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Hi 👋

I have followed PTWM for ages and came here because of her to read all these evil things you'd all been writing! I posted a comment in thread 3 last week and my own anxiety quickly took over and so I promptly deleted it (I don't like being "out there" and no idea how she does it). Feeling much better now so here goes ...

I never found any of the comments she was claiming were written here. One did say 're Betsy getting pregnant young but no poll, no death wishes on her baby. All I can say is, I'm so glad she did that Insta story and "outed" Tattle because my god, what a relief to meet so many people with the same feelings as me.

I used to think she was amazing! The stuff she did /stories she said she did for other people made me be in awe of her, a lot. And then it changed. I started to think (like many of you) how conveinent to always be there to be the hero for these people. I didn't question it though as none of her other followers did. Then the DFS refurb happened and I just completely changed my opinion of her! For someone who claims to work with so many vulnerable people and so many refugees why oh why would you not donate it to one of/or split between some of them instead??! Granted, she did get a lot of stick and removed the post....But it reappeared with this "I deserve it" mentality. Don't get me wrong, she did do a lot for other people in need BUT her attitude,to me, became very entitled and she quickly changed from there.

The donations for a deposit for her house also baffled me! The fact admin on her own page were actively trying to get donations for this, still to this day dumbfounds me.

She has changed so much! I think she started out with good intentions but has been sucked in to the SM world. No longer are the posts about people she helps (bar the odd ones where she desperately needs her followers to donate towards a second hand pram, whilst her newly gifted £1000 one just sits there 🙄) it's all "me, me, me". Every single post. Every single story. Every single comment she makes is all about her. She's no longer the selfless, caring person I thought she genuinely was. I genuinely now believe all the stories she claims to have happened never did, apart from in her head. I feel she's made a lot of mistakes and never had (m)any friends so she makes up stories. She pretends to be something she isn't. And she gains followers and likes and so many nice comments from people who are sucked in by it. Who genuinely believe in her. And this gives R the self importance and love that she always wanted to feel. It's an act. Nothing more.

So many safe guarding issues with those children too 😢 It actually upsets me to think she parades every single detail of her and THEIR life around just for some likes.

Also the money concern. Thank you all. I am not alone. For a while now I have had my doubts. Again, none of her followers doubted so I thought I was being silly. Her entire lifestyle has changed. How are people not seeing this? They are donating their hard earned money to her in good faith FOR CHARITY and all they get to see for it is all the new, expensive things SHE has and how fabulous HER life is and how amazing HER marriage and children are 🙄 Even those eco friendly hen houses are extortionate! The designer clothes! The French bloody bulldog! The holiday! I really could go on and on... The fact anyone who has asked a genuine question of where the moneies have gone, have been immediately deleted and blocked. That speaks a thousand words to me. Until she posts any proof (and since 4 out of the 7 charities said they have never received any monies from her) I believe the PayPal account and all the people with kind hearts who are donating, are nothing more then the cash cows supporting their new lifestyle.

Really sad when you think how many DV victims/refugees would actually benefit from it.

Sorry for the essay. Well done for making it this far 😂 I believe in karma and it WILL catch up to her.
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So interestingly I was on a DASH risk assessment tool and DV training day today. Which was provided by local authority DV services

We discussed referrals to refuges. The process of referral including completing a DASH and potentially going to MARAC if that person is deemed high risk of death / serious harm

We also discussed safety planning , risk assessment , IDVA services out reach workers and lower level support for those who are not deemed as high risk. We covered the imperative point of safeguarding children , the freedom project , Phoenix project and other services.

Discussions around the dangers of advising women to leave immediately (as seen in PTWM) messages, one stop shops for advice , CAB and counselling.

We discussed not all women wanting to leave a DV relationship and the support needed to keep them safe.

