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Hi everyone. I am a long time lurker. Been here since June. I have followed Jack on Twitter for a while but not really paid too much attention to her, but started noticing constant dramatic announcements that she was leaving Twitter followed by returns mere hours later, constant drama and sniping at followers in her replies, and a seemingly endless array of unfortunate incidents/illnesses/strange situations that don't seem to happen to anyone else.

The final straw for me was during the first Covid lockdown, when she was whining about working 20 hour days (how you can say you work 20 hours a day whilst tweeting over 150 times a day is beyond me), begging for money, whinging about how she does everything for free (she has ads on her blog. That's not 'free'), supposedly immunocompromised but also wanting her own studio show... she just seemed to me to be such an attention-seeking, perpetual victim, drama queen.

So, I started googling 'Jack Monroe attention seeker' and it finally led me to these threads. So glad to see there are so many people who agree with me, I thought I was going mad.
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Congratulations to @Emmapism for the thread title! 🎉 Your prize is Christmas dinner at Jack’s. Mmmincemeat bread pudding (bring something to wash it down).

  1. Her festive feature in The Express happened. @MancBee took one for the cabal and purchased a copy of the paper. Photos here.
  2. Most enlightening part of the article? She was ‘diagnosed as gifted’ when she was a little girl.
  3. She bought copies of the newspaper. Three of them.
  4. She’s a knitter. She loves to knit. Nails too yikes to mention.
  5. She was proud of her stock and its ‘secret ingredient’. She’ll be writing the recipe up on her blog soon! Don’t tell us. It’s pineapple, isn’t it.
  6. Knitting Jack is a bundle of fun. Killing us softly with your wool, killing us softly. With your wool.
  7. She made it into the Scottish Local Retailer magazine. A win for (one of) her spiritual home(s).
  8. [*]
    For new joiners to the thread, here is @Passive_Aggressive_Lemon ‘s ‘Jack for Dummies’ post (edited to include updated info):

    Thought it might be useful for new followers to have a post at the start of each thread with some info.
    Limegoss article about Jack versus Jamie Oliver :

    Thread #31 is the infamous one in which Jack turns up to talk to us directly. She makes her appearance on p. 17.

    For anyone wanting to relive the glory days of her two-week stint on Daily Kitchen Live (DKL), have a grunk a through threads 2-9.

    *** JACKISMS ***

    Jack’s most oft-used reply to questions on recipe substitutions:

    Yes, absolutely x

    Some other favourite Jack quotes:

    ‘Babe, same’
    ‘I did a chaos’
    ‘My maverick brain’
    ‘My sad little face’
    ‘I’m BUSY’
    ‘I laughed up a lung’

    ** NEW **
    ‘Literally hella embarrassed AF’ about ‘Brexit and flip-flopping Covid flippancy’ and she ‘didn’t even vote for it’.

    She likes to describe herself as ‘puppyishly honest and naively enthusiastic’

    As of late November 2020, Jack conceded she is not poor, but living to a budget as she is saving for a forever home for her and SB.


    One of Jack’s followers once referred to Tattlers as sad hausfraus and Jack herself has likened us to a cabal. Therefore we have become the Cabal of Hausfraus™️. She also recently referred to us as ‘gossip mavens’ (so, we are gossip trusted experts). ** Recent additions to her terms of endearment for Tattle: conspiracy wankers, obsessive groups of completely unhinged bullies, bullying ninnies, and malign, vicious bullies **

    To ‘GrunkaLunka’ your way through a thread means to catch up on posts. Named after a member who rather epically caught up on many threads in a short period of time (and is also a fearless pioneer of the space-time continuum. She really was here both Now and Then).

    Jack once threatened to use her Liam Neeson skills to TRIANGULATE our whereabouts in order to intimidate us, so that’s what we mean by that. * She may also threaten to take us to court - do not be afraid, this is not the first time and it won’t be the last. *

    Jack once sideboard modelled a Vivienne Westwood dress, seeming to infer that it’s what Viv would have wanted (as if she were dead), and then got snippy when corrected otherwise. There may be some ‘RIP Viv’ jokes (she is, of course, NOT dead)

    We sometimes joke about being on Vladimir Putin’s bitcoin payroll list for being evil trolls.

    During her stint on Daily Kitchen Live, Jack produced a godawful looking lasagne, with a thin white sauce that never thickened up, just disappeared. It was widely likened to ‘horse spunk’ - there may be some horse ‘spirit’ lasagne jokes.

    Her last-uttered line to Matt Tebutt on DKL was: ‘Thank you so Matt much, Matt’, which made us all HOOT.

    Jack ended a tweet that listed her (not unimpressive) four-and-a-half GCSE results (A*, A, B, B, C) with: ‘Now fuck off’. We sometimes like to use this in our own posts for comedic effect. We are NOT telling other fraus to fuck off, simply paying homage to Jack’s own genteel humour.

