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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Dickhead Dan looks like a piece of plastic was shoved in his mouth... How come he's the only one getting a vacation... Annalise and the kids need one just for putting up with him... Now he wants to catch up with Amourys summer bod... Dan your scrawny ass will need 2 years straight in a gym dead lifting daily... That hair ball on your chest needs waxed off... I'd send a few bucks to watch that ...
I'm sure that Dan wasn't by himself in Turkey. Those shots swimming near the rocks involved another person handling the camera. While the camera could have been set up on the rocks/patio there was for too many angle changes. We know Dan doesn't have much regard for things, but taking the camera into the water and scrambling around the rocks by himself would be stupid.
Also, when undertaking a major dental/medical procedure in a foreign country, where you will be incapacitated/recuperating for a few days, it would be reckless not to have someone accompany you.
So who was it Dan?


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I'm guessing @Atellia Dental Turkey is thrilled with the title, "My teeth got ruined in Turkey". What brilliant advertising! I'm sure new customers are queueing up. What a wanker. What won't this nob do in pursuit of YT fame? I wonder if this was all done in time for C4 filming?
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This is what Lalande does to people, it sucks out their youth and their soul.
Leave that dump Amaury before you start looking as old as your dad!

With his new smile, Dan reminds me of the Chesire Cat! Personally, I'm glad he had a teeth job done.
But I'm afraid that now he can be even more full of himself!

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He could not eat with the guests 'cos his new teeth / gums hurt. He was seen at the kitchen table sipping clear soup through a straw, drinking water so as to not stain his newly acquired pearly whites.
he better also quit smoking and drinking wine... 🙄 those teeth cant handle that..
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
If that's the type of video you get as a patron... you are getting cheated big time. Same content as the normal vlogs.
I know us Tattlers don't rattle, but we might as well put out an ad that nobody HAS to pay for her shite anyway, because it can be watched for free here. That really does debunks the argument that one gets rewarded by paying for extra content.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Btw...that Larkin lazy papernuthead..he was reading a book about Marie Madames he has his own appartment...why was he chilling there..passive aggressive...

In the old days...they put a sack over the persons head..before they chopped it off.....and we all know why and how Marie Antoinette lost her head..hmm...Fanny is telling us something....Larkin is leaving the place...and wants to get his money back...
I wonder if they are all leaving the place and trying to sell up - that's why so much of the work is being pushed off?
Larkin - family doesn't want to spend time there, especially as Antoine gets older
Potts - busy travelling most of the year with F1
Fanny - dreams of Venice, wants to travel, becoming too much work, would be an exit plan to get rid of Snorty

Comtesse Rose,
Speaking of useless things. @Lady Avonlea could I bring Tomaz alongside Cara to the symposium - pwetty pwease.
We've seen him do the laundry (room), so he might be able to launder all of our wool togas after the toga party and his cringey acting would supply us with enough entertainment during the entirety of the event. 💖
Just look at this - LOL:

Gosh, Tomaz & Cara together - we'd all need valium to handle that dynamic duo, but of course bring him along - the more the merrier! Any imagine the wonders Tomaz could perform helping to organize Sara & Shrek's place!

I've been busy with a new training program & new rescue dog so not much time to sit and document Grabeaux. Thus, I'm a bit behind on Grabeaux, (it does suck my will to live), so I'll try to have a ytd update later this week. In the meantime, I think I drank a bottle of wine just to endure this week's Grabeaux - no wonder they call it Rose Bench.

To our dear American tattlers - is Arizona only filled with crazy people??? At Easter, Daniel (from Arizona) sent all that Native American Jewelry & artifacts and now Katherine (also from Arizona) sends 2 boxes filled with - 'Scarves, and Books, and Fairies, and Nymphs - OH MY!'! Fanny is definitely away with the fairies most of the time, but the gifts from Katherine & Stephanie was really just advertising their products.

The second box Katherine sent weighed 35 pounds and the cost to ship FedEx from Pheonix to Paris ranges from USD$635.58 (1 week/intl economy delivery) to USD932.35 (2 day delivery)!!! Sure, she maybe sent it another way, but right now any method of shipment is expensive and a waste of money!