Not to mention the importance of accurate record keeping and confidentiality, not using social media to discuss cases or make a person identifiable

Furthermore we discussed Flight funds.... funds used to help families escape (if they want to )

I then took the opportunity to enlighten this particular LA about PTWM who laughed at the tall tales and wished their job was as easy as getting a fb message and then getting a place at a refuge 😂
Can you see why I have written so many times her stories just do not happen re the refuges... without writing my job.... it is infuriating me beyond belief. She doesn’t do what she effing says.
I think the one that really took the biscuit for me was “helping women at opposite ends of the country” 🤦🏼‍♀️ No doll, you didn’t. The INSANE amount of red tape there is, I just cannot begin to tell you. She categorically doesn’t do what she’s writing she does.

Rachael - read this- pin all the safe havens to your page. Pin emergency numbers and emails. Tell people what to do if they feel threatened ( that IS NOT TO INBOX YOU- you are NOT qualified to deal with this)
Put a safeguard on your page so it cannot be seen in the browser history. Put a fast leave button on your page.
Get rid of ALL your dodgy fund bullshit. You don’t need ANY money coming through you- get people to send it directly to the charities of choice. Change it per month if needed.
YOU NEVER need to touch money.

YOU ARE NOT QUALIFUED TO DEAL WITH VULNERABLE WOMEN OR MEN. back off and let people who are do their jobs. You are making it actually harder for everyone, NOT easier.
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I had a shit childhood, and it taught me how to be a good mother. I don’t feel the need to ask for sympathy for it.
Also, my boyfriend has just text asking if I’d like a sausage roll from Greggs, so I’m going to screenshot the message and go and stand naked in the bath, take a picture, put the text and picture on and talk about how I once had piles. I’m sure my sons would LOVE to read that online.
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She says that we’re jealous, need therapy, living in a bitter bubble of hate, vile trolls, trying to ruin her etc . All classic behaviour of an emotional abuser - trying to shift the blame on us to detract from herself.

She states that she deletes trolls because it’s HER space and she doesn’t want her children to read the abuse.

Rachaele, for the millionth time:

* politely wanting to know what the PayPal donations have been spent on and what safeguarding practices you have in place when dealing with DA victims IS NOT TROLLING nor is it hating.
* You have a public page that you make money from. Make it a private page if you want it to be your own personal space. Given a lot of the stuff that you share, i’m surprised that you let your younger children read it. Asking a legitimate question is not abuse. It’s probably closer to the truth that you don’t want your children & step children to know that their a lot of their lifestyle has most likely been funded via other people’s donations that they gave out of their own goodwill towards other things.
* Wanting transparency in relation to donations and safeguarding is not trying to ruin you. The fact that you state that we are trying to ruin you when we simply want answers suggests to me that everything isn’t above board and if the truth was exposed you’d be worried that would ruin you. That’s your own fault, not Tattles. You could have put this to bed weeks ago by explaining how much money has been raised and what it’s been spent on and what safeguarding practices you have for all your DA work. Instead you sat in a car crying fake tears, screeching about Tattle & trolls, telling lies and setting your cult on a number of women that you had personal grievances with.
* Jealous? You’re deceptive, lacking in integrity and conscience, have an obsessively dysfunctional & dependant relationship, are living a life based on lies & the hurt of others & have sold your children’s and step-children’s souls & privacy for the sake of making some ££ which will probably bite you on the arse when they’re older. Trust me, there is not one ounce of me that is jealous of that.
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I'm new here, been lurking for a while. I used to follow PTWM. Initially I liked her and found her stories about everything going wrong with her days trying to manage the kids funny. I had a pretty shit childhood and empathised with her. I also thought the work she was doing with DA survivors was inspiring, though I was never sure how she did it. She used to refer to getting women into refuge. I'm not in the UK so I didn't know how it worked there.
It always niggled at me though that she posted so much stuff about her kids, from their schools to village - just so much personal stuff. I used to wonder how a family with various court orders and biological parents that had been removed from their kids lives, could post so much personal stuff. Weren't they worried? Baffled me but whatever, their lives.