    *Back in the mists of time, one funny frau used a Jimmy Nail ‘She’s Lying’ picture to illustrate their thoughts on one of Jack’s latest tales. @Alpha Beta thought it was Novak Djokovic, the cabal hooted and Novak Nail was born. You may see reference to Jimmy Nail, Novak Djokovic, or the combination of both: Novak Nail. All demonstrate that she’s lying.*

    • She grew up in a 5-bed (mortgaged/owned) house
    • She got a £4.5k Omega watch for her 21st birthday
    • Her dad's a fucking LANDLORD (an oldy, but a goody)
    • Jack and Louisa are no longer in a relationship - in Jack’s words: ‘She [Louisa] left’.
    • ** NEW ** However, during Lockdown 2 (November 2020), a bubble buddy, ‘buddle’ (BB) came to stay with Jack. BB is pescatarian, cycles 200 miles a week, and works in London. Jack is teaching her to cook, while also using her as a figure of gentle ridicule. She cannot cook, she cannot iron, she cannot clean the television properly, she left the hose out and it got eaten by a fox, and she doesn’t know the difference between wet and dry ingredients.
    • Her record for staying off Twitter since the start of these threads is 114 hours and 47 minutes.
    • She is 90% vegan. The other 10% likes to nom nom on Five Guys burger and discounted chicken slices.
    • During her appearance on DKL, she was asked why some mince has a higher fat content. ‘It just does.’
    • The information held on her by Companies House has her year of birth WRONG. She was born in 1988, not 1978.
    • She recently claimed she found her Burberry scarf in a muddy puddle.

    Here is a link to Jack’s Tattle Wiki page, which also includes clips of Matt Tebutt muttering ‘Terrible!’ on Daily Kitchen Live, courtesy of @Yel) and @Bookweevil ‘s hilarious Glossary of Jack.

    We are terrible for going off on tangents and using too many gifs, so there is another thread where we don’t discuss JM but instead talk about biscuits and stuff. For good light relief when JM is doing too much chaos, come to the Food & Drink threads in Off Topic.

    • Lastly, but importantly, when submitting ideas for the next thread title, please use the words ‘thread title’, as it makes it easier to search. Just using the number won’t be enough. We also can’t have swears in the title, and try to hold off until around p. 40 for your suggestions, if possible. ThankYOU.
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These threads go so fast I miss the chance to jump in a lot of the time but going to have my pennyworth here.

First, I'm going to say I love tinned pineapple. One of my favourite foods is king prawn with pineapple and ginger from the Chinese and I messed around with ingredients and managed to make it at home. I also love a cheese, ham and pineapple toastie. There's me a non cook managing to make decent meals.

I'm so pissed off at her self isolation tweets. Firstly why would a highly paid TV executive want to sit and eat smart price noodles and spaghetti hoops? It's making her sound like a really shitty person. When I stayed with a friend for the weekend I bought us nice pizzas and salad because I didn't want to be a freeloader and surely if you had a bubble buddy living on shit like that you would help them out. Secondly I live in the arse end of nowhere (small Scottish village) and my corner shop delivers. It's more expensive than the supermarket obviously but if you can afford it then it is fine. In bigger town I know everything from the co-op to take aways delivers.

Then we have the Daily Express, there's not a worse right wing rag and they are certainly no friend of the poor.

I know poverty, becoming a single parent of a toddler I moved into a HA house and had no cooker so relied on the microwave for a while. When my daughter was 14 I ended up on disability benefits, only they messed them up and I had to appeal so I was living on almost nothing. The power company came to the door after I ignored the red letters and I didn't get cut off. I approached Christians Against Poverty and just handed them a box of all the letters I had ignored and they sorted out my credits, a budget, and took a small amount for savings every week.

My supermarket budget was £30 a week, including household products. Once a month I needed to buy a box of £10 cat food and over the month £2 worth of dry food but we always ate well, some was junk food and some was proper home made food. I ate a lot of chickpea curry but we never ate slop.

If you are an anti poverty campaigner then actually support the places that help people in poverty, for example, I helped set up a branch of a credit union in my village which makes a huge difference in the lives of people on low incomes and am involved in a community cafe which provides a free hot meal once a week to anyone who wants it.
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Why do you cry?
Because cod roe go
What happened?
Cod roe go.
Oh no, I'm sad.
My dripping eyes.
Cod roe.
Cod roe go. 😭
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If only there was some kind of manual...a book, say.... about living off the contents of your store cupboard.

Tin cans and the like.
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My favourite part of the Daily Express article was when they called her a “former activist”.

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The entire premise of the Breakdown just reminds me of this Dril tweet:


Rich girls who’ve done restrictive eating and have anxiety and maybe got prescribed Prozac and then their parents paid for therapy for them so now they feel they have the authority to talk about “self-care” without anything more than a cursory acknowledgment that self care is a dereliction of responsibility on the part of institutions, placing the onus on the individual to make themselves better while nothing is done to address the structural reasons that so many people struggle with mental health.

