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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
I thought those were all the Gay Twank’s crotch. 😝
All those pics of Snorty’s crotch only help confirm that he never works hard. He doesn’t even work semi-hard. I’m surprised Snorty had the strength to even get up a ladder let alone raise one of his polished pinky’s to paint.
Some career advice! Snorty, shopping (with someone else’s grifted money) doesn’t = work! Get a real job, before it’s too late!!! Time passes quickly and one day you’ll wake up to find there’s no calling for middle-aged, untalented, no-taste, scraggly, unemployable beards.
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Amaury was NOT happy in the Vlog. I thought slavery was outlawed.

the guest dinner. Wine in decanter w/out the bottle - so shite wine in there. And really ???? Snorts in a Beanie for a sit down dinner? Gross AF.
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Why are these tools regurgitating the falsehood that our Queen @Jules100 is a lawyer? It’s all very odd.

View attachment 2125417
Also, why are these hillbillies in the middle of France trying to threaten and intimidate other people? I know we joke about the chateau being in the middle of nowhere…but do they really not have anything better to do with their time? They are showing their class with comments like this. The difference between us talking about them on here is that this site was created explicitly for gossip. Their ignorant attempts to try and attack, harass and bully people in their real lives are pathetic. These people haven’t grown up and are still the mean girls they were in school. Or, more than likely, the class rejects based on this type of trolling comment. I don’t know if Jules is a lawyer. I don’t care. I love this site because it’s funny. I could look up Jules and probably find out more about her. Do I even have time or inclination to do that? Nope. (But I do love our Jules!) Because this is for entertainment and I don’t need to stalk people online when I’m just here for a laugh. And to hopefully see Stephanie either start the renovations she keeps promising, or stop taking money from little old lonely people. I don’t see any tattlers threatening any of the people at the chateau…we only make fun of them. We obviously have struck a nerve. But if you can’t take being made fun of, then don’t put your life on social media. I know I wouldn’t be strong enough to do it. Maybe that is why Ruthy has told Stephanie she doesn’t want to be filmed and I wouldn’t blame anyone who didn’t want to be filmed. This world is weird anymore and there really are crazy people out there.

Jules - if you are a lawyer, hit them up with a cease and desist. 😂
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
Ok because I am evil and such today:

I accuse you of being.. that whatshername travel blogger who lost all her footage she took at lalande. What was her name? Candy? The young Asian woman.

Anyway, welcome back to the family.
I bought this starflower butthole resin art from her Etsy shop.
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I spent 5 minutes trying to hold myself back from commenting to Jason Dubey on that Facebook Group (I was successful in that endeavor and did not comment!) and find myself doing the same with the comments on Kathy's vlog. There is simply no arguing with crazy, lonely people who feel it's o.k. to be lied to. No matter what you say, instead of trying to have a healthy disagreement, they always devolve into calling us haters...or jealous.......that's all they've got, because to admit they've been conned at this point is either too embarrassing or too much of a mind-fuck for them to believe. They have, for years now, spent money to support Stephanie's "restoration" efforts. If they hadn't gotten suspicious within 6 months of the start of their support, they will not now - or ever - change their minds. If they refuse to see that there is absolutely no thoughtful, planned, organized restoration going on at that place, they will never see it. And at this point, I don't think they want to see it! Being stupid is sometimes a choice!
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
"Why don't we live like this all winter?"
Because Fanny, rather than stay home and work, you screw off to travel the world and endlessly shop! But you already know that and don't give a flying *uck!
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T Rex

VIP Member
Amaury still has to clean out his previous workshop and move all of his equipment to the stables, where he has to clean out a space, and clean and reassemble all of his extensive equipment. Then, he has to make shutters for all the windows. a window for the attic, detailed wood railings and woodwork for the bedroom, make about 30 radiator covers, and supposedly start on all the grand salon paneling. Did he ever fix the step in the hallway that work a few months ago?Amaury is at a substantial risk of depression, increased anxiety, and increased symptoms associated with his OCD. He must have been in a state of anxiety constantly from never knowing when the little pink camera will be pointed his way, serving the everchanging whims of Cuz Fanny and the Dump emergencies, and living in the dirty, damp dump with no locks on the bedrooms ( except Fanny’s apartment).

