nB operation only works if you have people on hand 24/7 to deal with any niggles. There is no way she will be there as she is going to want to travel, so who will care for guests 2) It shows cracks have appeared in her relationship with the cousin who I believe has patience but it has more than been tested. She has run that man into the ground treating him like a slave to fix even the tiniest issue and wasting his talent. If she had played it differently she would have got a team of trades in to help him and be way forward on jobs. I think Cuz now sees Fanny as we do there is not a loving relationship there it is actually quite frosty. 3) Her patreon numbers are steadily falling questions are coming up again under patreon flog. There is very little life love and laughter if it was that Cuz would not be leaving. Fanny now has literally no cast to provide interesting content. Snorts is death to viewing figures, Marie is going to lose it this season because she will be doing everything. Kirsty and husband are boring as is Pavlina so Fanny you need to regroup and fast. I suspect Marie Wiik will be back very soon for the season. I also suspect even super fans will not be happy with B n B accommodation this year the place is an utter shambles. She has no consideration that these are peoples annual holiday and they are looking forward to it and it is expensive to come from America. She has had months to get the room ship shape, but no just a measly coat of white emulsion will do. Surely people are going to see these rooms could have been prepped much earlier. Lalande is like the Marie Celeste at this point.

Last edited: Thursday at 11:28 AM
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Yesterday at 7:44 AM
Here is a fun comment by a very sensitive Phi Phi aka Caroline Gooder in the chateau unwrapped comments:

Liesa Villandre

1 day agoPhillip found a gravy train. I like Stephanie and wish she would go back to the beginning stuff.


Chateau Chat
1 day ago@Liesa Villandre, you are right, Philip hit the jackpot! Stephanie is never going back. She’s only going to continue doing less and less. Making more and more excuses. Such a shame, how much more successful could she be if she actually restored the chateau and followed through on her promises?


caroline gooder
4 hours agoYou’re wrong, Philip IS the gravy train. He’s young, extremely good looking and has a bright future ahead of him.

Last edited: Yesterday at 8:03 AM
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Saturday at 6:11 PM
Jealous hags and trolls, what does this mean? Tess’ spooky babydoll has started following Chateau Wrap Up’s insta?

Last edited: Saturday at 6:17 PM
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Friday at 4:30 AM
Jules100 said:
How bad must it be at Lalande for Amaury & Natti to leave. Free housing & most everything else that goes along with it are hard to walk away from. The reality of living there in that situation must be worse than we imagine and we all think it’s pretty terrible.
New show, Escape From The Chateau

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Remember to check the wiki for the newest Patreon videos, if you don't PhiPhimodo will style your wardrobe
Ukranian PhiPhimodo.png

Happy Tattling.
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Since she’s no longer here, I’m going to say that I think it’s Kim Raad. She more than anyone knows stuff going way back. Also, Clara did seem to know what pictures were hanging in Potty’s bedroom.
I have wondered about Kim too. I really don't believe this is Annalise - her posts are never particularly eloquent. Annalise and Dan's posts were interchangeable in style, grammar and spelling. I have always had the impression that Clara 's English is excellent but not her first language - perhaps Dutch 0r SA?. I know that Fanny suspected that Clara was a combination of Ian and Tina.
I'm not giving up hope on Clara yet - it wouldn't be the first time she has enjoyed a long vacation or has taken time to lay low when the need arises. She has always said that if outed she would come back and say so. We'll see.
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Why did they hang the wallpaper the way they did? Space at the top, space at the bottom, just seems weird to me. I’m a bit weary of wallpaper in the bathroom anyway, especially when it’s put up by idiots.

Also, the way Stephanie always talks about Daddy & Philip speaks about Grandfather… I used to think that Philip did it as another way to finagle his way into Stephanie’s psyche. I now believe that they both do it because of their granny demographic.
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She grew one fucking tulip?! In a whole season of spring tulip plantings? No, she is having a lend of us all. One Tulip for the several vases of the deranged guests? Do they each get one petal? This is completely mental, her mother needs to stage an intervention.

On a happier note, Rebecca from Chateau De la Ruche posts gorgeous home-grown flowers which she uses in her vases- Rebecca plans and plants for each season, Rebecca is a gardener and sensible. Also Erin from Chateau B....... had a facebook photo of SPECIALLY grown exquisite red peonies for a wedding. These women do things properly, Stephanie Jarvis should just give it up, she hasn't got what it takes. Absolutely useless waste of time.
You know what I just thought of as I read your post? Stephanie could have gone to the vases on the table and given that child one of those! He wouldn't have cared where it came from and, in the end, would have gotten the flower. The teaching moment was right there in front of them - that it's better to give than to receive. It's not like she didn't have enough in the vases!

