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I’ve really debated writing this because I feel so embarrassed, but I found out today my boyfriend cheated on me. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt worse as he’s quite literally the least guy like guy, he’s only slept with 5 people and of all my worries long distance wise this wasn’t really one of them. Potentially the worst day I’ve ever had. As I say I debated saying anything as I can’t bring myself
To tell any of my friends as it’s left me feeling fairly worthless but tattle seems to feels like friends nowadays
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finally got the call from the sushi place to come pick our order up 😂
on the way there the police stopped our car, i could not believe my ''luck'' today
i guess they were bored because they were chatting for 10 minutes while i could literally feel my gyoza going cold
anyway, here's a nice sight for you all with my boyfriend giving thumbs up for tattlers (arse licker):

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Mulholland Drive

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Firstly, thank you all for your kind thoughts and wishes since my previous posting yesterday. It means a lot, and fully endorses my change of mind from deleting my Tattle account.

It has been an even more difficult couple of days - it was my birthday on the 12th, but I had no one with me to celebrate it. I had birthday cards and text messages of course. But I was hoping to have my (ex) g/f with me as I was hoping to order us a Chinese.

And similarly today - Valentine's Day. I was originally hoping to wake up with Kate by my side, and make her an extra special breakfast in bed, along with a special Valentine's gift of the engagement ring I bought for her a week ago.

But that's all gone shitshaped, and will have to spend today not getting too depressed by it all. In such situations I would turn to the bottle, but I have no wine left, and I can't go out, and my next Morrisons delivery isn't until Wednesday.

However, even writing these few lines and having a mild rant helps me "unload". My situation isn't the worst thing to happen to someone: everything is relative, and I still have many positives to fall back on. Just need to reset myself and start over.

My mother and sister are doing well despite testing positive. So I'm sure they will pull through, although I hope my dad doesn't get it as he has a more vulnerable immune system.

Think I'll make myself some cheese on toast

Thank you again xx 💓♥💕
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Mulholland Drive

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Back again after a short but tumultuous few days.

So many issues happening just recently that I just couldn't see the wood for the trees. So much so that I activated the deletion of my account on here on Monday, and that it would be removed permanently in 7 days time. (Feb 15th)

I am still self isolating after testing positive for Covid, but I am no longer engaged as my girlfriend has ended the relationship, and has asked (and subsequently received) the engagement ring she gave me a few weeks back.

The reason is that her parents were not happy that their daughter was spending time with a "infected South African". Clearly they had made conclusions based on the South African Covid virus variation that had arrived in Britain a couple of months ago, and had decided that I was somehow partly to blame, given that I had returned from there last month!

Anyway, my girlfriend succumbed to their demands and she wrote me an email to say that it was over between us! And even though I tried to reason with her she was completely adamant that it should end now (more like her parents' will than her own)

To add to an already difficult few days, I have learnt that my mother and sister both tested positive back in Johannesburg. And there's every chance my father will probably catch it too. But what can I do to help?

On top of that my workload is piling up, and I just can't focus on what I am doing currently. I am getting some quite indignant emails from customers wanting updates .But because I'm still self-isolating I can't go anywhere. But when I tell them this they're not interested. Moreover, one of them cancelled a contract thinking that because I tested positive I would be a "risk" if visited their onsite premises, despite having self-isolated for the recommended days!

I just feel low right now. I have lost focus now that the love of my life has finished with me, thanks to her parents. Living in an empty house with just happy memories of what once was, is killing me, and I so hate this fucking virus.

I wanted to delete my Tattle account because it was becoming a distraction, and that I was spending far too much time on here rather than focusing on my real-world issues. But then I had a change of heart and realised that I have made some good friends on here, even if they are virtual. And right now I just need some company and some reassurance while I try to get things back on track.

I haven't proofread the above because I have become a wuss again any eyes are full of tears. I do so miss my girlfriend. And everytime I look at my fingers and notice the absence of the lovely engagement ring she gave me just a few weeks ago, it just makes things even more harder and more upsetting.

