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VIP Member
I love it when you do the lottery online and, late at night, get the email to say you've won something but not what it is. I then spend a night dreaming that it might be me then wake up to find out I've won £3.
I know, it’s such a blow to see the real amount. 🤣🤣
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thank you, we've had so many throughout the last year in croatia :( thankfully they haven't affected me much as the strong ones were far away from me, i was lucky and was able to send a lot of food and clothes to the affected areas. but the one last night i definitely felt wow it was strong, my bed was shaking with me and my bf in it (and not in a good way 😂)

to stay ot, after that little fright, i watched some youtube and went to bed. managed to sleep quite well actually and now thinking my bf put some sleeping pills in the soup he made me (not that i mind), got up around 8:30, tidied up a bit and had breakfast and coffee.
have been working since and again got some big things out of the way. been talking to clients a lot. about to make another coffee now! :coffee:
I can remember your post about the one where you helped out. How does kitty deal with the rumbles or is it a case of, meh?
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Started work at 7.30am, but I’ve come back to bed now with a migraine / head cold feeling. Didn’t get to sleep til gone 1am because my dickhead neighbour thinks it’s a good idea to have a conversation in the back garden at that time of night...!
Hopefully going to nap this migraine away then get back on with work. 😓

my Dickhead neighbour does the same till 4... so I reported him to the council for noise nuisance... don’t do it anymore... revs his car everyday at 7am. tad annoying
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Chatty Member
Yes agree, easier said than done but not impossible. Sorry you're in a sad situation Its a shame there's no DM' ing on here for more supportive link ups between people.
That’s what I’ve just said. I do have a false profile which I’m happy to give on here x
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@watermelon sugar , no call from nanna? I think on balance your day was successful. You got some lovin’ from your fella and tonight you are going to win on the lottery in lieu of being pooped on. I hope I got a ticket/s ?
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Abit of both really. It was a shock as we’ve had a very honest relationship. And i don’t want to sound silly but I guess I lived by that, because the person I met simply didn’t have that in them. He’s even said to me he’s turned into someone he hates. Sadly he will carry on like that because the money he makes is more important. Thank you ❤
Honesty is so hard to find in a relationship and when you have it, you naturally feel proud and want to cherish it. Such a pity he didn’t feel the same way. 💜
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Awake before the OH today (rarity but those hypos really drain him) so I made breakfast for us both. .
Strong coffee for him, tea for me and freshly baked almond croissants . .
He does breakfast everyday being an early riser so it was nice to repay the kindness.
Met a friend for a cuppa, outside but again, nice as she lives alone . . Suddenly, its all about the simple things isnt it?
Was only out for an hour but definitely lifted my mood.
Back home and another friend called by to collect a boot stand my OH had made her, ANOTHER cup of tea and a chin wag.
Wiped my wardrobe drawers,
Paired some socks ( you know the 1s that have had no partner for a while?)
Put a wash on . .
Now sat in front of the log burner thinking about what to have for tea.
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Sounds very similar to google classroom on home schooling! You can hear everything that goes on as the kids keep forgetting to mute themselves.
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Chatty Member
I'm a dentist, had an emergency tooth extraction this morning which was fun and now have just picked up 2 x lunch packs from my local tiny cafe who are trying to stay afloat. The poor owner looked exhausted and so worried about everything it made me so sad 😭😭😭 we're also in the process of completing on a new house so I need to find a L shape sofa this afternoon, ideally in corduroy - any ideas anyone?! SUPER exciting day for me 🤣 remember when we used to be able to see people or potter around the shops for fun?
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Woke at 3.30 this morning but managed to drift off again until 5am.
Watched a bit of Teem Mom on amazon prime before dragging myself out of bed. Drove to work, but was here 30 mins early so decided to do a bit of reading for my assignment which I've mentioned earlier.
Just had lunch. When I finish work I'll go home, have dinner and get ready for bed nice and early. I'll need to do more uni work tonight but I also want to watch netflix for a bit!
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Cry, grieve, talk. I lost my grandad this morning to COVID.

I have also prepared everything for my sons birthday tomorrow & I am just not feeling the celebration but he turns 6 & he’s my baby. I’m a mixture of emotions.
Oh no, I am sorry for your loss. 💜😢
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