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Are Kat and Dan an item
Too early to say.

They had a silly fling when Dan was still with Annalise. I guess Kat is there to find out but IMO the odds are not in her favor. They never are with a cheater.

When Dan started having beers with Amaury after work, the whole bromance thing, and couldn't drive home Lalande was full of chateau groupies aka. Kat, Sabina, Maria.. these young women who put chateau owners/vloggers on a pedestal and offer slave labor in exchange to be near them. Dan started to believe his own hype and fooled around. I bet he felt like a rockstar for a moment. Combination of alcohol, encouragement (Fanny finds these situations electrifying) and a shared secret can be very seductive.

Now when things have cooled down, Annalise has kicked him out and Nati has talked sense to Amaury, circumstances are different. I can't blame Kat (or Sabina) to return but any illusions shatter very quickly when you wake up in an AirB&B next to a common dumbass.
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So…. I’ve been having a constructive discussion on the Chateau Facebook page under the latest video offering. It seems 50/ 50 against and agreeing with me lol! A lot to screen shot! But it’s not been deleted.
Here it is! Trying to open some eyes!
My real name so whatevs! Stalk me please!


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That’s a lie, there was 1 visible tulip as she approached the boy.
Never forget…Fanny collects $35,000 per month from Patreon, receives hundreds of gifts sent by total strangers, and gets thousands more dollars each month from her monetized and sponsored videos…all while using other people’s images, including Dan’s kids. If anyone needs a “teaching moment” it’s clueless, oblivious Fanny. Give the kid a f***ing tulip and say “THANK YOU!!!”
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I confess I’ve grown tired of CLL and the dull line up.
I don’t care less about any of the alleged “vulnerable” viewers or Patreons - not a bit. People have a budget for entertainment - they drink, indulge themselves and they donate. Why not to a minor heiress in France? 😉
I couldn’t give a monkeys about the tax implications or otherwise of her Patreon fund allocation. I know the French Internal Revenue to be among the most brutal in the world and also know that they are dogged in pursuit of tax evaders. Should she deny them a centime - she’ll be nabbed.
I am, in fact, nothing but a mean girl and a shameless gossip. I love a good tabloid and am vaguely amused by pile ons about people whose actions I find questionable and values I don’t ascribe to. I generally don’t do this about people in real life, but I figure that public figures are fair game - Jarvis and the cast are public figures, whether they like it or not.
I never watch Grabeaux and sometimes feel guilty that I devote any time at all to critiquing such a boring cast of characters. Klaus Von Bulow aka Snorts is my most reviled character. A man child who’s found a haven from his real world of waiting tables while dreaming of being an actor, takes on an aging woman because he’s failed at real life. His only talent being he spotted a vain, older woman and being the greedy, fame hungry and an appalling suck up he was in like Flynn. He is followed by the Argentinian human limpet, who reminds me of a mole or rat. Whatever, I get her decision to move her boyfriend out and away from Fanny‘s “Hey Cuz” and the pink camera. I used to deride the Norwegian floral influencer as I cannot stand poor me’ism. I can’t abide people like her who, despite rescuers riding in to help, never learn. She needs buoying up like ALL the time. As for Dan, less said about his self absorbed, family-wrecking behaviour, his Turkish vanity retreat and resultant tombstone teeth the better. Selmar is perhaps the most unwell of all those who’ve passed through the chateau doors. He gives me the creeps. Bedroom door locking heebie-geebies.
Fanny the botox addicted one is now only about number five or even six on my LaLande hit list. I even have to admit to minor admiration for a woman who can work what is a relatively small YouTube audience, inspire a huge portion of followers to become Patreons and elevate several friends to making an income through their own vlogs. It would seem that she really only has Philip and Anna ahead of her in “the blatant cheek of it” income stream. TBF, they have a far more systematic money making formula and have managed partial retirement and a Tesla. They even have a sanitary kitchen which elevates them well above a dirt-encrusted kitchen table and rows of chipped plates gathering dust on open shelves.
Maybe, this’ll be the year I switch off!
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How fun! The tulip debacle continues in the CD forum with this tag team effort by Dump account Caroline Gooder and the official CD channel. F4F tries to hide her mean actions by blaming the Kirsty/ Pavlina/ and the peacocks. Ruby must be relieved to be excluded from this narrative.