Anyway, I'm back. Sorry for the long winded self-pity tropes.
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watermelon sugar

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5.40 wake up 😩 my fella went to the shop yesterday for bread and I was making mine and the babies toast this morning and I could not find it! Wasn't in any of the cupboards and the baby goes crazy in his chair so I had to wake my fella up he was fuuuuming. He jumped out of bed and hurt his sore ankle. The bread was under the pram?? He didn't even take the pram! He got back in bed with a cob on 🤣
The day was soooo boring really. We had a coffee after the babies first nap and sorted his lunch and had a play. I did a big tidy during his 2nd nap
Our oven decided to break last night while we were cooking our tea so we spent the afternoon trying to figure out how to fix it. We didn't. Its fucked. We're dreading telling the landlord cos she scares us 😂

I had a bit of a breakdown before because im just so fed up! Makes me sad the babies first birthday is in lockdown. Cos he was practically born and straight into lockdown. I just wish my Mum got to see him more. I hate the way his cousins can't come to his first birthday party 😔 but then a part of me is so used to being in lockdown with the baby, I'm a bit scared to go back to normal life? I'm a bit self conscious and I have zero confidence. I always feel like people judge me. So I've been quite happy just to wing Mum life with only my bf being able to see me doing it. And I cba with my Mil and her fag ash breath hanging all over my son 🤣

After that I chilled out a bit. Me and my fella did a youtube dance workout and it was hilarious 😂 proper made me laugh. It was like a pure rave workout. The baby was just sat staring at us LIKE WTF? My boyfriend was like 'we'll have to get a bag in with these tunes' (a joke obvs)
And always the worst way to ruin my good mood and laughter - my MIL facetimes! "Where's nanna?' X20 times. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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watermelon sugar

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Not much to report on today guys!
Baby let me have an extra 25 mins in bed 😎 did me the world of good
Just a lot of playing, tidying etc
Our oven is still goosed. We went the Asda, i had a wander round with the baby while my fella went in.
'Just get stuff i can do in the slow cooker until the oven is fixed'
'OK' said my fella
Comes back with just casserole stuff. Bloody useless! So we have
Pork casserole
Lamb casserole
Beef casserole
Like are you joking 🤣 ill turn into a bag of casserole mix at this rate
Got back home and the weather was delightful 😎 Went in the garden. The baby has a little Audi so he had a go in that. He had a trackie on and he looked like a little drug dealer
Not much else to report on. Fella took baby for a walk in the afternoon. I had a dead peaceful shower
Lathered myself in some Palmers cocoa butter gradual tan cos I'm sick of looking like a milk bottle
Having the first of our casseroles for tea tonight
Oh and no facetime!! It's been bliss. Maybe she has a Tattle account and took the hint? Who knows
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woke up feeling pretty hungover, but hungover morning sex is the best! 🤪 we then had breakfast/brunch and coffee and somehow found the energy to do some cleaning and tidying together. deep cleaned kitty's room and kitchen. changed linen and washed all the blankets. got myself ready for the day and then caught up with tattle 🤗

we decided to go for a long walk, it was a lovely day. we got churros from a food truck, they were delicious. also got coffee to go. after that we went and did our big grocery shop and planned meals, it was fun. also got some pastries for the walk back home. played on the playstation a bit when we got home and also played with kitty. now i'm dying on the couch because we were walking for 3-4 hours and my feet are killing me. i took a few photos though because it was really beautiful :)

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WhatsApp Image 2021-02-21 at 18.02.58.jpeg
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awwww thank you guys so much!! one of my friends is pregnant so i have to drink for two, oh the agony. i just thought of you all and came here to see all your nice messages. since i'm a bit drunk-y i wanted to say how much i love this community 🤍

btw i slayed my eye makeup
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Cry, grieve, talk. I lost my grandad this morning to COVID.

I have also prepared everything for my sons birthday tomorrow & I am just not feeling the celebration but he turns 6 & he’s my baby. I’m a mixture of emotions.
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last night i started watching some reality tv show on netflix called 'are you the one' and i stayed up watching the entire season until 3:30 am 🤷‍♀️
naturally i did not wake up feeling very fresh but my neighbours made sure that i do get up as they started with some drilling around 8 am
dragged myself from the bed onto the couch and watched the after-season episode of the show where they show unseen footage and check in with the couples to see if they are still together and so on and so forth - i'm not big on reality tv and haven't really seen big shows other than love island but sometimes it just sucks me in. i still don't understand though how some of these people manage to walk out of their house and remember the way back. a white guy and a black girl were ''flirting'' and he asked her for 1 word she'd use to describe herself and of course she said ✨ unique ✨ just like every other ''unique'' girl would, anyway he just went: 'black. that's what i thought of when i saw you. that's a black girl'. dude WHAT? 😂