I noticed over time I could never really piece together her stories about her childhood and foster care, her mum. I recall reading years ago that she stayed with a friend and used to watch her mum drive away on weekends, crying. She said she practically grew up with this woman as her second mum and her friend like a sibling. She never really gives information about why her mum left, why her dad didn't look after her? I don't get it. I think she mentioned a step mum that had no interest in her at one point? She said a while back that she's never had any information about why her mum left, she has no idea. Her dad couldn't tell her, her brother?

About 6 months ago I had a friend in the UK who was trying to leave someone controlling and abusive. I had no idea how to help her and she was stuck. I reached out to PTWM through Facebook messenger to see if she could give me details of organisations or information. I figured she'd have lists and info at the ready for this kind of thing. I never got a response.

I started to notice her cut back on work and her social media become much more about her day to day life, with the occasional post about something chaotic in her childhood. I was 😲 one day when I watched that video of Betsy on Josh's shoulders dancing, and I thought how bloody weird their relationship was. But then I saw people commenting on how wonderful their bond was?!

I don't know what really happened in her childhood, or if it was dysfunctional. But she's clearly had dysfunctional adult relationships, and is continuing that now. I don't think she knows what 'normal' is, and I don't think she knows how to identify safe guarding issues - with others or in her own home.

Watching her now it's clear she's fundraising, but it looks like it's primarily for herself. I don't understand why:

1. She quit her job
2. What she does day to day to work with warriors
3. Why she couldn't go volunteer with an actual charity, like many other people do - who still have income producing jobs
4. Why she can't provide hard evidence to those people who have donated about where their actual money has gone. If I contacted a real charity I would get information about where money goes, what percentage goes on admin, what the CEO gets paid. It's public information.
5. Why would people need to donate to her, instead of the actual charity she claims to be working with? Those charities would have their own funds that they allocate - they're not contacting PTWM and saying 'oh hey, got any cash for this lady?'.

I really really don't understand why she needed to leave her job to run her page. Loads of people volunteer for different organisations, or actually are employed through charities. If she wanted a genuine job working with DA victims she could have done that. Now instead she has a page, waffles on about abuse and bullying, and can't provide any evidence of where people's 'subscription' money actually goes.

It leads me to believe she is a compulsive liar, and reminds me very much of Australian woman Belle Gibson.
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Can i ask the lady who posted the question? Did she or her admins contact you via pm?
No they didn’t. Her posts have absolutely validated everything I have suspected about her, that she is an ABSOLUTE LIAR. I have NEVER EVER PM’d her abuse or anything of the like. That’s not who I am, nor would I ever do that. If I had, I’m sure she would have printed it. If anything, I used to comment on how beautiful her family was 🥺.. By posting what she has, it is obvious she really is being deceitful with the donations, and with what she says. And to say I post on here, what does she expect?!?! She won’t answer any valid questions. Her actions have corroborated everything-to have the bare-faced cheek to suggest I am trolling her!!!! She has loads of my hard-earned money, I want to know what she’s done with it!!! How is that trolling?!?!?! I’ve never commented on her appearance, her family, her kids.. just want to know what my money has been spent on. She’s guilty as hell.
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Haven’t read the rest of the replies yet, but thank you for answering. I haven’t seen any of your other posts and I wouldn’t/won’t ask you any personal questions. I just wonder about the effectiveness of this method and whether it could, in some situations, cause more harm than good. Ultimately, if someone is in that desperate situation them having access to funds quickly that will enable someone to have somewhere safe to stay/clothes or food is excellent. And I do believe that Rachaele has done this for some people and I do truly think that’s wonderful.

But I think it could cause a lot of issues in other cases and although having something right there and then is great, it should probably be handled by someone with training and safeguarding in place. It makes me so frustrated that we live in a world where the current system and proper channels can be guilty of failing people and I’m Rachaele herself would agree that we’d be better off as a society if it didn’t get to the point where someone like Rachaele even needs to step in. It also leaves the door open for people to abuse the system she has put in place (either by asking for help when they don’t need it or by the percentage of Rachaele’s cut being too high).