Jason Stover
19 hours agoCould you have not just picked one tulip for his son? Was it honestly such a big deal to give one of your good flowers away to a young kid?
View attachment 2128414caroline gooder
15 hours ago
Then his brother would want one and then they would want a bunch.The flowers wouldn't survive the trip home. Dan was running late and it was a teaching moment about expensive flowers. I have 10 nieces and nephews, who had to be trained not to destroy their Grandmother's rose beds. Looking, not touching or pulling was the rule till 6 years old by the parents' rule. View attachment 2128415View attachment 2128416
View attachment 2128417Jason Stover
14 hours ago @caroline gooder I will politely disagree with you. Even if both boys wanted 1 flower each (perhaps for their mom) it would not have been a big deal....I would have given it to them. Being kind and generous to children is a great teaching moment. Cheers! :)

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The Chateau Diaries
3 hours ago
The group of children had just been stopped by our gardeners, tulips had already been picked, and neither Dan nor I were going to undermine the gardeners - they have enough to contend with with the peacocks View attachment 2128419
What amazes me is why that exchange between Dan, Fanny, and his child about the tulip and dandelions was left in the video? It was so brief…less than 30 seconds…and would have been so easy to just cut out. The little scene didn’t add to the story, and it didn’t portray Dan’s child in a positive light. Caroline Gooder says in the comments it was a “teaching moment;” well, I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s OK to include a “teaching moment” about someone else’s child in Fanny’s video. It’s not ok to shame or embarrass a child on a (monetized) video when the child is too young to consent to be filmed. Once again, poor editing. Isn’t that PhiPhi’s job? And Fanny probably didn’t review PhiPhi’s work before the video was released because she can’t be bothered. Unbelievable.
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Michael Petherick has clearly fallen out with Our Lady Dame Fanny Four Flues because he wouldn’t be interacting with the anti SJ channels like he is doing now. I wonder if it’s a threat to SJ? That he may dish the dirt. I wonder what he knows to be having this interaction? Either way I’m loving it. I think Michael actually has the real power to take down SJ - he’s almost equal to SJ in the level of loyalty from the chateauverse fans.
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Thank you. I think it so sad. The tenet of the Forum is good. It's good to find somewhere that the glaringly obvious scam is being exposed. But, sadly, there are few people who I would consider to be (how can I put this) intent on making sure that they are the only voices being heard and have invested too much energy in hating. It drives those, like me, that are not concerned about the relationships, the psychology of the individuals of the vloggers but want to point out the rip off of the more gullible in society, to remain silent. It's like walking into a country pub in a village in the UK when all the regulars turn and stare at you if you have the nerve to walk in the door!! In some places one might call it bullying!
As a tattler, whether a regular/occasional poster or a lurker, you do have a few options for dealing with posts or tattlers you disagree with or you find violating the forum rules. The simplest, but quite possibly the hardest is to scroll on by. Darn difficult to do at times. The next option is the report button for those breaking the rules, which does include bullying. I’ve used it on occasion but prefer not to as everyone is entitled to their say. Finally the most extreme option if you wish to remain a tattler and not delete your account, is the ignore button. It is your friend. In my case I’ve only three tattlers on ignore. One had a melt down over gun control opinions early on in my tattler experience. The second is someone I still believe to be a flying monkey so it’s just easier to ignore. Finally the most recent is a member that seemed to enjoy attacking me, so not worth the upset. You do have some control over your Tattle Life experience but it’s up to you.❤
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Le Baiseur

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After skimming through the comments on Chateau Wrap Up's vlog, it makes me wonder how Fanny's comment section would look if she didn't scrub them. She's running her YT as if she was Kim Jong Un - aside from feeding her foes to hungry dogs and all.

BTW, when did Ms. Gooder become so combative? She used to have a mellow Rain Man-ish approach to her comments, now she's gone rabid rogue.
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I just have to add…… I am so impressed with the tartlets and hags……. Yes, all 15. Your investigative skiils surpass Gibbs (NCIS), Sherlock (Holmes), Gladys Kravits (Bewitched)……😂🤣. AND, Mr Dubey…….. I was disappointed in your little rant on fb……. Especially since @Jules100 had just declared her liking of you. Many of us hags have wished you well when you were so ill…….. and it was a sincere concern. The End.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Some merch ideas for Snorty's shop......(btw, where is the shop?)