anyway at some point i decided to get tf up, make a smoothie and another coffee, and get myself under the shower. showered, exfoliated, washed my hair and let it air dry. tidied the place up a bit, put the clean laundry away and did another round, then put it out on the balcony to dry. cleaned and tidied the mess of my livingroom and deep cleaned the kitchen. filled the dishwasher and put away clean dishes. then after the space was clean it was time to finish off work for the week. it was such lovely weather and i took my laptop to the balcony and worked there. i finished everything i needed to do and more. was feeling quite pleased and actually kind of lucky that i get to work on my balcony with such an amazing view. the happiness did not last long as i soon received emails from my father with random job ads that don't fit me at all. he does this sometimes because he dislikes my job 🙄

when i finished work, i tidied up a bit more and moved back onto the couch. cancelled my walk with my sister as i had a terrible headache so took a nap. it helped a little bit. bf came home from work at some point and brought me some snacks which i've already devoured. not much else is planned for the rest of the evening, we might play on the playstation for a bit. just about to make myself A CUPPA 🍵 (this is really what i think now when i'm making tea jesus christ you're turning me into a brit here).. hope everyone's had a nice friday and keeping my fingers crossed for a great weekend!
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Mulholland Drive

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Woke at around 6am, feeling decidedly frisky!

Despite all the doom and gloom from the last few days, it didn't stop my memories and my imagination from getting together and creating some incredibly lucid dreams about Kate and me last night. So much so I had a bloody good wank shortly after waking (apologies if you choked on your cornflakes while reading this - definitely TMI, but it was nice all the same)

Had a good shower, wrapped a bath towel round me, and sat in front of my dressing table mirror while drying myself off.

Felt in quite a determined mood, and unlike previous broken relationships I felt this one was still worth saving. And as such have decided to keep the engagement ring I had originally bought for Kate a week or so ago, rather than posting it back to the jewelers for a refund.

I don't care what her parents think: I may have been "infected" as they claimed, but then again so was Kate back in November.

So this ain't over. Not by a long way!

Got dressed, checked my emails and this week's work schedule, while fitting in a bit of Tattle and some breakfast.

Am going to get all my complaining customers back on-side today, and will fully commit to a full day's workload to get things back on track.

I turned 28 just a few days ago, and I'm not going to reflect back on it in years to come with any bad feelings, regrets, missed opportunities or "what ifs" and "if onlys".

There's a great quote from the awesome film "The Shawshank Redemption"

"Get busy living, or get busy dying"

Too fucking right! (y)
Got loads of IT work done today, and will continue well into tonight now that I'm in the zone. Want to get into my customers' good books before I lose any more.

Pinged another email to Kate hoping she'll respond. But haven't heard anything at the moment other than knowing she's read it.

Spent some time on Tattle, which is always nice and good for morale.

Postman delivered a couple of late birthday cards, along with a car insurance renewal reminder (gone up by £102 on last year's premium. WTF!?)

Was going to have a lovely Chinese, but found out the shop was closed due to a couple of staff coming down with C19. So went with my Plan B - salad! Big whoop!

Tomorrow I'm a free woman: no more self-isolating. So I'll be going for my first 15km run since returning from SA 3 or 4 weeks ago.

Right now, am showered and in a dressing gown watching Scrubs and drinking white wine. And will get back to my IT work for a couple of hours soon.

It's been a good day, and I'd like to say a big "thank you" to my Tattle friends on here, who have offered their support and comfort to my bit of bad news. Broken relationships aren't the worst disasters in the great scale of things, but its nice to know there are friends out there in Tattleland who do care.

Thank you xx

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I’ve had a proper shit week well from wed it’s gone downhill.. I went to a funeral which was horrible, the standing outside and listening on a speaker is just wrong. Then I found out I didn’t get the job I really wanted and prepped so hard for, I thought the interview went well 😞 so now I’m in the bath with a bottle of wine and a face mask on.. going to get up early tomorrow and take my little girl down the beach for some fresh air and hopefully some clarity.. Happy Friday you lovely lot xx