But today's Grabeaux was all about Snorty! Why am I not surprised Snorty was singing a Village People song - I just wish Snorty would leave and join the Navy!


- Philip, the only thing that’s becoming a running joke is you. (although the thought of a nursery at the shiteau is quite funny). People sending you silk scarves, colouring books, children's fairytales, hair clips, fairy t-shirts, frilly aprons, stuffed toys, playmobile - you are a boy not a man and have a lot of growing up to do!

- Of course, Snorty really, really likes lace doilies (we know from is shirt the boy is into lace). What bored Granny sends 40+ doilies?

- Snorty’s hair makes a paaaaafect bird nest

- Snorty, it’s hard to take anything you say serious – just now now, but especially when you are sitting legs akimbo - stop that - it's gross!

- SSBTCAJSTFU (Snorty Stay Behind the Camera and Just Shut the F*uck Up).

- Fanny, it's time you install a stair lift, not a nursery, at Chateau de Lalande


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Not saying Marie is not manipulative. But if, in fact, she has any of the serious mental illnesses we -- the eyewitnesses and survivors of clinical depression, narcissicism, self-cutting, suicidal ideation, thyroid meds -- think she has, she proverbially does not know right from wrong and cannot, under the laws of almost every country, be held responsible for her actions.
It's not a subtle point.
And driving people to suicide via social media is a bad thing. Also not a subtle point.
I am sure that no one here has the intention of driving Marie towards anything negative. But she is putting herself out there on social media and that is not a good thing. Instead of putting out her mental state or attitude or state of being, she should be seeking help. And that help should not be from the people that she used to live with who definitely had a negative impact on her. I do believe there is an undertone here of manipulation as others have said. She seems to want “in” once again to reestablish her online presence. And with SJ’s patron following, she can do that. I do believe that this is a mix of medical, mental health and manipulation at this point. She has learned from the best……certainly. I feel badly for Nikki who has done so much for her as it does not seem to have helped at all. Marie has shown that she has a mind of her own even to the point of a bit of arrogance. None of these comments are meant to be defamatory. They are just observations. If she cannot deal with what is being written online, then she should get off social media. But I believe that money is more important to her and this has been proven in the past.
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Witch trials in the moat - will Phyllis drown or float?
I would actually become a Patreon member, if she did that. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Meanwhile it is Phasión with Philip:
"Nothing says Spring like pastel pink. So this Emmaüs t-shirt is the paaarfect thing to upcycle.
The waffle cut-outs is something anybody can do at home, and just very easy. They even remind me of that
time Stephanie daaaarling and I went to visit Castle Ten Berghe.
But for that elegant touch of sophistication I added black satin bows. It just gives my clothes and air of
French Rococo. And finally, the bejewelled sleeves. Because it needed some pazzaz!
Et voilà! A dainty summer shirt any of my viewers can recreate at home.
Phasión With Philip.png
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
At least she’s with someone! I hope she gets her mental health figured out.
As long as FRK thinks anybody at Stephanie Jarvis' HMN is capable of helping her, even by 'being with her' as you say, that girl is totally lost. She was out and could have made a full recovery, but allowed them to draw her back in.
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Insistent little boy...

Stephanie gushing over yet another Cinderella book—


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Did you think Selmar's belly button was unmatched by any other? Think again!

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I have one thing to say to you Dan........ start putting money aside for your two boys to have orthodontic treatment when and if your boys need it.
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Lady Rosalie

Chatty Member
Congratulations to @T Rex on using those short little arms to achieve VIPness!!! And to @Marquis de Potpourri for providing an awesome thread title!

T Rex
VIP Member

Friday at 10:05 AM

Marquis de Potpourri said:
Poor SJ settled for PhiPhi the Cock whisperer and spoon collector! It must be true love! :sick: :geek:

I'd like to nominate this for a 🧵 , courtesy of @Marquis de Potpourri, "SJ settled for PhiPhi the Cock whisperer and spoon collector! It must be true love!"

