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Well-known member
Last night, I said to @Jules100 that I was pulling back from CD and Tattle and would have to decline the invite to appear on the new podcast (I know you will all be terribly glum to not hear my RP accent - soz) but then the latest instalment hit my YouTube feed. I need to spew my bubbling bile. This devious wench! She really is a piece of work.
Most of you have already highlighted the lack of leadership with leaving EVERYTHING to the last minute. But in that recent instalment we truly got a glimpse into the gravity of destruction of that HMN. SJ claims weeds grew up in 2 days and yet she yanks out half a meter of the crawling variety from the courtyard… she highlights her dock invasion, which is most definitely months in the making considering the volume and height… we saw the state of the finish in the bnb rooms with window panes missing, bedroom furniture damaged, paint chipped, cheap drink making facilities, communal areas looking battered… What is this woman doing? What is Natalia’s role if she is the BnB manager? Does she just overlook these discrepancies or is SJ not willing to pay for them when they’re brought to her attention? I don’t understand how this can be allowed to happen with the amount of money coming in each month to comfortably remedy these issues? The astounding negligence - is it any wonder why Mmakhotso Moloi was neglected? The state of the stables is the true sentiment SJ feels for her own home - to allow rooms to fill up with debris like that attracting vermin, storing boilers which are loaded with chemicals is simply dangerous. It long stopped being funny this is just neglect - plain and simple. Where is the evidence that Stephanie Jarvis is improving this property? - all I’m seeing is more and more damage being caused.
And those kitchen cupboards are a lethal health risk. I was in NYC last weekend and was struck with food poisoning - I’m relatively resistant to under cooked food but it got me ferociously. The point is those doors harbour all manner of bacteria. SJ just doesn’t care about anything or one but herself. I’d be truly ashamed to welcome anyone into that building. Volunteers and staff are living there in that state - the hotel inspector needs calling in and condemning it. SJ has only just ordered colour coded chopping boards for meat, dairy, fish and vegetable prep - WTF?! How?
I have a litany of other points to make, but my cortisol levels are rising and so I’ll end it there. That episode compounds what we have been all saying for YEARS! It’s a dump top to bottom. I wonder if SJ decided to show this now, in the knowledge she can get away with anything and yet the money still comes in from the merry band of Patreons? It’s beyond me. She needs a therapist, project manager and a team of contractors.
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Ok Tattle Ladies and Tattle Gentlemen! It’s time to play the new game “Guess the LaLande Crotch!” View the pictures below and try to determine whether the crotch belongs to Fanny or PhiPhi! Each picture is more challenging than the next…only true Tattlers, trolls, haters, and hags can score 100%! The answer key is below.



























Answer Key:

1. PhiPhi
2. Fanny
3. PhiPhi
4. Fanny
5. PhiPhi
6. Fanny
7. PhiPhi
8. Fanny
9. PhiPhi
10. Fanny
11. PhiPhi
12. PhiPhi
13. PhiPhi

If you guessed all of them correctly, congratulations! You’re a true Tattler! 😆

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hmmmm. Not to be snotty, but I don't see the relevance of this comparison. I know lots of people who do not have university degrees but have made much of themselves, and are respected members of "society" (not meaning class distinction--just being members of civilized humanity). They have manners and common sense. They work hard and have strong morals. I have also seen a lot of hot-air egotists with elitist educations that are bums and criminals. Philip is not respected and clearly does not appear to be very intelligent--he sure can't read the room, but comparing him to her Oxford crowd isn't saying much. What have they done? Nick is doing ok, but how's it going for the rest of them? They're all a bunch of misfit toys, except not very likable.
View attachment 2126659
My maternal great grandmother was born in 1890 and passed away in 1982 when I was a child. Her husband, my great grandfather, passed away in the early 1950’s. She lived in a small house (a little cottage) with 2 bedrooms and one bath. It was really cute, immaculately clean, and tastefully furnished. She had a tiny kitchen but somehow managed to cook the most wonderful meals. She always dressed nicely in a dress every day. She was kind, never met a stranger, and even though she didn’t have much money, she would give her last dollar to someone in need. My mother said that during the Great Depression, homeless men who were traveling and looking for work would occasionally stop at her home, knock on the kitchen door, and ask for a meal. She always gave them something to eat (in exchange, they had to listen to her read bible passages 😄). Later, my family found her house had been marked with a symbol signifying to travelers that she was kind and shared food. In my opinion, she was a real lady and had more “class” in her little finger than any of these château characters….especially LaLande. I’m sure many of us on here have had the pleasure of knowing people like that. Money and education doesn’t buy class.
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When I said "I can understand how people who have been here on this thread for a very long time have grown weary. I'm starting to feel it myself.", I did not mean to imply that it was because of people here that I am weary. It is because of Stephanie's actions and her sycophants who always excuse her and, worse, continue to support her via Patreon. At times, it feels it will never end.
I also confess I’ve grown tired, too. I mostly stopped watching SJ’s vlogs because I can’t stand to hear her voice or watch Snorts prancing around. I only watch bits and pieces when someone points out something on here (like the tulip incident), or fast forward through them.