ETA I went the shop for said wine after our tea, was looking for the mini egg bars, no sign😫 so I got an Oreo bar instead 🐷 I’m due on so I’m eating it all!
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thank you, we've had so many throughout the last year in croatia :( thankfully they haven't affected me much as the strong ones were far away from me, i was lucky and was able to send a lot of food and clothes to the affected areas. but the one last night i definitely felt wow it was strong, my bed was shaking with me and my bf in it (and not in a good way 😂)

to stay ot, after that little fright, i watched some youtube and went to bed. managed to sleep quite well actually and now thinking my bf put some sleeping pills in the soup he made me (not that i mind), got up around 8:30, tidied up a bit and had breakfast and coffee.
have been working since and again got some big things out of the way. been talking to clients a lot. about to make another coffee now! :coffee:
i continued working for almost the entire day so i'm pretty proud of myself because it looks like i will actually wrap up this week properly and not have to worry about work during the weekend, which is great because we have a little hiking day trip planned. i have one more email to do tonight and then some smaller things tomorrow. i was also proud of myself because i've actually felt completely shit for most of the day but continued distracting myself with work, which doesn't often work for me anymore. i feel shitty because i just feel like nothing excites me anymore. nothing makes me happy, i am not looking forward to anything, everything is all the same to me. maybe because we haven't had anything to look forward to for such a long time, my body and mind are just used to this state of nothingness now. anyway, i hope i get out of this because otherwise i'm considering therapy. also, on monday i start a fitness class so maybe that will do for now instead of therapy as i always hear exercise helps mental health a lot.

bf came back from work and we planned to almost completely empty the freezer for dinner which means a lot of oven goodies, looking forward to it. i will make tzatziki and a huge salad as a side, and we also have some cake from lidl for dessert. also an attempt to make me feel better.

on another note, we got the announcement today that on monday the terraces of bars and restaurants will open so that's amazing, to see some kind of step forward. also, my grandma got her vaccine and is feeling great. however, just as the situation is getting better, the cases started rising in my city. so much that they might even make us an exception from the bars and restaurants opening their terraces. lovely!

anyway, to end with something positive, it's getting warm here so there are some flies entering the flat. kitty loves it. here she is hunting one:

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-25 at 17.02.03.jpeg
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under the ivy

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Happy Saturday everyone ❤

Woke up at 8am, felt like I’d been hit by a bus. I was asleep by 9pm last night and slept through all night which is rare for me but I needed it.
Changed my bed sheets and washed my hair so I’m all fresh for bed tonight 😂
I think I might bake some cupcakes - I got a Percy Pig cupcake set for Christmas so I make bake them. Other than that, not much!
I baked my Percy Pig cupcakes 😂😋 They taste delicious! I used the Percy Pig dessert sauce and vanilla buttercream.
Caught up with some TV this afternoon but ended up falling asleep.
Woke up and decided to sort my wardrobe out. Put a few tops on eBay.
Now I’m about to make homemade Nandos - chicken marinated in peri peri spices in a wrap with halloumi and salad with sweet potato chips. I had it last weekend but it’s so nice!

Will probably watch Ant & Dec Saturday Takeaway (and hate every second 😂) then go up to bed to watch a film.

Enjoy your evening @bolimepipi 🍸🥂 !


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today i couldn't bring myself to get up because i went to bed late after a fight with my boyfriend and i had a terrible headache
dragged myself out of bed around 10-11? he made me breakfast and coffee to apologize
he's just been acting like a dickhead and being obsessed with his laptop and just prioritizing everything else over me
i decided to do some cooking and baking to distract myself but we just couldn't stop fighting
i finally told him that i'm done and this is it and i can't take it anymore, started talking about how we move forward with moving and that i'm taking the cat (felt like we're divorcing with children)
he FINALLY took me seriously and broke down crying and actually apologized with words and not breakfast and coffee
while the food was in the oven we had a very serious conversation about how we need to change our relationship if we intend to continue
everything was even a little bit funny because i kept making the food while we were fighting and then we talked while it was in the oven
when the food was ready, we decided to have a time out and eat together and calm down
we started watching the richard ramired documentary on netflix.. and then we finished it 🙄
then i went for a smoke (meh) and now i'm just cuddling the kitty and he's following me around and we're in some weird state
but if he really took me as seriously as he seemed to, we might even get through this
now i'll go and have a shower and wash my hair and have a little pamper, and then an early bed time i hope
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today has been uneventful in the best possible way 🤓 by 12 o'clock all i'd done was cuddle with kitty in bed, have coffee and have brunch. by 1 pm i was back in bed with her 😂 bf came home from work early and wanted to join us but i said kitty and i wanted to have a girly afternoon 🤪 he was actually really nice about it and brought me a cappuccino to bed. spent the day tattling and watching youtube. the only work related thing today were my clients who always write me on weekends sending me a whatsapp... so i kindly advised them that they are my main priority for MONDAY. 🤷‍♀️