So. Very. Jack.
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Probably shared here before but have just read this today for a laugh. So for those who perhaps haven't read it before, this is classic Monroe: (It's hilarious)

I couldn’t go any further than her accounting for men finding her aggressive and awkward as being down to her being “a bit butch” and “a lot gay”.

WTAF is she trying to say? That men find all gay women awkward and aggressive?

I thought I was angry before with isolation Jack. Now I am absolutely mindbogglingly furious. I am furious for all the gay women whose existence was denied, I am furious for all the gay women ( and men) who fought for the rights that people like me can enjoy today. I am furious for all the gay women (and men) who live in countries where they are persecuted just for loving someone of the same sex.

She is like a teen who thinks it is funny to live the stereotype. “Eeee, isn’t it funny that I am a lesbian, men hate lesbians don’t they?”

No Jack, they don’t. Men find you aggressive and awkward because you are. Not because you are gay.

I am in tears here Frauen and Herren. I am going to look over my civil partnership / then marriage photos and see all the men there just to be reminded of the fact that men don’t find me awkward and aggressive because I am a lot gay.

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I'm just back from the doctors, my operation site still hasn't bloody healed since July, and is infected again. I was so happy to see that it was a lady doctor. I thought I might be coming home with some bright red lipstick. Sadly not, antibiotics, foam wash and dressings.

I'm gutted.
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Excuses excuses it’s always excuses 🙄


I don’t get it though? Is she saying she’s scared of handling the items and then the recipient contracting Covid from her? Even though there is no proof of her having it and THE WHOLE OF THE COUNTRY HAS BEEN DOING THIS FOR MONTHS BUT ICKLE JACK IS SPECIAL.

Just admit you’re a lazy cunt and can’t be arsed Jack. We all know the truth.
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Roe, roe, roe your toast
Furious Jack’s protein treat
If you see another egg
Don’t forget to scream
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Maybe Jack should have thought of this before she created multiple, overlapping “bubbles” for herself that definitely aren’t within guidelines 💁🏼‍♀️

If the kid is going to school, staying with his dad’s family 3-4 nights per week, all while Louisa shuttles to and from a newsroom in London, and Jack has numerous photo shoots, sees her immunocompromised mum, visits however many supermarkets each week and goes to church (lol) they’ve done seriously well to make it this far into the year without coming into contact with COVID.
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Not had veg boxes for years? What did she feed the rabbit on cartoon kitchen then the clown

edit: must only be a food waste superhero when it’s #gifted

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As someone who works in food manufacturing (🔺) her deciding that the supermarkets have got it in for working classes by removing their basics products is really grinding my gears.

You can’t bang on about your ‘forensic’ analysis of prices and ranges of a certain set of products you use to buy and claim that’s indicative of supermarkets being evil and doing this for malicious reasons. Sure, Tesco etc are profit making companies but no one is sat in a board room saying “let’s get rid of the cheapo fish roe to piss off the poors”

Her analysis also completely ignores:
1) growth of Aldi and Lidl - half those missing products are probably on a shelf of a newly opened discount store down the road from the Asda or Tesco she goes to (but weirdly refuses to cross their threshold??)

2) increased nutrition standards - many things we could buy dirt cheap last decade are simply not good enough by current food standards. It’s a good thing they’ve gone

3)stuff like fish is hugely dependent on cost of raw materials. Maybe thefish roe came from a source that no longer exists. Eg A civil war in a country that is the main supplier of a raw ingredient can drive the price up over night

4)theres actually been an expansion of certain cheap products in that time eg Tesco launched a bargain range of cupboard staples about two years ago - Mayo, butter, tea bags. Or do those not count?

TLDR - Jack twisting the narrative constantly, she knows nothing
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Dear God, the way the squiggles are going on, you would think that no one else has had to self isolate this year. I didn't see a living soul IRL for almost 4 months, not 10 days on my own, 4 bloody months. She has two other people to interact with and it is only 10 days. I saw nobody but food delivery people (and the odd hospital visit for an operation, that was fun 🙃 ). Thankfully I was able to use zoom and WhatsApp to see my friends and relatives but still missed the real life interaction.

There were many, many, many people that went through the same as I did. Some elderly (well older than me) were less able to use technology to keep in touch with others. They were truly isolated.

It really is all about Jack.
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Oh my God. Such mystery. I am so intrigued.

View attachment 346674

What CAN be going on at Shitty Bungalow? My weird little brain is birling here. So so mysterious.

View attachment 346675

This is awful I want to know so much but I know what a private person Jack is. I shall pray for the straw bearing precarious
camel during this difficult time.

View attachment 346677
Ah right 2/3 residents have been in contact with someone with Covid and all 3 have been in contact with each other so
I can see the sense in everyone isolating. No need to go all Mata Hari about it.

View attachment 346678

Are we taking bets on how long it takes Jack to develop symptoms and when she'll announce she has Long Covid?
''Hello, is that Delmonte HQ? This is Monroe's agent calling. Sorry, but she won't be able to fulfil that obligation she was payed for, she has covid. Or the one next month either, it's long covid. Okay, BYE''
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