I originally found Tattle through Michael Petherick and started posting after his debacle in Madrid a few years ago. Since that time, Michael essentially imploded, took a long break, and then gathered himself. Now he seems to be back after learning some hard lessons and he appears to be on track. It appears he heard the message loud and clear and looks like he’s grown from his experience. It’s still early, but we’ll see.

On the other hand, nothing has changed with Stephanie. She’s never been held accountable for her deplorable actions. She hasn’t grown, matured, or learned anything because I don’t think she’s capable of that. She collects hundreds of thousands of dollars with little to no renovations to show for it. She’s not transparent with the money she’s raised and has never shared the Association accounts. She sleeps with a “man” half her age who came to work for her as a volunteer, and now pays that man to work/sleep with her. She runs off so many people. She uses people and mistreats them when they’re of no use to her anymore. She’s oblivious to the suffering of others, like Mmakhotso, giving a scholarship in exchange for publicity and dresses (with materials paid by the recipient).

All this, and yet there appears to be no consequences for Stephanie. We watch the Patreon and YouTube statistics and they don’t appear to change much. She’s not growing her numbers as she should, but they’re not really falling very quickly, either. No accounts shared and apparently no consequences there. Selmar even released several scathing vlogs about what happens behind the scenes, yet nothing happens.

I think we all found Tattle, one way or another, because we saw things that made us think something’s not right. For those of us who’ve been here for a while, it’s frustrating to see that things haven’t changed much at LaLande other than the revolving cast of supporting characters. If nothing else, I would be thrilled to see Phillip’s comeuppance and departure. And the tax authorities knocking on the door. Or, possibly another video (like Selmar’s) of someone spilling the tea…maybe Michael Petherick?
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One of them has her head up her 🍑 ...
Can you guess which one?
Rosie Hugh is somebody I'd really love to betch-slap. A person completely devoid of empathy and an absolute selfish betch.

I've been here since the single digits.
The Chateauverse Fatigue is real.
To think I ended up here because I was curious about Nic Larkin's face.
I stayed because I liked the people - still do... But commenting, archiving and making video edits that makes Stephanie's veins pop is an absolute joy. ❤
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Something that has bothered me since I started commenting on here is the comings and goings of tattlers. Are they in real life someone from the Châteauverse? Who come on here to disrupt or try to defend certain people. Do people disappear because they feel they are not heard or feel attacked as some have mentioned. Some tattlers privately dealing with serious illness. How would we know if a tattler has (heaven forbid) passed away. There are so many that have disappeared. 😞
I think many of us get rather jaded as we see the same old thing and often the same posts/ questions over and over again. I find myself skimming more often and frequently don't bother to catch up with the thread any more. Issues are often trawled through at length and then along comes someone new and starts it it all up again. I'll admit to getting bored.
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I got rid of Baghead, x-lover
I got rid of Mason, blocked his number
I got rid of Selmar, tango handyman
I got rid of Dan, too much flirting
I got rid of Ollie, I hear Spain is nice
I got rid of the new gay, too awesome
I got rid of Cuz, you can have an apartment, office and workspace. No, no you can’t have any of that in OUR chateau.
I know SJ loves him but Potty is next!
My painted claws are in deep and I will not be denied a castle to swan about in where my bathtub buddy and bubble friend can visit and admire me and my grandfather’s favorite fork!
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Mentioned on FB that Patreon video is up. (Non Patreon here or is help.)
I don’t have the skills to post the Patreon Video but I can provide a filthy little recap. Here you go you filthy animals…………….