He was smart to move away from the dump, even if still working there many hours. Cuz Fanny lured him to the dump, on the premise of becoming a master carpenter for the farmhouse. Instead, he became the maintenance man, a waiter, a gardener, a garbage man, a moving man, equipment, repair man, and electrician, and appliance installer, a caretaker for the animals, a host for the bed-and-breakfast, haul Cuz Fanny’s luggage and hundreds of Amazon boxes, Gift grab boxes, and auction purchases, overseer of the forestry harvesting with Nick, the only individual on the property that spoke fluent French, a plumber, a wallboard installer, a supplier of logs to all the wood burners, and the assigned task of lighting them several times a day, provide content for her YouTube channels ( to include being an object of derision and mocking at times, bejng ambushed at any moment to perform like a court jester, take his shirt off for the cameras, dance for the camera, or interrupt any important project that he was trying to complete) and an all-around fixit man/personal servant for the dump and Cuz F4F‘s youtube channels, B and B, etc.

Cuz Fanny, of course, has exploited him the same as any other person who has had the misfortune of darkening the doors of the dump.

I wonder if Dan’s business proposition with Anne Marie was to get Amaury to come work on the crispy chateau and be Dan’s partner in his YouTube channel and Patreon, once Dan had been able to grow the channel. Then Amaury could move on from Cuz Fanny and the Dump. Step one for Amaury was moving out of the Dump.
I noticed, too, Amaury (damn you @Chateau_unhinged - now everytime he makes an appearance, I keep thinking of him as your "Delicious Little Snack!" 😂 ) looks really POed and beat down EVERY fecking time Fanny put her stupid pink iPhone in his face. It became even more obvious when he was out smoking in the forest (trying to hide it- crikey, Fanny alone would drive a person to a 3-pack a day habit) with Nick the Tree Surgeon- his interaction with Fanny was "I am just tolerating you right now", but became more animated when conversing with Nick the Tree Surgeon Marlboro Man, who could seriously give two fecks and just lit up a cig- bravo, Nick, for being you!

Agree with you 100%- the best decision Amaury has ever made was to move into his own place. Worst that it is with Herr Nuti- but if she makes him happy (sorry Nuti, Amaury's #1 will always be Molly, and his #2 will be a pack of Marlboro Reds- at least you made #3- you're in a tie with beer, so there's that!), I won't throw shade.
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I my opinion Śnorty could learn a bit of handy man stuff. He could learn how to do moulding and trim etc its not brain surgery. I did all my stuff in the cottage. Piling it all on Amorie or Kevin is stupid. Meanwhile he's off buying more crap. Did you see Maria's face.??? It was so great
I’d say Snorty can buy what they need to his hearts content. But what they need are vacuums, steam cleaners, irons, cleaning cloths, disinfectant, bleach, magic erasers, Windex, a squeegee, air freshener, mouse traps, flypaper, screens, baskets for wood, a pressure washer or 4, brooms, mops, swiffers, lint rollers, cedar blocks for every closet, utility cabinets to put it all in, light bulbs, garden furniture, mulch, paint, sandpaper, hand tools, gallons of white vinegar, baking soda, scrapers, wire brushes, smoke detectors, batteries, oven cleaner, rubber gloves, plastic eating utensils and paper plates, and garbage bags. Have at it. Go crazy! Make friends at the hardware store.

Edited to add: laundry bags and baskets, and several carts or trolleys to lug everything around
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Tea with lemon

VIP Member
The fucking English garden... Reports say that France will be dryer than a camels arse this summer. Basically any plants planted is money wasted. I hope Davy-the-Dong is getting handsomely payed for his plans and services.

Has Smegma-Phiphi gained a bit weight. Her cheeks seemed abit chubbier. I bet every time he sucks a dick he gets a cookie.
Was Davy on the trail of something like this when he created the garden behind the chapel.

Will Fanny's garden look like this in the future?


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Gertrude Maud

VIP Member
Something that has bothered me since I started commenting on here is the comings and goings of tattlers. Are they in real life someone from the Châteauverse? Who come on here to disrupt or try to defend certain people. Do people disappear because they feel they are not heard or feel attacked as some have mentioned. Some tattlers privately dealing with serious illness. How would we know if a tattler has (heaven forbid) passed away. There are so many that have disappeared. 😞
I've thought the same thing.

Not only is the Comte MIA but so is Madam No.
I recall her saying her husband suffered dementia . . . I may be wrong, whatever it was, life was getting tough for her.
And the Comte, not long before he stopped contributing, wrote that his husband's mother who had dementia was staying with them.
Then he hurt his shoulder, then they got covid.
Both Tattlers had a lot on their plate.
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VIP Member
You know what I just thought of as I read your post? Stephanie could have gone to the vases on the table and given that child one of those! He wouldn't have cared where it came from and, in the end, would have gotten the flower. The teaching moment was right there in front of them - that it's better to give than to receive. It's not like she didn't have enough in the vases!