Snorty's tshirt

Fanny's T-shirt

Potty's t-shirt

Baghead's t-shirt


Mummy's t-shirt

Snorty's other t-shirt

Natti & Amury's paired t-shirts
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Not to Steph-fend (because that would be difficult for me...), but it does appear that washers and dryers in Europe are much smaller, typically, than the behemoths we have in the U.S. Once, many years ago, when I visited friends in Cambridge with my family of four, I tried to do the laundry as we were eight days into our trip and had another week of traveling ahead. The washer was incredibly tiny. It took quite a few loads. The dryer would not dry our jeans, period. Our friend, who is an American and was a professor at Cambridge at the time, told me she had completely changed her laundry habits as a result of these "challenges" and didn't launder her clothes quite as often as we spoiled-for-spotless clothing freaks do. I get it after experiencing it briefly. That dryer looked small. You would, at best, dry one bed sheet at a time. Doing the bedding, table cloths, etc., would take forever. She could line dry them, but with their peacock poop issues and rainy Spring weather, that could be problematic too. I think she's smart to have them done by a laundry service. Plus, you know they are getting clean. 🤭

Or... they could just drop them off at a laundry service. I actually approve of this! I'm scaring myself now...:oops::LOL:
You’re right! I just think it’s humorous that Fanny and PhiPhi were marveling at the new space age dryer with all the “bells and whistles” and then the very next scene PhiPhi is carrying dirty laundry to a service. It would be like someone buying an expensive AGA stove and showing it off in a video…then announcing “let’s go out to eat!” 😆 I also recall how Tomaz worked hard to fix up LaLande’s laundry room…had it freshly painted, shelves installed, and organized. Now, it appears it’s become “junked up” again because, I guess, they just don’t care. Even when things are fixed up, they don’t maintain them properly. Just a waste of time and money.
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Tulips love to be picked. Makes the bulb stronger.
i grow a cut garden specifically to allow kids to create arrangements - a Montessori thing, if you’re interested.

Speaking of flowers, I remember countless videos of Marie FRK absolutely miserable at Lalande. She missed coffee shops and was lonely and wanted to date more. She later talked about not feeling like it was a home, and always treated like a volunteer. A volunteer who had to pay rent! LOL

Before she returns, let’s remind her why she left, as apparently distance makes the heart grow fonder.
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Well-known member
Why are these tools regurgitating the falsehood that our Queen @Jules100 is a lawyer? It’s all very odd.

View attachment 2125417
Clara Burnside, let’s talk about this so-called hate site, Tattle,
yes some posts can be rude, gross or even inappropriate.
bur most are bang on observations about public personalities who choose to share their lives in exchange for financial compensation and fame. Show me one person from the chateauverse who hasn’t monetized their channel, asked for or accepted donations or is being paid by sponsors.

they are businesses. and viewers and donors are essentially the customers.

at the same time, many of these so-called influencers heavily censor their comments. yes there are trolls who post rude comments but so what? In most cases, even polite but inquisitive comments are censored, deleted and blocked. In fact, Fanny censors and blocks her own patrons who have questions or concerns….and she wad the person who set up the Patreon as an advisory board of sorts, asking for advice and permission…but not to ever question the money.

you see, it all comes back to the money. no one is denying content creators an income, but to position one’s self as poor, barely able to afford basics like food and create this fictional story of poverty to secure donations for a registered not-for-profit is at best, in very poor taste and unethical and at worst illegal. Fanny is not and has never been poor. She co-owns this property which she owns (no mortgag) and also owns several other properties and has a successful for-profit business.

the financials of this not-for-profit were promised many times but never delivered and in the meantim, Fanny changed the terms from being a member of the association to something that stripped members of any entitlement to see a financial statement. I thé meantime, Fanny “needs“ your help to save the chateau, but also has time and money to indulge in very expensive travel and purchases.

finally, if you took time to read here, you would discover some on-point humour, truth bombs, astute observations from 15 tattlers who happen to know a shitload more about the chateau verse than you do.

i would guess that The Tattle forum would not have persisted to more than 200 pages with thousands of posts if Fanny and friends hadn’t so heavily censored comments, blocked and banned so many fans and viewers. Instead of addressing issues or complaints, she created dozens of fake handles to respond to genuine concerns or questions And she has a team of people doing damage control. Ask yourself why she needs to hide so much. It’s because Patreon has become a half a million dollar generator for her. plus another million on ads, sponsorships, perks, gifts, freebies, upgrades, and bookings for hr BNB. Money is central to this story. follow the money and find the truth.

yes, it’s true that some of us find Fanny’s mannerisms annoying and I’m sure she’s crying about that while cashing her 40K Patreon cheque every month.

