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liar liar

VIP Member
Damn those pesky paps! ... How sneaky of them to spend so much time, energy, even cash ... just to make lumpylardarse look fat with their extreme wind machines, and her being a " person of colour " making her whiter!! ... Surely there are laws in place, that could stop all this interfering in lardylumps life ..... I look forward to the next mag shoot ... where the nasty photographer " forcingly " edits all her pics to the hilt ... where she resembles an orange alien with constipation!! poor, poor lardylumparse, we all feel for you, so hounded :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Since when has she become a 'person of colour'? PMSL - is this a new delusion?
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Bet that giant arse is rather wiffy, with that belly and giant arse there is no way you can clean it properly lol 🧽🤮 sweaty arse crack
I wonder if poor charlie boy, the man child, has to clean it for her ... just aim the shower head full blast while he uses one of those brillo pad things with a handle, to get into the many fat folds, and nasty crevices ... dear god, I'm making myself feel sick as I write this :sick: :sick:
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Her accusation is just bizarre? Her face skin lightening is definitely filters, so she could easily take care of that, if she wanted, except, she doesn't want to.

Lauren needs to watch herself, the more she bites the hand that feeds the more they'll turn on her.

There are wannabes who'd give their right arm to be on the DM Sidebar Of Shame, and z-listers are replaceable. People don't even miss the ones who fall out of favour.
You're right, and the backlash is already under way, she recently said in one of her IG posts, that people are complaining about her heavily altered pics ( which she swears are not filtered, are natural ... yeah, pull the other one lumpy ) that she had certain mags and newspapers, contacting her, about the way she alters herself, the media can make someone, but also on the flip side, destroy them very fast, once they have had enough, and this is what she has to come in the future ... I think she does some column in a mag, and readers are complaining to the mag, that she is not authentic, this won't end well ... she`ll end up skint, single mum, media will lose all interest, the next step will be milf porn on some dodgy website ... Only fans has younger, prettier girls flashing their wares, she cant compete with that, not a nice way to live, to be honest
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It’s beyond narcissism to assume that the paparazzi have a mass agreement to edit your photos to make you look pasty and plumper than what you really are. @Fifthavenue confirmed that a pap shot of her nowadays is not worth much £50 is all. So why would someone spend 7 hours hiding in the back of a van to make £50 when they could be at much more valuable locations?
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I can’t be the only person who finds this utterly ridiculous can I? It is absolutely vile! Trying to recreate some Marbella pool party but it’s going to be cold and raining 70% of the time. Money can’t buy class or taste! Vile vile vile.
mark wright is the chavs you get out of the pool you will freeze, no shelter, no nice planting it looks really boring. Al that our garden is so important to us is cobblers, its set up for a pool party to impress his family and will be use about three weeks of the year! He's another beggy cunt an all
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She must have a joke spell check on her phone that changes everything to the wrong thing?
Yep I think it's an app from the joke shop store called 'How to make a right mug out of yourself' - she runs everything through it, pictures, spellcheck, life decisions...
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Apologies if I’ve missed the post, but L’arge is back on onlyfans…

Apparently he posted yesterday at the spa
View attachment 635944
I know I have said it before but I am saying it again because this is all a prelude to it, they are 100% going to do joint only fans! She is a smug narcissistic braggart and to her showing off her manfriends penis will be like a power trip for her ego.

Absolutely happening.
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She’s like that film Shallow Hal, except in her case it’s herself she’s in love with. I’d pity her if she was younger and even now I would empathise with her if she sought help and admitted she had chronic self esteem issues. Because she is alone in thinking the images she posts on social media are a correct representation of how she looks. Extremely deluded and a horrific role model for a young girl.
But the point of Shallow Hal was that the inner beauty shone through - it's gonna sound harsh, but she's uglier on the inside than she is on the outside.
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Pom Bear

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It's a Gel balloon 😄 x.


It's mental. Like when you have a suprise party and you wear masks of the person that's being celebrated. She's a fucking parody of herself
More like Spliting Image

Love how Chaz is left with corn beef legs.
You know what she reminds me of in this. Now I've had a bottle of wine so humour me....
You know the cliché American bed adverts where they strike a pose on a divan. Lay her down here she could be their poster girl.
@Pom Bear help me out 🤣🤣🤣🤣
One for tomorrow afternoon 😄🥰🤗😘 xx
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Magical shrinking waist which looks totally different across all 3 pictures, chunky arm which doesn't match the teeny pregnant woman in the first 2 pics.
And then my favourite edit, the blurry black patch under her chin to hide her waddle (Ally McBeal ref) where she just gave up as it's too big a job to hide 😂

#neatbump #CGIface #trottersoutforOFfootfestishists #yuck #beggymitchell #getajob #lazybint #freecharlie


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Ah Lozza. I wish you’d give your head a proper wobble, get a grip and actually start concentrating on your baby and yourself. Labour is painful, so is recovery however the baby comes out and you’ll probably never sleep 8 hrs solid every again…. But. It can still be amazing in its own way. I’ve told you this before, you have a realistic opportunity if you fess up to all the filters and photoshop chops and say you want to be more real (then do it) to actually get some sympathetic and positive coverage.

Or, you know, carry on. I’m now recovering from dental surgery but I have enough pain relief that it doesn’t hurt every time my jaw drops at your latest photos…..
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The shame of trying to pretend you look like this (blow up doll with no pores and skinny little legs), when you actually look like this... and she would've known she was being filmed for that so that's her with make up on actually making an effort.
Her real eyes are like tiny pissholes in the snow and too close together, which is why she never looks like herself as any editing app will see that as a flaw & change it.

Why does she bother? And don't Backgrid know they are making a laughing stock of themselves too by partaking? It's so juvenile and pathetic, and it's damaging to her infantile 'fans' who don't know any better.
The shame of trying to pretend you look like this (blow up doll with no pores and skinny little legs), when you actually look like this... and she would've known she was being filmed for that so that's her with make up on actually making an effort.
Her real eyes are like tiny pissholes in the snow and too close together, which is why she never looks like herself as any editing app will see that as a flaw & change it.

Why does she bother? And don't Backgrid know they are making a laughing stock of themselves too by partaking? It's so juvenile and pathetic, and it's damaging to her infantile 'fans' who don't know any better.
This one really scared the shit out of me, when I first saw it ... this clearly shows, there is something very wrong with her, which is being left untreated, hence, her behaviour is going from bad to worse ... she gets so much criticism for faking her photos, and she still continues. completely ignoring the obvious ... as i say " it wont end well " people that live this way, never do


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Ooh @Bed Head Betty look at you best photo of the year within 5 mins of joining and now a thread title. God get over yerself you are not bewful yung gel and are not as amazing as Lozza either!! 🤣😘.
DM has only 45 comments as moderated and most of them are still fucking shit. Does she not realise no one cares.
If she has this baby this week we may have another thread title by Monday! Quicker than a Sheesh kebab!!
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These apps are a fucking disgrace

pic 1 - her “original”
Pic 2 - changed hair colour to dark brown
Pic 3 - gave her short hair
Pic 4 - gave her a fat face - some May say it’s her actually face shape

why the hell has it changed her skin colour in #4


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