She's so stingy. But, please, people - send her all your family heirlooms because she "deserves it" and "works so hard".

I can understand how people who have been here on this thread for a very long time have grown weary. I'm starting to feel it myself.
I'm quoting myself to edit/explain my post

When I said "I can understand how people who have been here on this thread for a very long time have grown weary. I'm starting to feel it myself.", I did not mean to imply that it was because of people here that I am weary. It is because of Stephanie's actions and her sycophants who always excuse her and, worse, continue to support her via Patreon. At times, it feels it will never end.
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On Repeat

VIP Member
This Is hilarious. The hardest work alias at the Dump, Caroline Gooder, has commented on the latest Behind the Chateau Doors dandelion video:

caroline gooder
1 minute ago
Guests are promised a vase of flowers in their room. It is more cost effective for Stephanie to supply from her own garden. The nearest florist in La Chatre is expensive.

That’s all you got Caroline? Fanny buys a minimum of 100 flowers a month from retail stores, over 1,200 flowers per year for the Dump come from grocery stores, florists, markets, etc. , NOT from the most expensive garden in France at the Dump. Is fresh from Dubai vacation F4F so cash strapped that she cannot spare one donated, free to her, tulip to a small child?

Fanny purchased flowers to go into the Dump rooms for the first B and B weekend. She is a truly stingy, selfish person.
She grew one fucking tulip?! In a whole season of spring tulip plantings? No, she is having a lend of us all. One Tulip for the several vases of the deranged guests? Do they each get one petal? This is completely mental, her mother needs to stage an intervention.

On a happier note, Rebecca from Chateau De la Ruche posts gorgeous home-grown flowers which she uses in her vases- Rebecca plans and plants for each season, Rebecca is a gardener and sensible. Also Erin from Chateau B....... had a facebook photo of SPECIALLY grown exquisite red peonies for a wedding. These women do things properly, Stephanie Jarvis should just give it up, she hasn't got what it takes. Absolutely useless waste of time.
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Chatty Member
I do NOT understand why they don’t hire a maintenance person (or put Philip to work clearing out), and allow Amaury to do his job which is woodworking and restoring. She’s using him for s**t jobs and that isn’t why he is there. He either is fed up or sick. He looks terribly overtired.
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How fun! The tulip debacle continues in the CD forum with this tag team effort by Dump account Caroline Gooder and the official CD channel. F4F tries to hide her mean actions by blaming the Kirsty/ Pavlina/ and the peacocks. Ruby must be relieved to be excluded from this narrative.

Jason Stover
19 hours agoCould you have not just picked one tulip for his son? Was it honestly such a big deal to give one of your good flowers away to a young kid?
View attachment 2128414caroline gooder
15 hours ago
Then his brother would want one and then they would want a bunch.The flowers wouldn't survive the trip home. Dan was running late and it was a teaching moment about expensive flowers. I have 10 nieces and nephews, who had to be trained not to destroy their Grandmother's rose beds. Looking, not touching or pulling was the rule till 6 years old by the parents' rule. View attachment 2128415View attachment 2128416
View attachment 2128417Jason Stover
14 hours ago @caroline gooder I will politely disagree with you. Even if both boys wanted 1 flower each (perhaps for their mom) it would not have been a big deal....I would have given it to them. Being kind and generous to children is a great teaching moment. Cheers! :)

View attachment 2128418
The Chateau Diaries
3 hours ago
The group of children had just been stopped by our gardeners, tulips had already been picked, and neither Dan nor I were going to undermine the gardeners - they have enough to contend with with the peacocks View attachment 2128419
Wait a second! Is whoever that is commenting for The Chateau Diaries trying to front that all of those tulips on the dining table were from the gardens there and not the grocery store or flower shop? Is that what they mean by tulips had already been picked? Bwahahahaha....I call BS!

But let's say they are from Stephanie's garden. Why deny a kid a flower? Do you know how many little kids in my neighborhood come by my house to smell and touch up my flowers? I ALWAYS cut a few and let them have them. All I've asked is that they don't rip the flowers off the plant and just knock on my door if they want any. They're usually small kids, with their parents. How can you deny a little kid who finds such joy! You never know how something like this stays with a child forever. I remember fondly being that young and our next door neighbor must have had 30 or 40 peony plants lining the fence between her house and my mom and dad's house. She told me to come over any time and play and she always picked armloads of them for me to take to my mom. I have never forgotten that!
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