until yesterday i'd forgotten that we made plans to go for dinner at a friend's place (i know i probably keep repeating but i feel like i have to say i am not from the uk therefore our rules are different and we are abiding by them), anyway this has made me kind of anxious, having to be in a sort of social situation and communicating, so i thought i'd ease my anxiety with a pampering session and i went all in 🧖‍♀️

showered, exfoliated, moisturized, washed my hair, hair mask, face mask, foot mask, all the masks, then brushed my teeth, dried my hair and even straightened (!) my hair, did my toenails and now doing my fingernails (went for burgundy) 💅 all that's left to do before we go is put makeup on and get dressed. i'm thinking a black dress, groundbreaking. this dinner is really not such a big deal as i'm making it out to be. i just wanna get drunk 🍸
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watermelon sugar

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A bit of a dull day really...
Felt a bit fed up today. Was another 5.20 start. We lay in bed and had a cuddle before we got up. Lobbed all his breakfast on the floor. OK then
Had a brew and relaxed while he played. Boyfriend got up. We got the baby down for a nap
Had a cheeky shag in the shower 🤪 I tidied up the rest of the babies nap
Had another brew. I didnt intend on going out today but the mil sent us some money for the babies present cos she's too lazy to look herself. So we decided to walk to b&m and morrisons. Absolutely sod all in both of them such a waste of time 😂
Walking to them and a bird just shit out of nowhere. Got it on my FOREHEAD. There was absolutely loads on the floor, the splashback and the force of it got the babies pram and his cosy toes (however you spell it) luckily not him and got my fellas coat
Trust me to be the one it actually got 🤣 bastard pigeons!
Walked home and got an actual sweat on. I HATE being too hot. I had my parka on and I was roasting. I get such a cob on when I'm too hot so I was fuming 🤣 we went in Lidl on the way back. Got an ice coffee thing then I DROPPED IT and it splashed everywhere 😡 I was LIvid. I was like 'nah I need to go home im fuming' to Stu 🤣
We got home and he told me to have a lie down cos I was in a mood. I lay down and had a Tattle, the baby was having a nap anyway then I ended up falling asleep. Woke back up and the baby was still asleep so I tattled some more
Felt a bit ropey so I made a brew and had a pack of biscuits. Butter biscuits from Asda. As good as choco leibniz 👌 speaking of choco leibniz got some white chocolate ones from Morrrisons 😈
Weve all just had a cuddle on the couch and watched Teletubbies. Im fucking sick of 'EH OH'. Put In the Night Garden on and my boyfriend started going on saying he has a theory Iggle Piggle is dehydrated on his boat out to sea and Upsy Daisy is his dead wife and hes seeing her and his dead kid (the haa hoo's) as a dream cos he's dying. That cabbages my head anyway 🤣
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alarm rang at 7 - i managed to drag myself out of bed at 8:30 because i couldn't sleep last night :rolleyes: hung out with kitty, tidied up the place a bit, had breakfast and coffee, put some laundry out to dry and then decided i have to start actual work at 10. so i worked, sent lots of emails, finished some projects, postponed some clients' things for 2022 (it has begun...) and also wrote a letter for a friend in ireland. started getting distracted so i got up to empty the dishwasher and make myself a cup of tea... got even more distracted and peeled a whole pack of pistachio nuts 😅 i have given myself 12 minutes of tattle now before i go back to work at 1 😅 not much else happening today other than a walk with my sister later
i continued working and got a few big things out of the way like some contracts and long emails, then met my sister for a loooong walk, we also got some pastries and coffee to go, the weather was amazing so it was really lovely 🤗
after a couple of hours of walking and talking, i came home and made that viral feta cherry tomato pasta recipe, it was yummy! 🍝
had some language lessons with my bf, i'm teaching him my mother tongue. i can 100% confirm that i have zero patience
the rest of the evening is tattle and tv
took another snippet of my walk today:

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-22 at 19.19.22.jpeg
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