Fanny comes to us at 5:00 in the morning as she is 18 hours into wallpapering the white and clean bathroom. She just couldn’t stand it, she had to make a pattern throw up in there. Poor PhiPhi was in charge on this job and it’s the best one she’s ever done. It also took the longest, which is probably why it’s the best and also because he did it. No PhiPhi nail polish in sight.

She then shows going to harass the chicken on the eggs and there has been a high-jacking of the sitting on the eggs by another chicken. Which means all the eggs are likely dead. I just knew she’d go accost the chickens for this video, and I was right.

Kirsty shows up with an incubator and then brings 30 eggs from her place for them to hatch some baby chickens. I guess it’s time to get chickens killed off again as the current flock as been pretty stable. Hold tight people, it’s going to be twenty one days. BIG QUESTION: WILL FANNY ACTUALLY STAY HOME TO MONITOR THE INCUBATOR FOR 21 Days?


There’s some running about to take laundry to the cleaners, while also ironically showing their brand spanking new dryer. Obtuse much Fanny?

There’s a quick walk out to show some blooming apple trees by the pergola and the showing of the leaves of the trees of the boxing ring, as we
specifically mentioned here she hasn’t bothered to show them. Then it’s on to the English mounds of dirt and weeds to see that the plaaashnts have all gotten bigger. 🙄

We see the back of Cuz and Nick doing something or another but she doesn’t talk to them.

And then a Final Cut back to the bathroom where they hope to finish by 6 am. They haven’t done any painting yet and the curtains don’t match but they will finish up in about two weeks. I’m sure after this a relaxing trip to the Chelsea flower show will be needed, as they will be jonesing to spend money for more shit she doesn’t need or will never finish.

This ends my filthy recap, you filthy animals. I’ll see ya tomorrah!
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Where are Dan’s engineering drawings? You can’t just put up a floor Willy Nilly. You have weight load requirements, taking in account of spans and support etc Professional builders have drawings! Does he have proper approval and licences?



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Well-known member
I had to skip a few pages, but first,

thanks to Fanny for making some content. without you, none of this would be possible. Roll credits.

Garden - when Dan was digging up that area, all I could think was, you are disturbing years and years of weed seeds. They would have been better to dig, add tons of compost and then deeply mulch for a year and then plant. Or even tarp or solarize it to kill off those weeds.

last minute make under. I could only wonder how many people were really working behind the scenes to get it ready. To me, Fanny needs to use that heavy filter she uses on her face to show off the rooms. Or, Maybe guests should try squinting so they don’t notice the grime let alone bubbling walls and cracks.

Am i correct in seeing the two rooms over the GS, which are being held up by acros below, being put into service?

did we already discuss Kat helping Dan? Exactly how many people at the chateau was he Involved with? The list of candidates keeps growing. I think he needs to rename his vlogs for click bait, watch two knuckleheads in a condemned building…will a brick or rock fall on their heads leaving them with a permanent brain injury? watch to find out.

hey Dan‘s Patreons, please go fund him a hardhat, and maybe a brain too,

Everything shown is 100% filmed by choice, edited and posted by choice. I’m always reminded that this content is what they left in. Imagine the content left out. Fanny did not do herself any favours by showing the state of her house, frankly the state of her business. Everything last minute and talk about putting lipstick on a pig, dabbing paint from old rusty cans on dirty walls will look terrible.

and, Those floors! Do you really think they actually had time to apply beeswax?

it was laughable but also, let’s remembe, Fanny has raked in more than $120K In Patreon funds alone since January.

she will now say she’s too busy to repair chapel or GS …..until November?

she‘s now free to run off monday to Saturday to film her travel vlogs, popping in only to show her face to fans aka guests.

expect a lot of timeline warping.