I feel like we’re never going to have an answer on it and that’s very worrying.
Rachael hasn’t donated money to the charities she has claimed to, 4 out of 7 have stated this.
I am awaiting women’s aid to give their transparent response to her donations too.

Not one person has come out with a response about what she does for them, it’s always her version of events, if you actually look into it.
I can’t say what I do for a job, but I can tell you, that the way she claims to do things, re the refuges etc are so so unlikely to be what happens how she is stating it. As to what she is doing with DA victims, not survivors, victims, she is breaking all kinds of rules, legally and ethically. If she WERE doing it properly, she sure as shit wouldn’t be putting anything at all on social media, and she would be a registered charity with a registered PayPal. Not a private one to avoid tax.
She wouldn’t be putting victims in touch with eachother and passing over private details to others breaking all rules going either.

In addition to all the above, she has ZERO need to keep any money on her person. You know why? Because what she SHOULD do, is pin emergency contact numbers on her page- for refuges, the police, liaison lines, Samaritans drug helplines etc. Then she wouldn’t need to be in receipt of ANY money because she can send her ‘crew’ to their fundraising pages too.
Her website should also have a safeguard on it so it doesn’t show up on search browsers if it mentions DA helplines.

But she isn’t genuinely about it. She’s about making a name for herself being the hero.
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The latest post has to be the worst so far. How on earth can you go from your daughter viewing a school to your own minge infections in 0-60 seconds?!
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So she’s blocked me. Because I had the audacity to ask where my hard-earned money that I had lovingly given for the past almost 18 months had gone. Money that I could have spent on my children, but who I thought would be better for victims of dv. To say I feel ashamed and embarrassed is an understatement. However, karma is an absolute bitch and I really believe that what goes around will come around-I hope that the words of all she duped will echo in her mind when the shit hits the fan.
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Hi - so I’m new posting here, I followed PTWM for a while and came here because of the Instagram story. I’ve been reading through all the posts and while Im not going to comment on her family however I do agree there has been a massive change in how she used to post and the reason why I followed her in the first instance to now, an account that I just don’t connect with at all.

In regards to people’s concerns surrounding their donations etc.

I work in fraud. I investigate fraud for a living and I can only really give advice on this but Action fraud is a very good tool for the public to use. Anything that is reported on there is passed onto the relevant department/ organisation and it’s then up to their own fraud department to action it but it also becomes “stored” information that say another company can access whatever under that topic on it, thus building a profile. Contacting your bank directly and PayPal themselves. PayPal have a massive fraud department of their own if there are enough people reporting the same thing then it becomes much more likely to be fully investigated.

What genuinely breaks my heart is how there are people who have donated with the very best intentions who are now questioning their donations and receiving little to no information back or getting blocked!? That’s just a massive slap in the face. If there is genuinely nothing untoward with where people’s money has gone why shouldn’t it be addressed? I feel very much the whole situation is just ignore them and they will go away - yet you can see here, right here people wanting to know what’s happening with their money that they donated in good faith.

That’s my two cents
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I’ve been lurking here a long time but today PTWM posted something that made me reach my tipping point hence the username!

For the record I was a fan for a long time but then grew uncomfortable with a few things that I might garner the energy to post about one day. Actually the main one is Josh constantly being topless, especially at one point around Betsy’s friends. If my daughter told me that’s how her friends step dad was I don’t think I would let her go over their house however that is just me. I’m not saying he’s sinister, I’m just saying it strikes me as inappropriate and also narcissistic which is fitting because of what I’m about to say.

