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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
All you banging on about the mini egg bar, have any of you tried the drumstick chocolate bar? It's amaaaaazzzing

To keep on topic:
Ate a casserole
Ate a box of milk tray🤭
I saw the drumstick one the other day but still haven't bought it. That's definitely next on my list 😁
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The only presentation host I'm aware of that also tracks/flags recipient viewing is SlideShare.

Tbh, I'm more versed in hardware and OS apps rather than business software. But SlideShare might work for you

Thank you, I'll check that out. Sorry, I just knew you were in IT 🙊
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i guess something was in the air because we all woke up meh - i fell asleep with a headache and woke up with one, honestly no idea when
had the usual cuddles with my kitty in bed because yesterday i couldn't 🤗 she enjoyed it very much and stayed in the warm bed when i left
decided to take it easy in the morning, had leftover cottage cheese pie for breakfast, with coffee, lots of water and a painkiller, which helped
when i started feeling better, i started with work emails and i got all of them done in a few hours, it's so nice to see an empty inbox 😻
this means tomorrow i can focus on other work projects and during the weekend i can actually relax instead of thinking about work all the time
did emails also while i was doing lunch so that i can finish everything by 3, got a weird new inquiry from a new client so sorted that also
went out for a walk with my sister, hadn't seen her in almost 3 weeks because she had some exams, was nice to see her and catch up
we walked around a forest area, saw lots of cats and dogs, then came over to my place for a cup of tea because she wanted to pet the kitty
after that she left, i played a few rounds of league of legends and bf made dinner so we ate together
now getting ready to meet my sister again, and my mom, we're going to the cinema
haven't been to the cinema with all the social distancing/covid rules yet so i'm kind of nervous 😁
we're going to see 'the little things' 🍿
Where are you from? I can’t remember you mentioning before from what you’ve posted and I can’t guess!
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Woke up and the sun was shining, thought it was going to be a warm day, it’s not it’s very chilly, but good to see the sun anyway! We ordered an ooni pizza oven in jan, it arrived yesterday. My husband fixed the table together that it will go on and set it all up. It’s too windy today to use it but it’s ready for tomorrow when hopefully we can use it. Went and bought ingredients to make dough with, teen also has science homework on different stages of making something with yeast so we can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.
Helped teen tidy her room....I said I would help but we have to do it properly I.e throw stuff away 😂, she reluctantly agreed. Let’s just say it was easier doing a big bathroom clean earlier in the week!
Not sure what to have for tea tonight, something easy and we will watch Ant and Dec Saturday night takeaway.
oohh fingers crossed for nice weather tomorrow so that you can use the pizza oven 🤞🤞 i'm excited for you 🍕🍕 :D :D
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Up at 7.30
Went to work until 1330
Home, shower, washed hair
Was supposed to go for a run, but CBA
Walked the dog
Cleaned down the shopping that was delivered last night and had sat in the garage overnight.
Made tea
Watched Snowpiercer
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What are these mini egg bars. What am I missing?

To keep it on topic. I've done very little since my bath. Made tea, ate tea, cleared up after tea. Watched an episode of Misfits. Tattle.
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I was having an okay-ish day (well I say okay ish same as usual) till my sister rang me at about 5.30 to tell me our dad has been diagnosed with cancer. We both cried on the phone, she's older than me and the closest to him out of the 4 of us, I wish I could see her to be there for her. And I wish I could see my Dad. I only seen him the other day. Life is so shit lately
Other than that I done a food shop and the baby said mama for the first time 😊 i was chuffed lol
❤❤❤ sending hugs
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Phoenix Lazarus

VIP Member
Yesterday I took the baby to the park with my friend and her baby. They both had a go on the swings and we went for a big walk. Went and got a Waterfields, I had a chicken and onion ciabetta melt, it was delish

Went back home, had a little watch of telly and done the babies tea and I started feeling a bit ropey. My boyfriend got home and took over the babies duties while I laid on the couch. I had a seizure, only a small one but still left me feeling exhausted and sick so my fella got the baby to bed quickly and I dozed off on the couch at about 6.45! He woke me up and got me in bed. Then he woke me up at about 8pm and offered me some cheese on toast. I said no 😱 I well should have had it! Fell back asleep, woke back up to go the toilet and seen my cheese on toast on the side...

Now I love my bf and he's a good cook but he makes some shocking cheese on toast! But that cheese on toast looked like the most perfect most yummy cheese on toast. But it was freezing
I was gutted 😂 I went back to bed anyway 😂
Cheese on toast: I used to really like that as a child. My Mum sometimes did that.
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I long for the night garden days. My kid watches Ryan’s world you tube crap now, whole other annoying level. At least you can zone out in a trippy way to iggle and crew.
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Had a lie in, woke up around 9.30 and had breakfast with dad. Tattled a bit, felt blue about some writing stuff that aren't going the way I want, watched some TV and read my book. We went on a short walk, for like half an hour to get some fresh air and pick up a few lunch things. Dad wanted to make this skillet pie thing so I got phyllo pastry and some other bits. Came back, made lunch, had a giant slice and nearly lulled myself into a food coma nap, which I barely avoided. Read all afternoon, finally scraped myself from the sofa and took a shower as I'll be staying tonight as well. Drying my hair took ages. Dad is watching Netflix so I'll go back to my book and probably read all evening until I'm tired. It's been a chill, quiet day which is much appreciated as I feel so irritable these days.
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Not much today
got up had a cuppa and came on here
had a shower got ready then went to my mums to drop her some bits off as shes had her jab and is feeling off it.
came home had lunch now just chilling.
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under the ivy

VIP Member
Got up at 9 - couldn’t be bothered with alarm this morning
Spent the morning cleaning and having a sort out of old make-up, random bits of crap. Feel better now!
Put a casserole in the slow cooker for later.
Just had a toasted bagel with cream cheese with a coffee.
Going to shower soon as I’m still in my pyjamas and finish this piece of work that needs doing by next week.
I'm doing my work still (didn't start til 3pm oops). Making good progress but I'm proscratinating by being on tattle. Tea will be ready soon, then the usual go to bed/watch tv/pray to fall asleep routine!
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Well-known member
Up at 6am
Drove hubby to work (2hrs there and back)
macdonalds breakfast
Sat in pentagon garage for over an hour an half whilst car had mot - was ok took my kindle
home - dog walked (5ish miles)
Drove to collect hubby (another 2 hrs)
Washing / drying
sat on my arse whilst hubby made tea
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Came home from work, there were birthday banners and balloons waiting for me. My boys were so excited to give me their presents. Bless them. 🥰
Had a shower, changed into my new pyjamas and had pancakes for breakfast with OH and the boys. Watched the kids playing with the balloons for ages (easily amused) and then went to bed around 10am. Woke again at 2.30 and came downstairs to a surprise afternoon tea that my husband had ordered. It was so cute, I’ve never had afternoon tea before. We all tucked in. There was lots left over so we’ve saved the rest for another time.
FaceTimed with my mum and stepdad, had a good chat.
Kids had a Happy Meal for dinner as a treat, OH and I will get our own takeaway later once kids are in bed and have a few drinks, probably watch a movie.
Just finished playing Just Dance with the kids on the Switch and I am goosed. Hoping I manage to stay awake once kids go to sleep. 😂
It’s been a fun day made even better for knowing I’m not back at work for just over two weeks. ☺
Happy birthday 🥳 x
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