Slimming World Gossip Forum

View most liked Slimming World posts on tattle
  1. JustWonderingIf

    Slimming World #7 He got exposed for his lies and then went back to the pies

    🐷 Most recent drama in SW tattle land is Mr Never a Day off Plan has piled the lard back on after exposing himself last year 🐷 thread is moving as slow as your bowel movement after sampling Susan's 12 egg 'syn free' swiss roll at group 🐷 Mags is still chilling on her yacht somewhere in the...
  2. Curlique

    Sineads Curvy Style #27, Slimming World diet is all in her head, shes horsing down pasta chips & ...

    New thread before the mods shut us down 😂 Full title won't fit again but it's from @mrscoco Sineads Curvy Style #27, Slimming World diet is all in her head, shes horsing down pasta chips & burnt garlic bread
  3. lexiloo

    Slimming World Youtubers #6

    Welcome to thread six of discussing mainly ex SW youtubers, a few still do it, some better than others but most still hang on to the coat tails of slimming world and throw around such classic gems as....."star week" "protect your weigh loss" "using my syns" "free food allowance" "speed food" and...
  4. JustWonderingIf

    Ex Slimming World Disordered Eating Recovery #2 Underestimating Our Desire To Eat Pasta

    This is the second thread to talk about with like minds who are leaving SW for good and switching to more sustainable and healthy diets. Many of us who have done SW know it promotes unhealthy eating habits and fear foods. The aim of this thread is to create a space for ex members to rant and...
  5. JustWonderingIf

    Slimming World #6 Mags is off on her yacht, sailing the world on the tears of the fatties

    Thank you to @ChubClubThug for the absolutely inspired title and @uokhun92 for reminding us about it Recap: 🐷 the plan is still a bag of shite, if you think it isn't come back next year and join us then ;) 🐷 that SW'er you follow is still hiding their gains 🐷 No, no ones seen JSG she's hiding...
  6. I

    Disco_Diva_59_SW- Slimming World is so much fun, watch me climb out of a turtles bum

    She went to the Ball don’t you know Undeclared Ads Tongue firmly latched in MMB’s ass Action Woman wannabe Climbed out of a turtles bum Feel free to continue…
  7. T

    Slimming World #5 Previous thread link ^^^^
  8. JustWonderingIf

    Ex - Slimming World Disordered Eating Recovery

    Following a discussion on Slimming World #4 This is a thread to talk about with like minds who are leaving SW for good and switching to more sustainable and healthy diets. Many of us who have done SW know it promotes unhealthy eating habits and fear foods. The aim of this thread is to create a...
  9. T

    Slimming World #4

    Previous thread:
  10. lexiloo

    Slimming World Youtubers #5

    A place to discuss slimming worlders old and new, lost, gained, off plan, on plan, protecting weight loss, body magic, star week and all the other delights these lot bring with them.....tattle on folks..... ANOTHER charity shop haul, this woman will buy anything regardless of it it's nice...
  11. ChampagneBox

    Slimming World #3

    Continue here!
  12. lexiloo

    Slimming World Youtubers #4

    Carrying on from previous threads this is a place to discuss the good old SW online community, many have come, gone, lost, gained, come again and gone again. We're here for it all! Tattle on folks......
  13. NapQueenReturns

    Slimming World #2

    A continuation.
  14. L

    Slimming world

    The good, the bad, the synful. Harry prickard - Fraud Beingbrittany - Racist and piled on all the weight. Towers - Stole all the money and never came back. Sw-kirk - Don't get me started. Mrsbavington - I honest would rather starve than touch her food. Swfeebs - Gave it up as why would...
  15. C


    Instagram Slimming World influencer
  16. lexiloo

    Slimming World Youtubers #3

    A place to discuss the likes of Debbies world, Katy Jayne, Hey bayles and the rest who will stick to plan over Christmas? who will blame "star week" for big gains and who will jump ship to another plan? stay to to find out ;) tattle on folks.....
  17. D

    Slimming World Recipes

    Hi everyone! Restarting slimming world on Monday because I know when I do it properly it works for me. Trouble is, I haven’t done it in a few years and upon logging back into my weight loss Instagram account for inspiration most of the accounts I used to follow are now sponsored by spice codes...
  18. lexiloo

    Slimming World Youtubers #2

    Discussing the likes of Debbies world, Katy Jayne, Tilly Cutler, Kate SW and the rest of the slimming world crew........ who will come off plan next? who will have the biggest loss? who will cover up the fact they are piling it back on? who will be the next to declare their undying love for SW...
  19. black ripped skinnies

    Slimming World Tattlers-Ideas & support

    Hi, I searched for a thread just for slimming world support/ideas etc but couldn't find anything so thought I'd make one of anyone out there wants to join? I started a couple of days ago, I've got about 3.5 stone to lose and could do with all the help I could get 🙈
  20. Hairraiser

    Slimming world during Covid-19 lockdown

    Anyone else on SW struggling? I honestly took the groups closing as a ‘holiday’ so just thought, fuck it, il eat what the heck I want as I don’t need to weigh in for a while, it’ll give me time to lose it before I go back! I feel like utter shite!! Even though I’m not leaving the house except...
  21. C

    Slimming world Instagrammers

    Couldn’t find a thread on this. hit me with your favourites, and your most annoying
  22. D

    Slimming World - cult?

    Need to loose some weight. Was keen on giving Slimming World a try but have see some negative comments on here about it. I realise that all slimming plans have good and bad, but thought that SW was one of the better ones? Comments please x
  23. D

    Life after Slimming World - from holy grail to giant fail

    Any one want to join me and share their experiences and how they’ve recovered? I have done slimming world and got to my goal weight 3 times. I admit I even once had a swinstagram account and thought it was the holy grail of diets. My sister did too. When I first started the weight literally...
  24. L

    Slimming World during pregnancy

    I put on nearly four stone with my first and second babies (majority was severe water retention for which I was bed bound from 36 weeks with both) and had a very difficult births - one resulting in a c-section. I’m now a healthy weight for my height and BMI is where it should be. I’m determined...
  25. T

    Slimming World Youtubers

    Anyone else watch the likes of Debbie Fawcett, Trim with Tan, Jane Day etc? :)