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The 5 top “most liked posts” are all from our own fabulous Lady Whistledown, @Clara Burnett!

Clara Burnett
VIP Member

Friday at 11:12 PM

Sparrowsfart said:
Clara does Stephanie realise her voice is not very good while she is lapping up this polite praise? Or does she really think her voice is wonderful?

She really does because everybody around her say so. Nobody in their right mind would want to upset the poor girl by confronting her with the truth.

Kickintheass said:

@Clara Burnett Do you have the inside story on the missing bumper? Who did what?

From what I've heard it was Dan who drove the car in a ditch at night and by trying to get it out the bumper came off. He could be covering for someone else though. I know Armoir has a problem with drunk driving and he's not the only one.

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Clara Burnett
VIP Member

Today at 12:28 AM

Princess and the Pea said:
If you have any exprerience of narcissistic abuse you will know that it is not just as easy as that. I know. It is likened to suffering PTSD. I am not a wimp or had mental health issues before my misfortune to encounter Mr Narc but it certainly left me with them.
I am tiring of blaming the victim & not the perpetrator. Fanny took her in under her wing, little girly chats getting all the gen on Marie's past. Not just befriended her but made her the BFF. For someone with low self esteem this is heady stuff. For a person to do that to someone when they have confided their past is nothing short of disgusting. Fanny tired of her, dropped her, made her feel in the way - that she needed her florist studio blah blah. We can see that Marie is a nitwit for falling for the flattery - but Fanny was her saviour, her heroine. That her cooking was great. That she looked so pretty. All BS.
The realisation of what has been done takes time. The deliberate change of plans coming back from Italy to avoid her possibly visiting the chateau. The calls not returned, promises made & broken, Natti raised up to BFF, Pavlina given her studio..slowly slowly the pennies dropping that she has been dropped from a great height. No floral business, no tagging onto La Lande's coat tails - few years older, still no love of her life, broke & abandoned. It's sad IMO.

I do very much agree. No matter how we feel about FRK and her ways to beg for more money, she has been turned into a perfect victim of Stephanie Jarvis, perfect for Stephanie Jarvis that is. As I expect it, we will get the blame for what happened to FRK because we were pretty harsh in our rejection of her grifting, but it's more than likely Stephanie Jarvis role (rather significant) will be completely overlooked and not just by the army of guerilla grannies she conducts. I personally would like to see to her getting what she deserves, but like you say, it's heavy stuff and will probably not land where it is supposed to land.

Imperious Me said:

Why did she leave LaLande in the first place? Does anyone know? One week she was posting something positive about life, next thing she's leaving? I never did figure out what went down...

It wasn't a sudden departure at all, it had been in the works for months and months. She even dragged it out a bit, imho. Basically, her position at the HMN was made impossible by the Snorting Cameltoe's rise up the ladder; he really can't stand her. Then again, this is what always happens to people overstaying their welcome at Jarvis' HMN: they get pushed out by a new flavor of the month and nobody will remember who they were, no matter how liked they thought they were before. It will happen to Snorts too.

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Clara Burnett
VIP Member

Yesterday at 11:07 PM

CountessPompidoo said:
is SJ clever enough to follow Colleen Rooney’s lead and start a rumour to see if it’s reported here ?

That is actually a "game" a lot of the peeps in her entourage who want to know who I am are playing. Which is why I usually only report things when I have heard it from different sources, so I at least know it's a wider spread rumor and can't be traced back. It's a minefield to navigate indeed...

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Clara Burnett
VIP Member

Today at 12:50 AM

billybudd said:
I think Marie's talking suicide and grifting is very disturbing and maybe we should lay off.

Maybe she should lay off herself? Maybe we should come down even harder on the one person who truly caused much of this misery? I agree with you that the situation FRK is in is very disturbing, but at the same time I find it disturbing that the people that are suppose to be helping her (like Nicky, who has offered her the house she's in now) can't prevent the girl from exposing herself even more. It's time for an intervention, surely. And where is FRK's mother in all this?

