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I really can't get too much into it as she would instantly know my identity, but let's just say that he will not know what hit him. It's a genius plan, but I am not convinced she's going to push it through. If she does, he will be ruined and I'm not talking financially.
PhiPhi studied Lalande as if he was getting a PhD degree. He once even jumped to fill in details about SJ's great-aunt, and seemed to remember more about her than both SJ and Armoir's mom. Top ten cringe moment at GAG. If his whole world is Lalande then the snowflake will truly be ruined which will be completely his fault, no matter how toxic SJ is.

Remember, even his parents are enabling all this. Maybe they think it's just a phase he's going through. If they don't, then it is even worse.
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This one has been deleted.
She has deleted hundreds of comments and blocked dozens of people from commenting on her V log. The princess Fanny is a little sensitive about truthful commentary showing up in the comments. It would spoil her smoke and mirrors fantasy bubble that she makes hundreds of thousands of dollars off of yearly.
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I sense there’s some “smoke and mirrors” here. Dan said the dental office “sponsored” him (advertising)…but the only mention of their name is where he put a link to their site in the description. He don’t hadoesn’t mention their name in the video. And showing all the blood, describing the pain…and making fun of the “comedy temporary teeth”…doesn’t really do a lot to instill confidence. If I was that dental office and expected advertising in return for discounted teeth, I’d have been unhappy with that video.

If this video was really sponsored (a collaborative advertisement), why didn’t he take us on a tour of the office? Why didn’t he mention the office name in the video? Why didn’t he introduce the doctor? Why didn’t he let the doctor or someone describe the procedure? Why didn’t he rave about his great experience? Encourage others to have it done? Something doesn’t seem quite right.
It’s very clear that his vanity is in full control. He wants to improve his appearance for any number of reasons. generally speaking I don’t have a problem with that, however, he has a large hole in his barn roof, an unfinished home, barely functional vehicles, two kids and a wife (even if separated) to support. Priorities are important. Frankly he seems a bit young for a midlife crisis.
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T Rex

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Found it..
Sadness... The whole premise of Patreon for the Shitoo was initially started on the premise of restoring the lake. The boat house could have easily been saved had Fanny put in pilings (which would have been much easier to drive when the lake was dry, as they could have been dug out with a boring rig.) Instead of a restoring the lake, with the Patreon funds (Fanny needs more now) we get a half-assed restoration with $5K+ of wallpaper for a half-loo, the paneling for the Grand Salon, many holidays, the employ of Herr Nuti (who does very little), and that of BJJ (who just faffs about), Amaury, Dan, and Kirstie (the employs of Amaury and Kirstie are actually the best value, as those are the only two who actually put in a solid work day consistently.) Crikey. For the amount of money she brought in in 2021 alone, with actual HARD work on her behalf and some proper Project Management, not only could the lake be restored (she is dragging her feet on this, as she evades the officials as she is generally on holiday), and the Shitoo could have had proper heating.
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du Fay

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I thought the latest vlog was excellent (excellent for Tattle, not so much for Patrons!)

The Marquis's apartment is modelled on Chinon? Give me a break, even accepting that both are 'chateaux' one is a palace the other a farmhouse!! The scale of the rooms is so different that the paneling and wallpaper will always look out of place.

Snorts and FRK went for a two hour walk together? B.S! And I was proven right!

Fanny travelled to the Netherlands to see Snorts' play for one night only and then had to return to France to check on the garden??

Again, Fanny leaves the dinner table just as the meal is served and the diners have to wait for her return to film the meal. So rude!

The statue of Diana was lying on it's side, uncared for for for how many years? That's so LL!

Kat was her usual annoying self and Snorts his smug ditto in the latest pantry reveal.

Again, the obligatory camera shot up Snorts' nostrils, perhaps Fanny should wear heels! And the obligatory Daddy reference!

Again, guests/high level patrons are cooking for Fanny and co. They've already given money and sweat, what's next a blood transfusion?

3 P.M. drinking guest prepared coffee and still wearing a robe in the kitchen in front of paying guests, so typical of Fanny's rudeness and laziness; it's become her trademark!

Why does Fanny consistently place couples next to each other at the table, they should be seated opposite each other! Showing her lack of a cultural understanding of table etiquette! Then again, you can't buy class! But a bonus mark for allowing guests to eat in the dining room instead of the kitchen.
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du Fay

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Witchiepoo and her henchman were particularly nauseating in the latest vlog, so saccharine sweet, so over the top, and so repetitive (I'm a teetotaller and would find the LL drinking game problematic, but get a thesaurus Fanny!) Snorts looks really bad in profile, he and Fanny must lock horns from time to time!

Why is Nic sitting in Fanny and Snorts' room? That 'funny' cameo? He's an ass!! Also, if he watched the vlog he should be ashamed at his sitting tghere doing FA while Grant was working on his 40%! And why is Grant there anyway? A successful Australian businessman who has been unable to visit his own French property for two years, so why vacation at LL to do maintenance work?

