Disney Influencers Gossip Forum

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  1. sassysloth

    Dis Our Dream-Don't scream like a banshee, this isn't Lollapalooza dude!

    Decided to make a thread for this schmuck since he's taking up too much discussion room in another influencer thread. Credit to @UpsideDownWaterfall for the inspiration behind the thread title. (y)
  2. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #93 He can’t cross 2 fingers but he can cross 3 toes.

    Title by @DisneyTrolls Apologies if someone got more votes but it's late and I'm full of champagne following an event and my mind is hazy. Please add a recap, I'm exhausted. Also, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
  3. Tabitha

    Sam4G0d / Sam4God #2 - What's more threadbare? her leggings, or her career?

    New thread! Title thanks to @Mark81 Recap Not much has changed - Sam’s still a privileged 30-something year old, living in Central London, convincing Dad4God to pay for her Disney "work" trips. Sam had a creepy hotel encounter. She called the front desk about a spiderweb, and an overly...
  4. L


    Anyone follow her? She really irritates me, another one that I just can’t stand unfortunately!
  5. glitteringgrogu

    Jen Lefforge #3 A hag with a hideous bag

    Thread title courtesy of @Iwantallthetea Old thread here: https://tattle.life/threads/jen-lefforge-2-unbeelievably-insufferable.45031/ Recap: Jen is still insufferable. She’s now using her elderly mother with Dementia for views. The piss carpet is gone!
  6. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #88 I feel like I’m royalty. King of the A'holes

    Congrats to @me9155dw for the winning thread. Hate to tweak it a little as unsure if asshole would go against title rules. Quick recap, the dwarf is on a very special cuntcierge cruise, celebrating his parent's wedding anniversary WITH THEM. He still can't describe any food other than nummy...
  7. Tabitha

    Gary C #3 Get a Job? That's a reach! I'll just carry on being a leech!

    Title thanks to @Mark81 Turning 44 years old in November. Still unemployed with no known income streams. Living at home with his mum who does everything for him. Continues to freeload off his friends. Plays the mental illness card whenever called out. More on his story in the Adam Hattan wiki...
  8. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #85 Ok my bad I'm def not perfect

    Congrats @airbusA330 for the winning thread. Recap, *Jiggle Jiggle* Kyle really, really, really enjoyed his 'tastes of Florida'. Slightly cropped version to try and make it more fun. Link to old thread...
  9. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #83 It's a Ghost town In My channel.. But why

    Congrats @ScoJo15 for the winning thread. Anyone else fancy doing a recap, MIL just arrived. Gotta be sociable. Past thread https://tattle.life/threads/kyle-pallo-82-he-has-no-clue-how-to-use-his-equipment-properly.45935/
  10. BlurryCat

    Kyle Pallo #80 He Looks Like Travis Kelce's Daily Dump

    Congrats to @Chernabog for the winning thread title. Recap: After several more shameful attempts to monetize his grandfather's passing, Kyle and Casey head off to Chicago where our dwarf was scared to ride a bus and divulged on juicy pizza. Then it was off to another cruise to Disney's new...
  11. Tabitha

    Disney In Detail #16 She’s Vicky, she’s picky, temps are sticky, don’t take the Mickey, she’s got a wiki

    Thanks @Theodore for yet another top tier title. 🤗 (Edited slightly to fit character limit) Recap: 4 years since the divorce from Ian yet she’s still living in her mate’s spare room with no job Despite always complaining about #shortgirlproblems, Tattle discovered she’s a 5”6 unit and around...
  12. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #79 - "We have a big surprise for you at the end of the vlog... My grandpa died!"