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Fanny said she and Dan had discussed having flying lessons together! My God! He would break everything he touched and she would forget vital steps in the process, just as she forgets ingredients when cooking. She'd probably wear a revealing dress and her red high heels. Can you imagine someone trying to teach them? She would be shrieking; laughing manically, and interrupting every other minute. Dan would nod his head pretending to understand everything while not doing so, and they'd both be trying to film YT content through the windows! Dan needs to remember he's got two children and try not to kill himself. Fanny needs to grow up and become a responsible adult; how much chance is there of that happening?
I hope Stephanie and Dan follow their dreams of taking flying lessons, together of course. What could go wrong?🤷‍♀️
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Amuary moving out is a clear sign that work on the GS is just another distant, unfinished dream of Fanny's overly warped imagination and tacky gilt Marie Antoinette fantasy persona.
In yesterday‘s video, Fanny continues the smoke and mirrors storyline about Amaury and the grand salon when she states that Amauy’s workshop was being moved because ”he would need more room to work on the grand salon panelings, etc. “ She is trying to keep the grand salon fantasy alive so viewers will believe that she is actually going to fix the structural issues. Nothing can be done in grand salon until major structural work is performed by experts on the walls, floors, that area, which will be expensive and take months and months to do, and cheap F4F will never spend money on something essential and practical. She will use the excuse that the B and B has started so they cannot address the structural issues. The serious structural damage is not limited to that area. She has essentially had close to 4 months off to focus and get the structural surveys completed and start structural repair. It will never happen.

Fanny has known about the serious structural issues for years. If she had revealed the info soon after she started the cash grab, she might not have received so much Patreon funding and youtube following for restoring her 50% ownership in a structurally unsound farmhouse where she spends less tha 50% of her time to avoid French taxes.

There are many other chateau channels where people actually do the work and the chateau is actually their home, Fanny just planned ia quick cash grab to pretty up the Dump, get some attention, travel, and try to use the attention to get an opportunity on a television show or to hopefully become a travel correspondent. Because of the pandemic, more attention was focused on her, and she unexpectedly starting bringing in loads of cash, so the deception continues on and on, with mountains of lies and smoke and mirror tactics multiplying to keep the money, gifts, and freebies flowing in for as long as possible.

Amaury will never install the paneling into the grand salon because the area will never be structurally sound. He knows it and is visibly frustrated to have to go along with Cuz Fanny’s ongoing deceptions on camera.

Fanny and her co owners do not care and will never invest money to restore the Dump, starting with restoring and securing the infrastructure of the buildings, upgrading the electrical system, repairing the roof, the terrace steps, the bulging walls of the building, etc. That is why Fanny only decorates, buys crap, grifts crap, and focuses on installing gites in the outer buildings of the Dump, and spends money on useless gardens, playing on the diggers, and focusing on the forest and drained pond. She changed the Patreon so she would not be accountable to patrons for her spending. She has likely diverted funds for traveling, parties, etc. That is why she has been frantically trying to change the focus her channels to an ongoing soap opera, day in the life type of content, to take the focus off what she originally pledged to do.

If Fanny had to actually use the Patreon funds just for Dump restoration, it would not look pretty, She would not have new fountains, pergolas, tens of thousands of dollars in new appliances, new bathrooms and showers in the Dump, new gites on the way, Potts spartment would not have been upgraded, painted, she would not have been able to purchase tens of thousands of dollars in wallpaper, new landscaping around the fountain, tons of antique chandeliers, thousands of dollars of expensive wine and alcohol, expensive vacations, etc, and plans for a pool for Potts. (I still think Fanny purchased chandeliers, etc. for Mummy’s apartment with grifted funds, Mummy has to benefit from the grift. ) She would not have the extra funds to pay for a staff of 10 to cook, clean, provide content, garden, be her hand maiden and personal consort, etc.

This has never been about restoring and sa ing the farmhouse for future generations or the local community, They are all looking for short term ways to make money for Dump taxes now and in the future, provide an income stream for the next decade through constructing gites to cover Dump expenses until the Dump collapses or burns down, decorate the apartments/rooms and install new showers and plumbing in the crumbling farmhouse, and prolong the time they have to party and play in the Dump until portions of it literally fall down, or a fire consumes the Dump, thus relieving them of the ongoing Dump expenses. They will then sell the ruins and 60 acre Dump property and put their French farmhouse fantasy days behind them. The co owners have carried Fanny‘s share of expenses and have given her money for years. I think they want to get some of their money back and be relieved of Dump expenses in the future.