You might be caught up in the life, love and laughter….maybe you feel like you’re part of her family, maybe you think she’s a friend, maybe you feel like she deserves millions of dollars for creating content for you, maybe you’re lonely and she brings you joy, maybe you are living your life vicariously through her, but I can assure you that Fanny is not thinking of you. You aren’t her friend. You are her pay check. You are her nest egg. You are her travel budget. Every dollar you donate is making this wealthy woman a bit richer. You own nothing. and to be blunt, you aren’t saving or restoring a building of any real significance, historically, culturally or otherwise. Other than its defences, Lalande is completely unremarkable in terms of Chateau. No grand staircase, no grand ballroom, no painted ceiling, no remarkable gardens, no original paneling or features, no tapestries of historical value or merit. anything that did exist burned down. It is a nice rural and certainly large estate. It has a turret or two and a partial moat. it’s not a listed or important building. That’s about it.
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T Rex

VIP Member
Tulips love to be picked. Makes the bulb stronger.
i grow a cut garden specifically to allow kids to create arrangements - a Montessori thing, if you’re interested.

Speaking of flowers, I remember countless videos of Marie FRK absolutely miserable at Lalande. She missed coffee shops and was lonely and wanted to date more. She later talked about not feeling like it was a home, and always treated like a volunteer. A volunteer who had to pay rent! LOL

Before she returns, let’s remind her why she left, as apparently distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Cheese on toast, her last six months at the Shittoo were just straight up depression (Snorts had already infiltrated the joint, her ally- Herr Nuti, turned one her, the floral studio was relocated several times- while she was forced to pay rent for it and her room, which also kept getting shuffled around- lets not forget her last days when she had to get her "room inspection" from Herr Nuti.) FRK refused to be filmed, was forced to make dinner (ah, the chicken & brown sauce days of "Go f*** yourself!), make floral arrangements that she paid for herself, and could not get the hades out of there fast enough in her grifted van. Good lord, does she have dementia?!? WHY return?!? The summer loving holidays with Fanny are long past with popcorn and Netlix movies and Goddess retreats... Nope, because while FRK was the favoured one at a point in time, Snorts runs the show now. Let's not forget "horseface".
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Why are these tools regurgitating the falsehood that our Queen @Jules100 is a lawyer? It’s all very odd.
View attachment 2125417
Dump crew
Hmmm what is the real story behind the Clara Burnside comment? Since we haven't seen @Clara Burnett for awhile it's a bit strange...
Certainly dump crew
Clara Burnside is likely either Phi Phi, Gerry the Tartan Terror, Potts or one of the other people who participated in the online bullying spree against some members of the Tattler forum. This is a comment similar to the comments made by some Dump crew members under aliases a month or so ago on the Patreon comments section and the CD and Crap Unwrapped comments sections, Kathy’s YouTube channel, Jules’ YouTube channel etc.

They are getting amped up again because of the success of the premiere of the Chateau Unwrapped channel. They are envious of the channel’s warm reception by YouTube viewers.
Definitely dump crew
Also, why are these hillbillies in the middle of France trying to threaten and intimidate other people? I know we joke about the chateau being in the middle of nowhere…but do they really not have anything better to do with their time? They are showing their class with comments like this. The difference between us talking about them on here is that this site was created explicitly for gossip. Their ignorant attempts to try and attack, harass and bully people in their real lives are pathetic. These people haven’t grown up and are still the mean girls they were in school. Or, more than likely, the class rejects based on this type of trolling comment.
Absolutely dump crew
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Active member
Sooooo and where have all the hidden/missing/seldomly posters been the whole time?

Is there an apocalypse coming that so many suddenly pop up again?
I don't post for ages, because every time a long time non poster does post this happens. I do read regularly (most days) but I don't post as I can't take the veiled sarcastic responses. Maybe I'm just a tad too sensitive. So many other's have been chased off like this. I should have learnt my lesson and not bothered clearly. Also I haven't been able to log in because I forgot my password. So unwelcoming.
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Amaury was NOT happy in the Vlog. I thought slavery was outlawed.
Amaury still has to clean out his previous workshop and move all of his equipment to the stables, where he has to clean out a space, and clean and reassemble all of his extensive equipment. Then, he has to make shutters for all the windows. a window for the attic, detailed wood railings and woodwork for the bedroom, make about 30 radiator covers, and supposedly start on all the grand salon paneling. Did he ever fix the step in the hallway that work a few months ago?Amaury is at a substantial risk of depression, increased anxiety, and increased symptoms associated with his OCD. He must have been in a state of anxiety constantly from never knowing when the little pink camera will be pointed his way, serving the everchanging whims of Cuz Fanny and the Dump emergencies, and living in the dirty, damp dump with no locks on the bedrooms ( except Fanny’s apartment).