She's so stingy. But, please, people - send her all your family heirlooms because she "deserves it" and "works so hard".

I can understand how people who have been here on this thread for a very long time have grown weary. I'm starting to feel it myself.
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Maple fairy

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Something that has bothered me since I started commenting on here is the comings and goings of tattlers. Are they in real life someone from the Châteauverse? Who come on here to disrupt or try to defend certain people. Do people disappear because they feel they are not heard or feel attacked as some have mentioned. Some tattlers privately dealing with serious illness. How would we know if a tattler has (heaven forbid) passed away. There are so many that have disappeared. 😞
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Why are these tools regurgitating the falsehood that our Queen @Jules100 is a lawyer? It’s all very odd.

View attachment 2125417
Clara Burnside is likely either Phi Phi, Gerry the Tartan Terror, Potts or one of the other people who participated in the online bullying spree against some members of the Tattler forum. This is a comment similar to the comments made by some Dump crew members under aliases a month or so ago on the Patreon comments section and the CD and Crap Unwrapped comments sections, Kathy’s YouTube channel, Jules’ YouTube channel etc.

They are getting amped up again because of the success of the premiere of the Chateau Unwrapped channel. They are envious of the channel’s warm reception by YouTube viewers.
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I understand completely ........ I am Still waiting for Karma to get her and yet it just keeps rolling along for her !! :cautious:
To be fair, Karma just got out of the hospital and is doing the best she can. Getting a little stronger everyday. I can’t wait for tonight’s Patreon video upload, I hope she’s feeling up to it.❤
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Mary Jane Kelly
11 hours ago
Should not have waited until the last minute. No wonder N&A left. Couldn't live in the filth.

200w (13).gif

15 hours ago
Just curious another chateau commented the need of a restaurant license. Is that something you need as well? Or is the number of people being served. Are your guests allowed into the kitchen if they want a snack or drink? Or do you have a mini station set up for that type of situation. Happy wishes for your next season.


SJ march 2023 (2).jpg

Bird shit.png
shit on the chair.jpeg
Poop chair.jpeg

soiled sofa (2).jpg
soiled sofa 1.jpeg

FRK's gifts.png
Lalande mess.jpg

Lalande kitchen dirt.png
Volunteer Sabine and Maria bleaching.jpg

Oliver 2.png
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NO kid 2 you may not have a tulip! You are loud! Your father was kicked out of OUR castle and now he’s killing himself trying to build his own.

No Ruby you may not have food. No you should not climb OUR trees in fact stop sharpening your claws on them! Diesel will not be returning and we are “worried” about Selmar.

You were wrong! I need this old rope to hold back curtains. I told you and you were wrong! Don’t ever question me about spending money on OUR chateau again! Darling let me top off your gin for you.
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There was A LOT of empty boxes in there and I was thinking that this might be the spot she dumps all the stuff that is sent to her for the Gift Grab.

I would love to know if the freebie gift boxes are not flowing into the Chateau like they used to !!!
One never see's the old Post Cars like we used to via the Pink Camera.
The least they could do is fold the boxes flat and stack them up nicely. They are lazy, the lot of them.
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Just wanted to mention how exhausted Snorts was after selecting moldy tie backs for moldy curtains and painting for 5 hours straight with a watercolor brush. Oh! And he inverted fake candle snoods on two sconces. Absolutely knackering.
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Le Baiseur

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My theory. Clara was in the supermarket and saw the tulips being purchased. Unaware she had been seen, she reported this on here. This finally gave the chateau the proof they needed that it was her - or him. A visit to her home from MP followed, threatening to out her here and threatening legal action for libel, saying they had taken advice and they had enough proof that Clara had not used the word "allegedly" enough. This was followed by a cease and desist letter. Clara, not enjoying the wealth and resources that the chateau does has taken fright and decided to keep silent. Looking her in the cellar is a metaphor. Snorts has boasted through his evil twin persona that she has been silenced forever because he cannot help himself. I have no insider knowledge. But time will tell.
If her cover was blown and she's been cut off from Lalande, wouldn't she just come here and let us know the jig was up?
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Lady Avonlea