With the help of her co owners ( to include perpetually silent Baghead), Fanny is trying to wring every penny out of the dump at this time. The owners are making a lot of money off the harvesting of the wood on the property, but they will not share this information with the viewers. They do not share with viewers that Nick is not being paid with patreon funds. Instead, Nick has been paid with money they are making off harvesting the trees. Although many dead trees need to be removed, they are harvesting many 20+ year old trees from the forest to get the cash out of the forest in case they abandon or sell the Dump in the next few years. They do not want to leave any money behind in unharvested wood.

Potts now wants to be on hand up to 50% of the year to enjoy the large staff, expensive wines, vacations, YouTube and Patreon exposure, upgrades to the structurally unsound Dump, and protect the cash flow and the cash cow, Fanny, etc. After all, that was the dream life he and Fanny have wanted for the past 20 years. He wants to enjoy it

Fanny cried and made her Christmas videos about the latest catastrophe, that the Dump was falling down, in order to grift more money. Yet, now she ignores her claims, and with the consent of the other owners, continues to use the unsafe bedrooms to house people. I have a suspicion that the unsafe structural issues, if the truth was revealed, would actually preclude people from safely staying in any of the bedrooms in the central areas of the main Dump building. It is all about the $$$$$.

If people knew that wealthy Fanny would need a couple million dollars to structurally restore her part time vacation home/party pad Dump, they would move on to other chateau channels.
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Last night, I said to @Jules100 that I was pulling back from CD and Tattle and would have to decline the invite to appear on the new podcast (I know you will all be terribly glum to not hear my RP accent - soz) but then the latest instalment hit my YouTube feed. I need to spew my bubbling bile. This devious wench! She really is a piece of work.
Most of you have already highlighted the lack of leadership with leaving EVERYTHING to the last minute. But in that recent instalment we truly got a glimpse into the gravity of destruction of that HMN. SJ claims weeds grew up in 2 days and yet she yanks out half a meter of the crawling variety from the courtyard… she highlights her dock invasion, which is most definitely months in the making considering the volume and height… we saw the state of the finish in the bnb rooms with window panes missing, bedroom furniture damaged, paint chipped, cheap drink making facilities, communal areas looking battered… What is this woman doing? What is Natalia’s role if she is the BnB manager? Does she just overlook these discrepancies or is SJ not willing to pay for them when they’re brought to her attention? I don’t understand how this can be allowed to happen with the amount of money coming in each month to comfortably remedy these issues? The astounding negligence - is it any wonder why Mmakhotso Moloi was neglected? The state of the stables is the true sentiment SJ feels for her own home - to allow rooms to fill up with debris like that attracting vermin, storing boilers which are loaded with chemicals is simply dangerous. It long stopped being funny this is just neglect - plain and simple. Where is the evidence that Stephanie Jarvis is improving this property? - all I’m seeing is more and more damage being caused.
And those kitchen cupboards are a lethal health risk. I was in NYC last weekend and was struck with food poisoning - I’m relatively resistant to under cooked food but it got me ferociously. The point is those doors harbour all manner of bacteria. SJ just doesn’t care about anything or one but herself. I’d be truly ashamed to welcome anyone into that building. Volunteers and staff are living there in that state - the hotel inspector needs calling in and condemning it. SJ has only just ordered colour coded chopping boards for meat, dairy, fish and vegetable prep - WTF?! How?
I have a litany of other points to make, but my cortisol levels are rising and so I’ll end it there. That episode compounds what we have been all saying for YEARS! It’s a dump top to bottom. I wonder if SJ decided to show this now, in the knowledge she can get away with anything and yet the money still comes in from the merry band of Patreons? It’s beyond me. She needs a therapist, project manager and a team of contractors.
Well said! ❤ Just think of it this way…if Stephanie had hired professional cleaners (let’s assume 4 cleaners working for $25/hr each, for 20 hours (each person over a few days), it would have cost her $2,000. That’s only 0.05% of the money she collects through Patreon annually. There was absolutely no reason to leave all this work until the last minute, and there’s no reason she couldn’t have hired cleaners to assist the others. Instead, we’re supposed to sympathize with the plight she herself created and marvel at how hard they worked through the night to get ready. Then Stephanie’s deluded fans heap loads of praise on her and Philip, saying how wonderful they are. Unbelievable! 🙄
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On Repeat

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Hello Jason Dubious
I don't hate you but I am pretty sure Stephanie Jarvis does.