He was smart to move away from the dump, even if still working there many hours. Cuz Fanny lured him to the dump, on the premise of becoming a master carpenter for the farmhouse. Instead, he became the maintenance man, a waiter, a gardener, a garbage man, a moving man, equipment, repair man, and electrician, and appliance installer, a caretaker for the animals, a host for the bed-and-breakfast, haul Cuz Fanny’s luggage and hundreds of Amazon boxes, Gift grab boxes, and auction purchases, overseer of the forestry harvesting with Nick, the only individual on the property that spoke fluent French, a plumber, a wallboard installer, a supplier of logs to all the wood burners, and the assigned task of lighting them several times a day, provide content for her YouTube channels ( to include being an object of derision and mocking at times, bejng ambushed at any moment to perform like a court jester, take his shirt off for the cameras, dance for the camera, or interrupt any important project that he was trying to complete) and an all-around fixit man/personal servant for the dump and Cuz F4F‘s youtube channels, B and B, etc.

Cuz Fanny, of course, has exploited him the same as any other person who has had the misfortune of darkening the doors of the dump.

I wonder if Dan’s business proposition with Anne Marie was to get Amaury to come work on the crispy chateau and be Dan’s partner in his YouTube channel and Patreon, once Dan had been able to grow the channel. Then Amaury could move on from Cuz Fanny and the Dump. Step one for Amaury was moving out of the Dump.
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Pippin speaks out

Well-known member
Last night, I said to @Jules100 that I was pulling back from CD and Tattle...
Yes... this. I'm struggling to stomach CD at all now. It's so clearly a disaster and I cannot understand the volunteers who continue to subject themselves to the situation, nor can I get that people are willing to pay to stay there. It's unsafe, unhygienic, unfriendly (in many cases), and completely nasty. The best thing Amoury has done is to leave--he needed to save his sanity. People have called him boring--he is not boring in my opinion. He's actually interesting because he has a work ethic and he is kind to people and animals. Just because he doesn't create drama doesn't make him boring. Philip needs to get off the gravy train and get a life before his strange little heart gets broken, although I honestly do not hold hope for him. Man-child is the perfect description. I'm into letting people do and be their own thing--If I don't like it, I won't hang around them. His weird grandparent thing, china fetish, and love for all things granny-like is just too weird for me. Initially, he was almost intriguing (almost) with all his strangeness, but quickly, he became the kiss of death to this vlog (for me anyway). I don't like to see him or hear him. SJ is manic and definitely a narcissist. She thinks she is intelligent and sexy. She REALLY believes this. Unfortunately for her, she is rather sad and pathetic--aging not so very gracefully, and acting like a little girl half the time, and a trashy tart/complete idiot/lazy teen/scam artist the rest of the time. Yikes. Not much to be proud of there... I enjoyed the interaction with Isabelle and SJ--fascinating to watch the dynamics. Percy is disgusted with the lot of them. I don't think we'll be seeing Isabelle and Percy much anymore. Potts, as others have pointed out, is in love with his playboy image. Get a grip, Potts--you're not all that. Were you ever? I don't despise Dan, but I don't like him. His kids are really cute. His ideas for Analise's home and his ruin are ludicrous and I hate the junk yard he creates at the home where his little boys live. I doubt we see Baghead's family again. Marie is intelligent--I'm pretty sure she is completely done with the place, after taking a few "for the team" in the past. Nope. Stay away Marie and keep your lovely son away from that place. I am befuddled as to WHY Maria came back to cook. She IS talented! WHY????? Maria, go someplace NICE to work! The rest... they all must have a past they are trying to run from to be there and keep coming back.

I have only checked in a few times lately, but there doesn't appear to be any sign of the Comte. I am sorry and hope he is ok. Has there been any sign of Clara? I'm glad to see Karma is back and better. ❤
13 out of 13 I’m so ashamed 🫣
I got them all too.🤭
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Say what you will about Mummy, but one can not stay sane with the amount of dump which ends up all over the place. Every year we see a couple of room clearings, and that is the ones Fanny chooses to show us, and without fail more rubbish appears in another part of the chateau. The state of those stables! Remember how that space looked like not that long ago when Amuary cleared it and organised it as his workshop? Gone are those days! Just how does one amass so much garbage in such a short time span and lets it pile up like that?

I don't wish this upon anyone, but between the sketchy electrics and what is essentially kindling, this place might just go up in flames ones of these days.
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