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Is she lazy or is she dense, get rid of the milky mates.. If that makes sense?!
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sorry but this is nothing short of fucking disgraceful.

Just send that poor child off to Guantanamo bay and be done with it you horrible bitch.
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Lisa, youre rude to your mother and you're rude to your followers who reach out (whether you react or pure ignore them). Take a step back and consider that.
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I can’t stand personalised clothes on kids- I don’t want randos on the street knowing my kid’s name thanks.
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Just so we all know.. lisa “won’t compromise on safety” are you having laugh bitch.. you’ve compromised they’re safety from they were born.. between the way the cots were positioned, the way you feed them, the milky mate, the way you dragged them around at Christmas on a journey hours long to see Santa, the way you mixed and mingled with others when covid was rampant… need I say anymore
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“Who needs a man? Cos I clearly don’t “
You needed one to send his sperm donation over from Denmark to have the “twincesses” and you need your dad every morning to mind them while you slept or hooked yourself up to the milking machine!

You haven’t a clue, one story that you don’t compromise on safety and next story of the milky mate feeding the baby?! A company that can’t even spell safety.

Good job you are not a “solo mom” because you need a lot of help parenting those girls. Nobody is an expert first time and everyone needs guidance and advice, take the bloody advice on board. Having two babies does not make you know how to “mom” better, you are not super mom. Stop being in a hurry for them to grow up, enjoy them while they are small, hold them while feeding, play with them, time goes so fast, stop wishing it all away!
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Chatty Member
I don't doubt they'll wear the hoodies to death, they are their mothers daughters ridiculous did she sound squeaking "I can't cope" into the phone repeatedly, not an ounce of sincerity. She's trying so hard to copy other instahuns but ends up making herself look like a fool.
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Jesus she’s such an old bat…
“Don’t come at me with your weaning tips”
Like a simple thanks for all the advice in my inbox but I’m going to try my own way first would have been nice, from actual real life experienced mothers who took time out to write her a message of advice….but sure enough if one of them offered to send something for free she’d gladly accept!
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Chatty Member
Isn't it just as well that you are all the perfect have no idea how much this woman could be struggling with 2 babies and you just come on here to tear her down! Unless you've walked a mile in her shoes, how can you judge? At the end of the day we were l first time parents and believe me I really struggled when I had my are all talking about her wearing the same clothes, did you ever think that maybe it's a victory for her to even manage to get dressed in the mornings? I've struggled with my mental health for years and yes there are days where I will wear the same clothes as yesterday because just getting dressed is a struggle....does that make me a bad person or a bad parent? NO!
I just don't know how anyone can come on here and rip into another mother who is raising 2 babies on her own and comment or judge her parenting.....we all have our struggles, nobody is perfect, what happened to being kind?

First of all she isn't on her own.

Second of all we are entitled to our opinions.

Third its the dangerous practice she promotes to people most of us have issue with

Fourth she puts herself out there let her expect feedback (not that she'll take it gracefully even when people are concerned for the safety of her children)

Now... I could keep going or you could just jog on and let Lisa know that the milky mates are making her babies sick and she needs to interact with them more before it's too late🤯
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The irony of her milk mate post.. saying I don't want your opinion thanks.. then telling parents of multiples the need this in their life.. maybe they don't want your fuckn opinion Lisa and they want to feed and love and bond with their babies instead of leaving them with a contraption stuck to their face
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Chatty Member
I’d say they aren’t sleeping the night. So Lisa thinks putting them on solids will help them sleep the night .
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Chatty Member
I used to carry both twins into the bathroom in their bouncers watching me while I had a shower. Wasn't ideal but not that hard.
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