Remember one of your visits when she left you alone in that filthy, falling down ruin of hers? The time when she or her horrible receptionist left you without breakfast items. The time you nearly froze to death all alone in her shitoo. Amongst the pigeon crap, peacock crap, chook crap.

Remember the times she hasn't replied to you on her threads and you became pissed off? You being a top tier donator and yet she has treated you with disdain.
Jason, Stephanie Jarvis isn't your friend she only tolerates you for your money. She is a shameless con artist, Jason.

Would you reconsider giving your thousands of dollars to a truly worthwhile charity? A charity close to your own home? The joy of giving would give back to you ten fold knowing that your donation would be valued and appreciated.

No, I don't hate you, but I am annoyed with you for keeping your eyes blinkered to the fact that Stephanie Jarvis is bad news and bad for your reputation.
Take it easy, Jason. Best wishes.
Why bother. There seems to be a constant influx of volunteers willing to take the role of a responsible adult. She will eventually wear them out, when they realize their work goes in vain she'll send them packing. If they don't understand to leave a smear campaign will be launched. Rinse and repeat. Sorry, feeling a tad cynical today 🙃

She must kick herself for inviting her cuz to the heap. He's difficult to get rid of. Now when he's moved out Tantinette&Oncle will pay a visit, I see a storm rising, why else Isabelle the jinx has been summoned all the way from South Africa?
Agree with all that, and I hope the storm rages!
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Nati moves out of the chateau and Marie suddenly doesn’t like Norway anymore and wants to live in a rural area in France again.
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Sorry if repeating, but not sure this has been picked up yet. Appeared on Chateau Wrap Up 7 hours ago :


Sarah Fox
2 days ago
Hahaha I loved this! I really do like Chateau Diaries and Escape to Rural France… all of them actually but equally am here to watch Chateau drama. Every community needs this to call out the facades.



Chateau Teapot
2 days ago
I also enjoy watching the Chateau vlogs, if I wasn’t a fan I wouldn’t be here talking about it. Dan is a hard worker and Stephanie can be charming, but it’s good to have an unfiltered outlet to critique and give our opinions. I’m glad you’re here.


caroline gooder
1 day ago
You’re wasting your time here


1 day ago
@caroline gooder and why would that be ??


1 day ago
@caroline gooder The one person who really is a time waster is Philip Janssen.


Clara Burnside
7 hours ago
@LadydeLande lay off Phillip he works hard. BTW Clara i Burnett my evil twin is locked in the Bat Cave in Lalande and Michael Potts threw the keys down the Well. CLARA is NEVER coming back to Twattle.
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My maternal great grandmother was born in 1890 and passed away in 1982 when I was a child. Her husband, my great grandfather, passed away in the early 1950’s. She lived in a small house (a little cottage) with 2 bedrooms and one bath. It was really cute, immaculately clean, and tastefully furnished. She had a tiny kitchen but somehow managed to cook the most wonderful meals. She always dressed nicely in a dress every day. She was kind, never met a stranger, and even though she didn’t have much money, she would give her last dollar to someone in need. My mother said that during the Great Depression, homeless men who were traveling and looking for work would occasionally stop at her home, knock on the kitchen door, and ask for a meal. She always gave them something to eat (in exchange, they had to listen to her read bible passages 😄). Later, my family found her house had been marked with a symbol signifying to travelers that she was kind and shared food. In my opinion, she was a real lady and had more “class” in her little finger than any of these château characters….especially LaLande. I’m sure many of us on here have had the pleasure of knowing people like that. Money and education doesn’t buy class.
And now…here I am posting pictures on Tattle of Fanny and PhiPhi’s crotches! 😆 I never said that I had class, either! 😆😆😆
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