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Clara Burnett
VIP Member

Thursday at 11:52 PM

M&MsMom said:
Yes, that's what I saw....and then, of course, Stephanie said that Davey told her that they'd only have to water these plants for two years and that she didn't need to invest in any sort of permanent irrigation system. None of those plants take care of themselves, except for maybe some of the shrubs they've planted, but even they'll need water after two years. None of them are native plants - except maybe that hedge thing that Dan moved to the area - and there will be times, especially during the hot summer months, when they will have to water once a week, even when that garden is established......if it ever gets to that point.

Actually from what I've heard there's already massive damage to what they have planted, due to pests and woodland creatures coming to dinner. She's trying to cover that fact up (obviously) by saying it all looks so wonderful but there's already gaps appearing in the planting scheme and summer hasn't even started. I would not be surprised if this was one of the last times she will give that area a front seat in her flogs as it will become more and more clear in which direction it's growing and it ain't gonna be pretty.

style='box-sizing: border-box;font-variant-ligatures: normal;font-variant-caps: normal; orphans: 2;text-align:start;widows: 2;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration-thickness: initial;text-decoration-style: initial;text-decoration-color: initial; word-spacing:0px' alt=Haha class="reaction-sprite js-reaction" title=Haha v:shapes="_x0000_i1048">

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Chatty Members to watch:

@Linus with 955 posts
@Le Baiseur with 922
@Albee with 921
@lalablahblah with 915
@Hemerocallis with 914
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Btw...that Larkin lazy papernuthead..he was reading a book about Marie Madames he has his own appartment...why was he chilling there..passive aggressive...

In the old days...they put a sack over the persons head..before they chopped it off.....and we all know why and how Marie Antoinette lost her head..hmm...Fanny is telling us something....Larkin is leaving the place...and wants to get his money back...
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When Fanny finally kicks Snorts out from the Shittoo, it will take several moving vans to remove all his furniture, china, and mountains of tat he has squirreled away at the Shittoo. Surely, he would need one moving van for all his hedgehog paraphenalia alone.

I think removing him from the Shittoo will be a much more arduous task for Fanny than with her previous Shittoo paramours, workaway dalliances, disgruntled volunteers and employees, who could simply pack a suitcase or duffel bag and be shuffled away or escorted off the premises by a Jarvis family member or her 2 co-owners.

Sending Phi Phi packing could provide content for several videos. Fanny could call it The Phi Phi Farewell Chronicles. Snorts could do a video on how to safely pack and transport china and ceramics, using stuffed hedgehogs as cushioning for breakables.

Fanny could do a video on them dividing up her clothing between her and snorts.

Fanny could have a 3rd video in which Phi Phi had to search the Shittoo to find all the items that Fanny had hidden from Phi Phi to keep for herself. Fanny could hide chocolates (that she herself did not like or want) for him to find along the way to give him sustenance and provide a light hearted Easter egg hunt ambiance.

The final video could be a quasi mock court situation where Snorts and Fanny would present arguments on who should rightfully own disputed items from the Shittoo that were acquired during their time together. The jury would consist of Ruby, the peahens, Ian the builder, Nancy the hen, and the sun eater. Nasty Nutty would serve as the court officer. The woman who has the v logs calling out Fanny‘s ridiculous behaviors would be the judge. Amaury would build the courtroom setting with the left over Grand Salon paneling and it would be filmed for the channel 4 DIY 2023 season.
Wait…was this moving truck spotted outside the farmhouse? 😆

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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Goodness me! If so, how would the location in the middle of rural France be suitable? A mad scheme, surely. I saw Haworth as a recipe for disaster already from the beginning, quaint, but without the regular affluent clientele with the need for upmarket floral fripperies. And why would tourists buy flowers/wreaths/good bye bouquets? :cry:. Now same same in France....? I am getting exhausted by all this madness, and I do wish something would work out for Marie as soon as possible, but this certainly ain't it!
I agree with you completely, yet in their line of thinking the clientele for both "businesses" would be the same. The Flawed Floral Fanatic does not need random tourist to buy her fabrications, she needs the mad guerrilla grannies and especially in the summer weekend there's plenty of them around for Stephanie Jarvis to share with her "friend".
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