The guests complained about the crowing rooster, Selmar and Dan made the hen and rooster compounds to prevent that issue as it disturbed Selmar in his camper and also the chateau guets!!! I can't be bothered rechecking the vlog date, but it was a definite purpose of the distant divided hen runs and planned hen houses.
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By the looks of it, this woman must have been so stressed out these last two years.
What's stressing out the woman who is living her dream of a fairy tale life in a chateau?
We know for a fact that it is not the lack of sleep, for she sleeps til noon!
It could be her excessive alcohol consumption.
But I have a feeling it's the accounts!

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I would like to draw everyone’s attention to get another fashion crime from Phyllis with these short denim cut offs - Daisy Duke’s.

if FRK’s got the van at the HMN then who drove her down from Nicky’s then? Yet more BS - it was all strategised.

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Catching up with this crazy Lady. This vlog is hilarious, can’t recall it being posted before. Anyway, it’s worth a repeat :

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Clara Burnett

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Amaury looked like a caveman in the last vlog. Poor bloke seems exhausted, in need of a proper rest and I do wonder if he's not letting himself go in hopes Nuti will dump him... That beard (not Herr Nuti) is growing all over his face.
He really does have an alcohol problem and his Cuz nor bullying girlfriend are helping him one little bit to overcome it. On the contrary, they are feeding him like they would be feeding a baby its milk. It's starting to show. He might be the next one to be sent off to Turkey for some emergency cosmetics.
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I would like to think that SJ kind heart wanted MW back but I fear it is to avoid another Selmar situation.
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Clara Burnett

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But he is also the one who called her horseface. Maybe he felt guilty about how he has treated her and try to wash his hands clean
Nothing this guy does can ever wash his hands clean, I'm afraid. He thinks he's really smart and can just say whatever he wants about whomever he wants to say something and when he gets pushback he just says 'It wasn't me, it's those damned tattlers'. It's a dangerous game, but he doesn't realize just how dangerous. He will expose himself though at some point, unavoidably because in reality he isn't that smart and will say something stupid on camera, like he does all the time. Up until now his girlfriend edits those "mistakes" out, but we all know her tendency towards mean strikes when she has an axe to grind. Tick Tock.
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Now the real question is why hasn't a hair transplant clinic got in touch with Phyllis?
If Dan can get a discounted set of gnashers then why can't our much loathed Phyllis get a new hairline?

They won't touch him with a barge pole.
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Are they going to announce a GAG with Marie! and shower her with tat? Will she think the love bombing and shinny handouts is true friendship?

The suspense...
If SJ has a shred of decency she won’t put Marie on camera. Assuming Marie is truly having issues, she needs help. I’ll projectile vomit all over my screen if Marie is on a GAG with SJ. I agree with others, though…whatever SJ is doing, it’s about SJ…not Marie.
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It def must stick in Amaury’s craw that he must also SERVE the Polliwog at dinner. Like Amaury doesn’t work hard enough already🙄 No one works less than Snorts- it’s insane.
It is insane. There's a lot of "stuff" to dislike about Phillip, but his utter laziness, his ability to act as if he is above it all simply because he's claimed the not-so-grand-prize of sleeping with the owner, just really, really angers me. Who's idea is it to have him "doing" jobs around that dump? If it's her, she's a fool. If it's him, he's smarter than I gave him credit for.

I was a sales manager to a bunch of young men his age. They worked circles around him. He's an entitled POS.
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I get the feeling she's sold it - a few comments have asked about it and wipes them off the post. She's hiding something and it's not her teets (teeth).
I think I saw the side of the car in her vlog? This is it isn't it?

Am guessing that if someone went to get her it was entirely because of Tattlers saying about how Fanny uses & abuses people. We see you Fanny. Classic narc 'hoover' technique. Called a hoover because of the likening of how they perceive the person who they are sucking back up as 'dirt'. I feel sorry for Marie that she has fallen for it. The drive to get her, made to look like some mercy mission, is classic drama behaviour. The transporting of her is so that she is only allowed to stay for as long as they choose - that she is under their control.
At least if Marie has company she might be looked after. Unfortunately she has chosen the wrong person if she thinks Fanny (total lack of empathy) Jarvis is the person to give her help. 😥
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If he does read can he still be there? Clinging leech perhaps.....blood sucker??
Like rest of the cult he thinks he's smarter than Tattlers. The irony of not realising that all the predictions, suppositions & comments made here come to fruition eventually is lost on the idiots who think they can outrun the Stefanny Spider.
He might have thought he'd done a number on her by his plan to use her for future stardom. But jn the world of the narcissist everything it is the mirror opposite of that. She's done a number on him to make him believe he's caught her. Fact is they are all using each other in that toxic place. Fake, shallow individuals where everything is done for effect.
Phi Phi - if, as it appears from good intel you're on your way out at least do it with a good flounce my dahling make sure you dish the dirt on Fanny on a Spode plate 🤣 You know where to come when you feel the need to vent.🤣🤣
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