The post today. The post about her friends wedding. FOR ONCE PLEASE, PLEASE LET IT NOT BE ALL ABOUT YOU. Your best friend got married. Your best friend by all accounts is an incredible woman. She’s smashed her career, she’s met the man of her dreams, she bought her dream home, she had a beautiful wedding where she looked completely incredible. Lift her up. Make it all about her. Gush. Gush to your millions of Facebook followers. Your thousands of Instagram followers. No not Rachaele. Of course we must start with a short roundabout tale of how her mother was just awful. ON A POST ABOUT HER BEST FRIENDS WEDDING. Then she goes on. And on and on and on. Oh while my best friend was smashing life I WAS STRUGGLING I WAS STRUGGLING SO MUCH WE ARE OPPOSITES SHE DID SO WELL I DID NOT EVERYONE SHED A TEAR FOR ME I MEAN I NO LONGER WORK A JOB YET HAVE MONEY AND HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HOME AND MY TEENAGER HAS A SUMMER HOUSE AND I HAVE 90 PAIRS OF TRAINERS BUT COME ON GUYS FEEL BAD.

Enough. Enough!
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Any bets on how long it will take for PTWM & Mrs Meldrum to colaborate so Rachael can reach and get more followers, seeing as they have both been horrifically trolled and cant leave the house?
As someone who suffers daily with social anxiety, it upsets me to see PTWM talking about being unable to leave the house and then beaming and laughing all over her channels, out for meals, off out promoting herself etc etc. I work one hour a day, I struggle to do this sometimes due to having to speak to people, travel to and from work etc, every day is different and some are really hard but I don’t have the luxury of being unable to leave the house. And when I do feel like this, the last thing I feel like doing is talking to a camera and broadcasting my sensitive personal feelings to the entire internet.
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Instagram has turned into a cesspit - the ‘trolled’ have actually become the trolls & bullies and the whole gifted/ad bubble won’t continue due to the inability of a lot of them to be professional, transparent and understand simple rules or know their audience. A heavily pregnant Rachel does an awkward AF advert for a £160+ massage mat that 95% of her followers can’t afford and shouldn’t be used by pregnant women though she fails to add a disclaimer and state this. Irresponsible and greedy. It made both her & the company look ridiculous and unscrupulous, Greed & their egos will eventually be the downfall of some of them one day and they’ll have to get real jobs again.

Rachel is a good fictional story teller and has a way with words. But scratch below the surface and there isn’t a lot of substance - a person who works with DA organisations but thinks it’s acceptable to put a photo of Josh with his hand round her neck and deletes comments that state it’s triggering. Thinks it’s acceptable to pass on warriors details to random strangers on the internet and has extremely limited safeguarding practices in place, if any. Plus all the recent points raised by @Empen & @HavinAPop

A person who is an ambassador for an anti-bullying charity and does paid adverts against cyber bullying yet she thinks illegal doxxing, lies and purposely inciting hatred so her followers will threaten people is an acceptable way to behave.

A person who refuses to tell her ‘crew’ what she has been spending their money on & blocks and deletes when they ask a perfectly polite and valid question.

She doesn’t have the experience or intelligence to continue with her ‘save the world’ crusade. What she’s doing is potentially very dangerous and she’s a liability. I think she knows she’s out of her depth, hence why her feed now is mainly bad adverts and boring drivel.

She’s due to feature another long emotional story soon as there hasn’t been one recently. Though the recent drama about non-existent polls and stalkers etc has probably superseded that.