    Congrats @DonnyBergerStan for the winning thread title. Recap, our little dwarf was invited by JoJo to his bday cruise with version cruises. Unfortunately, everyone else was occupied so Jojo asked the idiot. He got steaming drunk, more than usual and grifted with two live streams to feed his...
  13. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo 77 I am from Jupiter and came in Uranus

    Congrats @MichaelKaysHairyBack for the winning thread title. :D You still be relevant in another persons tattle group. P.S this is not a dig at the person behind the tattle profile but a lame joke about Mr Adler. So a recap, kylie is an alcoholic and dropped his cruise video today where he...
  14. pkd81

    The Tim Tracker #174 Burning pans and losing fans

    Congrats to @Mrpibbandredvines for the new thread title, which references both Jenn's legendary tetanus pan and the crumbling viewership of this sustained trainwreck. Previously, on The Real White Trash of Lake Nona: The Trackers get this episode started on a languid low note with yet another...
  15. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #76 Built Like a Christmas Ham and Just As Salty

    Congrats @QueenC17 for the winning title. Recap, Kp is owning the hatters by going to the axe clusive club 33 and the video was an amazing hit with his viewers who loved seeing him brag about going and getting to see the wonderful inside of the club and also all the wonderful food, (s). Also...
  16. pkd81

    The Tim Tracker #173 Previously, on The Real White Trash of Lake Nona

    Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback on last week's recap, which also provided the winning thread title (with additional thanks to @littlemuv for the suggestion). Let's do it again, shall we? Previously, on The Real White Trash of Lake Nona: The last week sees our dynamic duo of...
  17. Iwantallthetea

    Jen Lefforge #2 UnBeelievably Insufferable

    New thread title courtesy of @glitteringgrogu Old thread here - https://tattle.life/threads/jen-lefforge.42298/
  18. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #73 your insecurity is fascinating to watch

    Congrats @adtl3100 for the winning thread title. Recap, oar boy is loving his solo cruising being able to chow on pizza and other things ;), drink as much as he wants and blow $300 in 8mins within the on board casino.
  19. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #72 More hair on my back, than grass in my yard.

    Congratulations @grundel for the winning thread title. :D Way too much to unpack for a recap, apart from Kylie as always is going against his stans and deliberately trolling with clickbait titles and thumbnails after it was pointed out to him from his stans in the comments. #savecasey
  20. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #71 Divulging Olive Carts While My Hair Departs

    Congrats @TheInfamousPotatoIncident for the thread title. Does anyone fancy doing a recap? All I can say is his birthday celebrations have lasted longer than the last thread (thread was a 8 days). BTW you can choose two choices in the poll. :D
  21. Wusubby

    Kyle Pallo #70 30 Going on 3

    Congrats @tnutz on an amazing thread title. Re-cap, oar boy is on HIS kiddie's birthday cruise, btw it's HIS bday cruise no one else's. Zach will be a member here in half a year to a year. Vlogs are still trash and personally, I'm waiting for Pallo to electrocute himself when he tries to...
  22. TheNextStacey

    Adam Hattan #10 His vlogs are trash so now he’s selling his trash

    Time for a new thread all about our favorite UK vlogger! Congrats to @glitteringgrogu for the new title thread! I believe it was actually a tie with @Mark81, but this one was posted first. Anyone have a little time for a recap? Previous thread is here...
  23. No Grifters Needed

    Kyle Pallo #67 Kyle Pallo bought a $755,000 Fixer-Upper

    Thank you to @GreenIsNotACreativeColor for our winning thread title. We're moving on into a new chapter in the Palloverse. KP has his name on the deed to an overpriced shit shack on Cesspool Place in Kissimmee. Bets are still out on the long game of this place. Will Jer Bear and Sour Sue...
  24. TheNextStacey

    T&J Travels

    New Thread for T&J Travels - Tommy and Jessica Old
  25. No Grifters Needed

    Kyle Pallo #53 Dance Like No One’s Watching, Because They Aren’t

    Here we are at our next thread. Great title thanks to @tnutz. In this coming thread we’re going from not watching Kyle dance to not watching Kyle run. Should be a good sh@t show incoming. As you were.