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Last night, I said to @Jules100 that I was pulling back from CD and Tattle and would have to decline the invite to appear on the new podcast (I know you will all be terribly glum to not hear my RP accent - soz) but then the latest instalment hit my YouTube feed. I need to spew my bubbling bile. This devious wench! She really is a piece of work.
Most of you have already highlighted the lack of leadership with leaving EVERYTHING to the last minute. But in that recent instalment we truly got a glimpse into the gravity of destruction of that HMN. SJ claims weeds grew up in 2 days and yet she yanks out half a meter of the crawling variety from the courtyard… she highlights her dock invasion, which is most definitely months in the making considering the volume and height… we saw the state of the finish in the bnb rooms with window panes missing, bedroom furniture damaged, paint chipped, cheap drink making facilities, communal areas looking battered… What is this woman doing? What is Natalia’s role if she is the BnB manager? Does she just overlook these discrepancies or is SJ not willing to pay for them when they’re brought to her attention? I don’t understand how this can be allowed to happen with the amount of money coming in each month to comfortably remedy these issues? The astounding negligence - is it any wonder why Mmakhotso Moloi was neglected? The state of the stables is the true sentiment SJ feels for her own home - to allow rooms to fill up with debris like that attracting vermin, storing boilers which are loaded with chemicals is simply dangerous. It long stopped being funny this is just neglect - plain and simple. Where is the evidence that Stephanie Jarvis is improving this property? - all I’m seeing is more and more damage being caused.
And those kitchen cupboards are a lethal health risk. I was in NYC last weekend and was struck with food poisoning - I’m relatively resistant to under cooked food but it got me ferociously. The point is those doors harbour all manner of bacteria. SJ just doesn’t care about anything or one but herself. I’d be truly ashamed to welcome anyone into that building. Volunteers and staff are living there in that state - the hotel inspector needs calling in and condemning it. SJ has only just ordered colour coded chopping boards for meat, dairy, fish and vegetable prep - WTF?! How?
I have a litany of other points to make, but my cortisol levels are rising and so I’ll end it there. That episode compounds what we have been all saying for YEARS! It’s a dump top to bottom. I wonder if SJ decided to show this now, in the knowledge she can get away with anything and yet the money still comes in from the merry band of Patreons? It’s beyond me. She needs a therapist, project manager and a team of contractors.
Hear Hear Dragomiroff - couldn't agree with you more. I had so many shocks watching that vlog it's hard to know where to begin
Guests due to arrive the next day and the bedrooms and interior all in various states of disarray, yet Fanny:
- thinks the most important task is to plunk herself down in the front courtyard and pick weeds (fake, lazy busy work)
- has 4 people tasked with picking weeds in the barren Jardin Anglais instead of working inside
- has so few Spring flowers in her garden that they have to go buy flowers and Fanny can't spare a tulip for Dan's little boy

Fanny marks the opening of the B&B as the 'start of the season', but actually Easter, with a house full of friends, is when the season starts. All this work should have all been finished by the end of March, but instead Fanny was away frolicking in Dubai with Potty. Also, where the hell is Potty when work needs to be done??? Potty, stop making bread and toss out some damn garbage!!!

Fanny thinks because these paying guests are 'friends' they'll be understanding, but if I'm paying to stay somewhere at a minimum I expect cleanliness and don't want to smell wet paint.

Who are Nancy, Diana, Cristi & Brant that they are stupid enough to pay to visit the shitoo, not once, but twice???? Fanny, instead of tea & chocolates, you should be putting imodium and dettol by the gallon, in the guest bedrooms.
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This ‘picture’ says a thousands words, in my opinion. There is a look on Armoire’s face that goes from pure contempt or even rage to fake charm in an instant. An instant!!
Stephanie Jarvis has no boundaries; the pink phone can show anyone in whatever light she wishes it to. Armoire and Natty are trying to create boundaries by moving out but they already sold their soul to cuz long ago. Now they play this weird game.
No matter how much SJ promises to not film Armoire when he doesn’t consider himself prepared or presentable, she does anyway. How exhausting to go from being triggered into feelings of rage and then instantly flipping (suppressing) into a ‘model Lalander’. He seems a very loyal fellow who also has trouble setting boundaries but for completely different reasons than ‘cuz’.

I’m going to give them them the benefit of doubt and say that there was an attempt to clean the bird shit off the chair but in the process caused discolouration. Surely that’s not the essence of the white sections of bird shit scrubbed into the fabric 🤣.

Also, Philip put in so much work that he feels that he now never needs to put any more work into painting another ceiling…. In a crumbing old farm house. Nope, he’s good, earned his stripe. If that’s not the definition of smug 😒.
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