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VIP Member
Heard a Dr on TV say to get through the boredom of self isolation we should finish things we start and thus have more calm in our lives.
So I looked through the house to find all the things I’ve started but haven’t finished........ so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiumum scriptuns an a box a chocletz.
Yu haf no idr how feckin fablus I feel rite now
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I just saw an ad on TV to say that Britain’s got talent is back on TV soon.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any more depressing 😂
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I found some hand wash in Lidl yesterday, I was on my own just pushing the trolly and it caught my eye on the shelf, I shouted out a big YES and gave a clap. Who’d of thought something so simple could make me so happy 😂😂🙌🙌🙌
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I bought the pack of mini eggs where you get like ten small packs because I thought it’s easier to portion control that way. Have eaten 7 packs since yesterday. May as well have bought the big single bag and scoffed the lot instead. I do nothing but eat.
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Hey! So I've been guilty of derailing the topics of other threads by going on about pointless things - did you know I managed to find pasta today? Yes I'm still thrilled about that. 😂 So decided to make a thread for general chat, make yourself a coffee or tea, pull up a chair & relax and post whatever you like. Talk about the weather where you are? Nothing is pointless here xo
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Anyway. In today’s lockdown discoveries with my daughter, did anyone else know that Justin Flecter (Mr Tumble) voiced Jake from the Tweenies??

I’m learning a lot of useless information at the moment.

PS: My daughter seems to think that Jake looks like our ‘president’. Our president = Boris Johnson. Can’t say I see it. He’s got the skin tone of Trump I think 😂
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Keep watching episodes of 600lb life to try and stop myself constantly eating 😂
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Well-known member
drama from South Africa - Alcohol and cigarettes is classified as non essential items and not allowed to be sold. o_O
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I’m going to go grey by the time this is all over.

Almost 4 year old went missing and I found her in my bedroom with her foot in white paint (WALL paint. Left over from painting our bathroom) about to 'paint a picture with her feet'.

Thankfully she was smart enough to lay down paper for the picture and wasn't planning on doing it on the walls or floor, but it ended up on the floor anyway.

I got her cleaned up and we painted with our hands instead. 🤣

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Chatty Member
As a sidebar to this thread and for a little light relief, my friend has just sent this to me. I assume that we are on Tattle partly because we love celebrity gossip. Which house would you choose?

I think that I would go for house #5. Jennifer Lopez could teach me to dance, I could shoot hoops with Lebron, make the best of quarantine rations with Gordon Ramsay, rap along with Post Malone and hopefully become best friends with Jennifer Aniston.

House #3 looks like a fresh kind of hell. Kanye, Taylor, Oprah, David Blaine and their egos all in one place?! No thank you! 😂😂
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I think I'd rather quarantine in the shed. I don't think I'd manage 5 minutes with those egos.
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I put a wash in the machine on Saturday and realised about ten minutes ago that I never turned the machine on. Dry clothes still unwashed.

What a time to be alive..,
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And me! I may or may not have a couple of boxes of Sauvignon stockpiled in my garage....

I’ve got a list in my head of things I want to get done while I’m at home. Half way through clearing out and cleaning my kitchen cupboards for a start.
Who stockpiles boxes of Sauvignon???
A pure and utter genius, that’s who 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Chatty Member
Is it done yet?
Sorry, I’ve never dyed my hair so I’ve no idea how long these things take. :oops:
It's complete. (I also had a bath, it's usually quicker to ruin my hair 😂). After coming downstairs to fetch more gloves, middle child told me it looked like my head was bleeding. The bathroom looks like the scene of a massacre and eldest child now wants to dye her hair purple because mine is so vivid. I mean, it's not too bad if I avoid direct sunlight. Fml. Safe to say I'll probably stick to chestnut brown post lockdown 👍
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VIP Member
Morning all.
Thanks for starting this thread.
It’s good to have an “anything goes” thread which we can’t derail!
Sunny here today so about to hang out my washing.
Yes, a trip to the garden is a highlight today! 😁
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I’m feeling the same, very flat. Not helped by the fact there’s no sun, just rain and it’s cold. My children were bored by 10am. I’m not in the mood to keep finding things to do. I’m hoping to get out in the garden later , at least the weeding will be easier with all the rain.
on another note, I know it’s not the covid 19 thread so won’t say much , but I’m pleased to see spain making improvements
I was just telling my husband I had found a site where I can buy some bits for the garden , his eyes glazed over and he made no secret of the fact he was bored and not interested. I then proceeded to tell him of the things he talks about that bore me 🙄🤣🤣🤣
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New member
Was actually trying to start a thread myself but now sure how to do so?? Anyway.... anyone else’s husband doing their absolute heads in yet??
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To stop us clogging up the SODs thread, a place for us all to congregate! All are welcome including secret undercover influencers x

First on the mic is @Dogmuck

Also - please let us know what we should be watching / listening to / making / baking (heaven forbid) during lockdown.

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SUCH a good idea - also the thought of FOD crying into his leopard print sweater at us all buggering off his thread tickles me PINK
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