It wouldn't surprise me if she had the emotional heart-warming birth story already written with just a few blanks so she could add in some near-truths after the event.
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And that dumb AF comment about building an “army” because of us. If it wasn’t for her and her tattle whinging I wouldn’t be here and I’m guessing that’s how a few people have found this awesome site!!
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I used to like her posts when she worked part time and Josh was a police officer. He would wake her up with his iPhone torch and she’d go mad. She’d attempt to cook for all the kids by herself and usually she’d cock it up in some funny way. There was a lot of rushing around in the mornings and it was relatable family life. Then, after the whole book thing and start of ‘donations’ she’s turned into a lazy, self important slob. Convenient that she was made redundant. She saw an easy way to make money and basically changed overnight. Shame, as I used to think they were quite funny. And really, she should change her insta name now as she’s definitely not working part time.
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I too only found this page after her rant on ig and signed up as was intrigued to why people were allegedly being so awful about her. All I can say is wow, I've really had my eyes opened. I've been following her for a long time and read her book. It was actually after reading her book my opinion on her started to completely change. None of it made sense and was far, far to vague. I am actually shocked that I was sucked in by it all and believed her lies. Nothing about her stories adds up and the fact she refuses to answer anyone's questions about where their hard earned money is going just shows her levels of absolute contempt for all her followers. One thing that I really don't like on here though are the personal attacks on her and husband appearance etc. Threre is more than enough that she has done wrong professionally and morally and no need for body or appearance shaming.of anyone. I know there are lots of angry people out there who want and deserve to know where all their hard earned money has gone and they have every right. I just think that by making derogatory comments about someone's appearance is not the way to go, and if we all stick together in this, surely someone somewhere will know how we can find out where this money has gone
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Wow. Wow. Wow. If there was ever any doubt that post has proven it. I’ve been following this thread quietly for the last few weeks out of interest. I’ve not posted as I was afraid to get blocked and also I didn’t have a lot to contribute. But what she has just posted does not even slightly reflect the truth of what has been happening in this thread. It proves that 1) all of her accusations of tattle and “trolls” are completely untrue and over exaggerated and 2) she knows every single word that’s said over here. I can’t believe how mean and horrible she’s just been. What an over reaction to a simple question. I’m so sorry to the OP and hope you are okay.
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It's been an interesting couple of days. I think this exposure has separated the wheat from the chaff so to speak.

The instagrammers with guts have come up smelling of roses for daring to speak out. PTWM has shown herself to not be on the side of the less advantaged in society. The only side she wants you to be on is hers. Not once now, or in the past, has she stood up for the lone voice thrown to the wolves That has asked a responsible question on her page. Not once has she actually said through this whole episode "Right. Hang on guys this is getting out of hand. Let's stop it now".

I question everything that we have been told by Rachel now. People have dealt with worst childhoods. We havent heard her Fathers side. He was working hard it appears and maybe the problem was Rachel herself. We are seeing insights into her personality now that would have been there as a teenager too. She's a narcissist and economical with the truth.

The relationship with Betsy and Tullulahs father was volatile with violence from both sides. She doesnt give a damn that that photo of her and Josh triggered a DV victim. Tallulah is now receiving therapy and Rachel is quite happy to expose details of these sessions on the interweb.

I worry for Seb. No-one seems to be listening to him. He is estranged from his birth mother and has been through the family court system. He is uncomfortable with being part of this social media shit show but no-one is listening.

I remember when she and Josh spent the day at FB HQ being pampered. Josh got pissed on free wine and they marvelled at the endless free food for FB staff. She ignored questions on her FB page referring to FB allowing children to set up accounts and their lack of monitoring concerning animal abuse. It was then that I realised she's in this too deep now. The seeds of doubt in this woman's integrity started creeping in.
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Mrs H

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Hey, newbie here!
Found you guys ironically from PTWM's insta story and I have to say I think R has shot herself in the foot massively making people aware of this thread! I have read through them all and have to say my eyes have been opened!
I follow ptwm on IG and FB but I wouldn't say I was a huge fan, I didn't post on her posts or cry over them 🙄 although I did once private message her for some advice on DA situation. But I did enjoy watching her stories and reading her posts and honestly though she was a good person doing everything she does.
Whilst reading these threads I'll be honest at first I thought how cruel, she doesn't deserve this BUT I carried on reading and I am now in shock and I've found myself agreeing with so much that has been said.
I have to say the silence from ptwm is deafening!! And I think it speaks volumes! She's guilty and is so brazen to block and delete people who have donated to her for god knows how long.
Sorry this has turned into a long ramble and I don't really have a point(!) But what I do want to say is I really hope you all get answers to your emails etc or that one day she has the decency to address all the questions (yea pigs might fly) 🤷‍♀️ I'm just so angry on behalf of all you decent people who have funded her life style under false pretences
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